Had to come back to see how things were going.
2 items:
Crusty... it's so interesting hearing your perspective as to the future, had we been able to stick it out. I really can't ever afford to finish it, so U mite as well take a look at what i had in store for Bergen & your alpines if they had ever tried an invasion (hints: the crusiers=yep + RR tied every city together+factories & universities).
That's why this tourney was / is so exciting / challenging... the level of competition & competiveness.
Re: the bug/flaw... i fully understand what some of U have posted. Pls read again EXACTLY what the situ was / is:
*Bug: if U move a caravan next to a city that demands it's cargo, but wait for even 1 turn for the cities involved to grow or complete a trade-enhancing improvement or your civ to finish researching current advance...it stops demanding that commodity!!!! Happened FOUR times, twice with the same caravan after shipping him from 1 end of the world & then back again(& U wonder why my turns took long?).
The city's demand did not change until i moved DIRECTLY NEXT TO IT. & all 4 times the VERY NEXT TURN it stopped demanding what that caravan was carrying. Almost like the program assumed it had established a route just because it was next to it. (which of course would be great, if it paid the gold & science rewards
