I'm glad you commented on the faster turn speed, because I was thinking of starting a thread on that topic. Is that a common experience?
When I get a new PC — soon, I hope

— I will be
leaping from a 266MHz AMD K6 to not less than
(zoom zoom) 2GHz (3GHz if the price is right). Will I, too, see those 10-to-20-minute waits

become 10-to-20-second blurs

I've always left fast movement off. Since everything happens so much faster, have you considered turning off those options? You might be surprised to learn what you've been missing, particularly among the natives.
To set the resolution to 1024, open
alpha.txt or
alphax.txt in Notepad and add this line anywhere under the [Alpha Centauri] heading:
Video Mode=1024
then save and exit. Remember you won't see
(Linked) beside your Network Nodes when examining your bases {F4}.
I tried the 1024 resolution a couple of times and absolutely hated it. I've been gaming since Pong, and still play on my Commodore64 (including
Empire and
Under Fire), so the 800x600 graphics that younger (or newer) (or pickier) gamers might consider
blocky don't bother me one bit.
I'm curious why the graphics would look different? Is there a lot of difference from one graphics card to another (and taking the monitor into account if different) when displaying the same image at the same resolution, especially an image as comparatively simple as SMAC's?