So... if I build my original core with relatively tight spacing, build my FP in there, and later move my palace to AI territory (looser spacing), I'm likely to have a bunch of old core cities at level1 OCN corruption, eh?
Thinking of my current hotseat game I've got going... I have RCP going around my capitol, with 6 cities at distance 4. My FP has just recently been rushed far away to the south. Currently it has 2 cities at distance 3, and several others much further out (all to the west, I must conquer Persia in order to get the east bits

). Those 2 will both be at OCN level 1. But the cities further out (further than 4, for sure) will have relatively high OCN corruption, because of the 6 cities around my Palace at distance 4.
HOLY CRAP! I just realized something. I was playing a SP game recently in which I built my FP close to home and rushed my Palace out to the former Celtic capitol far away, at a time when I had almost no cities close to that capitol (I had gotten a leader, figured out where I wanted my capitol to go, and scratched and clawed my way there, but I had to stop & rest up for ~20 turns before continuing the conquest). My civ did surprisingly well after the move... I had expected to take a bit of a hit, since the capitol would be fairly isolated. But lo and behold, things in my old core were better than I had expected, even with the courthouses I'd built.