After a post from Cockney a month ago or so asking if CSC is going to have its own forums, I replied absolutely negatively saying that there is no need for a forum.
However, since then I have slightly changed my mind. Why?, you ask.
To start with, if there would be such a forum, it would need to have a specific "market", and would have something special to offer. This can be accomplished by aiming at three main targets, possibly more.
- discussing which scenarios are to be added, with possible veto from the posters, or only by selected posters appointed for this.
- posting previews of scenarios / unit collections, thereby taking over this from the Scenario League forum where these posts are often ignored.
- noting mistakes in html pages, or saying a scenario needs to be updated to a newer version.
If all this will work out correctly, it will result in a much firmer integration of CSC within Apolyton.
Therefore, what I would like to ask all of you, is not whether or not you would like to have another forum added to the already long and impressive list of Apolyton forums, or if you'd like it just for the sake of being there.
No, instead, the question is this: do you think the addition of a CSC forum would offer something new to the community, or perhaps encourage things that were this far not very frequently discussed? Do you think these 3 points are a reasonable and attainable goal?
Yes or no? Comments please.