As per ministerial requests,
We switch from 60/0/40 to 10/50/40 with discoverings every 6 turns.
Now, I'm going to have to be a wizard to manage all the competing requests within my budget.
Interestingly, my plan was to build calvary, then Cannons, now we will be doing the opposite, building cannons, and then Calvary, just because cannons are cheaper, and more expendable.
Now, ljcvetko wants a diplomat:engineer ratio of 1:1
I want to build 11 more engineers, so I will need 69(!) more diplomats to fulfill his request.
This would entail each city building diplomats to do so three times.
I want 20 more calvary, I don't think I'm going to be able to do so under my budget constraints. Instead, I will aim for a ratio of cannons:calvary of 1:1.
This, btw, does not even violate ljcvetko's request for me to not build any calvary.

You said nothing about cannons.
MoW wants to hold off for a few turns to assemble an army big enough to take Hamburg. I feel such delays are unnecessary, since we already have a large army deployed, and troops from the Greek front will be joining the fight, and Hamburg is not on a river.
Thanks sparrowhawk for your city listings to rehome engineers, and units to ensure maximum productivity.
Efficiency check at end of 1842 turn:
Sell granary in Hannover. No celebrations, so bank will be needed.
Rush marketplace in Cocytus. Adjusted new cities to promote celebrations in all cities, but Hannover, New Orleans and Kostunrix (special case) do not celebrate.
So I will want a bank and a marketplace rushed next turn. New Orleans starts the xin. Hannover starts the xin.
Sell outdated citywalls in non-front cities, I am now up to revenue of 1243 gold per turn and a surplus of 0.9 That's about half of what I have normally.
My cash pile now stands at 6616 gold.
If I play 4 turns, with a surplus of 900 gold, I will gain 3600 gold over those turns, and at my former rate of spending, spend 8000 gold.
This would leave me with 10216 total minus 8000 and 2216 before capture of cities.
I submit my budget to the ministers.

NO spending cuts required.
I have three goals this session:
1. Take Hamburg
2. Take Salzburg
3. Take Berlin.
This way we acquire
every remaining German wonder.
Cityplanning, 11 engineers rushed, cities switched to diplomats.
Now I need to do my rehoming. 6097 gold, so I still have 1400 gold to spend.
Rush a few Barracks and markets, now at 5800, still have 1200 gold to spend.
I have 16 active cannons, so lets see how many I can rush.
Cannons finished, 5466 gold left, so 800 gold to spend.
Finished, 7 diplomats ordered left unrushed. ALL other spending approved.
Now at 4687 gold I hit enter.
1 loss of exploring Alpine to Greek Dragoon.
Communism offered, start researching Communism.
34 active diplomats,
24 active cannons.
6 active alpine troops. (we had 5, lost one, so 2 built.)
Remaining orders to fulfill:
56 diplomats, 20 cannons, 8 alpine troops.
Build city of Cranbrook Hill to speed up railroad to American delta
Using non-vets to clear out German calvary, 1 promoted.
Investigate Hamburg.
2 likely vet Alpines
2 fortified Riflemen
2 non-fortified Riflemen
Now, consider targetting walls.
Eh, we'll need the wall-softeners later.
6 cannons, all lose to garrison, knock all except for 2nd vet Alpine to half or less than half strength.
1st Calvary grinds 2nd Vet alpine.
2nd Calvary falls to Vet Rifleman.
3rd Calvary falls to Vet alpine
4th Calvary falls to Vet alpine
5th Calvary falls to Vet Rifleman
6th Calvary falls to Vet Rifleman.

Non- Vet promoted.
2 non-Vet Calvary fail to win a round!
Non- Vet promoted
Non- Vet promoted.
Vet calvary fails to win a round against last Alpine troop.
I'm having the shittiest luck ever on the attack.

Rifle kicks the ass of Alpine.
Non-vet Riflemen clear and secure the area around Hamburg, protecting the Engineers, railroad, and the cities to the rear. I knock out the cannon on the fortified mountain near Berlin, once I kill a settler, the road to Berlin will be open.
I'm not pleased by the casulties. However, we do have Bachs Cathedral for 400 gold/turn.
Now, I think I will go for Berlin first, now that I know where the city will be.
I figure I will need 8 vet units to clear out the garrison, assuming I take down the walls beforehand, so these units will have to come from the repairing units, and from all the rushing I do this turn.
Not bad, I should have enough diplomats rushed next turn to take the walls, and enough cannons to pummel the defenders. The only question remains for the Calvary.
Let's see how the Germans respond!
They charge 3 calvary at our fortified Rifleman on the mountain. He gets promoted.
No units lost.
Status of the army:
31 active cannons
32 active calvary
39 active diplomats
6 active alpine troops.
Now I need, 4 more alpines, 51 more diplomats, 1 more cannon for a 1:1 ratio.
To replace losses, I would need 13 cannons and 13 calvary next turn.
Use Diploguiding to draw Engineers off the hills, and to build a railroad into Berlin.
Investigate city, same garrison 5 riflemen and 1 Alpine.
2nd Diplomat sabotages citywalls.

I guess I know what I'm going to do for the rest of the game.
1st Cannon squashes Alpine.
2nd Cannon crushes Rifleman.
3rd Cannon beats Rifleman
4th Cannon scorches Rifleman
5th Cannon storms Rifleman
6th Cannon rocks Rifleman
And so the first Capital of the Germans falls in the year 1846, after the brutal battle of Hamburg.
We plunder 350 gold.
We capture:
Munich is south of Frankfurt and North of Salzburg.
So to get to Salzburg, my third objective, requires us to capture Frankfurt, Munich to open the road.
Considering our awesome success this turn, the Imperium suggests a further drive south this turn.
Railroad built to Frankfort.
Citizens offered the choice of free vacations to anywhere in the Imperium along the glorious Imperium Railroad in exchange for their surrender.
City garrison launches glob of sticky burning tar.
Investigate city, 2 Alpines, 2 riflemen.
7th diplomat sabotages CITYWALLS.

1st Cannon pummels Alpine
2nd Cannon unluckily loses to Alpine.
3rd Cannon smokes Rifleman
4th Cannon tears Rifleman
Non-vet Calvary saunters up and knocks out final Alpine.
Vet Calvary becomes fully healed.

Remaining units still should be enough to carry on to Munich.
Garrison of 3 Alpine troops and 3 Riflemen.
Nope, after using most of the remaining Diplomats, Munich has 5 remaining city improvments including a citywall.
Consolidate gains.
Sell granary in Berlin. All the German cities should be celebrating next turn.
Replace 2 diplomats to give a 1:1 cannon to Calvary ratio. Spend rest of cash on diplomats.
Let's see if the Germans have any gas in the tank.
Germans defeat lone Rifleman on Grassland fortress.
State of the Army
35 diplomats,
33 cannons
31 calvary
9 Alpine Troops
So I need 55 diplomats, 11 cannons, 13 calvary and 1 alpine troop.
Begin the Industrial sabotage.
5th Diplomat sabotages city walls of Munich.
Vet Cannon gets crushed by Alpine Troop.
Vet Cannon barely loses to 2nd Alpine Troop
Vet Cannon smashes 1st Vet Alpine Troop.
Vet Cannon bests rifleman
Vet Cannon wrecks rifleman
Vet Cannon destroys rifleman
Vet Cannon smears rifleman
Non-Vet Calvary smites Alpine troop, gets promoted.
German Government escapes to Heidelburg.
Investigate Salzburg.
4 Riflemen behind city walls. No river.

Prolly non-vet considering the change in the front.
Vet Cannon nearly kills 1st Rifleman.

Vet Cannon nearly kills 2nd Rifleman.
Vet Cannon just dies against 3rd Rifleman
Vet Calvary smashes 4th Rifleman
We capture the THRIFTY SCOT!

Railroad built into Heidelburg.
Investigat Heidelburg. 2 Alpine Troops, 3 Riflemen, all behind city walls not on a river.
Mpondo diplomat sabotages City Walls.

Vet Calvary defeats Alpine Troop
Vet Calvary halves 2nd Alpine Troop
Vet Calvary rumbles 3rd Alpine Troop
Vet Cannon pounds 1st Rifleman
Vet Calvary stomps 2nd Rifleman