November 2, 2003, 05:10
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Yes, that's exactly what I ment. Fustaneles... hm. No wonder Greece couldn't win the final war against Turkey. Turks could take their army for a horde of ballet-dancers and start chasing them....
By the way, I've heard that during the war, the king moved to Smyrna. Was it pernament, a step further to C-ple, or just in order to be closer to the front?
"I realise I hold the key to freedom,
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Middle East!
November 2, 2003, 05:12
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No offence, of course
"I realise I hold the key to freedom,
I cannot let my life be ruled by threads" The Web Frogs
Middle East!
November 2, 2003, 10:30
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First of all, no i am not taking any offence, i certainly trust that you have said that without meaning anything offensive, but moreover the problem is with the person who is trying to be offensive, and never with the person who is listening to something, unless he becomes offended
secondly: you are talking about the 1920-1922 war. It wasnt exactly a defeat, up to 1922 the greek army just advanced everywhere without meating any serius resitence, or crushing it, as in northern asia minor in 1921. In 1922 what happened was that elections took place, and to the general surprise pm Venizelos lost. That meant that now the King (i think it was Constantine) who had a vendetta against Venizelos since 1913, replaced all of the army heads with royal generals, who hadnt seen any war action since the balcan wars. This lead to very poor strategic planning, and finally the order to retreat. However the greek army never lost any battle in that war, it was all down to disastrous politics by the palace.
Ironically what caused all that was the previus king's sudden death. Rumour has it that he was bitten by a monkey (!). Pm Churchill wrote that "never before had the bite of a monkey caused 2 million people to exit from asia minor) (meaning the exodus of greeks that took place in 1922).
All this doesnt mean very much now, history keeps going forward, who knows, perhaps in another 100 years greece + turkey will be one nation  The important thing isnt to have a huge country, but to have a country full of good and loving people. And that no nation can boast of sadly.
back to the scenario: what do you think of the new walls i made?
ps Thanks Gerry for your comments about the walls
Last edited by Varwnos; November 2, 2003 at 10:51.
November 2, 2003, 11:13
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We lost many battles in that war, varwnos.
When the Turkish counter attack was launched at Afion Kara hisar and Eski Sehir, the Greek forces were sent reeling.
and later the whole 1st Army Corps(or remnants of) surrendered at Ali Veran-the greatest defeat of a Greek army to this day.
And the origins of defeat lay in the original plans made by Venizelos. He neglected to fortify Smyrna and the major population centers, declared elections!!!! in the middle of a war, and placed too much trust in his English budies(lets not forget that the Anglo-French forces invaded Athens in order to put Mr Venizelos in power in exchange for Greece's entry to the WW1).
November 2, 2003, 12:20
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progress report :)
made new unit "lord byron" (from editing beyond any recognition gb's lorence of arabia unit)  also picked one of gb's english soldiers units for my "byronic guard" unit
you can see both in the pic
to Palaiologos: thats all in the past, besides look at where england was before ww2 and where it is now. No empire lasts for ever, and Greece probably was the most powerful empire for far more centuries than any other, it was time we took a break
November 2, 2003, 13:28
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Nothing lasts forever, but it really would be something if we had succeeded in anexing Anatolia.
We propably would have a Mediterranean Empire now.
Ahhh......chances lost.
November 2, 2003, 13:50
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This doesnt mean anything, Palaiologos, the usa is the strongest country around, but there certainly are people in africa's poorest countries who are kinder/happier and in some cases even better educated than some in the usa. Same goes for Greece, Turkey, England etc. If a person isnt happy/good then his country's size wont help him anyway.
Imagining that if Greece now had a large part of asia minor and/or Constantinople would have meant that your life would be a lot better is i think an illusion. We mostly are what we think.
I think that we shouldnt be so off-topic though, this is a thread about a game, not about the 1920-22 campaign
Last edited by Varwnos; November 2, 2003 at 16:17.
November 2, 2003, 17:45
Local Time: 13:30
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My units.gif from that attempt, ðáôñéäá!
My units come with a "T" logo, these are among my first units ever. BB are BeBro's, GB fairlines. The Napoleonic foot are by a Pat?. Most of the ships, the settle/engineer and trade units are Arne's. Those I dubbed erw are Erwan's. These came unmarked. So did some units from Carolus Invictinimmus scenario, I think. Its been so long I lost track of origins, sorry.
I didn't release it for personal reasons, but you can use them instead.
Descriptions: settler, engineer, Gen. Makrygianis, Armatoloi, late war greek tactical line infantry, Markos Mpotsaris, Petrobeis Mauromichalis?, Souliotes (crack guerilla fighters), Kleftes (guerilla fightes), Theodoros Kolokotronis, Nisiotes (Islanders), Cretans, Holy company (Philiki etairia), Karaiskakis, Askaris (turkish irregular foot, there is a better name for them, I forget- the majority of the turkish forces, a pittiful unruly armed mob), Turkalbanians- guerilla tactics (and Christian arvanites), Turkish regulars (Azabs was it?), Fairline's Janissaries (crack regular troops), Turkish late war tacticals (Nijamis, Nijami-i-Jedid), Turkish light cavalry (Gazi/Akinjis), Turkish medium cavalry (Sipahis), Turkish shock cavalry (Suvarilleri, Suvaris). Pasha Dramalis, Turkish corsairs, Egyptian regular cavalry, French line infantry, French Dragoons, English line infantry, English grenadiers, French grenadiers, several ship types, the last two are the joint holy alliance fleet at Navarino and a greek fireship (pyrpoliko- "kamicazee" boats, also used by some Greek captains in Latin America vs Imperial Spain), old brass gun, field piece and light piece- I'll have to check which pdr-, Ibrahim Pasha, Kjutahi Pasha, Omer Vryones, Turkish merchant, Greek merchant, Admiral Miaoulis, Admiral Kanaris (Nazi Von Kanaris supposedly claimed descent from  ) fleet comanderess Bouboulina, pirate ship, philellines (pro-greek volunteer force from Europe and beyond), Reverant Papaflessas,??, Ypsilantis, Turkalbanian Ali Pasha, Turkish Admiral what's-his-name-again (Hursit Pasha?), fort, Ali Pasha's crack Albanian guard.
More or less...
Apolyton is playing tricks on me
Last edited by tanelorn; November 2, 2003 at 18:39.
November 2, 2003, 18:04
Local Time: 11:30
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Originally posted by varwnos
This doesnt mean anything, Palaiologos, the usa is the strongest country around, but there certainly are people in africa's poorest countries who are kinder/happier and in some cases even better educated than some in the usa.
The average American at least knows how to read and write.
And i bet that the average American is happier than the average negro too.
Same goes for Greece, Turkey, England etc. If a person isnt happy/good then his country's size wont help him anyway.
A bigger country, means a richer country and consequently a better quality of life for its citizens.
Imagining that if Greece now had a large part of asia minor and/or Constantinople would have meant that your life would be a lot better is i think an illusion. We mostly are what we think.
Well MY life wouldn't be any better i am certain. But i am equally certain that my grandmother's life would be better-she wouldn't have been forced to leave her home in Smyrna.
And her relatives wouldn't have died in the war.
BTW if you want to use any of my units as well you are free to do so.
November 2, 2003, 18:18
Local Time: 14:30
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To Palaiologos: thank you, there are some very nice units there, good work!
To Tanelorn: some of your units really rule! the priest unit (i suspect its Palaion Patron?) i will certainly use
i edited my units: please take a look, and tell me what you think Tanelorn & Palaiologos (and everyone else ofcourse)
-created new units:
1) lord byron
2) macedonian greek
3) epirotan greek
Last edited by Varwnos; November 2, 2003 at 19:31.
November 2, 2003, 19:13
Local Time: 13:30
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As for 1821 quality of troops, tactics etc. I think that the decisive factor was the Greek control of the sea, that was largely uncallenged, and left the Turks to fight cut off from their power base in Asia Minor. Also important were
a) the holy company campaign in the Moldavian/Wallachian hegemonies by Ypsilantes, and Ali pasha's secessionist campaign in Epirus, that diverted the turks early in the war. Some other Pashas were not that cooperative with the High Porte early on.
b) the rugged terrain of the Greek lands that denied the use of massed cavalry, and relegated artilliery to static roles (siege and defence), and promoted hit and run guerilla tactics used by us Greeks. 400 years of endless insurrection made us experts. Setbacks came typically when ingenious military commanders staged pitched battles with a force of irregulars. So a civ terrain of Greece should be mountains, hills, forests and scrubland, to depict this reality.
c) The state of that era's turkish military, that with the exeption of Janissaries and Suvaris and some elite artillery units was a disorganised mob of thugs, each with its own agenda and relied mostly on numbers, attrition and savagery against civilians.
d) The internal clashes within the Ottoman establishment, the entrenched dysfunctional bureaucracies, conservationism, backwardness and general impotence to do anything which meant reliance on us Greeks to keep everything going, more or less.
November 2, 2003, 19:23
Local Time: 14:30
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hey tanelorn :)
did you take a look at my units? certainly they dont look as amazing as yours (i am just a newbie creator)  but i think that they are ok. Do say what you think of them though
ps: is it ok if i use ALL of the shields of your units, with my own? (it goes without saying that your name will be in the text file)  i also plan to use one or two of your units, probably Palaion Patron and Ali Pasha.
-The revolution in the Hegemonies will be depicted through events
-same goes for the revolution in Crete
-hm, good point about the terrain, do you suggest that i fill it up with hills?
looking forward to your reply  (still awake at this hour i see)
November 2, 2003, 19:40
Local Time: 13:30
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Êáé ôï ñùôáò; Ðáñå ïôé èåëåéò, ìáãêá ìïõ, ãé áõôï ôá óåñâéñåé ôï êáôáóôçìá 
Ôï áöåíôéêï ôñåëëáèçêå! Ðááñå, ðáñå, ðáñå ïëá ôá óöáæù, ïëá ôá ìá÷áéñùíù! Units ìå ôç ìá÷áéñá, units ìå ôç âïõëá!
November 2, 2003, 19:43
Local Time: 11:30
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I checked your units, my fellow macedonian.
My sincere opinion:
I have definetely seen better. BUT for some strange reason i think they are very fitting for the scenario.
Along with your walls they give a very 1821 feeling. Your style reminds me of Greek paintings of the era. Which is what i think you were trying to immitate.
Continue that way!
Last edited by Palaiologos; November 2, 2003 at 20:30.
November 2, 2003, 19:44
Local Time: 14:30
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To Talenorn:
alla pes kai tipote gia auta pou eftiaksa egw, akoma kai arnhtiko- an einai arnhtiko pes to sta ellhnika- oxi ok
To Palaiologos:
thank you  yes, my units are childish & cute, like me!
November 2, 2003, 20:02
Local Time: 13:30
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@ Peri: Áëáëáú!= Áëáëáãìïò, Óáëùíéêéå
@varwnos well you should see the first units I posted, even some recent ones (you know, ù÷ ôï ìáôé ìïõ...) . Yours are reminiscent of Theophilus' paintings, really nice. I agree with Pericles, åéóáé óùóôïò.
Last edited by tanelorn; November 2, 2003 at 20:47.
November 2, 2003, 20:17
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thank you :)
Thank you for the kind words
btw can i upload my pics in some server in Apolyton so as to be able to show the image in the thread, and not have attachments? it would be more direct that way
November 2, 2003, 20:29
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Aaaaaaaaa ironeia itan. Den to piasa. Aplos eine sinithesmeno lathos gia auto.
Tha ta sviso ta "evaisthita prosopika dedomena" apo to post.
Toso asxima eine ta pragmata stin douleia sou;
November 2, 2003, 20:32
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nice graphics 
I really think the community need "suburbs/city limits" for medieval cities.
November 2, 2003, 20:32
Local Time: 11:30
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Varwnos if you attach the files as gifs or jpegs they appear normally. Actually that is why you haven't received much commenting on your work. People simply don't bother to download.
November 2, 2003, 20:44
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oh ok, thanks for the tip Palaiologos :)
here is the pic:
November 2, 2003, 20:51
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November 2, 2003, 20:54
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-edit- blah blah blah...
November 2, 2003, 21:07
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sorry for the empty post, it originally contained a pic, but it was in bitmap form, so it was pretty much useless, i trie to change it, deleted it but then the edit function didnt allow me to attach a new image, so i finally tried to delete the entire post, but it seems that that isnt allowed
here is a final pick, the city walls one
ps (i dont know why the pics look blurry, its not intentional though!)
oh, and i am happy that you liked my idea Arthedain  i was fascinated by it when i saw it in the Ultima online pic, and i just had to do that in my own scenario as well
ps: does anyone know how i can rename the farmland/mine/railroad terrains?
Last edited by Varwnos; November 2, 2003 at 21:32.
November 2, 2003, 21:15
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Edit the Labels .txt
Be sure to copy it in your scenario folder first though.
BTW what is the wall unit supposed to do?Beware that if its not part of an allied civ it will exert a Zone of Control limiting movements.
November 2, 2003, 21:26
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yes :)
it does just that, it is a powerfull defensive unit, only destroyed easily with the limited artilerry units that are there in the game. This way some cities (Thessaloniki) are rather impossible to conquer. Moreover the player is supposed to play as the southern greeks, i am not sure that they can do much if they arent controlled by a human player, same deal as with the scenario Sons of Heracles, where the spartans cant do anything if not controlled by a human player.
There are also walls (not s many as in Thessalonike) around these cities:
-Athens (ottoman)
-Ioannena (vilaeti of Ioannena)
-Mesolongion (by an event, after its liberated by the greeks)
-Tripolis (ottoman)
-Patrae (ottoman)
November 4, 2003, 11:08
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ok! :)
i made a new unit for Kolokotronis, since the other one was really bad  now he looks far mor elike a human being, although he still has a sepultura fan haircut
the horse was made by fairline (i think!)
November 4, 2003, 11:33
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this is rather a better pic :)
also i changed the left hand
November 4, 2003, 17:10
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hype time! :)
this shall be the final image i will releash, since the scenario is in its final stages now  this is the starting screen, provided that you play as the southern greeks ofcourse
looking forward to your replies about the finished units and the screen
November 5, 2003, 03:25
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