March 16, 2000, 09:34
Just another peon
Local Time: 18:02
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Matt,Xin,Ming,Bird,War4ever,RAH game
Another Epic begins. Sans the technical difficulties that plagued our first attempt.
An interesting start to say the least. For you lurkers the teams fell out as.
Bird-Xin Yu (nice to have you back XIN)
A little too early to make predictions.
For everyone out there that thinks mountain cities can't be taken early. Wrong! I lost one to those evil Mongol. This is the second mountain city to fall early in our last two games. (take that AH) I was surprised when I started the city to find another one already in the city screen taking advantage of the fruit that I would have used to grow the city to size two quickly. Without it, the Mongol catapults ravaged the city quickly. My ardent ally did his best to avenge my lose by destroying one of the Mongols cities.
Thank God we have the GL.
It's a real small world so space is at a premium.
More to come.
Who hates it when the customization doesn't take. It shows me as the Babylonians but on some status screen it showed me as the ferrets.
March 16, 2000, 09:50
Local Time: 23:02
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I don`t know how I get stuck with Dirt when (from what I`ve seen) there's grassland all around. I HATE DIRT !!!!!
It was fortunate that I had mathematics when you built that city there. I knew I had to attack quickly. Xin obviously had a decent start- 3 wonders already. But I know he wanted the gardens. he can't fool me.
March 16, 2000, 10:44
Local Time: 18:02
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I was thrilled to get the Hanging Gardens. I was having serious happiness problems, but not anymore
But, I kind of wish that I had held off and waited for the GL. I would have built it long before those nasty Americans did if I hadn't bailed and taken HG. Something tells me that GL will be the most important early wonder in this game...
March 16, 2000, 10:46
Local Time: 19:02
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Damn barbs. The destroyed a size one city near the end of the session, which sucks b/c it took a while to get to the spot. I attacked with a horse and put one archer in the red, but another archer was with it and killed my fortified pikeman in the forest.
But the worst barb encounter was a single archer approaching a size 3 city with a leader. The city was on grass, so I knew I had to be careful. I had a pikeman and warrior in the city. I sent the pikeman out onto a river square and fortified and rushbuilt another pikeman just in case. Archer kills pikeman and has a teeny tiny sliver of red left, so I figure no way he can hurt me and I'll get the leader after the archer commits suicide. Well, next turn there goes my rushbuilt pikeman and the barb archer still has the same tiny amount of red. City is now size 2, and I'm working a gold square, which is just about the only trade special in my whole map. ****. So I rushbuild a horsie (this is getting expensive) to take him out. And then I start thinking how much it will suck not to get the leader and I decide to hope the piddling warrior can hold out in the city next turn and the horse can grab the leader. Well, since this involved "thinking" on my part, you can guess what happened. So after I am down to a size 1 city with only a horse left, I do what I have to do. But that was one tough archer.
As for the rest of the game, not one science discovery in white. Two free sciences early from huts killed research to monarchy, and the crazy thing is not even one of those free sciences was white.
March 16, 2000, 10:53
Local Time: 19:02
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Ming: GL should indeed prove to be quite a bonanza once the tech trading ban is lifted. Who got it, rah?
March 16, 2000, 11:33
Local Time: 18:02
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W4E got it. (rah's partner)
I had the same problem with huts... got pottery and warrior codes, and twice it wouldn't let me move down the monarchy path.
Since I had limited trade at first, I thought I would be in despotism until 2000. But I then found some Gold, and was in monarchy by 2850.
So bad luck did slow me down, but in the long run, it really won't matter
March 16, 2000, 12:08
Just another peon
Local Time: 18:02
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Location: who killed Poly
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Yes, War4 got it, but I helped pay for it 
We thought it might be useful.
Matt, That city that you croaked, I had a settler on that square 10 turns before and was going to establish that city, but on the same turn a chariot found a whale about 8 squares farther away that had a forest nearby. (and you know how much I like forest whale combos.) I figured that i had plenty of time to send the next settler to that site and I realy wanted that whale. Needless to say I learned the error of my ways.  If that first one had built there, you would have never taken it. (it would have been harder anyway. maybe taken three catapults. But if it was size 3, i doubt you would have tried.)
Do I show as the Babs or the Ferrets to you guys?
March 16, 2000, 12:32
Local Time: 19:02
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Could each of you guys do me a favor the next time you hit a dead spot in your game (with 6 playing there should be plenty)? Could you ping the host and tell me your response times in the cable v. DSL thread. Pls also tell me your rough geographical location (e.g., Eastern US, etc.), the method/speed of your connection and the approximate local time (e.g., 7 pm PST). If you really get ambitious, it would be wonderful if you could include the number of hops from your connection to the hosting player and describe the latency (e.g., "it took 5 minutes to move a piece", etc.).
Thanks in advance for your help.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by DanS (edited March 16, 2000).]</font>
March 16, 2000, 14:11
Local Time: 15:02
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Location: Emeryville, CA, USA
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Starting point: I had a whale, so built a city at once. built the second city, found a chariot from hut, then the chariot met Bird's empty city! I could move in! But I'm a nice person so we allied.
It turned out that he built on my only direction of expansion. So I got to use ships to ferry my settlers to build new cities. Painful. (On the other hand, I had made the right decision to persue mapmaking first).
Got 50 bucks then a normad from huts later. One sea barb attack (an archer), My warrior killed it (amazing!, must be that it's my capital, and the barb is on a grass). I was only hope that my warrior could weaken it.
Collosus was my first choice of wonder. At that time I could only build lighthouse or collosus. I nolonger build happiness wonders in recent games.
I made a mistake in researching path. Alp-Cer-Map-Cod-Mon, revolution (same turn Monarchy with a blue tech, very lucky). Then Bro-Cur-Trade. Used caravans to help wonders, got three. Writing. Then I should go for Pot-Sea to build harbors, but I didn't. Hope this mistake is not too big. Bird blocked my way of expansion, but also provided protection to my cities. So I did not research weapons. Lucky enough, the barbs were not after me  .
That's it for now. My population was #1, but most of the other stats were low. You guys must be doing ICS and only use specials. The next session I'll have a boost, be aware.
March 16, 2000, 14:25
Local Time: 23:02
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I came up with this idea too late for this game, but just wait till my next mediocre starting position. I will then unveil my new strategy. I call it Rabbits from H*LL !!!!
I'm almost looking foreward to my next piss poor start in a multiplayer game.
March 16, 2000, 15:25
Local Time: 19:02
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Hehehe. I did kind of forget to mention how Xin caught me with my pants down.  As too often seems to be the case, I again settled my first city very late and the second settler was roaming around looking for huts or a decent trade special, to no avail. So after I settled my first city I just plopped the second city down in the first half decent spot I could find (keeping with my credo of not opening huts). Xin's chariot appears in the city screen before my next turn. I just had to hope he wasn't already allied, b/c I didn't even have enough money to rushbuild a unit.  Whew!
March 16, 2000, 15:57
Just another peon
Local Time: 18:02
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Location: who killed Poly
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The real interesting thing for me was that based on the coordinates, I started pretty close to the center of the map. I got three non-units from my first three huts, so I was out exploring fast and for quite a while I was number #1 in land area. Yet I was the last person to find someone. Go figure.
March 16, 2000, 17:42
Local Time: 15:02
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Well hello from everyones favorite Mongol who is the Canadians this game (although everyone keeps calling me an american  )
Well off to a slower start this game and in fact i only came across two huts all game
Was the last to meet someone although i saw Xins trireme whiz by and a nasty Mongol kept trying to explore/build on my land..... i promptly kicked him out and destroyed a city (was real difficult when it was unguarded  )
I noticed the mongols don't fight as well when i am not leading them  OCC games anyone ????? j/k anyways .........
My early growth was hampered by barbs killing both of my exploring units $#@#@@ and i wont go into the odds of it happening as others have had some poor luck as well but i believe a certain Canadian was moaning early in the game.
Of courtse the one direction i don't explore
is where all the action is taking place....
I am the little Canadian nation , possesing the best early wonder of the game the GL ,built with Ferret money and have already received 6 techs  soon to be more as the trading tech embargo is being lifted the first turn of the next session......
I was first to Philosopy but its not like i posses a huge tech lead on anyone LOL and thanks to Rah i have had a buffer zone from my enemies whose defense looked weak.... this is surely to change as i am sure someone else has to have feudalism, which means the opportunity to crush the mongols and the mongolites has vanished
Confused am I as was my ally by the Mongols, and Mongolites, two differnt tribes whith the same hostile intentions
Great game guys..... i love this stuff.... in fact i had a duel until 7 am after our game..... to be continued 
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by War4ever (edited March 16, 2000).]</font>
March 19, 2000, 14:06
Local Time: 15:02
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Even better. I'll take a day off on Wed.
March 19, 2000, 16:49
Local Time: 15:02
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i am good on Wed at any time  This should be a most interesting session and i am looking forward to getting as much playtime in as possible
March 19, 2000, 17:25
Just another peon
Local Time: 18:02
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Maybe we can start at 5:30 cst.
That would be fantastic.
Yes, it should be an interesting session.
March 19, 2000, 19:39
Local Time: 23:02
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I won't be able to make it before 7:30 CST. sorry.
March 20, 2000, 01:35
Just another peon
Local Time: 18:02
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Waiting for chapter II.
Who can make it on Wednesday and when?
With spring breaks coming up, I'm worried about getting all six together again.
Xin, go to work early on Wed so you can leave early.
Lord of the BABS
March 20, 2000, 11:38
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And you guys are going to love me even more on this... I probably can't start until 7:45 cst. I have to pick my daughter up from swimming. And to make matters worse, I will not be around the following Wednesday.
I'll see if I can get out of it this week, but something tells me we are starting later than usual.
Sorry guys!
March 21, 2000, 19:03
Local Time: 23:02
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Well I see Ming is still screwing up the game LOL, j/k ming. Hi guys, sounds like an interesting game. Glad to see you are still around & playing. I'll be in touch later
March 21, 2000, 20:02
Local Time: 18:02
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Bizzaro... you are still in our minds. Whenever we are looking to start a game, we see if you are on line. I hope you can join us in a future epic, or any of our nomral one shots
March 21, 2000, 20:21
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March 21, 2000, 21:16
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Heck, he even tried to black mail me, AND I WAS HIS ALLY
March 22, 2000, 01:05
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lousy news for me.... inlawa are having us over for dinner on wed because someone elses step kids are in town yada yada yada.... i cant play  E$#$#%$% functions on my one night off LOL but wouldn't really change it for anything in the world
so until the next session then
Sire there is a city on a mountain up ahead..... its loaded with troops and a fort, what should we do???
Calm down son..... i have a tactical nuke right here for that civ cheater who put his city on a mountain.
March 22, 2000, 10:48
Local Time: 19:02
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This is an unfortunate development, particularly with Ming out next week. Thoughts on what we should do?
March 22, 2000, 14:05
Local Time: 19:02
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That sounds ok to me. Alternatively, maybe someone can sub this week for War4 and next week for Ming???
Regardless, I am assuming start time is no earlier than 8:30 est based on Matthew's post, and possibly a little later than that depending on Ming's schedule. If that has changed, please post.
March 22, 2000, 16:07
Local Time: 23:02
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Location: dallas, tx usa
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Hi Ming, How's life treating you?? I have missed the game & all of you very much. I am looking forward to playing again in the near future.
I don't have ICQ, but I will look hear from time to time to keep track of you all.
best wishes
ps Give em hell Rah
March 22, 2000, 16:20
Just another peon
Local Time: 18:02
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Biz, LOL
Keep in touch. Now I know why your old ICQ number never shows on-line.
March 22, 2000, 16:35
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can we at least make the confounded map 40 x 40? and seems that 5 billion years breaks things up enough that stars are not so disparate. Cool, wet of course too.
March 22, 2000, 19:10
Local Time: 15:02
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I think it is a good idea to start another game, unless War4ever agrees to have a sub. I'm available now with icq open. I'll check back every 30 minutes or so.
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