I've got a boring techie question, and since this is a boring techie thread (sorry Narz), then I've decided to post it here, despite the fact it is irrelevant and potentially a threadjack.
I'm looking to get a laptop at Christmas (probably in the sales), so that should make my SXN playing more reliable.

But whatever I buy has to be able to play MGE so what should I look for. I know Civ 2 is an old game and most computers these days ought to be able to handle it easily, but I don't want it to slow down terribly once there are a hundred cities on the map. If anyone plays Civ 2 on a laptop already then please tell me what it is, and whether you'd recommend it. All help gratefully appreciated.

PS - I am definitely going to get as mouse for it so don't worry about the lack of number keypad or my having to use the scroller pad/ball.