April 30, 2000, 22:17
After perusing saved game, The Great raz has detected his Sub has violated Treaty with Texans, as the Great Raz is peaceful player, he imeedialty notified the Texan leade rof this and asked for permission to withdraw all offending units found on Texan side of border and one transgressing city built by Sub wil lbe disbanded annd settler removed. We humbly apologise for this trespass. It will never be allowed to happen again ..
Rasputin The Mad Monk,
Ra Ra Rasputin,
Russias Famous Love Machine,
Ra Ra Rasputin,
Lover of the Russian Queen
May 2, 2000, 06:08
Hopefully we wil lhav epsots from all shortly, eve nthe great Raz gets bored reading his own posts eventuiaslly
May 2, 2000, 07:39
The mighty sioux found the world strangly empty for other nations Failed to show up at our arranged time. The Sioux and our allies the Germans enjoyed some wargames on the distant planet TOT. Hydey Ho hopes all nations will be pressent next weekend so fun can be had by all.
hooray hooray its a Hydey Hydey day
May 5, 2000, 06:33
Ok we need everyone to show for this.
USA/Canada Sat night at around 1800USA EDT; or Aussie Sun morning at 8am!
Please everyone show or advise ahead of time so a sub can be briefed.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by iadkins (edited May 05, 2000).]</font>
May 6, 2000, 18:55
this session began with Visaggio missing and no avaialble subs.. After much discusion it was agreed to cede al lspanish citys to allaince of Empress and Dangime , it was not easily agreeed but in intersts of game balance was decreed . Especially as Visaggio never posted here and appeared uninterested in continuing game .
May 6, 2000, 21:16
The Great RAz returned to his homeland to find it in ruins. and so he began the tremendous job of rebuilding it. Firstly all citys were renamed, then caravans production was resumed in line with our pewceful nature. troops in Texan teritory were removed.
The marvels of our people were also rewarded after many years of toil they built yet another wonder in Raz cenmtral the marvel of Leos Magic.
But not all was happy in world, word came to the great rAz that an evil usurper had taken control of Spain annd was lsaughtering the natives, fortunatly for the world , the wise Empress and the mighty Texans took it upon themsleve sto deal qwith the spainsih problem once and for all. so despite please form the Evil spainish leader the FUC allaince remained neutral during the spainish war and soon the spainsih natives were freed and given freedom under Empress and Texan rule
May 6, 2000, 21:17
The Great RAz returned to his homeland to find it in ruins. and so he began the tremendous job of rebuilding it. Firstly all citys were renamed, then caravans production was resumed in line with our pewceful nature. troops in Texan teritory were removed.
The marvels of our people were also rewarded after many years of toil they built yet another wonder in Raz cenmtral the marvel of Leos Magic.
But not all was happy in world, word came to the great rAz that an evil usurper had taken control of Spain annd was lsaughtering the natives, fortunatly for the world , the wise Empress and the mighty Texans took it upon themsleve sto deal qwith the spainsih problem once and for all. so despite please form the Evil spainish leader the FUC allaince remained neutral during the spainish war and soon the spainsih natives were freed and given freedom under Empress and Texan rule
May 6, 2000, 21:26
Hydey ho mighty leader of the Sioux empire was saddened to the Spanish people ruthlessly crushed by the agressive evil allience . Many of my sioux subjects wished to aid the poor defenceless spanish but our allience in FUC was more important then saving the spanish . Minor alterations in government and much city improving leave the sioux piosed for rapid advancement in the futore.
hooray hooray its a Hydey Hydey day
May 6, 2000, 22:37
Local Time: 17:01
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Dec 1969
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 1,261
It is easy to look through the hypocracy of the FUC. While they whine and cry and the descrution of the peace loving and innocent Spainish, if you scroll up this thread a bit you can see the FUC posturing for war with Spain, saying "Spain is vunrable" and will "loose territory" etc, etc.......
In fact it was the FUC who undermined the Spainish government in the first place. Angry with the settlement of Corsia island by the Spainish, certain agressive factions of the FUC sought to topple the Spainish Monarchy and place a FUC pupper government, aka AI, on the throne. Fortuently for the people of Spain the plot was revealed before the imposters could take full military control. The people clammored for Texan-Fountainian support, and soon all but their capital was freed from the FUC sponcered AI, who desprately tried to build garrisons, but the FUC who saw their plan had already failed, abandoned the AI government in Spain and left the tratiors to feel the wrath of their loyal countrymen. The true King of Spain now serves as governor of the Spainish Autonomus Region of the Free Nations Alliance.
In other news, an invasion of Texas was ended peacefully by Texas-Mad Monks negoiating teams. International War Crimes Tribunals found J23 guilts of 27 various treaty violations, including landing hostile military forces in Texan territory, building permanent fortified locations in Texan terriory and disrupting the home of the rare Giant Horny Toads in the Great Texan Swamp. The tribunal sentanced J23 to 99 consectutive death sentances  , however the criminal was exvodited into Mad-Monks custody after the verdict to face local charges of "Stupidly renaming cites", and was only agreed to by Texan authorities after the MadMonks representative assured us that "He will suffer a fate worse than death."
May 6, 2000, 23:33
Local Time: 23:01
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Apr 2000
Posts: 6
*Begin Transmission*
Kent Brockman: We are here in the city of Raz to report to you the imprisonment of a madman. Reports indicate he was -
*J Growls, From behind bars*
Buahaha. The fools *twitch* whi...w..whipped me! I have scars, permanent scars! They shall learn though. The leader that calls himself Rasputin is not worthy of that name... I am Rasputin reborn.. In Spi.. Spirit!!! I now summon my powers to...
*A blue portal appears, and looking through it J sees the great shape of Egypt in another world. He steps through*
Soon thereafter, I was made Pharaoh of this wonderful earth known as Diplo V. Its people are much more submissive. Mwahaha. You cannot contain the J. You can't.
Have a nice day
*End Transmission*
May 7, 2000, 02:24
The Great Raz is not happy with the mighty texan leader as his words reak of antagonism , during the battle on spain he upheld the Empress/Texan allaince to tkae the last bastion of Spainisah land their capitol without incurring the wraith of the FUC. If the Texan leader c0ontinue sto taunt us he will find that whilst the mad monks are peace lovers, we love respect even more so, and if a nation shows us no respect when we do the righ thing then our people cry out for justice. The FUC allaince may be made up of many diverse types, including one aggresive God like creature, but the Great Raz has constained him many times due to his peaceful nature, if this last outburst at attempt to undermine FUC is not withdrawn then the restraint shown by the Great Raz may have come to an end. His people already claim that Spain had never fully allied with the Empress /Texans and so should have received more support, perhpas the great Raz has need to send units to Spain and assess fopr himself the extent at which spain belongs in hands of these people who decry the works of The Great RAZ
May 7, 2000, 06:12
Sioux cities are being swelled by the huge amounts of Spanish refugees seeking protection. These poor people bring tales of cruel and hiddious crimes against humanity brought upon them by the EVIL TEXANS. The tales they tell of the rape and sodomy of defencless women and children saddens the Sioux people who naturally give sanctuary to all refugees in need of help. Through all this misery it is pleasing to here that not all spanish people are suffering as some have been saved from Texan evils by the peace loving Empress. The Sioux people wish the Empress well in her efforts to control her evil war loving allie.
hooray hooray its a Hydey Hydey day
May 7, 2000, 08:20
Captain Deiticus is most displeased with his allies, The Mad Monks, imprisonment of the brilliant General J23SE.
Here was a bright youn man who saw the light and could see the twinkling of THE DEITY amongst the stars in a far away world known as Diplo IV 
J23SE, gifted by THE DEITY and like a brother to Captain Deiticus, has been lost to planet Diplo VI.
The Mad Monk must be mad!
Raz, what have you done to poor J23SE? You have lost your last chance to regain respect in this world
FUC is fuced.
Raz is stuffed. WE must call an urgent emergency meeting of FUC to decide on our loyalties. This half-baked Monk thinks he owns FUC!
And what is this about an aggressive God?
I, captain Deiticus will report this to THE DEITY, whose wrath has no bounds when referred to as aggressive
For in truth, HE is such a meek and modest God
His coming is something to be reckoned with and HE will come, for his Empress
As it is The Deitians fair quite well on this poorly land in planet Diplo VI. But lack of land for expansion is a real problem...
May 7, 2000, 11:36
Local Time: 17:01
Local Date: October 30, 2010
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Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 1,261
Great Raz, do not take my statements as condeming the FUC in its entirity. Although I do admit your sudden turn around on your opinion of the people of Spain is worrisome and annoying, its also typical of the propaganda spouted by the agressive factions of your alliance. There will always be some agressive factions in our governments. Some opposed the idea of allowing the Mad Monks on to the Finbar Penisula, others more rescently thought that a more humble position of the FUC alliance would be required after a blantant and clearly illegal action was taken by J23 and praised by Deity, one of the main factions of your alliance. Thankfully cooler heads prevailed. I understand the delicate balance that the FUC is, and how that balance was disturbed when the Great Raz was not leading his nation directly.
My point is that while I do nothing when your junior members jabber on about the "Evil Texan" with their baseless nonesense, Texas has REAL cause for concearn.
Let's get a few things straight.
Who was hostilely, and illegally invaded? Texas was, by the FUC.
Who, no less than last session was preparing to go to war with Spain over a 6 square island? That'd be the peace-loving FUC.
Now who is agressive? Hm? Whose so evil and doing wrong? Its you FUC. Yes you. But I have worked with you. I have tried to understand you, and I have turned the other cheek already once. You should be greateful for the forgiveness Texas has bestowed on you, instead you return to your slings and arrows, bash the Evil Texans. I personally have had my fill... if theres another invasion I will kill it, then I will land in the homeland that sponcered the invasion and I will make them pay the price and answer to the rule of law. If the FUC finds fault in me for attacking those who in the future invade my lands, then the FUC is obviously evil and supports agression, the only treaty that has been broken in this game has been by the FUC, so think about that before you whine about whatever.
May 8, 2000, 06:23
The Great Raz grows tired of the whining he hears day to day from both the so called God Creature to his south and also the Aggresive elements of the Texan Government to his west. The Mad Monks no longer feel secure in their relationships. The Texan refuses to apo0logise and the leaders to our south who worship a false Deity are more infuriating each day. The Great Raz formed the FUC allaince to promote world peace and was hoping we could all worship the ONE GOD of the Mad Monks. But it appears we come to a cross road. If there is no public apology forthcoming from the aggresive false God worshipers to our south, we shall take our Bat and Ball and play our own game. WE are not afraid to step out and go our own way, our people are smart and strong (not to mention good looking) and will become the Switzerland of this Dip VI world....
May 9, 2000, 05:41
For the obserevers to this game here is altest Poweergraph... Maps havent changed much since last session so no real point in upodate

May 9, 2000, 08:31
Hydey Ho great Sioux leader calls for calm from his FUC allies . Do not allow the evil Texans to drive a wedge between us . We all joined FUC with the intention of bringing peace to all the world, so please Deitians and Mad Monks please come and join the Romans and myself in a big puff on the biggum peace pipe . Then we can all go forth and spread the Peacful message of FUC
hooray hooray its a Hydey Hydey day
May 10, 2000, 08:12
The Great Raz has ordered his current underling in human form Rasputin XXV , to meet with the friendly Sioux leader a good suck on peace pipe is always fulfilling, but if the unsavoury Deitician leader still refuses to apologise then we will be unable to continue our relationships and unfortuanlty wil lbe forced to go our own way. The Mad Monks are very respectful people and beleive that respect for one another is paramount...
May 10, 2000, 08:26
sorry, given it up
May 10, 2000, 11:48
The Great Raz sees the apology of the Deity and accepts it...
The FUC can again sit together and smoke the same peace pipe !!!
May 10, 2000, 18:56
Local Time: 17:01
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Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 1,261
I'm sort of relieved. Anyway Deity, seriously in the future, why not avoid assoicating yourself with cray stunts like J23's invasion? It could only have had negative effects. I wouldn't assiocate myself with any covert invasion of your territory...so I don't see why you thought it was a good idea.
All you've done is gotten my feelers out...I don't need any excuses for smashing the next little stunt...its not good for the world peace we currently enjoy! Let's renew our commitment to peace. Texas, whom has never invaded anyone or supported agressive actions...commits its self to world peace!
May 11, 2000, 22:09
errr, sorry, I wasn't saying sorry!
I said sorry (meaning, I won't be smoking the peace pipe) cos I've given it up!! Smoking that is!
Stuff apologies.. Captain Deiticus apologises to no one. He did not support the Outpost Q settlement. Invasion? Huh?
Clearly the unsavoury monk is in bed with some cowboy
Wait till THE DEITY hears about all this!
May 12, 2000, 00:15
Clearly Captain Deiticus is mentally challenged. Outpost Q was clearly a Deity suggestion as we found within the embers of the burning city a temple built for the worship of the Deity within. World peace could have been drastically afffected by this course and we feel the Captain Deiticus needs replacing. His insolent behaviour has upset The Great Raz who will no longer communciate with his FORMER ally. The democratic government of Mad Monks will desolve all agreemtns with Deity immediatly ....
May 12, 2000, 18:58
Well Real Life keeps interfering with this games continuance, Friday night/Sat morning session is cancelled due to Empress and Matt being unavaialble, Sat night/Sun Morning session cancelled due to it being Mothers day Down under...
And for more bad news , next two weeks I will be interstate and so unavaialbe again ....
May 12, 2000, 19:05
Local Time: 17:01
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Dec 1969
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 1,261
I declare myself the winner....that is if you feel like playing again....IN A MONTH :P
May 12, 2000, 19:17
May 12, 2000, 19:39
well as i posted in hydeys other thread. we all have REAL world commitments to cater to, if you are Online geeks with no REAL life then I feel sorry for you , but for us others, our commitment to CIV is hign but it takes back seat to work and school and any family crisis.
If you want to end game then so be it, it just shows you not so committed as you say, otherwise you would wait for proper conclusion to game.
As this was an alliance allowed game, from powergraph and City numbers and unit numbers the Allaince with combuined greatest in all is FUC allaince so if game ends then the FUC win.
Other wise I wil see you all in 3 weeks time
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Rasputin00 (edited May 12, 2000).]</font>
May 12, 2000, 20:02
I'll be here waiting, waiting ,waiting will they turn up or have they not informed me . I accept your reasoning Raz like you I have many real world issues to contend with and like you always warn others (all others in the game) if I can't make it
some others are not like us they feel the need to just not turn up
hope to see all here in the futore to see this game through
May 12, 2000, 20:10
I agree Hydey, most important part is simply infroming oithers of your ianbility to play,
The issue of sbs needs adressing as last time we used subs in this game the subs changed the path of game and unblanced a finely tuned game. In future al lsubs must be announced prior to game session start and be agred upon by all members. The sub must continue to uphold all aliances and treaties and any agreements players have made, emails of current agreements should be forwarded to sub ,and sub should hav eread these Posts to inform himsel/herself of current condition of game..
May 21, 2000, 23:42
I believe we can continue this game on USA Sat night (1800EDT) on 3/6/2000. Raz, can you and everyone else confirm their availability?
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