Pap, I had to restart my round with the new changes. I had played allmost the entire Jap round when I discovered the new changes.
So far for japan what i have discovered have changed:
*Lack of ability to build transports and marines(?).
*Lack of knowledge to build steelmills (factories).
*More realistic placing of fleet and units.
And much more....
I think all of the above is positive changes, but it does leave Japan more weakened than in the previous version. In the previous version Japan was unrealistically strong, so the changes are for the better.
But i would suggest adding a one or two more transports at the start of the game. Perhaps one in Tokyo?
There is still the problem with the cash. In my first round as Japan, i have taken a city from all the allied countries. And since i get 2000 in cash from each nation I currently have 10.000 in cash to spend. This isnt realistic, and it seriously puts the game off balance.
While it is probably possible to set a house rule that the money should be given back or removed, it doesnt fix the problem. I think setting the starting cash of each narion to zero and add a few more goods at the start is a way for fix this. It enables each nation to get spending money at the beginning of the round, and prevents other nations to get theyre hands on them.