November 14, 2003, 17:57
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Vietnam war scenario.
First of all I wanted to apologise to everyone for starting yet another thread, but for some bizarre reason I can't seem to post in the ones I have already started  . Once again I'm sorry to clog up the forum.
First of all some data on the scenario:
"It is now June 1965, and many important changes have taken place: in the previous year: Nikita Khrushchev was replaced by Leonid Brezhniev as leader of USSR, China has succesfully tested its first atomic bomb, Lyndon B. Johnson is re-elected as President of the United States in a land-slide victory and what is most important for you - the congress passes the "Gulf fo Tonkin Resolution" and the USA gets fully involved in the Vietnam conflict.
You are General Nguyen Van Thieu, the leader of a new South Vietnamese goverment, the 10th government in 20 months. You have a very difficult task before you: you have to stabilize a country which is torn apart by bhuddist riots, rising crime, sects, incompetent officers, unimaginable corruption, and what is most important a major guerilla war against the Viet Cong and a threat of aggresion from your northern neighbour run by a communistic goverment led by Ho Chi Minh.
An american intervention is the only thing that can help you win the war and save your nation from the red plague. Alas the Americans are not a loyal ally and sooner or later they will leave South Vietnam on its own and you have to get the nation and the army ready for that day. If South Vietnam survives it will easily become a country of freedom and welfare like Taiwan or South Korea, but it may as easily turn to the bankrupt communistic state it is today. You musn't let that happen. The people of South Vietnam deserve a life of freedom, don't fail the trust they put in you."
Basically I intend to do a good military directed scenario, with enough political, cultural, geographical and historicall aspects in it to give it a really "Vietnamese" feeling to it and at the same time makle it unique from all the other CIV2 Vietnam scenarios.
As I said you will take the role of General Thieu and run South Vietnam, not USA, not the Western powers but only this small country. You will be able to use American units in the theatre, but at a certain point they will leave Vietnam. You should use that time in order to build up a dependable army, a stable economy and "win the hearts and minds" of the people in order to pull the communists back to the north.
Basically there will be two ways of wining this scenario - defending South Vietnam and surviving to 1978, or attacking North Vietnam itself and liberating Hanoi.
The second option is a more glorious one, but it brings the risk of a Chinese or even Soviet intervention and maybe the brakeout of a nuclear WWIII.
As you might all already expect I'm posting this also to say that I need some help. I would like to ask all of you do you happen to know about (or make one):
- A good icon of a Huey Helicopter (Vietnam won't be the same without it)
- A nice rice paddy terrain piece.
- A jungle terrain set (consisting of 16 pieces like the original forest terrain)
- A vietnamese cities grapic (you know, bamboo huts with small cities, pagoda's and factories with big ones)
- Any other graphics he belives to be perfect for a Vietnam scenario.
I'll post the unit graphics I have chosen for now, all the graphics with signatures on them still have them. But if anyone finds his graphics among them, and doesn't want to make them available for me, just mail me and I'll take them down.
Here are the graphics: have just started making the scenario and as I have little time, and much learining at school I HOPE it will be ready this year.
Last edited by KASHANKA; November 15, 2003 at 04:26.
November 14, 2003, 18:41
Local Time: 07:29
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The U.S. President's name was Lyndon B. Johnson, not B. Johnson.
November 14, 2003, 18:55
Local Time: 13:29
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Sounds like a promising scenario!
November 14, 2003, 21:16
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I don't recall where these are from, but these are some fantastic jungle graphics like you needed.
November 14, 2003, 21:23
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A scenario about the vietnam war  (i hope this will be a good one)
Well, i strongly suggest you to make the Huey work as an "air transport".
Something similar to what Pablostuka is going to do with the C-130 hercules in his "Marruecos" scenario
November 14, 2003, 21:56
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Groovy jungles, RM!
November 14, 2003, 22:55
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It should be an excellent scenario, based on your work on Pac Gen
Here is a good place to start. Several scenarios on the Vietnam War should contain a lot of what you are looking for:
The Vietnam War by B.Stein and others, available at Civ Fanatics:
November 15, 2003, 00:39
Local Time: 22:29
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Erm, the Australian graphic you're using is about 20 years out of date  Here's a more accurate one, along with an improved Cobra made by Andrew Livings (aka 'Panda')
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November 15, 2003, 02:44
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"nemo" style Cobra from Bernd Brosing:
"I didn't invent these rules, I'm just going to use them against you."
November 15, 2003, 04:23
Local Time: 12:29
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Sounds like a promising scenario!
It should be an excellent scenario, based on your work on Pac Gen
(i hope this will be a good one)
Well, I hope to make it a nice scenario, but one should remember that this will be my first scenario for Civ2... So any sort of advice, corrections and ideas from every expirienced scenario creator will be appreciated.
The U.S. President's name was Lyndon B. Johnson, not B. Johnson.
Yes, I know that, thios was an editorial mistake (damn those cut-paste methods!)
Well, i strongly suggest you to make the Huey work as an "air transport".
Hmm... Pardon my lack of knowledge, but how does an "air transport" unit work in Civ2?
It would be great to use the Huey as a transport for other units, but I didn't know it was possible to use air units in such a role in Civ2.
Thank's for all the replies and advice, I'll take them all into consideration.
November 15, 2003, 07:28
Local Time: 14:29
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Finally a new vietnam war scenario! 
November 15, 2003, 07:58
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Looking forward to this. Your opening description did a really good job in describing what you plan to do. Good luck!
There are a few Vietnam scenarios on the web alraedy if you're looking for any ideas (though IMHO none of them are anything special). I think techumseh was also working on a Vietnam scenario at some stage...
Air transport is where you can get an 'air' unit to fly troops e.g. Nemo's gliders in SF. You have a sea transport unit and give it the paradrop flag - any units asleep in it will also be transported to the new position when the unit is paradropped.
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November 15, 2003, 10:47
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Hi Kashanka, I would glad to offer my artistical skills. Just follow the link to find out what I am talking about. I hope this will be a winner scenario as it sounds like a winner scnenario ..... Good Luck, anyway
November 15, 2003, 15:55
Local Time: 12:29
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Hi Kashanka, I would glad to offer my artistical skills.
I saw your works Jim, and they are topnotch stuff, I'll be more than happy to accept any help from someone as talented as you (I mean it.)
Anything you come up with is welcome, now the things I need the most are a Huey graphic (the one I have stands out) a A1-E Skyraider, and some South east asia style infantry I could use for Korean, Cambodia, Thai and Khmer Rouge units.
But as I said, EVERYTHING is welcome.
November 15, 2003, 19:26
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Pretty interesting, Kashanka! I'm really looking foward for this one.
Maybe you want to use my UH-1 Huey unit
Originally posted by academia
Well, i strongly suggest you to make the Huey work as an "air transport".
Something similar to what Pablostuka is going to do with the C-130 hercules in his "Marruecos" scenario
Thanks for the advertising, academia
Oh, Kashanka...that idea is very simple, used by Captain Nemo in his Second Front scenario. You only have to create a sea transport unit with the paradrop ability. But this feature only works paradroping from cities or airbases, and if you paradrop (land) your unitm in open terrain, you'll lose it, as it won't be able to move anymore (btw, imagine that it has crashed.
For this scenario, I suggest you to modify the airbase graphic (in the Cities.gif) to some kind of 'landing zone', or a clear in the middle of the jungle, so your Hueys will be able to paradrop again once there.
I hope I've explained myself clearly...
Follow this link to learn more about this awesome feature
Good luck with your scen!
November 17, 2003, 12:21
Local Time: 14:29
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hi ,
 , why not start a couple years earlier , .....
have a nice day
November 17, 2003, 15:50
Local Time: 12:29
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I decided to start in 1965 as I said:
1) The US is already engaged (If I were to deploy ALL of the US units via events, the entire event file would be clogged up in no time, and I still belive that I'll have to use 2 event files.)
2) Thieu is at power, and I intend on simulating his rule and placing the player in his shoes, starting the war then lets us avoid Diem's goverment and all the silly coups.
3) The guerilla war is already large and furious, starting before 1964 would be boring.
That's my reasons, but It doesn't mean I won't change my mind if someone presents better arguments. I'm open to all suggestions.
November 17, 2003, 16:32
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I posted a graphic for you over @ civfanatics.. should've posted it here though :P
November 18, 2003, 05:18
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Originally posted by KASHANKA
I decided to start in 1965 as I said:
1) The US is already engaged (If I were to deploy ALL of the US units via events, the entire event file would be clogged up in no time, and I still belive that I'll have to use 2 event files.)
2) Thieu is at power, and I intend on simulating his rule and placing the player in his shoes, starting the war then lets us avoid Diem's goverment and all the silly coups.
3) The guerilla war is already large and furious, starting before 1964 would be boring.
That's my reasons, but It doesn't mean I won't change my mind if someone presents better arguments. I'm open to all suggestions.
hi ,
well the war started a bit earlier , heck , the country was still at war from the WW II , .....
the people did not now peace for a long time , coup de etat's , internal fighting , etc , .....
at first during the early years the US send in some advisors to train , advise , and slowly they started to fight , .....
but imagine one thing , civ is about how you would have done things in history , ..... well imagine you can prevent a huge war , .......
btw , how shall the US troops increase arrive on the map , .....
have a nice day
November 19, 2003, 05:17
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I collected these units for a never-ending upgrade of B.Steins scenario, already upgraded by J.A.P.R.; so far this is the compilation for the Viets:
And here comes the freedom fighters:
You probably know this link to the US ARMY HISTORICAL SERIES , a very one-sided view of the south-east asian conflicts.
And some OOBs .
Ceteram Macedonicus
(got the 'Macedonicus' part as a title for playtesting Bernd's Imperium Romanum)
Last edited by Ceteram; November 19, 2003 at 12:51.
November 19, 2003, 06:10
Local Time: 14:29
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Hehe, that´s my US Artillery ....
November 19, 2003, 08:08
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EDIT: Nothing
November 19, 2003, 08:31
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Ceteram: the US artillery will not appear properly in-game. You need to keep the graphic above the lower two magenta triangles.
Why don't you cut and past the originator's initials back onto the graphics here?
November 19, 2003, 10:35
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If you can't keep the initials on the units, don't post them.
November 19, 2003, 12:18
Local Time: 13:29
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sorry didn't know
i understand
Ceteram Macedonicus
(got the 'Macedonicus' part as a title for playtesting Bernd's Imperium Romanum)
November 19, 2003, 12:36
Local Time: 12:29
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I collected these units for a never-ending upgrade of B.Steins scenario, already upgraded by J.A.P.R.; so far this is the compilation for the Viets:
Sorry, I can't see them.
well the war started a bit earlier , heck , the country was still at war from the WW II , .....
I know, but I wanted to depict the late portion of the conflict with Laos and Cambodia as independent states. Maybe when I'll be done with this scenario I'll do something like "Indochina 1952" and simulate the war from the French side.
Now I haven't yet finished this one...
the people did not now peace for a long time , coup de etat's , internal fighting , etc
Eee... nope. Actually except the part between Diem's downfall and Thieu's rule the country was internally stable. (one of your tasks will be bringing back the stability, as Thieu did).
November 19, 2003, 20:47
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November 20, 2003, 13:25
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Afther giving it a lot of thought I decided to drop the "air transport Huey" idea. I belive it works well only for plane transport and not helicopters.
Making this work for helicopters would require me to place an airfield every 5 squares in the middle of the jungle (about 250 of them!) and make them act as "landing spots". But then again I would have to see B-52's starting from those "landing spots". No, sorry for my scenario this will not work.
November 23, 2003, 20:00
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Any new regarding the scen?
November 23, 2003, 21:13
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You should use the us marines Kobra (Eivind) just posted in the Modern Graphics section, they look great!
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