Micheal Came's Napoleon1 1793-1815
I just wrapped up a week long senerio for reveiw, and I must say, I was very disappointed with this one. For a beginning it is ok, but the historical settings used in this scenerio are so flawed, if i took a history test today, i would fail so miserably on it, I wouldn't get past Western Civ. i am a big Napoleon fan, and loved "Bonaparte" there are no equals.
The first that really kicked me in the ass, is the size of the Ottomon Turks. This scenerio has them at the borders of Vienna!! Can you believe that. Considering at no time, did they even get out of the southern balkans. Plus, If the Austrian Prussian empire was as small as it was in this scenerio, Napoleon would be ruling the world as we speak.
Another thing that got me, was the inaccuraccy with time. Nelson attacked a city and died, and it said. "Lord Nelson dies in battle at Tragalflar. but blah blah blah." since the battle wasn't for another 10 years, it and he died in France, and the battle took place in Spain, it was very confussing.
Then in 1803 it said Britian Declares war on France, and I hadn't had even a cease fire with Britian since the beginning of the scenerio.
Then there was the naming of the cities. Half of the cities in Russia were made up defalut names, like Issus, witch should be in Turkey. and Cunaxa. That really peeved me when planning for my attacks.
Then when i had conquered most of Russia, and had just Taken Istanbul, the Otto's, had maybe 150 lanciers attack me in one turn! ONE TURN!!.
Then there was the problem that a city only produced a unit every couple of turns, because too many units were used in this scenerio, that is good, to control armies, but it is really annoying with Spain, with 17 cities has 200 units, and gets units that you don't, because you can't defend 4 fronts, due to shortage of units.
That was a problem with this scenerio. It was fun, but horribly inaccurate, it should go in the Fantasy section of the scenerios. Nothing against the maker, but you need to get your historical facts correct when making a "HISTORICAL" scenerio.