I looked forward to my previous terms as Science Minister and Foreign Minister with eagerness, and with the confidence that I could outdo the banana with ease (my opponent in both prior elections as well


I will confess that I find myself contrastedly (not sure if that is a word, but I like it

) underconfident in this election, and am still undecided who to cast my vote for

(due to my lack of understanding of just how comprehensive a report is expected of me, but whomever is President should not be dissappointed, I have obtained a copy of a previous report, and already have ideas on how to improve upon it in my version).
Regardless of this, in this key time in the Apolyton Imperium, I can state with confidence that I will post more often then the banana, whether my posts will be with more intelligence then the banana's silence I cannot say

This is my platform:
I propose to construct "white goods" (picked up that term recently from the succession games

) in those cities which require improvement to celebrate or to grow beyond their current size. We quickly have seen the benefits of celebrating to our Fundamentalist Government, and with more cities celebrating this can only improve. Also, should the citizens decide to return to a time of Scientific discovery, I propose we continue to build science improvements in those cities which will benefit from their construction.
Further, I propose that we continue to produce the "non-combatants" for our empire. Engineers to contruct the rails (or roads if necessary), and improve the gastly land we live in.

Also, should the people decide we require more diplomats, we will continue to produce them, to bribe if possible

, to bring down walls if necessary

, and to assist in the ultimate descrution of all those that oppose the Imperium
Finally, I propose we produce those units needed to attack

the remnants of the armies who stand against us...whether it is Calvary, Cannon or Howies matters not to me, if the people demand it, then build it we shall
Vote for me or vote for the banana, I am confident that either way, the Imperium will succeed in taking over the world
/me , Candidate for City Planner