April 15, 2000, 01:15
Local Time: 17:01
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I am not demanding any particular action on the part of land, just displaying my general displeasure of the entire situation and attitude of the Romans and their allies.
Rome claims to owe others, and make noble sacrifices, but let's be honest. Its the Texans and Fountainians who are REALLY making the sacrifices currently. Rome knows nothing of sacrifice, and to say that they do is insulting.
Who has settlers posied and ready to enter these new lands? Texas and Fountainia. Instead we are expected to leave a contient the size of Texas and a half to a power whom with out special help doesn't have a snowball's chance in heck of ever settling and defending it. Texas feels its claims have always been backed up with suitable amounts of power, power which Rome lacks to make similar claims on a larger, more fertile land mass.
I don't see how Rome managed to adopt a Texan polacy with the lack of power they have. Even Texas with the world's strongest military shares territory with 2 other powers on my home contient. I felt as I superpower, almost considered "good enough to stand on my own" that I could adopt, and back up if necessisary a polacy of no new foreigners on Texas. Certainly, some of the area's adjancant to core Roman areas should remain in your sphere of influance, but I don't see you as the type of power capable of such a task, greater than that of the Defense of Texas. As a result, every word that comes out of your mouth is hypocritical towards Texas. You call for peace, but subtily threaten war from the FUC if lands out of your grasp aren't left for you, so you can appease your allies with lesser lands.
Basicly I sense a general lack of graditude toward the Texans for all of their consessions toward the agressive FUC. Rome claims to be sacrificing their home land for their friends, but they are merely using an allinace as a wedge to steal land from others, land which they have no right to other than in the dillisional minds of those whom think they can imitate Texas without the power of Texas.
I do not like the way the world is. I can not be untrue to my feelings. Take this as your warning. Try no such trickery in the future. Texas has had their fill. If foreign alliances ever see it necessary to test the power of Texas, they are invited to the feild of honor. If needed Texas will earn the honor there that is always denied them in negoiations.
April 15, 2000, 09:42
Local Time: 23:01
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Location: Manhattan, Kansas . USA
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So tismight that makes right then?
and Rome has no intentions of rewarding the Sioux with inferior lands.
It is becoming sadly appearant to Rome that Texas has no intention of ever participating in a global accord of eternal peace. We pray that we be mistaken. You say Rome is unwilling to sacrifice for peace. But we will soon see who desires peace. It should be appearant that Rome would be fearful of a forign power having a substantial presence on Roman soil, but there would be no such fear if the forign power were allied to Rome.
Rome is prepared to return the land ceeded to Rome by Texas without compensation, and will give the land to Empress that she requested in return for any land that she may see fit to offer in return, even though it may be desert. In return I ask only that your two great nations join the FCU. Obviously such a deal pends upon acceptance of my allies of your admittance to the FCU, and upon agreement of the Sioux over the land, although Rome's generosity to her ally shall not be curtailed due to these lands given. Let us end the isolation of Texas for ever. I have no doubt that you can stand on your own two feet, but is it not better to stand with friends?
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Matthew (edited April 15, 2000).]</font>
April 15, 2000, 13:44
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I have some grading to do today that I haven't beenable to start as soon as I had hoped. I'm not sure I'll behome by 6:00 eastern, but I'll try
April 15, 2000, 17:16
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nevermind.I'm back
April 15, 2000, 19:38
wow some might change occured while i was moving !!!!
April 15, 2000, 22:56
The past few centuries have been very peaceful as the mighty SIOUX empire along with their powerful FUC allies concentrated on peaceful pursuits of Trade and diplomacy
many new cities were built and many treaty's signed. Much gift giving was enabled within our great allience and all appears well, although borders may be challenged in the futore as new land for expansion becomes scarse. The great SIOUX chief HYDEY HO the living GOD fears others may not follow our peaceful ways and those of FUC ,they may wish to force their way onto our lands . We warn any who intend this our defenses are mighty and no prisoners will be spared.
hooray hooray its a Hydey Hydey day
April 17, 2000, 05:24
As the Great Raz returend to his people, he looked around and appreciated the job his underling Finbar the mighty had done, he was so impressed that the new Territories ceded to us by Texas were named in his honour.
The only unfortunate thing was that The mighty Finbar had palced so many of our units in sleep mode that it took the great RAz many years to fully get his civ going again, apparently conversations with Finbar do usually lead to the other party falling alseep.
So with all units fully activated , we set about building more infrstructure on our small island home, and sending our goods as trade through out the lands.
A quick discussion was held re all known civs joinig the FUC allaince but it was felt that the other civs namely Texans and Fountinians would eventually want to break from allaince to pursue their own goals, so to prevent any angst later we voted no to this suggestion, but asked for world wide peace treaties and agreemtn on all borders.
As part of our global exploration , we met up with the mighty Spanish civilisation and although they had much good land free for settling , none was ceded to us. It is fortuante that the Texans gave us land earlier as without that we would now be over crowded. As it is our people are looking longingly to other inhabited spots of world and are wondering why their leadr doesnt possess these vacant lands for himself. Our people dont understnad the global peace plan.
please refer latest power graph and agreed borders map...
April 17, 2000, 06:03
As can be seen fro mattacehd map, many changes have occured since last cartographers passed away.. Roman lands not as big as firs tthought with much ocean breaking it up, but the land he has is better than most others with much grassland too. Sioux and Roman agreement of land share has reulted in more land for Sioux on Roman soil and includes area currently containing one Roman city. Deitys land in Spain has been reduced after meeting Spainish leader and coming to an agreement, although Spainish leader not completely happy with deal, he wanted all lands for himself. Mad Monks have gained no more lands but have cultivated their own and are growing daily in population, with little unexplored terrotory left the Mad Monks hope their allys can spare them some. The Texans gained more land from Rome and Texan/ Fountinian border re-established.
damn link didnt work reposted below..
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Rasputin00 (edited April 17, 2000).]</font>
April 17, 2000, 06:14
April 17, 2000, 06:31
April 17, 2000, 18:08
Local Time: 17:01
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With the world's boarders set, and most of the inhabitable land explored, and almost inhabited, Texas is looking forward to peace, calm and development.
In the last session, Texas manged to settle most of its remaining frontier with the establishment of 4 new cities. Besides a few planned canal projects in hostile areas, which will make traveling this world a bit easier, not much remains unsettled.
I await the next session.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Frank Johnson (edited April 17, 2000).]</font>
April 17, 2000, 19:34
The Empress
Local Time: 17:01
Local Date: October 30, 2010
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Location: cause mingy loves me
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The Land of Fountainia continues to prosper as two new cities were founded and many improvements have been made to the terrian of existing cities. Temples have now been built in all cities and the people are content. The Empress wishes to thank the Mighty Texans for the enduring support in setting aside a nice spot of grass land with an exquisite view of whales gracing the ocean. May our friendship endure forver.
However, the Empress is a little distressed over the rising power of the F.U.C., as they are drawing on the resources of 4 vast and growing nations. Also, most of Fountainia is now colonized and the Royal city planners are worried about the future of possible expansion. Regardless, the the people are optimistic and look forward to the continuation of world peace.
Goddess Empress
April 17, 2000, 23:35
THE DEITY is leaving Planet Diplo IV!
The omni-present one is not yet quite present on planet Diplo VI though 
His coming is imminent, however.
Captain Deiticus is a little concerned about the state of world affairs and the severe shortage of land for THE DEITIAN Kingdom. He feels he needs to expand the territorial claims of THE DEITIANS and has started counting grassland squares, forest squares..... oh God, how boring but if a job needs to be done to equalise the planets resources then none better than the Captain to sort it out. For, if he does not he may suffer the displeasure of THE DEITY when he arrives.
Be prepared for religious conversions on a global scale
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by iadkins (edited April 17, 2000).]</font>
April 18, 2000, 07:50
Can someone please contqct visaggio and please get him to post here....
April 19, 2000, 04:11
I've sent him an icq message.
It's visaggio icq# 68253079
April 20, 2000, 09:06
Hydey ho leader of the great Sioux looks forward tothe Easter session although the traditional huge Good Friday & Easter Saturday may take edge off my thought processes
May I take this moment to wish all a happy and safe Easter
hooray hooray its a Hydey Hydey day
April 22, 2000, 02:05
The Empress
Local Time: 17:01
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Location: cause mingy loves me
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Oh, will the fact that it will be Easter Sunday Aussi time be a problem? will we need to reschedule??
April 22, 2000, 04:11
I'll be there! As long as I don't play ToT too late
April 22, 2000, 09:02
I'll be there unless we have a power failure or my body decides that I need more than 3 hours sleep and 20 beers to survive
hooray hooray its a Hydey Hydey day
April 22, 2000, 14:20
Local Time: 23:01
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Due to developements in another world, in a place known to the flegling Roman science as "real world", Gaius Julius Caesar Octavian, better known as Caesar Augustus, will not be availible tonight. The search for an interim ruler has so far been in vain.
April 22, 2000, 17:48
Local Time: 23:01
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Posts: 28
The Empire seems to be recovering nicely after the initial onslaught of barbarian raiders. Our first two settlements have been repaired and strengthened, we feel that their defenses are more than capable should the barbarians return. The city of Praag has been rebuilt after the barbarian sacking, and is thriving. Not only is it now capable of defending itself, but it has even contributed to the defense of The Empire as a whole.
Additionally, several other settlements have been established, among these Erengrad and Nuln are doing nicely. The three other settlements have to fully entrench themselves into the landscape and their continuation is still in question.
Most notably in recent history is The Empire's first contact with another civilization. These people call themselves the Deitians. Emissaries have been going back and forth between the two governments, but as yet no significant developments can be reported. We have found 2 Deitian settlements on the continent that have the people rather concerned, The Emperor must know of these settlements, but did he allow them to be built? And if so, what has the Empire received in return? Just casual contact with these people has shown them to posses superior technology, including a higher form of government. Should the citizens of The Empire welcome these strangers with open arms, or should we be afraid? In either case….Be Wary
April 23, 2000, 00:12
Hydey Ho Mighty ruler of the Sioux returned from his trip down the worm hole to Diplo V and found a very peaceful world. During this peaceful period the sioux people have continued to grow in number and strength despite 2 AI takeovers due to power failure in a strange Aussie world. 2 new cities and much city improvement occured, many new trade routes were developed with my allies.
The Sioux people have enjoyed this peaceful period and hope it continues although we sence a change in attitude from those not part of the peaceful FUC allience. Hopefully all will see that peace is best for all of us which is the way FUC want it
Live in peace all CYA next week
hooray hooray its a Hydey Hydey day
April 23, 2000, 02:32
Local Time: 17:01
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With this session dawning with the absence of the wise and might Matt and Raz the world was without two of its greatest leaders. Their subordinates, agressive and inexpereinced creatures, went about wreaking havoc in the peaceful world.
The underlings entering the game greatly uniformed and begin to violate nearly every treaty on book. The Roman begins swamping squares in Texan city radii with illegal aliens, while the Mad Monks makeshifter insanely runs excess numbers of diplomats throughout my territory and expects me to tolerate them in highly sensative areas.
I was counting on the veteran hand of DEITY to sway his junior parterners to stop taking such foolish actions, including a near war between Rome and Spain over a tiny island of 6 squares. When I offered a solution where both sides went away with prime city locations I was verbally assulted by members of the FUC.
To top it off, DEITY did nothing to curtail the agressive, childlike actions, of his FUC allies. He didn't even try to put a reasonable face or diplomatic spin on his alliance's usual outrageous demands and actions. All he did was whine the whole session about what he didn't have, while maintaining between a 2:1 to 3:1 lead in cities and units between the 2 alliances.
I for one will be glad when both Matt and Raz return to their homelands and put to an end the brinkmanship of their foolish subordinates. If not, and actions such as these which threaten Texas today continue, and expansion of my defensive power is the only option with militart forces capable of intercepting attacks before they can be fully carried out.
April 23, 2000, 04:43
I think it is clear from both the actions of the Texans, as well as their diplomatic style (or lack of it), that they are lead by an aggressive meglamaniac. FJ Dangime is the name. He is carrying on like an arrogant world policeman, offerring veiled solutions to world trouble spots, without attempting to understand the cultural heritages involved.
In particular there is a potential conflict between the Spanish and Romans. I'm sure they can resolve it. But the attituide of the Texans forces FUC to state that they are of course fully behind the Romans in the event of any conflict. The unaligned Spanish are vulnerable and any conflict will result in reduced Spanish territory. There is a severe shortage of land in this world and the Spanish would be well advised to develop their lush homelands... we all have many everlapping city radii... it is inevitable in this world.
I only feel compelled to state this due to the interferance of the Texans. I'd have preferred to allow these two mighty nations to sort out an agreement.. but when push comes to shove the Romans are a FUC member.
AS for the Mad Monks, I believe they are following the brief handed out by Raz; and the establishment of diplomatic activities is perfectly within the bounds of this worlds protocols.
The Texans seem to be the long-winded whingers around here!
They even started counting squares and setting boundaries beyond their ability to adequately defend.
THE DEITIANS, in response have simply pointed out the fact that we have one of the smallest land areas. Not a problem as such but a fact to recognise if others are whinging about what grass squares they have etc
Goodness me, wait till THE DEITY arrives and sees what the son of Dangime from Planet Diplo IV has started to create on this planet.... a very unfriendly state of affairs indeed
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by iadkins (edited April 23, 2000).]</font>
April 23, 2000, 07:41
It was with great sadness to his people that The Great Raz had once again to attend to matters i nthe far off land of REAL WOLRD, it was there that the ultimate commander had ordered his presence. So with little time to organise the Mighty Finn to reappear, a new leader was appointed , a newcomer to the world of Dip VI and although the Great Raz gave some general direction of what his goals were, he allowed this newcomer to develop his own style, but one order to be not overturned was PEACE with all!!
Whilst we understand the friendly Texan being concerned over numerous diplomats in his territories, we assure him that they are only there on fact finding missions no evil undertones. If they upset our friend then they shall be removed at the return of the great Raz.
As for Roman/ Spainish activity, The Great Raz beleives that the Spanish have grabbed for themselves too much land for such a small nation, the people of raz Land are also looking for more land , but we are very concerned that the romans with much land already have made this grab for more land, a full session of the FUC allaince shall be called and a new border agreeement will be made.
As for Roman trespass into Texan border this too is agiant the FUC allainces agreement of borders so with the great Raz return this shall be addressed at the abovce mentioned meeting.
Till then , may peace continue,
PS.. If some one could email me latest save game it would be appreciated..
April 23, 2000, 23:04
Local Time: 23:01
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In the absence of my most glorious leader, Caesar, Emperor of Rome, I, his esteemed governor, Pompous Maximus, was recalled from my territory of Lutetia, and ordered to assume the reins of the Empire.
In doing so, I endeavoured to continue the policies of Caesar in bringing civilization to the underdeveloped world, as an explorer shines a torch in a damp, dark cave. Rome seeks only to make the gifts of its culture available to all those who desire them.
One example is the quaint island of Corsica. This small island is naturally in the sphere of Roman influence, and its colonisation by the Empire seems mutually beneficial and desirable. It was the tyrannical hand of Spain that reached forth from its own vast territory with the sole objective of exploiting the natives of Corsica. The Spanish despot fiercely refused repeated requests to withdraw from the Roman territory, and founded a slave colony there just as Roman settlers were preparing to disembark.
This act was widely condemned by the international community, with the exception of the Texans, a technologically advanced superpower that sought to bring all of its clout to bear in bullying the Roman Senate into relinquishing its rightful claim to the Corsican island. The reaction around the world has been shock, as Texas seeks to dictate foreign policy and impose judgements on other civilisations, let alone siding with an imperialistic, absolute monarchy over the peaceful Roman Republic.
I dare pray that the Texans will kindly remove themselves from affairs that do not directly involve them, and that the Spanish realise the folly of their error in judgement, before the mighty Caesar returns to Rome and sees pretensious claimants to his rightful lands.
Governor Pompous Maximus,
Acting Consul
April 23, 2000, 23:39
errr Raz.. The only problem with that is that the Romans are FUC members  I think you meant Spanish!
April 24, 2000, 00:05
Local Time: 17:01
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Deitian claims are quite strange indeed as usual. They claim I have more land than I can defend, well then I ask you, what nation's army would be better suited to the task of defending the world's largest country than the world's most advanced and largest defensive military of the Texans? Take the word of my foreign minister, My power is supreme and my reputation is spotless.
It is surely those with old maps that claim Texas cannot defend its boarders. A series of well defended cities have been constructed throughout the Texan frontier. A report from my interior minister states that settlments through the new territories are so frequent it would be wrong to any longer call it a frontier.
In anycase Texan territory did not expand at all this session and all progress was peaceful and internal. It is only through children's stories that Texas becomes the agressive, crushing militerist that foreign parents use to scare their children before bed.
I am glad to hear the words of the Great Raz once more. I look forward to continued peace, and a return to harmony between our two civilizations. It would be prudent of you to caution Deity, whom has been oh so nearly advocating invasions based merely on his small inferiorities to other nations.
April 24, 2000, 22:24
Local Time: 17:01
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My proposal to the Roman people was in the interests of world peace. Surely the last thing the world needs is futher inbalancing. By offering a solution where both parties came away with land AT MY OWN EXPENSE, I felt I was doing anything but bullying. However, I will note the Romans displeasure at being offered land, and will have the Texan polacy of giving land to smaller powers in the interests of peace amended to disclude the Romans since obviously it hurts their pride in some manner.
It is my hope that the Spainish realize the threat posed to them by the FUC. Doubts about the Spainish leadership has resulted in isolation with the Spainish Kingdom, however...Texas cannot allow the FUC to use a mere 6 square island as a justification as a land grab on the Mainland of Spain. The result would be obviously negative to the world balance of power, and only sow the seeds of future conflicts.
Texas in the interests of peace, will now offer SPAIN the ideal city location of (40,40) in Texan Northern Italy in the event they respond to this thread and drop their persuit of the minor island. You will find my city location equal to, if not superior to the island, with whales and fish ofshores and grasslands and forest near by. While it is located near other Texan cities, it is still better off than a 6 squared island, and the 2 resources I spoke of are yours uncontested.
Take it as a good will gift from the Generous people of Texas. I hope this will lead to a great friendship in the future.
April 26, 2000, 06:31
I meant Roman Deity, The Great Raz feels he has been patient in dealing with the aggresisive members of his allaince but it appears they may be taking advantage of his peaceful nature, Whilst the Mad monks of Raz land are squeezed into overlapping cities and desire more land, one of their allies lays claim to the only remaining island within sailing distance of Raz Land. A meeting of FUC at the disputed area shoudl however solve this problem.....
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