January 26, 2004, 13:17
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As for "romance", I managed to get Bastila to take me back to the crew quarters on the Ebon Hawk, but only got a kiss out of her.
Same here... but the romance helped at the 'end', in terms of dialogue choices at the Star Forge.
“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
- John 13:34-35 (NRSV)
January 28, 2004, 17:30
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For me, the greatest moment in gaming history is back on dantooine, when the two families are facing each other. If you play the dark side the dialog can go something like this:
You: Obviously the only way we can end this is through bloodshed.
Canderous: FINALLY someone says what we've all been thinking!
Family dude 1: What are we doing? We should talk about this.
Family dude 2: I guess...we can resolve this in a peaceful manner.
You: [Lie]You know, he really DID kidnap and kill your son...
Family dude 2: What! You Bastard!
 Man, the dialog options in this game are the best ever...
January 28, 2004, 17:32
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Oh yeah, and Jolee:
Jolee: I did it ALL for the Wookies.
You: The Wookies?
Jolee: The Wookies.
January 28, 2004, 18:05
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I can't believe you people like playing with Bastilla and Carth. Bastilla is a weak minded tramp, and Carth is a giant ***** with man-feelings. Any real hero, light or dark, would take either Canderous, Jolee, or the slaughterbot.
"Shall I kill this meatbag for you master?"
Some gameplay things I noticed (SPOILERS may be included) -
The dual wielding feat does not affect double sabers. Any display numbers that say it does are lying to you. There is no penalty for double blades. The dual wield feat only affects 2 sabers. This is ridiculous considering the double blade was already the strongest melee weapon.
The scout/consular combo is the stongest possible. Scouts actually get more feats than soldiers due to the free implants and consulars get more force powers (4 for 3 levels). IMO the absolute strongest guy you can make has very high will and charisma, uses dual sabers with blaster deflection crystals, max blaster deflection feat, and uses force wave and stasis exclusively (and you don't really even need stasis). This guy is basically invincible and never even needs to swing his sword.
Duping is possible (at least on the Xbox). Do it on Manaan with the airlock. You'll notice that if you go out the airlock and come back in you're guys will be equipped with whatever you had on you while you were in the submarine, meaning you can unequip stuff, go out, go in, and now it's equipped and in you inventory. This is great for getting my slaughterbot dual Cassius Fett pistols.
Get unlimited darkside points in 2 places. Either yell at the kid on the ship over and over as she runs away or keep demanding more than 1000 from the guy at the north mansion on Dantooine.
Anyway, I liked the game a lot, but I kinda beat the crap out of it so I'm done until KOTOR 2.
"Luck's last match struck in the pouring down wind." - Chris Cornell, "Mindriot"
January 28, 2004, 19:22
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I can't believe you people like playing with Bastilla and Carth. Bastilla is a weak minded tramp, and Carth is a giant ***** with man-feelings. Any real hero, light or dark, would take either Canderous, Jolee, or the slaughterbot.
BAH!! Bastilla ROCKS! She's the best Jedi (aside from yourself).
“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
- John 13:34-35 (NRSV)
January 28, 2004, 20:13
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Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
I can't believe you people like playing with Bastilla and Carth. Bastilla is a weak minded tramp, and Carth is a giant ***** with man-feelings. Any real hero, light or dark, would take either Canderous, Jolee, or the slaughterbot.
BAH!! Bastilla ROCKS! She's the best Jedi (aside from yourself).
You're out of your mind. Not only is she the stupidest character, but from a pure gameplay standpoint, she is by far the weakest of the 3 sidekicks. The cat girl can cloak and is an excellent melee fighter especially with the force leap that guardians get, and Jolee gets more force powers as a consular and more effective force powers due to his high wisdom and charisma. Bastilla is a jedi sentinal. Sentinals are worthless.
"Luck's last match struck in the pouring down wind." - Chris Cornell, "Mindriot"
January 28, 2004, 20:38
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You're out of your mind. Not only is she the stupidest character, but from a pure gameplay standpoint, she is by far the weakest of the 3 sidekicks. The cat girl can cloak and is an excellent melee fighter especially with the force leap that guardians get, and Jolee gets more force powers as a consular and more effective force powers due to his high wisdom and charisma. Bastilla is a jedi sentinal. Sentinals are worthless.
Sentinals are the best class... best of both worlds. Can fight and cast a bunch of force powers. My first party had two Sentinals (me and Bastilla every time) and it was kick ass! Much better than when I was a Consular or Guardian.
And Bastilla is the most fun to have as a party member, with good conversations and a romance angle. Fun to see how far you can pull her from the Jedi Code... even if you are good... and it comes in handy later.
“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
- John 13:34-35 (NRSV)
January 28, 2004, 21:43
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Posts: 37
Well Bastila may not be the best of the three, but after you kill Jolee and Juhani you kinda have no choice  . Does anybody know of a way to kill Zaalbar and/or Carth? That way I could weed out all the lamers and just have bad-asses on my team.
January 28, 2004, 22:41
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how do you kill jolee? I know how to kill juhani (duh, obviously) and the useless Mission. CAn you get rid of the droids and canderous?
January 28, 2004, 23:29
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Sentinals are the best class... best of both worlds. Can fight and cast a bunch of force powers. My first party had two Sentinals (me and Bastilla every time) and it was kick ass! Much better than when I was a Consular or Guardian.
You are just plain wrong. You must have just built your guy wrong. And even if you didn't, common sense should tell you it's better to have 2 guys specialized in different things than 2 balanced characters with no real strengths. It's basic strategy for any game to maximize strengths instead of minimizing weaknesses.
"Luck's last match struck in the pouring down wind." - Chris Cornell, "Mindriot"
January 28, 2004, 23:32
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You are just plain wrong. You must have just built your guy wrong. And even if you didn't, common sense should tell you it's better to have 2 guys specialized in different things than 2 balanced characters with no real strengths. It's basic strategy for any game to maximize strengths instead of minimizing weaknesses.
No it isn't! Just because you play that way doesn't mean everyone has to  . Playing to minimize weakness is just as good a strategy as maximizing strength. All I need are people who have decent fighting skills with enough force powers to get me a Force Wave pretty quick.
My first game with two Sentinels was much easier than my second game with a Guardian and a Sentinel. So I speak from experience of playing.
“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
- John 13:34-35 (NRSV)
January 29, 2004, 01:18
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Just because you play that way doesn't mean everyone has to
You are absolutely right. Feel free to play badly if you choose  . In a duel, my KOTOR characters would wipe the floor with your guys though  .
"Luck's last match struck in the pouring down wind." - Chris Cornell, "Mindriot"
January 29, 2004, 01:24
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Posts: 37
Originally posted by asleepathewheel
how do you kill jolee? I know how to kill juhani (duh, obviously) and the useless Mission. CAn you get rid of the droids and canderous?
In the final world, after you fight bastila you have the option of joining her against malak and rule the galaxy. Jolee doesn't highly of this and you have to fight him. He actually kicked my ass twice! Because he neutralized all my force powers and I forgot to take all the awesome gear from him. Just as well, at least he got a fair fight
January 29, 2004, 03:45
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The thing to note about sentinals and consulars is consulars get a bonus of 4 when comparing DC checks against enemies. This may come in handy against Malak. Especially as a dark sider because you can't find + wisdome or +charisma items for the dark side.
And my guardian I just finished the game the first time with was bad ass. I rarely needed force powers. Force immunity was the only one I really used. My dual lightsabers slashed their way through every enemy with ease- including Malak.
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January 29, 2004, 09:41
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I just finished my second time through, this time playing a dark sider. What a blast! The ending was much more enjoyable, especially getting to kill some particularly annoying characters. And the Zaalbar bit on the forge planet...
As for Malak, I was able to beat him at his own game using a Dark Side character - I sucked the life out of the captive Jedi before he needed to, so it was over pretty quick.
Most enjoyable.
"Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
"I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
"Stuie is right...." - Guynemer
January 29, 2004, 14:29
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I finished the game once. But, after a while I only used Jedis for combat. I didn't use Canderous or Hk 47 much, because blasters are underpowered in the game. Maybe I'm not playing the game right, but Bastila is much more lethal in combat than Canderous or HK 47, even if she's not as good as the other Jedis.
January 29, 2004, 16:30
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Beef Canderous up for melee combat and give him Ajunta Pall's (sp?) blade. Nasty. After I did that, it was mostly Canderous and Juhani for me after the Leviathan. I'm not a fan of Jolee - he seems to drop a lot.
"Stuie has the right idea" - Japher
"I trust Stuie and all involved." - SlowwHand
"Stuie is right...." - Guynemer
January 29, 2004, 18:40
Local Time: 08:39
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Jolee is alright if you pump him full of Will and keep him back from the action doing force waves or whatever. HK-47 fully upgraded(Yavin equipment, memory restored) is one bad mother. Plus you get the occasional remark like "You cannot kill the master. You may start running while I warm up my blasters."
January 30, 2004, 07:17
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Yep, HK-47 is ridiculous when he's powered up all the way. He can get the highest defense of anyone (34 I think) + he regens life automatically. I duped myself the Cassius Fett blaster and gave him 2 of those. He tanks like no one and can actually do good damage to everything except some jedi (because of blaster deflection).
Jolee is great as support. Give him max force valor (the one that ups stats and saving throws), max heal, and force wave, then set him to jedi support.
All other characters are strongest when set to pure melee with a double bladed weapon (cept the little droid of couse).
"Luck's last match struck in the pouring down wind." - Chris Cornell, "Mindriot"
January 30, 2004, 22:00
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Canderous is the MAN!
I beat the game as a dark jedi (really fun causing chaos in the galaxy).
My party was Canderous with Juhanni. (of course I made her feel the power of the dark side...  )
Carth BeLOWS and that droid thing too....not HK, I love him and his use of "meatbag".
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January 31, 2004, 14:58
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The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw
February 1, 2004, 03:51
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Canderous is great. Although the first time I used him I didn't use him as a melee guy
He is the best melee non-jedi type. I'll take him over zaalbar.
this next time around I will also use Hk-47, as I'm playing darkside.
Although sometimes it is more interesting to have light siders when you play dark side. Some of the comments Carth makes when I do evil things are kind of funny. There are so many combos I'd like to try.
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February 1, 2004, 05:30
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Diss... if you're playing darkside you should take Jolee. His comments on Kashyyyk are priceless.
"Luck's last match struck in the pouring down wind." - Chris Cornell, "Mindriot"
February 1, 2004, 05:45
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I'll definately use him on that planet. That's the planet you find him on right? Some areas of the game it just kind of makes sense to use certain NPC's.
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Barack Obama- the antichrist
February 1, 2004, 06:07
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Yeah, that's where you find him. All I have to say is, make sure you don't help and then kill the crazy wookie
"Luck's last match struck in the pouring down wind." - Chris Cornell, "Mindriot"
February 4, 2004, 12:40
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Playing it now....At last , a decent star wars game!
The figher minigame nearly made me give up until I read about the change brightness tip. Stealth fighters were owning me every time up to then
To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection. H.Poincare
February 5, 2004, 03:26
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you may have had it at a high resolution. that also makes them harder to see. no prob for me as my computer can only handle 800 X 600
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February 5, 2004, 12:35
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The res is fine now I've boosted the brightness, it just makes the rest of the game a little brighter than I prefer. Don't get me started on swoop racing though, I could rant all night about that being impossible at high res
To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection. H.Poincare
February 8, 2004, 10:57
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Just an FYI, Bioware has released patch 1.02
Update details for Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic v1.02
Added the ability to map the Arrow keys for main game movement.
Added a Walk option button; by default it is the B key. While holding down the Walk button, your character will walk.
Added support for 1280x1024 resolution.
Added the ability to see all available party members character, ability, and equip screens while on the Ebon Hawk or in the apartment.
Added the ability to hide the game GUI when taking screenshots. Use the following settings in your swkotor.ini in the "Game Options" section:
The container GUI screen will no longer close everytime you click Give Item.
Holding Shift when clicking Give Item or double-clicking the item to give will transfer the entire stack, without shift it moves the items one at a time.
Added in some extra error checking and logging for loading and saving save games. If there is any problem, a file called "fileerror.log" is created.
Made a fix to the Force Point Regeneration item property so it actually regenerates Force points.
Fixed an issue where in some rare cases, the player would be killed while on the Leviathan.
Fixed an issue with Dantooine Pazaak occasionally breaking Suvam Tan on Yavin.
The Sand Person disguise will no longer be reset when entering Anchorhead and the Dockingbay.
Dead party members will no longer show up later in the game. What with them being dead and all.
Fixed the Hidden Bek Door (Security Station) to no longer display the 'Impossible' message.
Fixed a visual issue with Power Blast and using Dual Blasters where the off-hand blaster wasn't firing.
Fixed a problem which would cause dialogue to skip through without playing any VO.
Fixed a problem where you would get stuck at a black screen after a game load or an area transition.
Fixed a problem where the screensaver could activate during the playback of a movie.
Put in a symptomatic fix for your character's attributes being reset to all 8's.
Put in a symptomatic fix for party members getting stuck and not fighting.
Put in a symptomatic fix for losing force points when going through area transitions with Force Valor active.
Removed the +2 bonus to the offhand attack when wielding a balanced weapon in the offhand or when wielding a double bladed weapon.
Removed the ability to bind controls to the "Alt" key. The "Alt" key was never inteded to be a usable key in the first place.
Fixed a rare crash bug when leaving the Ebon Hawk or the Apartments with party members.
Made some stability improvements.
Added a check for the minimum graphics card driver version for ATI and NVIDIA based video cards as stated in the Troubleshooting Guide. If you scan your hardware and do not meet the minimum requirements for the game, you will be prompted to launch your web browser to download the latest drivers.
Fixed a minor bug in RAM detection where it was sometimes off by 1 or 2 MB.
February 8, 2004, 11:02
Local Time: 06:39
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My favorites, though I haven't played with it yet:
....Holding Shift when clicking Give Item or double-clicking the item to give will transfer the entire stack, without shift it moves the items one at a time
Now I can finally dump all the useless crap at the EH containers, one at a time was not getting it done. not sure however, if I can select more than one type of item at a time...
...Added the ability to see all available party members character, ability, and equip screens while on the Ebon Hawk or in the apartment.
great. I hate having to disembark just to see who is equipped with what. makes workbench work much easier.
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