November 23, 2000, 14:30
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I'll do the latter two points. I will also see if I can do some testplay over the weekend, but I can't promise.
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November 23, 2000, 17:42
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Thanks Stefan! 
I´ll send it tomorrow to you...
November 23, 2000, 17:50
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Currently I'm yelling like an Ulsterite for a bug I discovered on my A-she-na scenario - and I still haven't it fixed yet  - and creating another two ( "Skumand" and "Chan Kuo vers. 2.0"  ), but i think i can get a look at least for the last two points...
November 23, 2000, 19:42
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Those graphics are awesome! Wish I could draw like that...
Yes, I wanna playtest, i'll figure out a way to get enough time in for it.
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November 23, 2000, 20:37
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An amazing work, BeBro!
Your drawing skills seem to have improved, which I thought was almost impossible!
I'm sorry I can't be of any help since my English is very poor, and I don't even have time to finish my own projects...
Just wanted to pop in to say... keep up the excellent work!
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November 23, 2000, 21:36
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I want to be a Hoplite Bebro  .
I'm interested in all points, my english well i can always ask for help  .
November 23, 2000, 22:05
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I think I'll playtest... The scenario looks amazing, and I don't have too much to do (my scenario efforts is ack to the ideas stage, I'll put it on hold for a while)... use my profile email which is if you don't want to bother to check.
November 24, 2000, 01:48
Local Time: 08:08
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Who wants to be a mil...err...legionaire?
Ok, I have an English beta of Imperium Romanum (Fantastic Worlds) finished and need some testers, lets say four or five.
Any volunteers who have enough time to:
-testplay (over 400turns), perhaps more than once
-do a bit spell checking
-are interested in ancient history to look for "historical" mistakes (this point is of course not sooo important, you can play without being an history expert, but it would be nice...  )
So, if you are interested, give me a mail adress and I´ll mail the scn to you in the next days...Thanks
November 24, 2000, 06:35
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Thanks guys!
Ok, then I have WarVoid and Shadowstrike as testers, Stefan and Prometeus as "correctors"
VietMinh, you are welcome as a tester, but I´ll inform you that currently you can´t be a hoplite, because only the Romans are playable now, events for other civs aren´t finished now...If this is ok for you, I´ll send it to you, too.
Fiera, don´t worry
I have also received some mails about playtesing, so there are enough testers (for now  ). I´ll send the scn within the next five hours. Thanks again!
November 24, 2000, 08:46
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*whistles for Sub Wars*
Looking good, Bernd.
November 24, 2000, 09:28
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Sure i'll be serving the Imperium Romanum or should i say Senatus Populusque Romanus.
November 24, 2000, 09:41
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Thanks, George  SubWars comes next year...
Ok, I just sent the scenario to all of you (also to you VietMinh, hope you like playing as Romans Edit: just read your last post  ).
I also included some info in the mail, because the English ReadMe textfile ins´t finished now.
The scenario uses multiple events (first time for me), I hope they work well. The events are changed when a special historic period is finished (not in the same turn intervalls).
So, perhaps someone has an idea for events later in the game? I mean, the last of the four Roman eventsfiles has currently some free eventsspace, because I´m unsure what events I should include then. This last file is used after 27BC to the end (115AD), so if you suggest some historic events, they should fit in this time.
[This message has been edited by BeBro (edited November 24, 2000).]
November 24, 2000, 09:54
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Prometeus, I´ve sent the scn to you and received an mail error, should I try your profile mail adress again (or another one?)
All others should have it in the mailbox...
November 24, 2000, 16:09
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Try again... If this doesn't work, please report me which kind of error is spotted.
November 24, 2000, 22:14
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Its hard trying to push southward, even with the "improved" legions. On the other hand Bernd, a strategy that's worked for me is to leave a legion fortified on a hill next to an Independant city. The Samnites smash their forces against it and I get a whole lot of Legions for free... I don't know if you really want that to happen though...
November 25, 2000, 05:08
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Yes, Shadowstrike, both is ok.
I made the cities in Southern Italy stronger to protect them from a too early conquest. You need a lot of units for to capture them.
And also the support with free legions is right, its only a help to conquer Italy, later you are on your own.
Should I make the Samnites a little bit stronger? But then an advance southwards would be even harder?
November 25, 2000, 06:33
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Even though the advance downward in Italy is very, very tough it is by all means a task that can be acomplished. Sure casualties are high but those Samnites lose even more.
But Bernd, don't make it any harder than it already is. It would frustrate the not so experienced player I believe.
Mathias' Civ II Page
November 25, 2000, 09:02
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Ok, I´ll collect some different opinions about that, then make a final decision later...
Prometeus, I sent it again, hope you receive it.
To all testers: another tester has found some bugs in the events and some strange translations. They aren´t big problems, but I´ll send corrected files as soon as possible...
November 25, 2000, 10:50
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I received it few minutes ago, BeiBro...  Let me take a look...
November 25, 2000, 11:58
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OK, I just started again.... Its 318 BC and I already have everything down to Tarent.... The going isn't too hard is you fortify a vertran legion next to a city on a hills square and gather 12-15 legions and make an all out attack.... Only about 5 will survive, but that's the way I did it.... Is that intended?
Bernd, don't make it any harder then it is... I doubt that anyone could make it down the Italian peninsula at a historical pace then. Make the Greek Cities in Italy harder, they were very easy to capture (1 legion).
A little nitpicking on the spelling:
- Using BC instead of Before Christ on the events will probably let you save some space.
- On the event with Spartan hoplites, it should be spelt hoplites as opposed to hoplits.
Other then that, the scenario is excellent. The terrain is a bit dark, but playable. The graphics are excellent. Now, back to the game...
[This message has been edited by Shadowstrike (edited November 25, 2000).]
November 25, 2000, 12:16
Local Time: 08:08
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Shadowstrike, your strategy is right
It´s ok when the Romans have high casualties, not only for the gameplay, but also for the historical accuracy, because many wars were longtime conflicts over several years (e.g. Samnite wars or 1./2.Punic war) that cost Rome a lot. On the other hand the Romans had enough manpower to balance out these losses.
Thanks for the spellchecking, I´m afraid you´ll find more errors like this. Spelling errors will be corrected later, in one turn (to avoid daily changes on the game files  ), I´ll at first correct technical errors.
[This message has been edited by BeBro (edited November 25, 2000).]
November 25, 2000, 12:30
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OK.... I'm getting a lot of civil disorder now.... I should head for the next government.... The Civiliopedia has a little problem with some of the governments, the lines won't end, and the window is so wide it falls off the screen.
The Macedonians take over Persia pretty fast, but only after 323 BC... I don't know if you can change that though.
November 25, 2000, 12:58
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Ah, that civilopedia thing...I fixed it once, then changed the pedia and now...thanks I´ll fix it again
November 25, 2000, 14:03
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Just sent a minor update to all of you, the pedia thing should be fixed now, as well as some other small bugs in the first three eventsfiles.
Please don´t use the fourth eventsfile, I´ll send a reworked version of it tomorrow (but I hope nobody is so far in the game, or?)
November 25, 2000, 14:11
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Massila is impossibly hard to capture.... I threw 15 legions at it with no effect....
November 25, 2000, 15:05
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Yes, some key cities are very hard to capture. This is the point to realise that you need siege engines...
Attack these cities when you better armed, then they should fall, it would be too easy when all cities can be captured only with legions.
BTW are you over 272BC now? If so, did the events change work? And was the Pyrrhos event a threat or too easy to repulse? It´s always difficult to say when you are the designer and know all events and when they occur.
November 25, 2000, 15:53
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The events change worked... Pyrrhus was way too easy.... I ambushed the Siege engines and destroyed it quickly..... The War Elephants dashed themselves against my city walls... Disorder is a big problem... I've had to starve several cities down just to keep them happy.... You might want to give a happiness tech earlier...
November 25, 2000, 16:29
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hy Bebro checking your game seems okay...
A tip: Samnite helmet seems to me too much Picenian style.
More to come...
November 25, 2000, 17:11
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Ok, last reply for today
Shadowstrike, I know happiness is a problem, but it seems realistic to me when you have to starve them a bit or face unhappiness (that could be social conflicts)
On the other hand you are right, it shouldn´t be sooo a serious problem. I have to think about changes in this field. Currently I only can give the advice to research the happiness wonders...
Prometeus, I found a painted pic about Rome´s early enemies were some warriors (I think Samnites) had such helmets...
November 25, 2000, 19:34
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Hi Bebro, I've played so far to 270 B.C. with your scenario. Some things to note would start with the Greeks in Southern Italy. I was basically unmolested by these two cities when I fortified a Legion at 59,77. I believe a stronger attacker unit for the Greeks would change their strategy. I basically took all of Italy except for those two greek cities. I built two cities at 59,73 and 54,68 and built up temples and three Velites in each Roman city. I haven't experienced any city disorder as my cities are ize 5 and 4. I discovered Late Republic and things are going smoothly. As stated before the Before Christ to B.C will save space.... When Alexander died I checked how the gameplay was going... The Macedonians only took out Asia Minor, maybe some more units by events could help them out. I also was curious to the lack of roads in the scenario. No Royal Highway in Persia or any in the east which I think there was plenty of. The Pyrrhos "is that right spelling?" event was easy to crush maybe more units spread out abit more. They all were in one place. Some minor "small" errors in spelling was all I saw so far in the events. One thing, it looks really good. More feedback to ya when start playtesting tomorrow...later....
Civfan (Warriorsoflight)
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