November 11, 2003, 20:33
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Originally posted by Uber KruX
empty barricades in neutral land stop everyone, even if you just built it.
was that intended?
Yes, I believe so. I don't think it keeps track of who built it, only whose territory the tile belongs to (if it's not your territory, it will stop you whether or not it's someone else's...although I haven't checked to see what happens if you have a RoP with the civ whose territory the tile is in...)
November 11, 2003, 21:35
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This would be very hard to reproduce, but my mouse buttons stopped working after a lengthy session (4 or 5 hours). The mouse works properly in all other applications prior to and after fumbling for the hotkeys to save and then exit C3C.
I was in the Mil Advisor, scrolling through Units Captured By for various civs when it quit working.
I am using XP Pro.
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November 11, 2003, 22:06
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Agricultural Food Problem
Originally posted by Merepatra
Ooops thats what can happen when I do an answer without checking my notes . Yes you do get the extra food in the city centre when you change out of despotism to any Government that doesn't have the Standard Tile Penalty flag checked, which in the standard game means you get the extra food in all Governments except Despotism.
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A girl who plays CIV3
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Thanks for answering my question
November 11, 2003, 22:19
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Sorry, it is reproducible.
In the attached save open the Mil Advisor.
The first civ displayed should be the Celts. They have a lot of units they have captured. Scroll out towards the end of the list of 'Units the Celts have captured.'
Now switch to the Iroquois. They don't have any captured so there is no scroll bar in the box. OK. Switch to the Egyptians. There is a scroll bar, but no units showing. Hmmm, must not have many. Scroll back to the beginning of the list. Oh look. They have a Mayan worker. Great, but your mouse buttons should cut out right about now. At least mine do.
Again. The mouse works perfectly in other apps, and will work properly if C3C is restarted after leaving with hotkeys.
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November 12, 2003, 00:18
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Is it Ctrl-p that automates your workers to clean up pollution? I cannot remember.
Anyways Ctrl-p crashes my game, and I'm unable to restart civ3. I'll probably have to restart my computer to get civ3 working again.
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November 12, 2003, 00:28
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Do Civil Engineers Do Anything?
I am not convinced that Civil Engineers (one of the two new citizen specialists) work as advertised. I've tried cycling through various specialists in core, mid-core, almost totally corrupt, and totally corrupt cities, and never saw an extra shield or a reduction in build times, regardless of whether the city is building a unit or a city improvement (the manual and civilopedia indicate that the CE adds shields only to improvement builds, not units). On the other hand, the Policeman specialist frequently adds a shield to a city's production.
EDIT:  They do in fact reduce build time in accordance with the expected 2 shields (though the shields don't show up anywhere other than on the specialist itself. Thx to Jaybe and Thoth for the correction.
Last edited by Catt; November 12, 2003 at 11:22.
November 12, 2003, 02:15
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Dissident, clean up pollution has been changed to Shift-D (for "clear damage").
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November 12, 2003, 04:30
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And just to reiterate.
The units moving by themselves bug is really annoying me.
I prefer to use the number pad to move units, not the mouse. But that causes the unit after the one I moved to also move in the same direction with no input from me. Very annoying.
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November 12, 2003, 09:09
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Originally posted by kwpulliam1973
Can anyone else confirm that they have had only a single SGL name occur on multiple SGL appearances over the years? (Please confrim regardless of two same named SGLs at the same time, or two SGLs with the same name back to back)
Kevin P.
I've had the same name SGL twice in 2 separate games. Not at the same time though. But I had thought that there was only one name for SGLs 'cause I've only ever gotten 4 of them and they were all named the same...
If pigs could fly we'd all have to wear helmets.
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November 12, 2003, 09:43
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Re: Do Civil Engineers Do Anything?
Originally posted by Catt
I am not convinced that Civil Engineers (one of the two new citizen specialists) work as advertised. I've tried cycling through various specialists in core, mid-core, almost totally corrupt, and totally corrupt cities, and never saw an extra shield or a reduction in build times, regardless of whether the city is building a unit or a city improvement (the manual and civilopedia indicate that the CE adds shields only to improvement builds, not units). On the other hand, the Policeman specialist frequently adds a shield to a city's production.
The shields from Civil Engineers don't appear on the city display (bug?), but I have seen build times for improvements drop by a number of turns consistent with them providing 2 shields each. The Policman seems to reduce corruption by 1 shield and 1 commerce (raw, multipliers such a Markets and Factories apply after the Police effect).
This of course is based on my vast experience of 4 partial games of C3C, and may be of dubious accuracy.
(edit: added a missing vowel)
November 12, 2003, 11:24
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Re: Re: Do Civil Engineers Do Anything?
Originally posted by Thoth
The shields from Civil Engineers don't appear on the city display (bug?), but I have seen build times for improvements drop by a number of turns consistent with them providing 2 shields each.
Yes, thanks. Another poster pointed out the same thing to me in another thread. I've gone back and edited my previous post -- thanks again!
November 12, 2003, 13:47
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Originally posted by RobC
(like...I don't know...maybe...stack bombard and collateral damage from bombardment?)
There already is collateral damage, you have to select it in the editor.
November 12, 2003, 13:53
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Originally posted by Willem
There already is collateral damage, you have to select it in the editor.
I haven't played with it myself, but I understand from Warpstorm that the collateral damage flag, if selected, only applies to melee units, not to artillery unit attacks.
November 12, 2003, 13:54
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Just wanted to thank everyone who suggested Win XP to fix my memory leak problems. Installed XP last night and the splash screen now only iis on the screen for about 3-4 seconds (not the previous 35-40) and no memory issues whatsoever upon exiting.
Thanks again,
November 12, 2003, 13:54
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The "Renders Obsolete by..." flag in the editor doesn't work right with imrovements when it comes to happy faces. I created a religious building that was supposed to become obsolete with Theology, but the smiley faces still showed up afterwards. I did a test on other areas, production, taxes etc. and they all seem to work fine, just not the happiness buildings.
November 12, 2003, 13:58
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Originally posted by Catt
I haven't played with it myself, but I understand from Warpstorm that the collateral damage flag, if selected, only applies to melee units, not to artillery unit attacks.
I believe it's the other way around, at least if I understand the help file correctly. I don't have it handy right now to doublecheck. The flag is located with the bombard commands so it stands to reason it's for those types of units. I could be wrong though.
November 12, 2003, 14:15
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Originally posted by Randolph
England, the Age of Discovery
I appear to be gaining more gold each turn then I should (yeah, I’ve seen worse bugs ). Even when I'm running a deficit I'm gaining gold, e.g. when I'm running a deficit of -7 I'm gaining about 20gpt.
Maybe I’m just missing something… as usual.
I'm noticing the same problem in the epic game as well, so it's not contained to the scenario. The AI is getting way more than it should, I mean the Babs had 46k at the end of the MA, beginning of the IA. No way could that happen with how small they were.
November 12, 2003, 14:17
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Originally posted by Willem
I believe it's the other way around, at least if I understand the help file correctly. I don't have it handy right now to doublecheck. The flag is located with the bombard commands so it stands to reason it's for those types of units. I could be wrong though.
I haven't tested it, but apparently Warpstorm did. The relevant posts are:
Originally posted by Warpstorm
Panag, not only is it not enabled, it (intentionally) only works on successful regular attacks i.e. not during bombards.
Originally posted by Warpstorm
I've asked for [collateral damage] to apply to bombards also for quite a while.
Originally posted by Warpstorm
No, the CD flag is working perfectly as it was designed to. It was designed to work only for zero range bombard units. It is used quite well in the Fall of ROme scenario.
I would love to see it extended to all attack forms.
Both from this thread.
I assume, based on WS's comments, that it is working as intended though not in a manner one might intuitively expect.
November 12, 2003, 14:25
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Originally posted by jkelly
Does this gpt thing work for the AI as well? Do AI civs get double gold? And does it come out of the other's civ's treasury, or does it just appear out of nowhere?
Yes, the AI definitely gets a ton more money than they should. The Babs have been the biggest offenders in my current game.
November 12, 2003, 15:35
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Originally posted by Willem
The "Renders Obsolete by..." flag in the editor doesn't work right with imrovements when it comes to happy faces. I created a religious building that was supposed to become obsolete with Theology, but the smiley faces still showed up afterwards. I did a test on other areas, production, taxes etc. and they all seem to work fine, just not the happiness buildings.
Have tried moving some labourers?
Something similar was/is (?) in PTW too with regards too luxuries.
Thanks again,
Your welcome 
(And still I can't find an IT related job  )
#There’s a city in my mind
Come along and take that ride
And it’s all right, baby, it’s all right #
November 12, 2003, 15:46
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Minor thing:
Anyone notice that if you have a worker/slave as the active unit, that the shift+D hotkey for diplomacy doesn't work? It works again once you have a military unit active.
grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!
The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.
November 12, 2003, 15:56
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Originally posted by Arrian
Minor thing:
Anyone notice that if you have a worker/slave as the active unit, that the shift+D hotkey for diplomacy doesn't work? It works again once you have a military unit active.
This one stumped me too. Someone (kring, maybe) pointed out to me that SHFT-D is now a worker action "Clear Damage" for clearing pollution or the craters that come from bombarding a tile.
November 12, 2003, 16:38
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Oh, I figured it was probably something like that. Thanks, Catt (and kring).
grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!
The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.
November 12, 2003, 17:28
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Originally posted by Catt
This one stumped me too. Someone (kring, maybe) pointed out to me that SHFT-D is now a worker action "Clear Damage" for clearing pollution or the craters that come from bombarding a tile.
Does anyone know/remember what they changed the diplomacy hotkey to? Or is there no keyboard command for diplomacy anymore if you have a worker active?
November 12, 2003, 18:32
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Originally posted by RobC
Does anyone know/remember what they changed the diplomacy hotkey to? Or is there no keyboard command for diplomacy anymore if you have a worker active?
Mike Breitkreutz
November 12, 2003, 18:54
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BERKAWITZ! been a while!
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November 12, 2003, 21:52
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Crusaders march backwards...
Thanks, Mike.
By the way, here's one for the P5-bug list (aka the cyclindrical aluminum filing cabinet)
When you use click-drag to move an army with a unit in it more than 1 tile (which I think means it is considered an 'automated' move at least wrt the animation preferences), that unit will still be facing in the original direction no matter what direction you moved the army to. The animation/graphic is not corrected until the next time you use manual move (i.e. 1-tile at a time). Screenshot below (army originally facing north, used click-drag to move army S but crusader still facing N)
Last edited by RobC; November 12, 2003 at 21:59.
November 12, 2003, 22:10
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Now that is really paying attention. I could have over looked that a 100 times.
November 13, 2003, 01:13
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Houston, we have a problem
Um, I found a rather serious bug here. My mpp has forced me to go to war with my technologically crippled neighbors, the Babylonians. As you can see from the screenshot, rr's are NOT connecting to the city... This seriously sux. I just played for many, many hours, to be slowed by this. This problem seems to clear with a reload of a saved game, but just resurfaces with the next city taken.
November 13, 2003, 09:14
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Bug Report - Update
On the issue of not seeing "Play C3C' and "Reinstall C3C" - I got the proper screen after makeing an image of the disk and mounting the image. - I had changed some drive letters around for the virtual CD-rom, and when I mounted it - There it was. Upon further investigation, I believe that whenever you insert the C3C disk in a drive letter OTHER than the one you installed it from, The auto-run shows the Install, not the play and reinstall popup screen - FYI
This bug could now be corrected by having the patch code in the registry to assume it was installed from any CD-rom.
---- "What gunpowder did for war, Blake has done for the AI" - Diadem ----
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