October 28, 2000, 22:27
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List of Scenario Ideas that Were Never Used
Hmm... I've always been interested in intresting way of manipulating scenario files to create a unique effect. I think I've worked out:
-a point to point transporter: basically, you have a "portal" unit, which with an ADM of 0/1/0, would trigger an UNITKILLED event that would
a) move any unit within a 1 square perimeter to a predestained point via a MOVEUNIT action
b) recreate the "portal" unit to be used again.
Would this work?
Anyhow, post your idle ideas for scenarios... what is one man's garbage may be another's treasure.
October 28, 2000, 22:43
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no. Simply because moveunit does not affect player controlled units or units with orders already. Only newly created units can be affected by moveunit.
October 28, 2000, 22:45
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This wouldn't work. The MOVEUNIT command just tells units to move in their normal fashion (overriding the AI if it wants to move them elsewhere.) Also, it doesn't work anyway.
One interesting idea might be to simulate the need for supply trains to go with armies. You could make every unit an aircraft with range of 0 (this would have to be on a map w/o easily accessible ocean), and then make a supply train ground unit that costs quite a bit to produce and has the "Can refuel air units" flag on. The armies would thus get weaker and weaker the further they went from friendly cities without a supply train, and it would be essential to send at least one with every invading army. This would open up a new strategy of going straight for the enemy's food.
An interesting variation on this would be to make the Supply Train an aircraft with range of 10 or so. The food contained on it would thus only be enough to last troops a few turns away from their home before it runs out (in normal game terms, crashes). Some advances, like Refrigeration, could give you supply trains with a greater range, so your armies can stay out in the field in a far-off land longer.
Of course, this would mess up the AI big-time, so it would be best for multiplayer...
October 29, 2000, 06:55
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Damn, I started thread exactly like ths only 10 days ago! Anyway, here's post I started that thread with.
There have been few tricks for scenarios floating around in my head. I am too lazy to make scenarios, so anyone
can use them if they need. (As if they'd need my approval!)
Anyway. First would be about American Civil War - type scenario. Well, not necessarily that, but it would be best
example. I've been thinking about best way to simulate Confederacy to get England and France to support itself,
and I think I've got it.
In this case, England and France would both we shown as whole. Bit like in Nemo's American Civil War
scenario. They both would only be able to build capitalization - at least in start of the scenario. Also, they'd both
be researching tech called Intervention. Normally they wouldn't be able to research it until scenario ends.
However, if Confederacy manages to run enough caravans (with blockade runners) to Europe, that would
naturally stimulate their trade, leading to more science coming out. So, if Confederacy manages to get enough
stuff to Europe, they'd actually research the tech in time to help Confederacy. That would, of course, mean
Confederacy getting extra troops from Europe. Also, British would have some units in Canada. However, they
couldn't move until research of Intervention (English would have Leonardo's Workshop to upgrade the units), but
after that, US would face prospect of invasion from Canada. Same could be done with British navy.
Trade wouldn't necessarily do it alone, of course. Europeans wouldn't be able to build anything, right? So, if
Confederacy manages to score victories, they could get techs to make Europeans able to build libraries,
universities and wonders to stimulate science. I'm not sure if they'd actually do that, but if they did, this model
would become even better. Likewise, if Union scores victories, Europeans would get loads of useless
technologies, which would slow their research down.
Another idea is about arms trading. One of those Israeli scenarios already had one application of idea - both
sides had Arms trader unit, which could, once in turn "buy" (attack) unit, which would then be transferred to side
who "bought" it. My idea, however, has been developing itself for some time. It includes allowing negotiations
with foreign powers, and modifying tech exchange. Instead of technologies being swapped, bought and sold, the
foreign power would have "Arms". These, when gained by side buying them, would cause new stuff appearing to
them via events.txt. This would allow the foreign power to gift the buying power with "Arms", for sides to possibly
swap "Arms" (one side could have loads of useless tecnologies with high point value, making foreign power
want to share technologies), or buy them with money (like in regular Civ: "Give us 200 gold and we'll give you
Writing" would change into "Give us 200 000 dollars and we'll give you 1000 Tanks", with 1000 Tanks being the
name of the tech". And if spies are involved, these "arms" could even be stolen. This would, of course, involve
lots of reworking of game.txt, but if done right, could be really cool.
October 29, 2000, 20:22
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Orient Express
The objective would be to build a railroad from Paris to Constantinople.
-Every terrain square contains a corresponding air unit
-Engineers can both build railroads and attack air units
-An engine is a high power attacker with low movement points(requires railroad) used to "take" cities
-Connecting to Rome, Madrid, Munuch, etc. gives bonuses like extra engineers or trade engines
St. Leo
October 30, 2000, 00:39
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Recurring unhappiness
In South Korea, with the fall comes student protests. For my scenario I wonder how I could model it such that around September unhappiness increases or happiness decreases in all South Korean cities. Since you can't take away techs (can you?) I can't think of a way to do this. Since this has other applications in other scenarios, has anyone thought of or can anyone think of a way to do it?
October 30, 2000, 05:46
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Eternal: Hmm... how about big load of useless units, that would lead to happiness penalty, being created in September, and being somehow disbanded in spring? I can't think of any other ways. It would require S. Korea being republic, of course.
October 30, 2000, 12:46
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How can I trust the computer not to disband them before I destroy them? Unless I use ToT, in which case I can make units that it can't disband.
October 30, 2000, 17:03
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The easiest way to make people get unhappy at a specified time is to set up Wonders that cause happiness (like the Gardens, the Cathedrals and such) and then give the S. Koreans a tech that makes them obsolete.
October 30, 2000, 19:05
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How about an economical simulation? Like military units being merchants, caravans or whatever? The goal would be to establish as many contors (conquer as many cities) as possible?
October 30, 2000, 23:32
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7 ; City size for first unhappiness at Chieftain level
14 ; Riot factor based on # cities (higher factor lessens the effect)
St. Leo
October 31, 2000, 00:50
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Whatever happened to that "The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union" scenario?
The strategically impaired,
October 31, 2000, 02:13
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St Leo, thanks! Of course! Too bad it will require me to change rules.txt, but I think the ceasing of activity and diverting of attention to student protests might be a big factor in this scenario.
But I have one more thing I need help with: How can I simulate North Korean tunnels as a method of getting units past the DMZ and into the ROK? The map of Korea is quite big, though perhaps not big enough to accomodate all 20 of the tunnels (that number is a government estimate).
The only possible thing I can think of is putting little cities with "Airports" on each side that allows "airlifts" to the other side. But the drawbacks of this are obvious.
October 31, 2000, 04:38
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Well, the two ways I see are either using railroads and/or airports, or just "creating" the units that pop out of the tunnel, using events.
October 31, 2000, 05:57
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Or how about a scenario that plays entirely on land in the 20th century (civil war or interstatal war) using railroads as air routes? Airplanes, of course, are invisible and so.... this somehow has to be developed but I think that is a provocating thought.
October 31, 2000, 07:01
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Some time ago I thought about a little scn about firefighters. They have several different units like helis, "waterbombers" and so on and the goal is to protect a city from a huge, devastating fire (the attacking civ, very aggressive).
You can make different places where there fire has started (sorry, don´t know the correct translation fo "Brandherd"  ) as cities with a fire graphic.
November 2, 2000, 00:24
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I've had a couple of scenarios that I've considered making, but as I'm up to my neck in work for the next few months, I'm posting the ideas here for others to adopt.
1. "Up Against The Wall, Mother****ers" - Takes place on the campus of a small university in an unspecified location. Student protests against (the Vietnam War/the WTO) turn ugly, and student radicals battle police in the streets.
-Civs include Radical Students (in dorms and apartment buildings), Moderate Students (same), University Administration (university buildings, like the student union and class buildings), and The City (buildings located off-campus)
-Map could use a variant of DarthVeda's Gangster scenario.
-Begins with unarmed Protester and Police units. After a day or two, armed Protesters appear in the crowd and attack the Police, leading to the ability for the Police to build armed units.
-Time scale set to -2, so 2 months pass every turn (with months renamed Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Wknd) and years become Weeks in a semester.
-The death of an unarmed Protester results in the Police losing money, but there is no way for the Police to tell whether a Protester is armed or not.
2. "Pax Europa" - Set in Central Europe in 1933. The supposedly peaceful European order is threatened by various states.
-Civs include the Nazis, the Little Entente (France, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Romania), the Protocol States (Italy, Austria, and Hungary), and possibly others, like Poland.
-Goal is for Nazis to expand their regime as far as possible before August 1939.
November 3, 2000, 22:40
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Facilities - Basically, you have a single immobile unit with high defense. It would, every turn, execute a CREATEUNIT for each civ for a special type of unit (not a facility unit). If killed off, it would be recreated under the control of whoever killed the unit (they take control of the facility). Basically, since the square is already occupied, only the person who controls the facility's event would activate. Would this work?
BTW, if this works, I'm adding this into my scenario. This is one of a few original ideas I thought up.
November 12, 2000, 18:24
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BURP... er... BUMP!
November 18, 2000, 21:35
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For the first time in ages I was able to see the effects of global warming, and decided to jot down the terrain changes (see http://apolyton.net/forums/Forum3/HTML/001516.html) as I'm quite anal like that. Remembering a speculative article about how mars might be terraformed over a period of 500 years by deliberately inducing global warming I thought of how this could be used, and remembered this thread.
Anyone remember those two FW scenarios: "Ice Planet" and "Mars"? Well you could edit the rules.txt so there was a progression of terrain types but in reverse to the normal civ2. So you'd start at grassland and work backwards to desert, except desert is the most productive. You could transform these, but the factor is set so high it would take a long time. What you would be required to do would be to deliberately induce global warming to make your terraforming of the planet quicker. This way you can also use those pollution adding techs to good effect.
The Historical Civ2 Site
"The man who can smile when things go wrong has thought of someone he can blame it on" - anon
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed" - President Eisenhower
November 21, 2000, 15:53
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Another idea I've considered is that of barbarians with nukes - in this case, creating a scenario based on Europe during the Black Death.
The "nukes" would be replaced with the plague, which would descend on cities from offshore "Plague Ships" (submarines) that would be invincible. The pollution icons would be replaced with "mass graves". No global warming, of course!
The barbarian units would be created offshore at historical times, and the barbarians would have no land units, leaving an opportunity for land-based armies to exploit the sudden infection of a city (or opposing army).
The SDI could be replaced by "Personal Hygeine". Likewise, spies, instead of planting nuclear devices, could "Carry Infected Blankets".
I'm really curious as to how instant destruction would play in a medieval setting, and may create the darn scenario myself, if I have time...
November 22, 2000, 23:40
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I considered a Black Plague scenario myself. But I didn't feel like going through the effort...
I didn't know that barbarians could use nukes. At any rate, I think you will need more than just nukes. Other air or missile unit to kill other units would be in order.
Also I don't think there was any "personal hygiene" in the mideival time, no matter how much the plague demanded it. Ultimately the plague died out because it was running low on people to infect. The better idea to make SDI would be "Containment Program" -such as the city that boarded infected people up in their homes, or maybe actually "City Walls" shich could stop plague-carriers trying to enter the city. You could rename City Walls somethig else.
And I don't know if "mass graves" is appropriate for pollution either, since mass graves wouldn't destroy mines or irrigation. I'm not sure what you could call pollution to make it more realistic.
November 23, 2000, 18:51
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Seems that "The Plague" is a fairly popular scenario idea then. I too had thought of one, inspired by the XVII century plague in Italy, which are wondrously depicted in one of italian literature's masterpieces, "I Promessi Sposi" ("The Bethrothed") by Alessandro Manzoni (which are BTW compulsory read in high school...  ).
Basically you would have various 99 barbarian attack unit ranging from the "untori" (disease carrier), shadowy charachters said to have been in trade with the devil (but usually scapegoats), which would be perfect substites for spies , to the fearful Landz Knecht ("Lanzichenecchi"),swiss mercenaries, the fiercest in Europe at the time, which carried the disease from the North to Italy. Throw in Hysteria-stricken mob, spanish occupiers and papal troops for added fun. (You could have regular and diseased version of most units...) 99 Attack partisans that pop out when a city is conquered would be fun to have, too...
Barbarian use 99 attack units pretty well, even if they stay on land, i tried it a while ago.
The SDI would be substituted by lazar house ("lazzaretti"), part of the city held in quarantine where corpses where held and people infected where carried to die, conforted only by some prayer or the goodwill of a nun  ...
As for pollution, just call it "infection" and use Nemo's "Bones" special resource icon... After all the plague DID de-populate the countryside, kill off the cattle, and had many crafting activity shut down (remember that pollution halves production too, an added benefit for realism)...
"Monatti" (people infected by the disease who did not die therefore developing an immunity) should be used as settler (to clean up pollution and restore damaged improvement), because they did, in reality, gather up corpses to burn them and so on (like sacking the houses of the dead  ).
Example of Diseased Landz Knecht (barb unit only, but can be bribed, they're mercenaries after all)
99 A 3 D 2 M 2 Hp 2 Fp All as Road, +50% Def vs 2 mov units, Domain: Land Role: Attack
They can roam the countryside and pillage it with that last 1/3 movement point, will infect (destroy) a lot of the populace, will occupy an empty city and be quite though to crack them out of it once they do...
Hope you enjoyed it!
November 24, 2000, 04:27
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Events will not create Barbarian Naval units at sea. The only way to do this (that I'm aware of) is to have a Barbarian island city and then create them inside the city. Even then I'm not sure they'll do much. Barbarian naval units typically focus only on moving troops, and rarely attack anything. Whether they'd carry nuclear missiles (and use them) is an open question.
November 24, 2000, 06:41
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The plague idea with Barbarian nukes sounds great,I´d like to use it in a future scn. Hope you have nothing against that...
November 24, 2000, 11:23
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Nukes to represent Plague is actually not a new idea. To the best of my knowledge, Jesus Balsinde was the first to do this in his 1998 Visigoths scenario. The unit stats for "Malaria" in his Sable scenario are as follows:
Malaria, Las, 1, 40.,2, 99a,0d, 1h,1f, 16,0, 3, no, 000000000000001
November 25, 2000, 01:23
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Nukes as plagues? I know that one from a scenario made in 1997 or so. Still made with CiC. It's a scenario about the Hanseatic League.
But if you want to have diseases you could as well use factories and powerplants to cause pollution renamed diseases or something. The pollution squares would be littered with decaying corpses or represent ill citizens. Building hospitals(recycling plant or solar power plants) and hireing physicians would help make the people healthy again.
Nukes could be really bad sudden outbreaks of plagues with all that comes along it.
Mathias' Civ II Page
November 26, 2000, 07:41
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Well, I've been toying around with Warsaw Uprising scenario idea, which would have German aerial bombings and artillery fire simulated with nukes, and global warming showing up as gradual deterioritation of city buildings... Not sure how it would be done, but it's definitely something to think about.
November 27, 2000, 12:54
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That is a damn good idea... Was that one of the ideas we had for Captain Nemo in talking about a Stalingrad scenario, or did you think of that?
November 28, 2000, 09:21
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It was, actually, my idea. It mainly came from that SimCity's unforgettable Hamburg 1944 city, with Allies constantly firebombing it - idea of using nukes came naturally from thinking of graphical effect of that, and idea of city deterioriation came from when I wondered how global warming would be thwarted. (IIRC, even if pollution was stopped, GW could still occur if there's enough nuclear pollution.)
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