November 14, 2003, 06:43
Local Time: 14:28
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Plans for C3C version of Patch Suggestion MOD (also known as Player1 MOD)
I'm stunned with amount of changes done in Conquest.
So much that at one point I thought that new version of my mod is not really needed.
But, since there are still some tweaks that are needed, I'll do new version.
For start, considering that many things in Conquests were done differently, then old tweaks from PtW version, this new version of MOD will look much more conservative then old one and with less changes overall (at least at start, I won't look for changes to wonders or governments).
At this point, I still don't have C3C disk, but I'll get it in few days. Until then, I based my plans on looking several unit and tech charts that can be downloaded from these forums.
Unique Units:
Javelin Thrower will get defense unit strategy flag removed, since it's too expensive unit to be used for defense (use Spearmen instead).
Musketeer will get offense unit strategy flag removed, since now it has just attack of 2.
Keshik will get 2.0.1 bombardment (defensive first strike). It goes with flavor (mounted archer), and original UU was slightly weak.
Conquistadors will get price reduced from 70 to 60 shields. Considering that Galic Swordsmen got cheaper and with added changes to Keshik, slightly lowered price will balance it out. It also goes with flavor considering that it is a light cavalry, which means that it isn't supposed to be more expensive then heavy cavalry (knights).
Land Units:
Lower prices to firearm infantry and better attack similar as done in PtW version of mod.
Musketmen and Musketeer will get price reduced from 60 to 50 shields.
Riflemen will get attack increased from 4 to 5 and price reduced from 80 to 70 shields.
Guerilla will get attack increased from 6 to 7 and price reduced from 90 to 80 shields.
Infantry will get attack increased from 6 to 8.
Marines will get defense increased from 6 to 8, considering that there is no reason for such advanced infantry to have as low defense rating as riflemen. They'll also get price reduced from 120 to 110 shields, because while they are better then Infantry, they are not too much better to be worth 30 shields more (+4 attack, -2 defense, plus amphibious ability).
Paratroopers will get attack increased from 4 to 7. It's smaller attack value compared to infantry in same way as their defense is smaller then compared to infantry (9 vs 10). Airborne units just don't have so much equipment to be as effective as regular Infantry units.
Modern. Paratroopers will be slightly improved. Exempt attack, which will be increased from 6 to 10, its defense will be increased from 11 to 12. The main reason for this was that they are gained late in the game, and to make them a good alternative to Helicopter dropped TOW Infantry.
TOW Infantry will get price reduced from 120 to 110 shields. No reason for this Infantry to be as expensive as Modern Armor, but still a lot of reasons to be more expensive then Tanks.
Defensive first strike ability starts to fade in usefulness in industrial era, since most offensive units start to get good defensive ratings. To compensate, Guerilla will get bombard rating increased from 3 to 4 and TOW Infantry will get bombard rating increased from 6 to 8.
Modern Armors will get defense reduced from 16 to 14, to make Mech. Infantry more important like in PtW version of mod.
Mech. Infantry will get offense unit strategy flag removed, to force AI to use Tanks for attack like it's done in PtW version.
Privateer has bombard strength of 3, but RoF of 0. Sounds like a bug to me, but I could be wrong. Anyway, just to be sure, I'll increase their RoF from 0 to 1 in this mod. Still, they have bombard range of 0, so it can only be used for defensive purposes.
I've assumed that Cruiser upgrades to AEGIS Cruiser.
In that case why would they have both same 160 shield cost? That makes 0 cost upgrade.
That's why I'll reduce cost of Cruisers to 150 shields. They weren't really worth 160 shields anyway, considering that they were (unlike AEGIS Cruiser, which has good AA) just weaker Battleships/slower Destroyers, with no unique abilities at all.
Considering that bombard rating of bombers and age of sail ships got boosted, it seamed quite strange to leave ships like Battleship with bombard rating of 8.
That's why Battleships will get bombard strength increased from 8 to 12.
Cruisers will get bombard strength increased from 7 to 8.
And AEGIS Cruisers will get bombard strength increased from 6 to 8.
While modern Carriers are faster then old WWII Battleships, movement cost of 7 is way too much. That makes them fastest ships after Destroyers, which is ridiculous considering that Battleships and Carriers are same sized ships. That's why Carriers will get movement lowered from 7 to 6 (still faster then Battleships).
Air units:
Due to low rate of fire, Fighter and Jet Fighter are pretty useless for bombardment. That's why I'll increase their RoF from 1 to 2. Also, since Jet Fighters are probably better bombers then basic Fighter, Jet Fighters will get bombard rating increased from 3 to 4. That will at least make them good against Transport ships.
Stl. Fighter and F-15 will get bombard rating increased from 6 to 8. Regarding Stl. Fighter, it was done with purpose of making it more balanced compared to Stl. Bomber. With new bombard rating, two Stl. Fighters will do same damage as one Stl. Bomber against unit with defense of 8. In case of higher defense, Stl. Bombers would be a better choice, while in case of lower defense, Stl. Fighters would be more cost effective. As for F-15, it just follows same progression as Stl. Fighter, while also keeping advantage compared to normal Jet Fighter (around 50% better bombardment).
All Artillery units, Scouts and Explorers will get airlift flag. If Workers can be airlifted these units need too.
Scouts and Explorers will get foot unit flag, to make them transferable by Helicopters, like it's done with most infantry units.
Leader and King units will get both airlift and foot unit flag, to make modern regicide game more interesting (and leaders do fly by the planes).
Last edited by player1; November 17, 2003 at 16:27.
November 14, 2003, 15:22
Local Time: 13:28
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Good luck with the new version, player1!
"As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW
November 14, 2003, 17:38
Local Time: 14:28
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Now since I just got Conquests today, I'll add this to the list too:
Javelin Thrower will get defense unit strategy flag removed, since it's too expensive unit to be used for defense (use Spearmen instead).
Musketeer will get offense unit strategy flag removed, since now it has just attack of 2.
Privateer has bombard strength of 3, but RoF of 0. Sounds like a bug to me. That why they'll get their RoF increased from 0 to 2 in this mod. Still, they have bombard range of 0, so it can only be used for defensive purposes.
Last edited by player1; November 14, 2003 at 18:51.
November 14, 2003, 19:01
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I'd recommend also increasing the range for Aegis bombards.
November 14, 2003, 19:14
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Well, not really necessary from balance point.
Range of 2 for ship is a good enough (and has a speed to compensate for that).
November 14, 2003, 19:34
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Originally posted by player1
Privateer has bombard strength of 3, but RoF of 0. Sounds like a bug to me.
OTOH, alexman has confirmed TWO TIMES that it works - and he should know quite a lot about zero range bombardment.
"As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW
November 14, 2003, 21:35
Local Time: 07:28
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The reason I say that is to simulate the Cruise Missiles that a real modern ship would be carrying. In Civ scale they should have a range of 6 or so.
November 14, 2003, 21:53
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I understand, but woudn't it be a little bit unbalancing.
I mean, you can defend from planes by using fighters and AA units, but what can you do agiainst Cruisers who bomb 6 tiles away and then can moves 7 tiles further away.
November 15, 2003, 07:25
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And what do people do in the real world to defend from cruise missile attacks launched from 600 miles away? Okay, maybe 4 would be a better range.
(BTW, how do you defend from the 16 range 18/3ROF Stealth Bomber attack? ~95% of the time it'll succeed).
November 15, 2003, 08:06
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Maybe that was the reason why Stl. Bombers are 2.4 times more expensive then normal bombers.
November 15, 2003, 10:29
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(BTW, how do you defend from the 16 range 18/3ROF Stealth Bomber attack? ~95% of the time it'll succeed).
Well, IRL, they've so far had a 100% success rate (AFAIK, none have ever been shot down)
[Obama] is either a troll or has no ****ing clue how government works - GePap
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November 15, 2003, 13:55
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Some more things added to the list.
Marines will also get price reduced from 120 to 110 shields, because while they are better then Infantry, they are not too much better to be worth 30 shields more (+4 attack, -2 defense, plus amphibious ability).
Modern Paratroopers will be slightly improved. Exempt attack, which will be increased from 6 to 10, its defense will be increased from 11 to 12. The main reason for this was that they are gained late in the game, and to make them a good alternative to Helicopter dropped TOW Infantry.
TOW Infantry will get price reduced from 120 to 110 shields. No reason for this Infantry to be as expensive as Modern Armor, but still a lot of reasons to be more expensive then Tanks.
Defensive first strike ability starts to fade in usefulness in industrial era, since most offensive units start to get good defensive ratings. To compensate, Guerilla will get bombard rating increased from 3 to 4 and TOW Infantry will get bombard rating increased from 6 to 8.
November 15, 2003, 19:20
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Jet Fighters will get RoF increased from 1 to 2. They do have rockets after all and they are not supposed to be too much weaker then F-15.
The F-15 is already a horrible UU and this only decreases their advantage. The increase on bombardment and increase to RoF does not exactly make them that much better of a unit, especially in terms of them F-15 being a UU. Regardless of the Jet Fighter getting its RoF increased from 1 to 2, the F-15 needs better stats.
The Numedian Mercenary should be 2.2.1 not 3.2.1 and cost 20 not 30. The NM stays as too poweful of unit for far too long. The NM gives the Carthaginians too much of an advantage. I think 2.2.1 is good enough let alone making them 3.2.1. The NM at 2.2.1 is equally good at offense as the archer and equally good as the spearman at defense in the middle ages, which still makes them a very potent unit. Also, all the other UUs that come from the spearman don't have the stats 2.2.1, so it's still unique.
The Mausoleum of Mausollos is another pointless wonder like Shakespeares Theatre. I would suggest changing it to provides one happy face in all cities and one additional happy face in the city it was built in. Up the cost to 40 instead of 20. Then change it to Religious and Continental Mood Effects Characteristics.
Just a couple of the changes I've already made. I never played much PtW, so a lot of the game is new to me, and I'm still refamialirizing myself with all the rest.
However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.
November 16, 2003, 05:56
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The F-15 is already a horrible UU and this only decreases their advantage.
Well, not that much horrible.
6.0.2 bombard can be pretty good against transport ships for example.
And difference between 3.0.2 vs 6.0.2 is more then 50% by my caluculations against most defenders. And if they didn't triggered GA earlier maybe in modern era would be the right time (to help build SS parts).
The Mausoleum of Mausollos is another pointless wonder like Shakespeares Theatre. I would suggest changing it to provides one happy face in all cities and one additional happy face in the city it was built in. Up the cost to 40 instead of 20. Then change it to Religious and Continental Mood Effects Characteristics.
Key word: 200 shields cost.
It's designed to be weak and cheap wonder.
The cost is just slightly more then cost of Cathedral (160 shields).
I'm more worried with wonders like Cure of Cancer (1 happy face everywere for 1000 shields), but for first version of the mod I won't change any wonders yet.
The Numedian Mercenary should be 2.2.1 not 3.2.1 and cost 20 not 30. The NM stays as too poweful of unit for far too long. The NM gives the Carthaginians too much of an advantage. I think 2.2.1 is good enough let alone making them 3.2.1. The NM at 2.2.1 is equally good at offense as the archer and equally good as the spearman at defense in the middle ages, which still makes them a very potent unit. Also, all the other UUs that come from the spearman don't have the stats 2.2.1, so it's still unique.
I don't have problem with this unit.
While 1 year before I was thinking in same lines, I realised that this UU is neither overpowred nor underpowered. Key thing to realise is that in order to cash in thier defense of 3, you need to pay 30 shields, which is a lot in ancient era.
November 16, 2003, 19:38
Local Time: 14:28
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Here is the beta version of mod for anybody interested.
(it's beta since it's without documentation)
For moderators: Do NOT move this thread to Files forum, since mod is still in beta phase.
When it gets finished, then I'll make new thread available for donwloads and comments.
November 17, 2003, 15:40
Local Time: 05:28
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Well, not that much horrible.
In terms of it being a UU it is horrible. I'm not saying it's not an improvement over the jet fighter, but it's definitely not enough in comparision to what some UUs have.
It's designed to be weak and cheap wonder.
At 200 shields in the ancient age it isn't exactly cheap. Building a cathedral at 160 shields in the middle ages takes a lot less time than buidling this at 200 shields. Granted Cure for Cancer is definitely overpriced and not worthwhile, but does that give reason to keep the Mausoleum of Mausollos useless? There needs to be some sort of balancing between the wonders, and for sure Mausoleum of Mausollos needs to be addressed.
I don't have problem with this unit.
I meant to write 2.3.1 originally not 3.21, btw. The price of 30 shields is meager since this unit is still powerful leading into the middle ages. The unit is better than the pikemen in two different ways. The NM has 2 att and does not require iron. The fact that the NM does not require iron is a huge disadvantage for other civs when it comes to the middle ages. The fact that the NM has a 2 att and 3 def makes it the elite unit of the ancient age. It's simply just not balanced. The musketman is only 1 def better, has the same attack, twice the shield cost, and requires saltpeter. The Carthaginians simply stockpile the NMs in the ancient age and they stay powerful throughout over half of the middle ages. Not to mention that NMs upgrade to pikemen which are weaker units. What would ever be the point of upgrading a NM to a pikemen? You simply get a lesser unit. The NM being 2.3.1 is very unbalanced and should be changed to 2.2.1 for so many different reasons.
Regarding the upgrade paths, they need to be revised. The Berserker upgrades to the Longbowmen, why? Maybe I'm missing something here on a lot of these upgrade paths.
About the Berserker, too powerful. I'm sure you can agree with me on this one. It gets a +2 on att and a +1 on def compared to the Longbowmen. I would say change the unit to either 5.2.1 or 5.1.1. A 6 attack is too high for that time period considering it comes before musketmen even do, and it doesn't require any resources.
It's obviously still your choice, but I hope I could at least provide you with some insight on my opinion. Since I've been playing more again, and I'm encountering a lot of new aspects to the game I got a whole lot of ideas/opinions on what should be changed.
However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.
November 17, 2003, 16:48
Local Time: 14:28
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In terms of it being a UU it is horrible. I'm not saying it's not an improvement over the jet fighter, but it's definitely not enough in comparision to what some UUs have.
Don't foget that it has some other extra abilities compared to Jet Fighter, like precision bombing, stealth attack and lethal land bombardment (good for killing annoying obsolete units).
At 200 shields in the ancient age it isn't exactly cheap. Building a cathedral at 160 shields in the middle ages takes a lot less time than buidling this at 200 shields. Granted Cure for Cancer is definitely overpriced and not worthwhile, but does that give reason to keep the Mausoleum of Mausollos useless? There needs to be some sort of balancing between the wonders, and for sure Mausoleum of Mausollos needs to be addressed.
Well, it is not usless. Not to much good? Yes. But, not useless.
In time when you get it, it could be good investment for cities you plan to get to 12 pop early. And obviously, making it any cheaper would make it even cheaper then some city improvements. Sure, it can also get handy when AI beats you in building other more worthy wonders (and you don't want to lose hard earned shields).
I meant to write 2.3.1 originally not 3.21, btw. The price of 30 shields is meager since this unit is still powerful leading into the middle ages. The unit is better than the pikemen in two different ways. The NM has 2 att and does not require iron. The fact that the NM does not require iron is a huge disadvantage for other civs when it comes to the middle ages. The fact that the NM has a 2 att and 3 def makes it the elite unit of the ancient age. It's simply just not balanced. The musketman is only 1 def better, has the same attack, twice the shield cost, and requires saltpeter. The Carthaginians simply stockpile the NMs in the ancient age and they stay powerful throughout over half of the middle ages. Not to mention that NMs upgrade to pikemen which are weaker units. What would ever be the point of upgrading a NM to a pikemen? You simply get a lesser unit. The NM being 2.3.1 is very unbalanced and should be changed to 2.2.1 for so many different reasons.
You can't upgrade NM to pikemen, only to Musketeer.
And personally, with this resoniong you could easliy say that Hoplite is overpowered (3 defense for 20 shields).
By adding +1 to attack and +10shields in price NM is in fact crippled for UU (at least IMO).
Regarding the upgrade paths, they need to be revised. The Berserker upgrades to the Longbowmen, why? Maybe I'm missing something here on a lot of these upgrade paths.
It upgrades to Guerilla, since Vikings can't build Longbowmen.
Beserker replaces Longbowmen so they have same upgrade path (to Guerilla).
About the Berserker, too powerful. I'm sure you can agree with me on this one. It gets a +2 on att and a +1 on def compared to the Longbowmen. I would say change the unit to either 5.2.1 or 5.1.1. A 6 attack is too high for that time period considering it comes before musketmen even do, and it doesn't require any resources.
Don't forget the cost!
It's 70 shields, and has defense of 2, which makes it an easy target for any cavalry unit.
It's best in maps with lots of water, since then they are not too much vulnerable, but even then some enemy Galley could make a difference.
By the way 4 vs 6 attack is similar difference to 2 vs 3 attack (like Mounted Warrior for example).
It is powerful UU, but not out control, and still a lot of map dependent.
It's obviously still your choice, but I hope I could at least provide you with some insight on my opinion. Since I've been playing more again, and I'm encountering a lot of new aspects to the game I got a whole lot of ideas/opinions on what should be changed.
No problem.
November 17, 2003, 16:50
Local Time: 14:28
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Some extra things added to the list:
Due to low rate of fire, Fighter and Jet Fighter are pretty useless for bombardment. That's why I'll increase their RoF from 1 to 2. Also, since Jet Fighters are probably better bombers then basic Fighter, Jet Fighters will get bombard rating increased from 3 to 4. That will at least make them good against Transport ships.
Stl. Fighter and F-15 will get bombard rating increased from 6 to 8. Regarding Stl. Fighter, it was done with purpose of making it more balanced compared to Stl. Bomber. With new bombard rating, two Stl. Fighters will do same damage as one Stl. Bomber against unit with defense of 8. In case of higher defense, Stl. Bombers would be a better choice, while in case of lower defense, Stl. Fighters would be more cost effective. As for F-15, it just follows same progression as Stl. Fighter, while also keeping advantage compared to normal Jet Fighter (around 50% better bombardment).
November 17, 2003, 19:11
Local Time: 05:28
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Don't foget that it has some other extra abilities compared to Jet Fighter, like precision bombing, stealth attack and lethal land bombardment (good for killing annoying obsolete units).
Ha, but I still influenced you. You made the F-15 better. Although, it was probably just to keep the 50% bombard advantage over jet fighters.
Well, it is not usless. Not to much good? Yes. But, not useless.
Of course not useless; that was an exaggeration. However, it is not worth the cost to build. It being made as a backup wonder to build just so your shields don't get wasted isn't exactly very meaningful. My point is that this wonder, as well as other wonders, need to be tweaked in order to make them worthwhile to build.
You can't upgrade NM to pikemen, only to Musketeer.
Yeah, the editor shows it upgrades to pikemen along with beserker up to longbowmen. I forgot about the fact that it isn't put in the to build list. My mistake.
And personally, with this resoniong you could easliy say that Hoplite is overpowered (3 defense for 20 shields). By adding +1 to attack and +10shields in price NM is in fact crippled for UU (at least IMO)
I wouldn't say that at all. Considering the Hoplite can never go on the attack, whereas the NM is very potent on the attack in the ancient age and still formiddable in the middle ages. The NM is especially even more dominant when there are scarce resources available to all surrounding civs.
It's 70 shields, and has defense of 2, which makes it an easy target for any cavalry unit.
It's the same cost as a knight, so I don't consider it being 70 shields that high, regardless of it being 30 shields higher than a normal longbowmen. Also, only considering normal units it has the highest attack by 2, so for 70 shields it is more than worth the cost.
By the way 4 vs 6 attack is similar difference to 2 vs 3 attack (like Mounted Warrior for example).
The difference is that there is a 2 defensive unit available to defend against the MW. The best unit available to defend against the berserker is 3. That's a 3/2 and a 6/3 ratio. A lot different if you ask me. Then to have a chance to defend after that you will have to have saltpeter just to get that same 3/2 (6/4) ratio.
I, also, don't see how it's map dependent. Then again you may have more experience with it than I do. But it seems to me all you would have to do is slap a few pikemen and a few berserkers together to reak as much havoc as you want to early on in the middle ages.
I really like that there UUs that give civs an advantage a certain point in the game, because it adds a lot of strategy. However, I feel that some of the civs are given unfair advantages (and others aren't given enough of an advantage to balance it all out.
However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.
November 19, 2003, 21:13
Local Time: 12:28
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 1
Re: Plans for C3C version of Patch Suggestion MOD (also known as Player1 MOD)
Originally posted by player1
While modern Carriers are faster then old WWII Battleships, movement cost of 7 is way too much. That makes them fastest ships after Destroyers, which is ridiculous considering that Battleships and Carriers are same sized ships. That's why Carriers will get movement lowered from 7 to 6 (still faster then Battleships).
I think that its perfectly fair as it stands considering battlehips generally had a top speed of 30 kts, cruising at 20-25 and modern aircraft carriers have top speeds sometimes in excess of 40 kts, and cruise at 30-35.
November 20, 2003, 01:59
Local Time: 14:28
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Well I looked in some book I have about naval units, and I saw that Carriers go from 24-34 knots (with 34 knots leading USA's Enterprise).
And Cruisers go from 30-35 knots.
So I guess that generaly Cruisers and faster then Carriers (although there are few faster Carriers around).
November 23, 2003, 19:28
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It looks that MOD will take more time then I thought.
I upgraded my system from 333Mhz Celeron to 2600+ Atlon. It looked great at first (especialy Civ3, which had faster turn processing and smooth graphics).
But, few days later, computer crashed badly, and I'm unable to access all my data (which is moved from my old to new comp), including working version of MOD.
Now, I'm typing this from my father laptop (until all gets fixed).
By the way, recently I was toying with idea to do following changes to governments:
Feudalism unit cost to be changed from 3 to 1gp.
Should still keep it balanced, since there is still a some WW and low free support for 7+ pop cities.
Republic free unit number to be changed to 2 units for cities (7+) and metropolis (13+), since considering that comparing C3C republic to old one, new one is better if you have less units then 6 per city and less units then 8 per metro. Makes Democracy even worse then before as option.
While C3C rules toned down republic in early period (towns), it was pretty much boosted for later periods (maybe even unintentionally).
Still, even with this change, it would stay better then pre-C3C, Rebublic if having 4 or less units per city or metro, which is not difficuly if playing peacefully, and somehow it looks that BreakAway did intended to make Republic more peace oriented (and balanced) then before.
Of course, there is possibility, that I would keep govenments unmoded, and add alternate version of this mod with these two govenments modified.
Last edited by player1; November 23, 2003 at 19:33.
December 7, 2003, 16:45
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Bad news people.
It looks I lost all my data from last crash.
This includes testing version of this mod as all other mods too.
Luckly, other mods can be donwloaded wia web, and I could use donwload from this threa, instead of rebuiding the mod from scratch.
December 16, 2003, 13:45
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Here is next beta version.
Now suggested changes to Feudalism and Republic are added.
Also, added unload flag to Curragh and changed Curragh AI strategy from Naval Power to Naval Transport.
This will make AI build them more often (thanks for tips to AU mod guys).
Removed defensive bombardment from Musketeer.
Since now Musketmen and Musketter have price of 50 shields, just added defense of Musketeer is more then enough to make them a good UU.
Increased Cannons ROF from 1 to 2 and price from 40 to 60 shields (same for Korean UU too).
This is done for flavor purpose (ships with cannons have ROF of 2), and to make Cannon have better "punch" (difference between Terbuchet and Cannons was very minor before).
Last edited by player1; December 16, 2003 at 13:51.
January 16, 2004, 11:19
Local Time: 14:28
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Location: Belgrade, Serbia
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This mod will be realeased in next few days.
April 18, 2004, 06:07
Local Time: 12:28
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 25
You know, the F-15 isn't as horrible of a unique unit as everyone says: Why?
Let's say you discover it early; America has a small technical advantage throughout the rest of the game; although it is minor, that's the real strength of the F-15, the fact that it never goes obsolete and, unlike say immortals, is always useful.
May 9, 2004, 23:21
Local Time: 12:28
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: San Francisco
Posts: 4
Originally posted by player1
...Privateer has bombard strength of 3, but RoF of 0. Sounds like a bug to me. That why they'll get their RoF increased from 0 to 2 in this mod. Still, they have bombard range of 0, so it can only be used for defensive purposes.
Just like how the Archer has a bombard rank of 1 but a range of 0. This is so that if the Archer is on the same square as, say, a Spearman, and the Spearman gets attacked, the Archer will fire a shot at the attacking unit, potentially damaging it. TOW Infantry, as well as other units, do this as well.
May 9, 2004, 23:56
Local Time: 07:28
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Jun 2002
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Originally posted by Jarred
You know, the F-15 isn't as horrible of a unique unit as everyone says: Why?
Let's say you discover it early; America has a small technical advantage throughout the rest of the game; although it is minor, that's the real strength of the F-15, the fact that it never goes obsolete and, unlike say immortals, is always useful.
But the thing is, the F-15 can't be discovered early; it comes very late in the game when, chances are, the stage for a player's victory is already set. It's a victim not so much of its stats, which certainly are better, as its very late timing. The Panzer suffers some from this as well; although it's an awesome unit, it comes so late it's generally better to have an earlier UU like a Knight UU, or at least Siphai.
Originally posted by sims2789
Just like how the Archer has a bombard rank of 1 but a range of 0. This is so that if the Archer is on the same square as, say, a Spearman, and the Spearman gets attacked, the Archer will fire a shot at the attacking unit, potentially damaging it. TOW Infantry, as well as other units, do this as well.
Archer has a bombard strength/rank of 1, range of 0, and Rate of Fire of 1. Privateer has a bombard strength of 3, range of 0, but also RoF of 0, making the strength useless since the RoF is 0. (RoF is the number of times the unit attempts to fire.) Player1 is referring to the Privateer's RoF, not the range.
Though, on the other hand... bombard units only get one defensive shot anyway, regardless of what their RoF on the attack is. So it's possible Privateers get a defensive bombard shot regardless of their RoF, making it a cosmetic bug only.
May 10, 2004, 10:25
Local Time: 08:28
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Aug 2001
Posts: 335
Speaking of defensive bombardment ...
... Has anyone noticed whether or not increasing the defensive bombardment factor >1 actually has much effect?
... And on the pedestal these words appear: "My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!" Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away ...
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