November 20, 2000, 02:21
Local Time: 06:07
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Red Front
Posts: 556
Keeping AIs from making peace...
A little problem that someone else may have run up against: AI nations making peace with eachother...
I have disabled negotiations in the Events and repeatedly make the AI nations attack eachother which they do but I still get the pop-up "The War between... has ended" at regular intervals.
Has anybody had this problem and found a solution? Could it be that the Negotiation event trigger with "anybody" does the same as the unitkilled trigger and remembers who the first "anybody" was and then only applies to that same Civ in subsequent turns?
Any help would be appreciated.
November 20, 2000, 02:42
Local Time: 06:07
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IIRC, that's just a bug in the game that makes the peace message pop up when the two civs are still really at war.
November 20, 2000, 03:44
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Nemo, my theory is that in addition to peace by negotiation, there is peace by timer. After a certain number of turns in which two civs at war have been out of contact or failed to take a city, the AI makes peace between them automatically. I think if you've got a "make aggression" event each turn, there should be no undesirable effects. Perhaps you can just erase the message in the game file just so it doesn't annoy you.
November 20, 2000, 12:12
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Give them an embassy with each other. I think that's how I solved my problem.
With your problem, they're still at war, just permanently out of contact .
The problem is that the AI will not actively seek out cities and units belonging to that empire since they do not "know" the empire exists... (so it's like vs. Barbarians)
November 20, 2000, 15:22
Local Time: 06:07
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Posts: 556
Thanks for the advice:
I have the Embassies on both sides so that's not the problem.
I am not sure about the contact issue. They seem to have plenty of military contact so it's questionable. It happens only between 2 AIs like US and Germans in Red Front and Air Force and Germans/Kriegsmarine/Luftwaffe in Second Front if you play only the Allies and let the AI control the Air Force. I even had Germans and Soviets making peace in 2194 Days when playing the UK or USA.
I have fixed it in the past by eliminating the message (In Red Front for example) and using the "Make aggression" every turn.
I still question the issue of using "Anybody" Flag in a Negotiation trigger. In the unitkilled trigger it definitely "remembers" which Civ was involved in the first occurance and then limits it to the same circumstances...
November 20, 2000, 16:17
Local Time: 06:07
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Captain Nemo, you can try going into game.txt or one of the .txt files (probably the huge one) and just deleting it out of there, and put it in the scenario file. By that, I mean delete the message in the .txt file where it says that "The war has ended between CIV@ and CIV@." Or something like that.
I suggest you make a backup of the files before-hand though.
If that doesn't work, maybe some sort of editing of the game?
November 21, 2000, 06:39
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If I have 7 civs in a scenario, it tends to be a lot events-consuming to add everyone to a negotiation trigger. However, if I only have 2 or 3 civs, it is always much safer to add negotiation (and also makeagression) events separately for each civ.
For the rest, did you set the attitudes to 100 (disliking) and add a vendetta in the diplomacy cheat menu? That usually helps a lot too.
Well, I can't say too much more about this problem, as I don't recall ever having had problems with i.
November 21, 2000, 08:22
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My experience is that what you describe happens even when you code all of the negotiation triggers tribe by tribe. So, I don't think that the anybody parameter is to blame.
November 21, 2000, 10:15
Local Time: 08:07
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In my new Rome scn as well as in another scn I have 7 civs, only one IfNegotiation event that forbids diplomacy (seems to work), but also these text messages that say some AIs make peace (but they don´t).
Editing the game.txt is the only solution I know...
November 21, 2000, 19:40
Local Time: 06:07
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Tecumseh has it down pat.
The whole thing is time based, i've seen it happen many times. Even in regular non-scenario games.
If two civs stay out of contact with eachother for (i'm guessing here) say 20 turns. The game resets their contacts and places them at peace.
A way to relieve this is to;
a.) Make sure they all have embassies with eachother.
b.) Make sure attitudes levels are set differently than at the normal 0 at the start of the scenario.
c.) Make sure to set your "set last contacts" turns for each civ with each player.
Yeah, it's a pain in the butt to do it, but it's worked for me.
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November 24, 2000, 12:12
Local Time: 23:07
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This seems to run counter to all the other advice, but it definitely worked in EotBA:
1) Use both MakeAggression and IF Negotiation events and make them civ-specific.
2) Use Edit King, Edit Treaties and UNCHECK every block that indicates a relationship with the "enemy" civ. Do this for both kings.
The result is both permanent war AND permanent non-contact, and thus no "timer" kicking in every 20 turns or so.
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