October 28, 2003, 06:01
Local Time: 13:24
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A playful and romantic Sunday afternoon spent crapping on oneself
http://www.livejournal.com/community/babyfur/7557.html (note: no pictures, just insanity)
"Spirit merges with matter to sanctify the universe. Matter transcends to return to spirit. The interchangeability of matter and spirit means the starlit magic of the outermost life of our universe becomes the soul-light magic of the innermost life of our self." - Dennis Kucinich, candidate for the U. S. presidency
"That’s the future of the Democratic Party: providing Republicans with a number of cute (but not that bright) comfort women." - Adam Yoshida, Canada's gift to the world
October 28, 2003, 06:06
Local Time: 20:24
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The enemy cannot push a button if you disable his hand.
October 28, 2003, 06:34
Local Time: 13:24
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Now, I can't properly express my gratitude for all the exciting info you provide that we never knew that we never knew. I think, however, that it's a wee bit disturbing you seem to put forward some sort of effort to find out things like these. "Giant Fluffy Bunny forced me to, I swear" is not an acceptable defense anymore.
October 28, 2003, 06:44
Local Time: 13:24
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BUT... HE... SAID... HE... WOULD... NIBBLE... ME... LIKE... A... CARROT!
"Spirit merges with matter to sanctify the universe. Matter transcends to return to spirit. The interchangeability of matter and spirit means the starlit magic of the outermost life of our universe becomes the soul-light magic of the innermost life of our self." - Dennis Kucinich, candidate for the U. S. presidency
"That’s the future of the Democratic Party: providing Republicans with a number of cute (but not that bright) comfort women." - Adam Yoshida, Canada's gift to the world
October 28, 2003, 06:46
Local Time: 13:24
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October 28, 2003, 06:47
Local Time: 11:24
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If I'm posting here then Counterglow must be down.
October 28, 2003, 06:47
Local Time: 13:24
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Seriously, though, it's not an effort. I think it was CrushYiffDestroy.com that linked to this site, and that site had a link to this text. And after reading it, I just knew that other Apolytoners would be interested in it, as well. Furthermore, I must reinforce Laz's burgeoning views about the furries, and what better way to do that than combining the furryism with Internet's other malevolent blight, the adult babyism?
"Spirit merges with matter to sanctify the universe. Matter transcends to return to spirit. The interchangeability of matter and spirit means the starlit magic of the outermost life of our universe becomes the soul-light magic of the innermost life of our self." - Dennis Kucinich, candidate for the U. S. presidency
"That’s the future of the Democratic Party: providing Republicans with a number of cute (but not that bright) comfort women." - Adam Yoshida, Canada's gift to the world
October 28, 2003, 06:49
Local Time: 13:24
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I fail to see anything unusual in this
Que l’Univers n’est qu’un défaut dans la pureté de Non-être.
- Paul Valery
October 28, 2003, 06:49
Local Time: 13:24
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I still think it was the bunny.
October 28, 2003, 06:51
Local Time: 13:24
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The guys got a hobby. So what? Thats good.
Que l’Univers n’est qu’un défaut dans la pureté de Non-être.
- Paul Valery
October 28, 2003, 07:47
Local Time: 06:24
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furries and other deviancies are disgusting.
the deviancies i'm interested in, like real, human women, are not.
October 28, 2003, 09:22
Local Time: 12:24
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oh dear god i think i'm gonna be sick.
Exult in your existence, because that very process has blundered unwittingly on its own negation. Only a small, local negation, to be sure: only one species, and only a minority of that species; but there lies hope. [...] Stand tall, Bipedal Ape. The shark may outswim you, the cheetah outrun you, the swift outfly you, the capuchin outclimb you, the elephant outpower you, the redwood outlast you. But you have the biggest gifts of all: the gift of understanding the ruthlessly cruel process that gave us all existence [and the] gift of revulsion against its implications.
-Richard Dawkins
October 28, 2003, 10:39
Local Time: 07:24
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Why bother with the diaper? Why not just venture out into the woods and have a jolly time? If you're going to be a perverted freak, at least do it right. Or does he like the squishy feeling when he sits down...
October 28, 2003, 10:47
Local Time: 11:24
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Well, that concretely validates my desire to start sticking needles into the arm again.
October 28, 2003, 10:47
Local Time: 04:24
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I don't know if that's more shocking...or if the person at the bottom of the page who wants to join the community is...yowzaa
"I predict your ignore will rival Ben's" - Ecofarm
^ The Poly equivalent of:
"I hope you can see this 'cause I'm [flipping you off] as hard as I can" - Ignignokt the Mooninite
October 28, 2003, 11:42
Local Time: 06:24
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let's hope that his parents find out, wonder what's wrong with him, and send him to a shrink.
i don't get the people who envied him for having gotten free samples...
October 28, 2003, 11:59
Local Time: 13:24
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Yikes, how disgusting and disturbing...watching anime...
#There’s a city in my mind
Come along and take that ride
And it’s all right, baby, it’s all right #
October 28, 2003, 12:37
Local Time: 13:24
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I watched the third episode of the Sonic X anime series on the computer (which I found a bit lacking)

We should really let throngs of scientists go and study these specimen. I'm sure we'd do fantastic progress in our study of human stupidity
"I have been reading up on the universe and have come to the conclusion that the universe is a good thing." -- Dissident
"I never had the need to have a boner." -- Dissident
"I have never cut off my penis when I was upset over a girl." -- Dis
October 28, 2003, 14:30
Local Time: 07:24
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Name that tune...
Bunnies aren't just cute like everybody supposes!
They've got them hoppy legs, and twitchy little noses!
And what's with all the carrots?
What do they need such good eyesight for, anyway?
Bunnies! Bunnies, it must be bunniees!!!
... or maybe midgets?"
October 28, 2003, 15:32
Local Time: 13:24
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October 28, 2003, 15:36
Local Time: 14:24
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hi Siro! sorry for not returning your call. I had a problem with my cellphone.
October 28, 2003, 15:43
Local Time: 13:24
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Hey az.
I got a vacation today since it's municipal elections day.
i'm sick like a person who was just rescued from the titanic though.
October 28, 2003, 15:53
Local Time: 14:24
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That's ok. I am getting my ass kicked by uni, these days.
October 28, 2003, 16:35
Local Time: 12:24
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Several new comments have been added.
October 28, 2003, 16:52
Local Time: 07:24
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This is indeed a disturbing universe.
"My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
"Strange is it that our bloods, of colour, weight, and heat, pour'd all together, would quite confound distinction, yet stand off in differences so mighty." --William Shakespeare
"The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud
October 28, 2003, 16:57
Local Time: 14:24
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gotta love that "intelligent" looking avatar of his.
October 28, 2003, 17:01
Local Time: 13:24
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You know why he's smiling right?
Because there's a warm smudgy brownish cushion beneath his buttox THAT'S WHY!!!!
October 28, 2003, 17:05
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Is it smiling? Or is it the Furry Lisa?
Que l’Univers n’est qu’un défaut dans la pureté de Non-être.
- Paul Valery
October 28, 2003, 17:09
Local Time: 12:24
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Everything would improve in his life if he just stopped crapping in his pants and started having sex with other people.
October 28, 2003, 17:10
Local Time: 14:24
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the saga continues, and I think we can actually see the bottom of this one:
***warning: there ARE some images in this link***
yuck. I am sorry, I usually try to avoid what people do in their private lives, but this is WRONG, period.
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