One of the better reviews I have read. I wanted to address some of your points (but I agree with all that you have said).
-When the tsar emancipates the serfs, Russia gets a happiness tech (Theology) that can hopefully reduce the pressure on its empire of getting new cities.
-As for giving techs to the Ottomans, that's why I design and don't play. Pretty sneaky. Can you avoid the Crimean War just by doing a naval invasion of Turkey?
-Big improvement pictures, to be honest I didn't know how to change them at the time

And I admit I kind of quit on the tea leaves.
-Sounds, I have never put sounds into my scenario. I don't know how and I always dreaded long download times. Feel free to make your own for deserved credit.
I am happy that the scenario evoked the things you stated, that was my intention. I thought it was a good topic because there is clear technological improvement in the time frame represented, and there was a lot of conquering going on.