Turn Summary:
Given the lack of many orders, those in attendance (myself, Maniac and AdamTG) had to make a lot of them up, but hopefully none of those who failed to issue them will object.
Anyway, we:
- Built three bases at the CP locations (The Hive, Tacticopolis, and Maniagrad);
- Began work on CPs at all three three;
- Killed some worms;
- Opened some pods and found various resources, monoliths, and ECs;
- Located and stripped the marine Unity Wreckage, obtaining 150 ECs, another Unity Submersible, and a scout chopper;
- Switched to Police State;
- And research Industrial Base and started work on Centauri Ecology.
Session Start: Mon Nov 03 08:53:29 2003
Session Ident: #ACPSG
[08:53] * Now talking in #ACPSG
[08:54] [Maniac> Welcome.
[08:54] * Maniac sets mode: +o Maniac
[08:54] [GeneralTacticus> Hi.
[08:54] * Maniac sets mode: +o GeneralTacticus
[08:55] [Maniac> How are you? :-)
[08:55] [GeneralTacticus> Sleepy.
[08:55] [GeneralTacticus> I knew I shouldn't have gone to bed past midnight.
[08:55] [Maniac> Ouch. 8 in the morning for you, right?
[08:55] [GeneralTacticus> 9. God bless daylight saving.
[08:55] [Maniac> Still, equally bad hour. ;-)
[08:55] [GeneralTacticus> Yes.
[08:56] [GeneralTacticus> Do we actually have any base location or build queue orders?
[08:56] [Maniac> Nope.
[08:56] [Maniac> I'll start SMAC...
[08:56] [GeneralTacticus> Guess we'll hvae to make them up ourselves then.
[08:56] [Maniac> I would just found the bases right where the CPs are. *shrugs*
[08:56] [GeneralTacticus> My preference, too.
[08:58] [Maniac> Game opened.
[08:59] [Maniac> In the meanwhile I'll start writing the poll asking whether we should freeze the ACPSG...
[08:59] [GeneralTacticus> Should I use 'open save' or 'open scenario' to start it up?
[09:00] [Maniac> "Play scenario" the first time. And you should have the alphax.txt, helpx.txt etc in your scenario folder.
[09:01] [GeneralTacticus> Yeah, got them...
[09:01] [GeneralTacticus> Right, so, found the abses where they are?
[09:01] [GeneralTacticus> * bases
[09:02] [Maniac> Sounds like a plan. :-) So, where do you want to found our glorious HQ? :-D
[09:02] [GeneralTacticus> I'd say the south-west pod - it has some nice river squares, and there's an energy bonus nearby.
[09:03] [Maniac> Sure, sounds good. Btw, weren't there some nice mineral squares in the save file, which aren't present in the scenario?

[09:03] [Maniac> Never mind.
[09:04] [GeneralTacticus> Dunno. What should we research? Corellion's first poll said nd. Base, but his second poll on beelines is tied...
[09:04] [Maniac> They appeared after I activated a scout.

[09:04] [GeneralTacticus> bbs
[09:04] [Maniac> I voted InfoNets on the second poll. What you?
[09:06] [GeneralTacticus> Back.
[09:06] [GeneralTacticus> I didn't vote.
[09:08] [Maniac> Ah ok. In that case, when we discount my vote as a non-executive member, IndBase would win. IndBase then?
[09:08] [GeneralTacticus> Sounds good to me.
[09:09] [GeneralTacticus> Now, next question... what should we call the bases? It doesn't matter hugely, since we can always rename them later, but I'd prefer we at least give them 'real' names to start with.
[09:10] [Maniac> Aren't the standard Hive names still in?
[09:10] [GeneralTacticus> Ah, yes. Forgot about that.
[09:10] [Maniac> To be changed later of course, if there is a later...

[09:10] [GeneralTacticus> Actually, they aren't - it just asked me if I wanted to buld 'Submariners 1'.
[09:10] [GeneralTacticus> * build
[09:11] [Maniac> Hmm.
[09:11] [GeneralTacticus> I guess I'll just arbitarily pick from the naming list.
[09:11] [Maniac> Do you have a base name called after you?
[09:12] [GeneralTacticus> I think I made the suggestion Tacticopolis or something of that nature.
[09:12] [Maniac> Sounds great.

The Hive, Tacticopolis and then perhaps something like ManiaGalore or St.-Maniaburg? ;-)
[09:13] [GeneralTacticus> No St- anything; too much religious connotation. Maybe Maniagrad?
[09:13] [Maniac> Ok. :-)
[09:14] [Maniac> It has advantages to be the only two members in a chat.

[09:14] [GeneralTacticus> Ok, so what do we build in these three bases?
[09:14] [GeneralTacticus> Scout patrols? More colony pods?
[09:15] [Maniac> SP?
[09:15] [Maniac> I'll check the growth rate of the bases.
[09:15] [GeneralTacticus> The Hive & Maniagrad will grow in 10 turns; Tacticopolis in 7.
[09:16] [Maniac> Odd, I did get official base names.
[09:16] [GeneralTacticus> Very odd.
[09:17] [GeneralTacticus> Shall i just let them build Scout Patrols so we can use the ones we've got to explore unhindered?
[09:17] * AdamTG has joined #acpsg
[09:17] [Maniac> Producing a CP right now would make it finish sooner than the base can grow, in the two western bases. So perhaps scouts in the two western, and a CP in the eastern?
[09:17] [GeneralTacticus> Hey AdamTG.
[09:17] [AdamTG> Greetings.
[09:17] [Maniac> Hi
[09:18] [Maniac> That sounds good too, GT.

[09:18] [GeneralTacticus> Yes, that sounds good.
[09:18] [AdamTG> Just got back from a Model UN conference, so this looks like good timing. How many turns in are we?
[09:18] [GeneralTacticus> Still on turn 1.
[09:19] [GeneralTacticus> Next, former activity... I'd like to forest the nut bonus near Tacticopolis, so as to give it some minerals.
[09:19] [Maniac>

(To Adam, Tacticopolis is probably the base near the Isthmus.)
[09:20] [GeneralTacticus> Yes, it is.
[09:20] [GeneralTacticus> The Hive is the capital, in the south-west, and the other base is Maniagrad.
[09:20] [Maniac> Btw, does Manigrad sound better?
[09:20] [AdamTG> Sounds good. We should honor the only people to show up on time to thje first turnshat.

[09:21] [GeneralTacticus> I like Maniagrad, myself, but it's named after you, so I guess it's your choice...
[09:21] [AdamTG> I like Maniagrad, but I suggest whatever the General Secretary prefers.
[09:21] [Maniac> A pity we haven't got a spare CP. How would you like to call your base, Adam?
[09:21] [Maniac> If Maniagrad sounds better to both of you, I'll go with the majority opinion.

[09:22] [GeneralTacticus> Damn - just popped two pods next to Maniagrad. One of them cloned the patrol, but the second one produced worms along with a mineral bonus.
[09:22] [GeneralTacticus> Also, shall I send the other two formers to connect The Hive and Maniagrad by road?
[09:22] [Maniac> Woops. How many worms?
[09:22] [GeneralTacticus> One, and it's not threatening the abse itself, thankfully.
[09:22] [GeneralTacticus> * base
[09:23] [Maniac>

about formers.
[09:23] [GeneralTacticus> I'd forgotten how annoyingly dangerous pod-popping could be.
[09:23] [GeneralTacticus> 2101 complete.
[09:24] [GeneralTacticus> The worms attacked the patrol that spawned them, and were wiped out with few casualties.
[09:24] [Maniac> The worm you mean?

[09:24] [GeneralTacticus> Yes, the worm.
[09:24] * Maniac sets mode: +o AdamTG
[09:24] [AdamTG> I'm not sure I want a base named after me, but if that's the tradition, maybe Adam's Paradise? That would be ikn a while, though. I'd actually prefer to go with the names suggested in the forum.
[09:24] [GeneralTacticus> Road built.
[09:25] * AdamTG thanks the esteemed General Secretary Maniac.

[09:25] [GeneralTacticus> IF you don't wanty a base named after you, you do't need to have on, of course.
[09:25] [GeneralTacticus> * one
[09:25] [AdamTG> That works.
[09:26] [Maniac> It isn't tradition to call bases to the present turnchat members, but since there wasn't any base name polls yet, we just decided to use our names.

[09:26] [AdamTG> But I won't promise I won't requet one later. I'd just rather use some of the ideas ftrom the forum now, if we need to name a base.
[09:26] [GeneralTacticus> As we don't and won't have any spare CPs this chat, it doesn't matter that much.
[09:26] [AdamTG> Anyway, sounds good so far. Good thing those worms didn't find our formers...
[09:27] [AdamTG> *nods*
[09:27] [GeneralTacticus> Now... shall I pop the pod NENE of The Hive?
[09:27] * AdamTG nods. Er, he shuoldalso remember that he's in IRC and not IM.
[09:27] [GeneralTacticus> Cool, nutrient resources...
[09:28] [GeneralTacticus> And not a worm in sight.
[09:28] [Maniac>

[09:28] * AdamTG laughs! Those foolish worms cannpot compete with the glory of the Hive!
[09:28] [GeneralTacticus> 2102 complete.
[09:28] [AdamTG> Or with Adam's speeling mistakes...
[09:28] [GeneralTacticus> 2107, rather.
[09:29] * AdamTG really should proofread his typing before he hits enter.
[09:29] [GeneralTacticus> Now... shal the Unity submersible pop the pod at 38,50?
[09:29] [GeneralTacticus> And shall I send the Maniagrad former to road & mine the min bonus?
[09:30] [Maniac>

to both
[09:30] [GeneralTacticus>

Sonar pod.
[09:30] [AdamTG> Excellent. Much of the order of the universe on PLanet has been revealed.
[09:31] [GeneralTacticus> Shall I send the submersible overto inspect the Unity Wreckage?
[09:31] [AdamTG> That sounds like a good plan. Maniac?
[09:31] [Maniac> ok
[09:31] [Maniac> Sorry, was busy writing the poll text.
[09:32] [GeneralTacticus> And what's to be done with the energy bonus? we can forest it, and make it more balanced, or put a solar collector on it, and emphasise it's energy production.
[09:32] [AdamTG> Hmm. How high is it?
[09:32] [GeneralTacticus> 1010 metres.
[09:32] [Maniac> But it's flat.
[09:33] [GeneralTacticus> Yes.
[09:33] [AdamTG> I would solar collector it, but that's just me... A lot of energy in one square is hard to come by.
[09:33] [GeneralTacticus> I'm thinking that if we put a soalr collector on it, we install an Echelon mirror or two and crawl it for energy...
[09:33] [GeneralTacticus> Especially with the Hive.
[09:33] * AdamTG nods.
[09:34] [Maniac> But we can't build echelon mirrors yet? Perhaps in short term a forest?
[09:34] [Maniac> 1-2-3 against 2-0-4 right?
[09:34] [GeneralTacticus> Even without EMs, it's still quite productive.
[09:34] [GeneralTacticus> And, yes, that's right.
[09:34] [AdamTG> Hmm. If we forest it now, we can always harvest that later... How much do we need minerals in that base?
[09:35] [GeneralTacticus> Not much.
[09:35] [GeneralTacticus> And if we do choose to go for a forest, we'll lose a turn's tarraforming - I already issued the order...
[09:35] [AdamTG> I'd say install the solar collector then. We only end up with one more resource if we forest it, and we can go without the minerals.
[09:35] [GeneralTacticus> 2108 complete.
[09:36] [GeneralTacticus> Industrial Base researched.
[09:36] [GeneralTacticus> I assume the next tech will be Centauri Ecology?
[09:37] [AdamTG> But of course. The Central Committee well understands that knowledge of our new home is the only way to ensure the dominance of the Hive, and its victory.
[09:37] [Maniac> Well said.
[09:38] [GeneralTacticus> There's an IoD with a spore launcher on board hovering near The Hive and our sumberible; what shall I do about it.
[09:38] [GeneralTacticus> ?
[09:38] [Maniac> Attack?

[09:38] [Maniac> Btw, I'm about to post the "freeze the ACPSG?" poll. Ok?
[09:39] [GeneralTacticus> Ok.
[09:39] [GeneralTacticus> Well, I could... but I don't know how much chance of success we'd have.
[09:39] [AdamTG> It's fairly crucial to attack. Even if we risk losing the submersible, we can't afford to simply leave ourselves open to spore launcher attack.
[09:39] [GeneralTacticus> Ok.
[09:39] [Maniac> Or can we bombard?
[09:39] [GeneralTacticus> Well. Odds are 16 to 7 in our favour.
[09:40] [GeneralTacticus> Bobmarding wouldn't do much good, anyway.
[09:40] [Maniac> Ah, no problem then.

[09:40] [GeneralTacticus> Easy. One dead IoD, and we got 20 ECs from it...
[09:40] [AdamTG> I think that in psi attack bombarding works out the same anyway.
[09:40] [GeneralTacticus> 2109 complete.
[09:40] [GeneralTacticus> Popping pod next to Tacticopolis...
[09:41] [GeneralTacticus>

[09:41] [GeneralTacticus> Tacticopolis forest complete, too.
[09:41] [GeneralTacticus> Spotted and killed some mind worms in a northern fungal patch; got 10 ECs from them. Shall I switch to Police State now?
[09:42] [AdamTG> Send our mindl^H^H^H^H^Hloyal Hive workers at once to investigate this artifact of ancient technology!
[09:42] [GeneralTacticus> Shall I have the T.polis formers start building a road to M.grad?
[09:43] [AdamTG> And yes, I fully approve of switching to Police State. Though I would prefer to wait until we can be certain of the General Secretary's decision.
[09:43] [AdamTG> If we no longer need to improve land due to the monolith, that sounds like an effective plan.
[09:43] [Maniac> Sounds good. Btw, I can't post a thread on Poly.

When I press "Submit new thread", I am returned to the main forum page, and no new thread has appeared.
[09:43] [GeneralTacticus> Odd.
[09:44] [GeneralTacticus> Just
plundered discovered the Unity secondary fusion reactor; 150 ECs garnered.
[09:44] [GeneralTacticus> Maniac: Switch to PS?
[09:45] [Maniac> OK.
[09:45] [GeneralTacticus> Oh, and your thread has appeared now...
[09:45] [Maniac> Indeed, what do you think of the text?
[09:45] [GeneralTacticus> 2110 complete.
[09:45] [GeneralTacticus> Dunno, haven't read it yet.
[09:47] [GeneralTacticus> Does anyone remember what modifications Darsnan said he'd made to the Unity Wreckage? i.e. are the units that come out on the water seafaring?
[09:47] [AdamTG> Given that this is Homecoming for many people (at least it was at my school), I think we should give it a few days before deciding to suspend things.
[09:47] [AdamTG> Yes. We would get another Unity Submersible.
[09:48] [Maniac> What is "Homecoming"?

[09:48] [GeneralTacticus> Excellent...
[09:48] * GeneralTacticus rubs his hands together.
[09:48] [GeneralTacticus> Independent Unity submerisble recovered...
[09:48] [AdamTG> Oh -- it's an American tradition. Guess you don't have it. Alumni come back to college, and the whiole school celebrates.
[09:49] [AdamTG> I hadn't considered that other nations wouldn't have that tradition.
[09:49] [GeneralTacticus> Plus a scout chopper, although that's atached to The Hive.
[09:49] [GeneralTacticus> 2111 complete.
[09:49] [Maniac> We indeed have not.
[09:50] [GeneralTacticus> 2112 complete.
[09:50] [Maniac> wow
[09:50] [AdamTG> Okay. That may change my views in the long run, but right now I still would give it a few days. Maybe your post will serve as a wake-up call.
[09:50] [Maniac> I indeed hope it does.

[09:50] [AdamTG> Nothing to report for that turn, I take it.
[09:50] [GeneralTacticus> Nothing.
[09:51] [GeneralTacticus> Cool - opened a sea pod near The Hive and found some kelp farms inside.
[09:51] [AdamTG> That should benefit us greatly as the kelp proliferates.
[09:52] * AdamTG envisions seabases.
[09:52] [GeneralTacticus> Damn - one of our sumberibles went into a bay, and when it tried to get our again, there an IoD waiting. The IoD got whipped, but it managed to run away.
[09:52] [GeneralTacticus> 2113 complete.
[09:52] [AdamTG> How damaged is the submersible?
[09:52] [GeneralTacticus> Not at all.
[09:53] [GeneralTacticus> Guess it's time to wrap the chat up, then.
[09:53] [AdamTG> Whew.
[09:53] [GeneralTacticus> It was only meant to go for 7 turns.
[09:53] [Maniac> That was a quickie.

[09:53] [AdamTG> I think that was the plan. And it's been fifty minutes, correct?
[09:53] [Maniac> Indeed
[09:53] [AdamTG> Always good to finish early.