OK, is this really worth buying?
I haven't seen a lot of reviews for it, so I figured I would have a go on the forums.
I was so excited when PTW came out, since it was mulitplayer. A friend and I loved playing Civ2Gold multiplayer, on large, drawn out games to pass the time.
But what a disappointment PTW was. The multiplay was absolutely sluggish, hit the right arrow, couple seconds later the unit moved right one. And this was on 2 cable modems on fast machines.
That was my really big reason to quit playing it, all the other "little" bugs, like having to watch every city in your empire to make sure its building the right object, etc, was bearable.
So......have they improved the lag per say as opposed to PTW?
New civs don't impress me, new wonders don't impress me, I want good gameplay and minimal frustration with the product (of course, frustration of my own doing, such as not defending a city well enough is OK

Worth shelling out the bux?