Originally posted by eewolf
I have made mods as listed above and also no cities on hills. No cutting down forests or jungles, either. The map is 200x200 with 12 civs and it is still pretty fast in the late industrial age. There is a lot of open land and many colonies have sprung up.
I imagine that many cities were pretty small until Electricity, am I right? That may change even some city improvement decision-making, if I suppose...
I admit that in the early game, if a unit of mine comes across an AI road that travels through neutral territory, I pillage it. I know, I know, I shouldn't do it. A human oppponent would recognize it as an act of war and respond accordingly. So I'm taking advantage of the AI's lack of "I." But it's so inviting!
I stopped worrying about the ethics of this the first time the AI pillaged one of my roads in neutral territory.