November 5, 2003, 15:50
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Originally posted by curtsibling
You Bumped? 
I will give this scen some attention at the weekend.
Right now, I am snowed under with University work!
I'm just the little angel on your shoulder, reminding you to be good and do the ToT fantasy scenario.  And to drown out the little devil on your other shoulder that tempts you with MGE and giant German tanks.
If you are around, could you tell me what is required for a multimap scen, in terms of graphic and text files?
Do I need only one rules, etc?
8 terrain files, one of everything else.
November 5, 2003, 22:01
Local Time: 21:18
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Also, if you intend to make use of leaders2 and civilize2, you might want to read this and this before you save your game.
I have an old rules.txt template which I use. I copied and pasted some of the MGE Bitterfrost data from my "Scotto" ToT conversion. The terrain values are the defaults from the Fantasy game. Maybe one of the ToT gurus around here may want to check it first.
November 6, 2003, 06:36
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"Angel on my shoulder"...I feel like Tom Hanks now, LOL!
You have my gratitude, I'll inspect this document too.
November 6, 2003, 06:55
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Originally posted by curtsibling
"Angel on my shoulder"...I feel like Tom Hanks now, LOL!
He died shortly after that comment, didn't he?
Originally posted by curtsibling
You have my gratitude, I'll inspect this document too.
It's just a template for 4 maps - just in case you were uncertain about some things.
November 6, 2003, 08:11
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Originally posted by Catfish
He died shortly after that comment, didn't he?
And quite rightly so.
Originally posted by Catfish
It's just a template for 4 maps - just in case you were uncertain about some things.
It will be useful.
December 23, 2003, 09:38
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Just a quick heads-up to say that I am back at work on this, and while an Xmas release is...erm...doubtful to be sure!
But I can say this will be my first scenario of 2004!
Followed by the modern-world scenario that my sig is displaying currently!
I am working on making maps and making txt files for ToT format!
If any ToT graphics aces want to help, be my guest!
I will now be making an update on a regular basis.
Stay tuned!
December 23, 2003, 09:49
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Of course, If he wills it so, I will be making use Mr Catfish's rather impressive graphic mods of the MGE version!
As these graphics most royally rock.
December 23, 2003, 09:53
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I have decided to make the extra maps as one city 'Capitals' for the three main races.
These large cities will be surrounded by empty and non-entry space.
They will serve as unit making and jumpoints for the races that own them.
So while you can kick the Undead, Humans or Ancients from the main map, they might just come back!
Also in the human main map, there will be the option to attack the capitals of each rival kingdom, even the royal city, but the Imperion will punish you!
I will tell more as I continue!
December 23, 2003, 09:56
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One last thing, I am open to sugestions of any new units.
I am going to be giving the Ancients some kind of fast female scout and a nasty mystic artillery unit.
Also, about 4 slots will be reserved to make new super NPC-type units...The Imperion, the Ancient Goddess, the Chief Lich , etc.
December 23, 2003, 15:58
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Curt, if you make new units, plz post them so they can be used for standard civ2 too (if they fit inot the square).
December 24, 2003, 08:25
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I'll keep you posted!
December 24, 2003, 08:30
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Here is the first of the new units, an Ancient Great Striker, an artillery unit.
I'll give you a guess whose unit I based it on?
December 26, 2003, 02:04
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We're playing the MGE scen in the progressive, (I've played as far as yulefall 10) and i've got a general lack of defensive units...
Exept in the two cities i captured with city walls, in the rest i have to keep lots of defenders, and it hurts support a lot...
Indifference is Bliss
Progressive Game ID #0023
December 26, 2003, 07:50
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Hi there!
City walls can be made after you research Brick Making.
What empire are you playing as?
If it is one of the non human races, you may have to do some negotiations to get some techs.
But warrior units can make decent defence also...
December 28, 2003, 23:58
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I've got techs @12 turns, researching Monarchy (i wanted to get out of despotism soon, corruption is killing me)
I use Defenders, with a couple of arcers around to kill anything i can catch before it comes too close.
I've also fortified some on mountains between suspected urzit spawnpoints and my cities. But i lost recently captured Battledamned to two wandering Uzrit Natives...
Indifference is Bliss
Progressive Game ID #0023
December 29, 2003, 16:18
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Damn those blue swines!
These natives were intended to be annoying.
The only defence is a good scout force of archers.
With the new version I plan to make these natives more varied and widespread, thanks to the extended events.
Prepare for colonial war!
January 2, 2004, 00:15
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Damn, i just wish i had ToT...
Indifference is Bliss
Progressive Game ID #0023
January 2, 2004, 05:12
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It's easy to pick up over the net, especially from this very site!
January 4, 2004, 01:29
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But i'm on a free dial up service, i'll spend ages.. i'm waiting dor a friend to acquire it.
Nice Av, btw. I'm not totally convinced about those two black horizontal lines below the eyes, and the line where the top and bottom teeth meet should be a bit lighter, IMHO, but i could never get even close to drawing like that  .
Indifference is Bliss
Progressive Game ID #0023
January 4, 2004, 06:39
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My avatar changes like the weather...
(though in Scotland it's always grey skies and rain....)
January 4, 2004, 06:41
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So has anyone got any suggestions for new units?
Or shall I just surprise you all?
January 6, 2004, 11:28
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Originally posted by curtsibling
Of course, If he wills it so, I will be making use Mr Catfish's rather impressive graphic mods of the MGE version!
Yeah, no problem, Curt. I updated the mountains but didn't end up posting them. With Apolyton's Upload delete function being broken for the last few weeks and the fact that my ISP gives me 10 Mb free web space, I decided to finally make use of it and upload the terrains there.
I just noticed a new title page. What happened to that busty Sheila? Did an angry sasquatch demand its bikini back?
January 6, 2004, 11:36
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I thought a busty Lich might be more fitting!
Thanks for the terrain usage, they really make the whole scenario shine!
January 6, 2004, 15:06
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After reviewing the graphics and other items, I have came to a bit of a choice with Bitterfrost.
I have decided to stick with the current units and to use the cool catfish terrain,
but apart from some extra events, it will be too much work right now to add a whole host of new units and maps etc.
So what I will be making is an enhanced version of the MGE Bitterfrost.
I want to get this project out of the way, so I can get moving on some other very interesting scenarios.
The lack of responses about extra units etc have convinced me that the
next ToT scenario I plan will have to feature tanks and aircraft!
January 6, 2004, 20:31
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Originally posted by curtsibling
I thought a busty Lich might be more fitting!
A lich with manboobs? Bitterfrost is indeed a strange place.
Originally posted by curtsibling
So what I will be making is an enhanced version of the MGE Bitterfrost.
I want to get this project out of the way, so I can get moving on some other very interesting scenarios.
I figured, at one stage, that you'd actually abandoned the project.
Originally posted by curtsibling
The lack of responses about extra units etc have convinced me that the
next ToT scenario I plan will have to feature tanks and aircraft!
There could be a very good reason for the lack of responses. People who have ToT don't have/use MGE and vice versa. To be able to provide suitable suggestions for additional units, you would really have to have experience with the MGE version first in order to understand the theme of the scenario. On the other hand, it might be because this is the WWII MGE forum.
January 7, 2004, 05:03
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True WW2 stuff is more popular, but that is the reason I made Bitterfrost.
(not for manboobs!)
We all get tired of panzer action now and then, and fantasy scenarios are welcome change.
And no sirah, I am not abandoning this one.
I never leave a project unfinished!
January 7, 2004, 06:27
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Originally posted by curtsibling
(not for manboobs!)
Originally posted by curtsibling
I never leave a project unfinished!
You're doing better than I am.
Speaking of unit suggestions, bearing in mind I haven't played the MGE version, how about a sasquatch or yeti (since the former has received some attention in these forums - the latter, its eastern brother from colder climes). That sasquatch I posted in the showcase is a rip from WC3, which uses the same model for the yeti. In the yeti, you could have a powerful, randomly appearing barbarian unit which ambushes unsuspecting foe. To make use of ToT's Advanced Units fields, make it unbribable, invisible until attack (they're pretty elusive creatures), but should it be killed, you get a gold reward for its pelt.
January 7, 2004, 07:38
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Good idea!
I was considering a rampaging monster type thing...I just didn't know what to use.
Time to have a look at my unit archive and see about putting together some 'natural wildlife'!
January 7, 2004, 07:40
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And here are the current units.
(LOL! - I was lying a bit when I said there would be no new units!)
January 7, 2004, 07:42
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Will Keenan and Favouredflight are high in my esteem for their gracious permission for unit tweaking!
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