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Old November 1, 2003, 17:45   #1
Call to Power II Democracy GameCall to Power II MultiplayerCTP2 Source Code Project
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Turn chat 01/11/2003: 830 bc+
Turn chat 01/11/2003: 830 bc+
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Old November 1, 2003, 17:53   #2
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Old November 1, 2003, 18:55   #3
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Old November 4, 2003, 07:32   #4
Call to Power II Democracy GameCall to Power II MultiplayerCTP2 Source Code Project
Local Time: 12:41
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Session Start: Sat Nov 01 21:20:54 2003
Session Ident: #Lemuria
[20:17] * Now talking in #Lemuria
[20:17] * changes topic to 'CtP2
Democracy Game'
[20:17] * ChanServ sets mode: +ntr-o Gilg
[21:19] * maq has joined #lemuria
[21:20] &ltGilg&gt Hi maq
[21:20] &ltmaq&gt hey
[21:20] &ltGilg&gt as you might have seen iskallin is here as
well.....although not yet joined
* Logging #Lemuria to 'logs\turnchat0111.GRNet.log'
[21:20] &ltmaq&gt nope havent seen
[21:21] &ltGilg&gt He is just on Apolyton, but shall be joining shortly
[21:21] &ltmaq&gt oh ok
[21:21] &ltGilg&gt you never check first on Apolyton?
[21:22] &ltmaq&gt nah, because some people "appear offline" always on 'poly, like me.
[21:22] &ltGilg&gt tststststs..........
[21:22] &ltmaq&gt hehe
[21:22] &ltmaq&gt whats the channel for the source code?
[21:22] &ltGilg&gt iskallin left Apolyton to join us...he shall be there any moment
[21:22] * iski has joined #lemuria
[21:23] &ltGilg&gt Last time they used the normal Apolyton on
[21:23] &ltGilg&gt Hi iskallin
[21:23] &ltiski&gt Hi you two
[21:23] &ltmaq&gt hey
[21:23] &ltiski&gt hi
[21:23] &ltGilg&gt Shall we wait a bit longer or shall we start slowly?
[21:24] &ltiski&gt Start
[21:24] &ltmaq&gt nah wait
[21:24] &ltiski&gt 33% say yay
[21:24] &ltmaq&gt we need enough people following game
[21:24] &ltiski&gt and 67% nay
[21:24] &ltGilg&gt
[21:24] &ltmaq&gt nice
[21:25] &ltGilg&gt so shall we say another 5 minutes? (gives me time for smoking break)
[21:25] &ltmaq&gt no wait for more people
[21:25] &ltGilg&gt Hey, 5 minutes is a long time...........might be even a bit longer......
[21:25] &ltiski&gt zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[21:26] &ltmaq&gt ok then give it a while
[21:26] &ltGilg&gt i let you know when I am back........
[21:26] &ltiski&gt Ok
[21:26] &ltmaq&gt k
[21:26] &ltiski&gt What were we doing the last time?
[21:27] &ltmaq&gt not much, we played about 4 turns only in 3 hours or something.
[21:27] &ltiski&gt Oh **** i'll have to quit... Be back in 30 mins most...
[21:27] &ltiski&gt Sorry
[21:27] &ltmaq&gt k
[21:28] * Zephyr has joined #lemuria
[21:29] &ltmaq&gt hi IW
[21:31] &ltZephyr&gt hi
[21:36] &ltGilg&gt Hi IW
[21:36] &ltGilg&gt I am back
[21:36] &ltGilg&gt Does anyone need screenies?
[21:38] &ltmaq&gt leave the screenies until the end, just post save games periodically
[21:38] &ltmaq&gt wait until 9pm yet
[21:39] &ltGilg&gt ok, no prob, was just asking ;-)
[21:39] &ltGilg&gt We'll wait till 9 then..........
[21:40] * iski has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[22:01] * iski has joined #lemuria
[22:01] &ltiski&gt hi again
[22:02] &ltiski&gt how's it going
[22:02] &ltGilg&gt just waiting till now........kind of.......
[22:02] &ltGilg&gt So shall we start?
[22:02] &ltiski&gt 2yes
[22:03] &ltGilg&gt maq, IW?
[22:03] &ltmaq&gt sorry, upto you
[22:04] &ltmaq&gt could do with locutus really
[22:04] &ltGilg&gt Why sorry? And locutus might (maybe) join a bit later.......
[22:05] &ltmaq&gt sorry i was away..... no he said he wont stay late, didnt he?
[22:05] &ltiski&gt yeah he did...
[22:05] &ltGilg&gt who?
[22:05] &ltmaq&gt locutus
[22:05] &ltiski&gt So do we have any plans at all...
[22:06] &ltGilg&gt not really, the turn is at the end and it would be starting with a new one....
[22:06] &ltmaq&gt no-one knew what time the chat was
[22:06] &ltiski&gt okay
[22:06] &ltiski&gt can we take any city
[22:06] &ltiski&gt A suggestion for our tactic...
[22:07] &ltGilg&gt In the moment we are starting to build up an army to attack the Austrian city SW of Pilsen
[22:07] &ltGilg&gt maq, the time was clear (more or less), but not the day
[22:07] &ltiski&gt Hit e'm with everything you got... Hit e'm fast... Hit e'm Hard... Hit e'm until they stop moving... That's logic...
[22:08] &ltmaq&gt sounds more like aggression
[22:08] &ltGilg&gt the only question is with what.......only soon we will have 3 cat's down there.......
[22:09] &ltGilg&gt No maq, that's not agression, that's RL-politics.
[22:09] &ltmaq&gt we shouldnt hit them with everything we've got, but i agree with the sentiment
[22:10] &ltGilg&gt I wanted to get an army with 4 cat's,2A, and then whatever P orH's we've got. This should do the job
[22:10] &ltiski&gt yeap i tried that in CtC and what i got were 60 units in my back
[22:11] &ltGilg&gt We are not using CtC, so we shall only get 1/2
[22:11] &ltiski&gt When will we see some knights in our army oh thy great one?
[22:12] &ltGilg&gt knights?????? quite expensive.......but long termwe shall have some, after we have enough cat's I would say
[22:13] &ltiski&gt and what is the offical name of the armed forces? IAOTGL
[22:13] &ltGilg&gt cat's take ages to move, so once we finished building cat's, we could move onto knights
[22:13] &ltiski&gt No that sounds to stupid
[22:13] &ltGilg&gt IAOTGL? what the £^*$&^ is it?
[22:14] &ltiski&gt Imperial Army Of The Great Lemur of course
[22:14] &ltGilg&gt good one
[22:15] &ltGilg&gt but as you said, doesn't sound so well.
[22:15] &ltiski&gt Well once we get knights then the war machine should begin to work
[22:16] &ltGilg&gt Even without, we shall be able to get something running
[22:16] &ltiski&gt Yes probably.
[22:17] &ltGilg&gt How do you think about LAoL?
[22:17] &ltGilg&gt as a name for the Army?
[22:17] &ltiski&gt My experiance is when you start taking cities from the AI he totally collapses in a few turns
[22:17] &ltiski&gt Stands for?
[22:17] &ltGilg&gt We already took a few cities of him, but he was able to withdraw.........
[22:17] &ltiski&gt Lemurian Army of Liberty
[22:18] &ltGilg&gt Liberation Army of Lemuria
[22:18] &ltiski&gt Almost right
[22:18] &ltGilg&gt both of them work
[22:18] &ltiski&gt Yes that sounds good
[22:18] &ltGilg&gt yours or mine, which one shall we take?
[22:18] &ltGilg&gt I can life with both......
[22:18] &ltiski&gt Me too
[22:19] &ltGilg&gt shall I toss a coin?
[22:20] &ltiski&gt yeap
[22:20] &ltZephyr&gt i prefer Iski's
[22:20] &ltGilg&gt finally, somebody else........
[22:20] &ltGilg&gt Maq?
[22:20] &ltZephyr&gt Liberation Army of Lemuria makes it sound like Lemuria is being liberated
[22:21] &ltGilg&gt But IW, that's what we are doing! They still havne't recognised, that they are living on our soil.
[22:21] &ltiski&gt We are "liberating" cities from the heathens
[22:21] &ltGilg&gt iskallin
[22:22] &ltZephyr&gt oh right. yeah. use the other one then
[22:22] &ltmaq&gt Holy Lemurian Army
[22:22] &ltZephyr&gt Liberation Army of Lemuria
[22:22] &ltZephyr&gt doesn't really matter...
[22:23] &ltiski&gt LOL
[22:23] &ltGilg&gt It is expressing Our desire against the peasants worldwide
[22:23] &ltGilg&gt They shall know, that they do have options
[22:23] &ltmaq&gt
[22:24] &ltiski&gt Join us or you will join us anyway!
[22:24] &ltGilg&gt yep
[22:24] &ltiski&gt muhahahahaha
[22:24] &ltmaq&gt lol
[22:24] &ltmaq&gt join or.... it doesnt matter, we dont care really.
[22:25] &ltiski&gt
[22:25] &ltGilg&gt To join or not to Join, that is not the question
[22:25] &ltiski&gt
[22:25] &ltmaq&gt i think we've exhausted the join question
[22:25] &ltGilg&gt are you sure?
[22:26] &ltGilg&gt how about: To be joined or to join?
[22:26] &ltmaq&gt join us or we'll split you in half!
[22:26] &ltGilg&gt
[22:27] &ltGilg&gt Anyone want's a join-venture?
[22:27] &ltmaq&gt *groans*
[22:28] &ltGilg&gt OK, shall we get joined? I mean let's start rolling?
[22:29] &ltmaq&gt we could but i wont be following the game, is anyone else alt-tabbbing?
[22:29] &ltGilg&gt yep, me!
[22:29] * iski has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[22:30] &ltmaq&gt i dont think iski or IW will be following
[22:30] &ltZephyr&gt tru dat
[22:30] &ltGilg&gt iski wanted, I think he just had a bad connection.......
[22:30] &ltGilg&gt IW, feel ashamed!
[22:30] &ltZephyr&gt
[22:31] * iski has joined #lemuria
[22:31] &ltmaq&gt hes making the numbers up
[22:31] &ltGilg&gt
[22:31] &ltGilg&gt iskallin, you think you'll be able to stay with us?
[22:31] &ltmaq&gt if iski follows the game we can play but if he isnt then we should reschedule or wait
[22:31] &ltiski&gt Okay nobody panic it was the computer
[22:31] &ltmaq&gt *panics*
[22:31] &ltGilg&gt always the innocent ones....
[22:32] &ltGilg&gt maq, the emergency exit is just down the hall and out of the window
[22:33] &ltGilg&gt OK, next turn?
[22:33] &ltGilg&gt By the way iskallin, you have the latest savegame?
[22:33] &ltmaq&gt iski are you following the turns?
[22:33] &ltmaq&gt by that i mean in-game
[22:33] &ltiski&gt Yes and no and no respectfully
[22:34] &ltmaq&gt ok
[22:34] &ltGilg&gt so you would need screenies in between?
[22:34] &ltmaq&gt and information of all cities, you think you can do that every turn? lol
[22:35] &ltiski&gt No i don't need it(it slows things up)
[22:35] &ltGilg&gt I don't think iskallin will need all this all the time, but a screenie of the empire shall do it, or?
[22:35] &ltiski&gt just tell me what's happening
[22:35] &ltGilg&gt ok........
[22:35] &ltGilg&gt let's start?
[22:36] &ltGilg&gt next turn?
[22:36] &ltiski&gt yes
[22:36] &ltiski&gt what about it?
[22:36] &ltGilg&gt what about what?
[22:36] &ltmaq&gt this could be a long night...
[22:36] &ltGilg&gt haven't done anything yet....just want to get confirmation: next turn?
[22:36] &ltiski&gt it was a joke
[22:36] &ltGilg&gt
[22:36] &ltiski&gt yes+
[22:37] &ltGilg&gt maq?
[22:37] &ltmaq&gt yeah
[22:37] &ltmaq&gt keep us informed
[22:37] &ltGilg&gt NEXT TURN
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Old November 4, 2003, 07:34   #5
Call to Power II Democracy GameCall to Power II MultiplayerCTP2 Source Code Project
Local Time: 12:41
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[22:37] &ltiski&gt It is confirmed.. the high councill has reached a decision... It is confinrmed that we shall play one turn forward
[22:37] &ltGilg&gt Austrian are begging for peace?
[22:38] &ltmaq&gt hmmm
[22:38] &ltiski&gt Hehe
[22:38] &ltGilg&gt Our answer: lick my shoes?
[22:38] &ltmaq&gt indeed
[22:38] &ltGilg&gt iskallin?
[22:38] &ltiski&gt And polish them to
[22:38] &ltGilg&gt
[22:39] &ltGilg&gt shall we try in exchange for peace to ask for Wiener Neustadt, the city we plan to attack anyway?
[22:39] &ltGilg&gt Only an idea....
[22:39] &ltmaq&gt they wont give it
[22:39] &ltGilg&gt but won't heard or?
[22:39] &ltiski&gt Try it
[22:40] &ltGilg&gt maq?
[22:40] &ltmaq&gt you can try it
[22:40] &ltGilg&gt ok, I try
[22:40] &ltGilg&gt failed
[22:40] &ltiski&gt Well they are toasted anyway
[22:40] &ltmaq&gt we should take all their citiees anyway
[22:41] &ltGilg&gt OK, the news:
[22:41] &ltGilg&gt 1 Austrian knight appeared close to Wien
[22:41] &ltGilg&gt the German 11 stack moved south
[22:41] * Locutus has joined #lemuria
[22:42] &ltiski&gt Halleluja
[22:42] &ltGilg&gt the English 10 stack is now between Wien and graz
[22:42] &ltGilg&gt Hi Locutus
[22:42] &ltLocutus&gt hey
[22:42] &ltiski&gt Hi loc
[22:42] &ltiski&gt You haven't missed anyting
[22:42] &ltGilg&gt the Idina settler moved a bit away from Pilsen
[22:42] &ltGilg&gt Idina=Indian
[22:43] &ltGilg&gt Col Loc, finished a Granary
[22:44] &ltiski&gt ok
[22:44] &ltGilg&gt Wels a shrine
[22:44] &ltGilg&gt Linz a theate
[22:44] &ltGilg&gt Wombatoon a pikeman
[22:45] &ltiski&gt So basicly nothing critical
[22:45] &ltGilg&gt don't liek that the German stack moves south to Wombatoon
[22:45] &ltGilg&gt liek=like
[22:46] &ltiski&gt How many are in Wombatoon garrison?
[22:46] &ltiski&gt And is there a city wall or a ballista tower?
[22:46] &ltGilg&gt sorry not Wombatoon, maquiladad
[22:47] &ltGilg&gt It has 8 unit, 4A,4H and nothing else, next round a theater
[22:48] &ltiski&gt So our chance of victory... Keine
[22:48] &ltGilg&gt Genau.....
[22:49] &ltGilg&gt I am just think if we shall move the 2 stack next to Pedrunnia in the LOS of the 11 stack trying to get it close agin to Pedrunnia
[22:49] &ltGilg&gt Might convince the AI to move after the 2 stack again
[22:49] &ltGilg&gt sorry 4 stack
[22:50] &ltiski&gt Yeah but that won't work forever.
[22:50] &ltGilg&gt But in Pedrunnia we have 2 cat's.......
[22:50] &ltGilg&gt We already used then once
[22:50] &ltGilg&gt then=them
[22:51] &ltiski&gt That should kill about one unit?
[22:52] &ltGilg&gt yep
[22:52] &ltGilg&gt and damage maybe another one
[22:52] &ltiski&gt ok do it
[22:53] &ltGilg&gt by the way, screenie in the new thread
[22:53] &ltGilg&gt
[22:54] &ltiski&gt thankes
[22:54] &ltGilg&gt my suggestion 4 stack SE.
[22:54] &ltGilg&gt you are welcome ;-)
[22:55] &ltGilg&gt maq? Locutus?
[22:56] &ltmaq&gt i agree
[22:56] &ltiski&gt I suspec the evil english are plotting against our escort east of graz
[22:56] &ltGilg&gt Shall not be really a problem, escort is on the way to Pilsen
[22:56] &ltiski&gt Ah right
[22:57] &ltiski&gt Gilg you have to write some kind of a story in the history thread
[22:57] &ltGilg&gt I already started, but I am not so good in writing......
[22:58] &ltGilg&gt or better to say, in making up stories.....
[22:58] &ltiski&gt great! looking forward too it
[22:59] &ltGilg&gt I just joined the cat's in Pedrunnia to the rest of the units and fortified them
[22:59] &ltiski&gt Damnit i'll have to leave you.. comrads. good luck
[22:59] * iski has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[22:59] &ltGilg&gt if locutus would be with us, we could continue.........
[23:01] &ltmaq&gt sorry im abit preoccupied at the minute
[23:01] &ltGilg&gt feel ashamed.........
[23:01] &ltLocutus&gt bit busy right now
[23:01] &ltmaq&gt ok then
[23:02] &ltGilg&gt OK, let's say 5-10 minute break (smoking break for me ;-) )
[23:02] &ltGilg&gt I'll let you now, when I am back again
[23:10] &ltGilg&gt OK, i am back
[23:15] &ltGilg&gt I already checked for some changes in the city managment:
[23:15] &ltGilg&gt Col loc: -1 F
[23:15] &ltGilg&gt Wels -4 F
[23:15] &ltLocutus&gt I could chat, but I don't have the game running and I'm alt-tabbing with Visual Studio
[23:15] &ltLocutus&gt well, I have the game running, but not the Demo Game
[23:16] &ltGilg&gt Maquiladad: 1E 1F
[23:16] &ltGilg&gt Locutus, I did already post a screenie, so shall be OK, or?
[23:16] &ltGilg&gt Wien: 1E 3F (meaning 2F)
[23:16] &ltGilg&gt all those changes will not influence production
[23:17] &ltGilg&gt And Locutus, shame on you, still trying to figure out how to screw the game?
[23:17] &ltLocutus&gt how's that?
[23:17] &ltGilg&gt how what?
[23:18] &ltLocutus&gt that i'm trying to ruin the game?
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Old November 4, 2003, 07:34   #6
Call to Power II Democracy GameCall to Power II MultiplayerCTP2 Source Code Project
Local Time: 12:41
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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[23:18] &ltGilg&gt checking the source.....
[23:18] &ltmaq&gt i dont think anyone would disagree your time is better spent on the source code, locutus.
[23:18] &ltLocutus&gt right...
[23:19] &ltGilg&gt saying in tech: Don't fix, what is running ;-)
[23:19] &ltLocutus&gt I would chat rather than work on the source if it wasn't for this annoying bug preventing me from running the game in any other build than debug
[23:19] &ltGilg&gt
[23:20] &ltGilg&gt Are you sure it is a bug and not design intended?
[23:20] &ltLocutus&gt uhm, the game is designed to crash to desktop as soon as you start playing?
[23:21] &ltGilg&gt why not? Kind of a game as well.....let's see what is more durable(?)
[23:22] &ltLocutus&gt right...
[23:23] &ltGilg&gt OK, back to the DG: Escort continues to Linz?
[23:24] &ltLocutus&gt yeah
[23:25] &ltGilg&gt maq?
[23:25] &ltLocutus&gt oh, if you want to make sure I read something, make sure to include my name (locutus, loc, wouter). I have mIRC set up to highlight lines with my name in it
[23:25] &ltGilg&gt OK, no prob
[23:27] &ltGilg&gt moved
[23:27] &ltGilg&gt Locutus, Providence chasing the Austrian settler which came out of Weiner Neustadt, or further exploring the north?
[23:29] &ltmaq&gt sorry was busy
[23:29] &ltLocutus&gt good one. dunno, chase it for now I guess...
[23:30] &ltGilg&gt maq
[23:30] &ltmaq&gt i concur
[23:30] &ltGilg&gt chasing?
[23:31] &ltGilg&gt cat between Linz and Pilsen moved further to Pilsen.
[23:32] &ltmaq&gt yeah
[23:33] &ltGilg&gt the H on our S-border, which found the goodiehut, move NE? The Archer shall chase the Indian settler?
[23:33] &ltGilg&gt Locutus?
[23:33] &ltGilg&gt maq?
[23:33] &ltLocutus&gt what was in the hut?
[23:33] &ltGilg&gt That's where we found republic and buro......
[23:34] &ltLocutus&gt ah, yes. remember now.
[23:34] &ltGilg&gt Shall we move the pikeman from Wombatoon to Maquiladad?
[23:34] &ltLocutus&gt move it out of indian territory if it isn't already. then go back to pilsen
[23:34] &ltGilg&gt we are just on the border
[23:35] &ltLocutus&gt no, we need pikemen for assaulting austria
[23:35] &ltGilg&gt ok, pikeman to the front
[23:35] &ltGilg&gt What about the archer?
[23:36] &ltGilg&gt Locutus? maq?
[23:37] &ltmaq&gt hmmm which?
[23:38] &ltLocutus&gt yes, which?
[23:38] &ltGilg&gt The archer which is NE of Pilsen and looking out for the settler.
[23:38] &ltmaq&gt ah, follow the settler?
[23:39] &ltGilg&gt What I planned, also we might have a better wie onto the English 10 stack
[23:39] &ltGilg&gt wie=view
[23:39] &ltmaq&gt sounds good
[23:39] &ltGilg&gt ok
[23:39] &ltGilg&gt North?
[23:40] &ltmaq&gt yeah
[23:40] &ltLocutus&gt fine
[23:41] &ltGilg&gt Pikeman moving to the front, the single hoplite moving back to Pilsen. Grouping all units in H Town?
[23:41] &ltmaq&gt yeah
[23:41] &ltGilg&gt What shall we do with our 6 stack between Graz and Pedrunnia? Leave it?
[23:42] &ltmaq&gt if its not in direct danger
[23:42] &ltGilg&gt no, it is backup
[23:43] &ltmaq&gt oh ok leave it then
[23:43] &ltGilg&gt end turn? Locutus
[23:43] &ltGilg&gt anyone savegame?
[23:43] &ltLocutus&gt k, end. no save
[23:43] &ltmaq&gt yeah end
[23:44] &ltGilg&gt I just changed science down to 20%, as we will still finish concrete next turn..........
[23:44] &ltmaq&gt good idea
[23:45] &ltGilg&gt make money when it lays on the street, or something like that
[23:45] &ltmaq&gt makes sense enough
[23:45] &ltGilg&gt END TURN
[23:45] &ltmaq&gt k
[23:47] &ltGilg&gt research:
[23:49] * LoQtS has joined #lemuria
[23:49] * Locutus has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:49] &ltGilg&gt with 20 percent, don't forget
[23:49] &ltmaq&gt yeah
[23:49] * LoQtS is now known as Locutus
[23:49] &ltGilg&gt Shipbuilding: 8 turns
[23:49] * Locutus has left #lemuria
[23:49] &ltGilg&gt Agricul. Rev: 42
[23:49] * Locutus has joined #lemuria
[23:49] &ltGilg&gt Theologie(sp?) 56
[23:49] &ltGilg&gt Education(?) 63
[23:50] &ltmaq&gt hmmm
[23:50] &ltGilg&gt My suggestion would be Agr. Rev., what do you think?
[23:50] &ltGilg&gt Locutus?
[23:50] &ltmaq&gt yeah me too
[23:50] &ltGilg&gt After this I think the next one is either Theo. or Ship......
[23:50] &ltLocutus&gt 2I missed a few due to irc crashes, I think. theology, education, what else?
[23:50] &ltGilg&gt ship and Agr. rev
[23:50] &ltLocutus&gt agre
[23:50] &ltGilg&gt with what?
[23:51] &ltGilg&gt Agr. Rev?
[23:51] &ltLocutus&gt 2yes
[23:51] &ltGilg&gt OK
[23:51] &ltGilg&gt 14 turns with full power........
[23:51] &ltGilg&gt we have 7417 gold by the way....
[23:52] &ltGilg&gt save/screenie?
[23:52] &ltmaq&gt nope
[23:52] &ltLocutus&gt nah
[23:53] &ltGilg&gt OK.....
[23:53] &ltGilg&gt One worry, what do we need to attack a single knight on a swamp?
[23:53] &ltGilg&gt 1P/1H/2A?
[23:54] &ltGilg&gt The Austrian knight moved onto our raod to Graz.......and we just finished a pikeman in Wien
[23:54] &ltGilg&gt Locutus, maq?
[23:54] &ltmaq&gt no need to attack
[23:55] &ltGilg&gt We want to get this pikeman to the front and the quickest way is on the road.....
[23:55] &ltLocutus&gt if you attack, do it in big numbers, like 6 units. prevents damage
[23:56] &ltGilg&gt We have 12 units in Wien: 6A/5H/1P
[23:56] &ltGilg&gt So, shall we get rid of the Knight with 3A/2H/1P? With the plan to move the P afterwards to the front?
[23:57] &ltGilg&gt And the rest back to Wien again?
[23:57] &ltLocutus&gt if there are no other stacks nearby I guess we could attack. but where's the english stack?
[23:57] &ltGilg&gt By the way, screenie in here :
[23:57] &ltGilg&gt followed our Escort
[23:59] &ltLocutus&gt by all means attack
[23:59] &ltGilg&gt OK.......maq?
[23:59] &ltmaq&gt yeah may aswell
[00:01] &ltGilg&gt P on 50% strength, mission accomplished
[00:01] &ltmaq&gt 50% ouch
[00:01] &ltGilg&gt We have to wait a bit anyway before we have the 4 cat's.......
[00:02] &ltGilg&gt Question: Escort back to wien for the next cat and the Pikeman joining with the catapult?
[00:02] &ltGilg&gt Locutus?
[00:03] &ltGilg&gt maq?
[00:03] &ltmaq&gt yeah that sounds alright
[00:04] &ltLocutus&gt agree
[00:04] &ltGilg&gt I'll do so......
[00:05] &ltGilg&gt Catapult moved closer to Pilsen, Providence is chasing the settler, hoplite on the way back to Pislen
[00:06] &ltGilg&gt 4 stack near Pedrunnia N? Hopefully the 11 stack will still chase it.........
[00:06] &ltGilg&gt maq? Locutus?
[00:08] &ltLocutus&gt what's the point of the 11 stack chasing it again?
[00:09] &ltGilg&gt If it get's close to Pedrunnia, we can use our WMD's
[00:10] &ltGilg&gt Locutus, maq?
[00:10] &ltLocutus&gt ah, good point. then go nw if possible, stay as close to the german stack as possible (without getting within striking range, of course)
[00:12] &ltGilg&gt NW would be out of range for the cat's......the only way would be north, so that if it follows noth it is in bombard range
[00:12] &ltLocutus&gt i meant ne, but n is fine with me
[00:12] &ltGilg&gt NE would be Pedrunnia
[00:13] &ltGilg&gt Just recognised, not good visible in the screenie.........
[00:13] &ltGilg&gt maq?
[00:13] &ltmaq&gt either is good
[00:13] &ltmaq&gt
[00:14] &ltGilg&gt ok, moving north
[00:14] &ltGilg&gt chasing Archer N of Pilsen continues North? Chasing the Indian settler?
[00:15] &ltGilg&gt Locutus? Maq?
[00:19] &ltGilg&gt proposed changes for city managment:
[00:19] &ltGilg&gt Press: 1E 3F
[00:19] &ltGilg&gt Wien: 1E 0F
[00:20] &ltGilg&gt Locutus ? Maq ?
[00:20] &ltLocutus&gt afk
[00:28] &ltGilg&gt Locutus ? Maq?
[00:30] &ltmaq&gt sorry i was away, im not sure what changed are needed
[00:30] &ltmaq&gt *changes
[00:32] &ltGilg&gt chasing Archer N of Pilseon N?
[00:32] &ltGilg&gt continue to chase the indian settler?
[00:32] &ltGilg&gt changes to cities:
[00:32] &ltGilg&gt Pressburg 1E 3F
[00:32] &ltGilg&gt Wien 1E 0F
[00:33] &ltGilg&gt Locutus ? Maq ?
[00:33] &ltmaq&gt ok, ok, and ok
[00:33] &ltGilg&gt
[00:33] &ltmaq&gt
[00:33] &ltGilg&gt One OK would have been sufficent for me
[00:34] &ltmaq&gt sorry im a little busy gilg, youre doing a pretty good job though
[00:35] &ltGilg&gt thank you. I am trying to do my best.
[00:35] &ltmaq&gt im sure you can stop when you want though
[00:35] &ltGilg&gt The only thing I am not sure about, if I will continue for the moment.
[00:36] &ltGilg&gt As you and Locutus seem to be sidetracked I think I will stop
[00:36] &ltmaq&gt lol
[00:36] &ltmaq&gt its fine, maybe if we arrange earlier for the next chat
[00:36] &ltGilg&gt I will post save and I think I call it a day.
[00:36] &ltmaq&gt ok then
[00:36] &ltGilg&gt I wanted to, but stupid work went in the way
[00:37] &ltGilg&gt I am thinking of planning one again next weekend
[00:37] &ltGilg&gt But I'll start a threat tonight for it..........
[00:37] &ltmaq&gt ok
[00:38] &ltGilg&gt The information I'll post later in the turn-chat thread and general achievment
[00:39] &ltGilg&gt For the moment I'll only post the save
[00:39] &ltmaq&gt ok then
Session Close: Sun Nov 02 00:39:09 2003
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Old November 4, 2003, 07:38   #7
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