October 10, 2000, 16:58
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2194 Days of War: Revised version
After completing Second Front I made some quick corrections to "2194 Days of War" relating to errors in the event files.
To those who had mastered the scenario (Especially from the German side) there are more challenges in store with the corrected version. Most of the event triggered AI responses were not working properly as the wrong techs were given to the Soviet AI. The revised version should hopefully be much more difficult. I also added a few "upgraded" American unit graphics from Second Front.
Download at the following location:
[This message has been edited by Captain Nemo (edited October 10, 2000).]
October 10, 2000, 17:34
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Thank you Captain Nemo.
I really like this scenario. I hotseat it often with my neighbor and by myself as well.
I like the non-historical aspect to it. It allows for all kinds of crazy attack plans. Can't wait to try it, because SF is giving me a headache!
I am the Ukrainian Anti-Pope!
October 14, 2000, 01:34
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Civilization scenario lovers the world over hail your diligence and celebrate your dedication.
Thank you, Captain Nemo.
December 8, 2000, 22:39
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Hey FMK, if you're still here, there's a new game starting at the Frontier...multiplayer
December 10, 2000, 01:05
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What is the frontier Mao? Do you mean a multiplayer 2194?!?  I'd love that, but aren't the turns aweful long? I know I take damn near forever to make a full turn. I know there was once talk of making a stripped down version with less pieces, has this been done? I would think it would be impossible to get a game going with the regular version, no?
I am certainly interested, so fill me in!
I am the Ukrainian Anti-Pope!
December 10, 2000, 01:54
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I just tried it a few times, but alas, the drag is waaaaaaay too long, even with a cable connection. How about another one of Nemo's scenarios?
December 10, 2000, 15:02
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I can see 2 ways to play 2194DaysOfWar multiplayer...
We can either play it as some kind of email game. That is, we each play our own turn and then email the savegame around. I guess it would have to be a hotseat game, and there'd be no way to save it to send without being able to view other player's games. If you know hotseat, it'll make sense.
Or, we could do a major downsizing of the units in the game, and make a 2194Multiplayer scenario. Someone would have to delete 2/3 of every countries forces (in correct proportion of vehicles, of course). We could send that new savegame around for agreement, and actually play that one online. We could edit some of the events as well. Perhaps Nemo could give us an OK, or direct us...I'm sure he doesn't feel like revising this "oldie" yet again. Or maybe he does?
I think it would be real silly to play the original one online. Just far too many units. What do you think?
I am the Ukrainian Anti-Pope!
December 11, 2000, 19:12
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I'd like to play a multiplayer game of 2194.
In playing a game with long turns just get some Refreshments and some munchies and watch some TV or whatever while your waiting :P
Mao, contact me if ou wanna play a MP game of 2194.
December 11, 2000, 22:29
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Sun, we tried it before...the lag's simply too long. Try the Sparta scenario in my other thread.
December 12, 2000, 12:29
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C'mon Mao, don't give up so easily. What about trying to make an MP sav (with a lot less units, same balance of strength). Instead of 40 PzKwIV's to take Moscow, need only 10. It would take some work though....
December 12, 2000, 15:27
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Here is a list of the major players of 2194DaysOfWar, with their respective starting unit totals. As you can see there are way too manyunits to sit through an MP game with. Perhaps we can agree how to reduce these numbers at the start of the game. But also, we'd need to increase the cost of later units so we don't overflow the totals later in the war. There is alot to do in reducing the game, but keeping the balance. I am so very busy with school right now, but I will have time over the break. Maybe I'll talk to Nemo about either help, permission etc. I've never been good at scneario design, but this would be a fun way to start. Mao, would you be interested in helping with a possible re-do? What is your experience with scenario building? It may be a fun project to co-build with ya.
Let me know. And if you read this Nemo, don't be alarmed...I have to do alot of thinking before I go butchering your masterpiece. If I decide to do it, I'll email you all the changes or ideas for approval. I certainly am not trying to rip you off, I figure (read= Hope) you have other fish to fry right now. *cough* Stalingrad *cough*
So let me know what you think Mao...
Engineers: 3
Wermacht: 61
SS Stormtroopers: 54
AA Battery: 15
Light Tank: 4
PzKwIV: 57
Field Artillery: 7
Motorized Infantry: 6
Me109: 27
Bomber: 23
Destroyer: 5
Cruiser: 5
Freighter: 6
Battleship: 3
Submarine: 32
Freight: 5
JU-87: 38
Fallschirmjager: 6
Total: 351 units
Engineers: 4
Imperial Marines: 124
AA Battery: 19
Light Tank: 43
Field Artillery: 15
Motorized Infantry: 10
A6M2 Zero: 58
Bomber: 50
Destroyer: 18
Cruiser: 16
Freighter: 27
Battleship: 6
Submarine: 22
Aircraft Carrier: 6
Super Battleship: 2
Freight: 5
Total: 425 units
Engineers: 6
Red Army: 125
Red Guard: 24
AA Battery: 14
Light Tank: 31
Field Artillery: 15
Motorized Infantry: 22
Fighter: 17
Bomber: 7
Destroyer: 8
Cruiser: 4
Freighter: 7
Battleship: 3
Freight: 12
Total: 295 units
Engineers: 5
GI: 44
Paratroopers: 3
AA Battery: 10
Light Tank: 5
Field Artillery: 1
Motorized Infantry: 9
Fighter: 25
Bomber: 10
Destroyer: 20
Cruiser: 13
Freighter: 14
Battleship: 8
Aircraft Carrier: 2
Freight: 6
Total: 175 units
British (Commonwealth)
Engineers: 7
Infantry: 66
AA Battery: 18
Light Tank: 14
Field Artillery: 1
Motorized Infantry: 11
Fighter: 16
Bomber: 2
Spitfire: 33
Destroyer: 14
Cruiser: 11
Freighter: 30
Battleship: 10
Submarine: 1
Aircraft Carrier: 2
Freight: 20
Total: 256 units
Grand Total: 1502 units!!!
Obviously things need to be done if this is to be playable on MP.
I am the Ukrainian Anti-Pope!
December 12, 2000, 21:48
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I think it's possible to play it in its full version.
You just gotta have faith.
I myself am willing to play the complete 2194days of war scenario via MP
December 12, 2000, 22:04
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The turns are 20 minutes in legth... it's not possible. Take my word for it. Unless you're going to dedicate about 80-120 hours to the game.
December 12, 2000, 23:15
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i'm dedicated, me and my friend played civ2 MP games during the summer and during the weekends right now for 8-13hours at a time!  So i believe i'm up for a game of 2194days.
December 13, 2000, 21:41
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A MP of 2194 days is a great idea. u can scheadule it for like 3 hours a day, every day or on weekends something like that. You can make posts on the whole thing. like they did with the Tales of The Dip Front the Multi Forums. You should really do this, and if you can't make it to a game night, you can get a sub or something to fill in so AI wouldn't destroy your civ.
December 14, 2000, 02:06
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I think 20 minutes a turn is a very low estimate. I'd venture to say closer to 45 min a turn at least. I mean, Japan herself has over 400 units! The first few turns will take the longest, because everyone will have to asses their situations...But I'll give it a try. I bet it'll be hell to play though. My selection for a Civ would be:
1. Germany
2. Soviet Union
3. Japan
How is everyone looking for the holidays? I am in EST, and I know for a fact that Mao is too. What times are good for you guys?
I am the Ukrainian Anti-Pope!
December 14, 2000, 21:13
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I'm CST but i cna't play right now because i'm forced to live in my grandparents house because of a big ice storm that hit my city and our house doesn't have electricity heat or water
So i'll reply back when i move back in
December 15, 2000, 20:09
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Mao, others, anyone interested in this?
I am the Ukrainian Anti-Pope!
December 15, 2000, 20:50
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I am. Order of preferences: 1.Soviet Union
December 16, 2000, 21:28
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Anyone interested in playing this via email? I think there is a method called PBEM (play by email maybe?), i was just reading about it in another thread. Oh, please forgive my ignorance as well. But we could also play it via Hotseat. That is, whoever chooses to be the Japanese first Civ to move) starts a hotseat game of 2194. He selects as many players as we have, and makes his turn. Then, before pressing enter to end it, he clicks to a (preferably) blackened space on the map, and saves the game. Then email that .hot file to the next in line, and he loads it up. Here is where we depend on TRUST. The person receiving the file loads up the .hot savegame and only presses enter to get to his turn. He will not see anything if the screen is blackened. We just have to trust that players will not be fiddling with other people's Civs. Maybe we could get more to want to play if there isn't such a big time commitment to each session.
December 19, 2000, 18:07
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I like the idea of playing the game in Hotseat and e-mail saved games. My preferences:
1. America
2. Japan
3. Germany
[This message has been edited by Marko (edited December 19, 2000).]
December 19, 2000, 20:34
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You can try playing 'human players move simultaneously' for this one.
December 19, 2000, 21:16
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That's BEYOND scary, Xin! Might as well put in a 5 minute move limit while you're at it!
December 20, 2000, 12:12
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Okay, as a tentative line up, so far we have:
America: Marko
Soviet Union: VietMinh
Germany: Field Marshal Klesh
I'd like to see us wrangle up people to play the British and Japanese. For a REAL challange, China or the Neutrals are still left too.
Now, I'm no Civ Master, So if I play as Germany, I'll need a good MP player as my ally.
I'm real interested in this guys, so let's try to get 2 more guys to play!
December 20, 2000, 14:07
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I'll play Great Britain!
December 20, 2000, 15:33
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I'll play Japan, if nobody else is available.
December 20, 2000, 17:13
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Now THATS what I call an ally!!! Xin, work your glorious magic for the Axis!
Okay, the next step is to post our email addresses so we can get this badboy started!
Field Marshal Klesh: AVANT393@aol.com
Once we got all the emails, the game can start. Xin, you'll be starting since you have Japan. My best wishes for sucess at Pearl. I'll email you any ideas I have for an Axis victory, we'll need to cooperate to win!
We'll be playing hotseat, so everyone remember to go to a black part of the map before you save so as not to show the next person in line your Civ. And please, please do not screw with, or even look at the disposition of someone elses army, ok? Not that I don't trust you guys, but I don't even know ya! 
I suppose we'll play on Diety, huh? Looks like I'll have my work cut out for me. as it stands now:
America: Marko
Soviet Union: VietMinh
Great Britain: SunTzu
Japan: XinYu
Germany: Field Marshal Klesh
I'm not sure of the playing order, but I know Japan goes first. Oh yeah, what should we do about loading the .bat file? Should we just select our particular Civ, and it will be ok? Not sure because of the hotseat aspect... Guys, any thoughts?
It'd be cool if we could start a thread in this forum to follow our game. It would be good reading to keep us informed of the events abroad. Creativity makes it fun.
I can't wait to get this goin'!
December 20, 2000, 20:31
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I think I know how to start. I open an internet game with all 7 civs. Then I save it at the end of my turn (with the 'enter' sign blinking at the lower right corner of the screen) and password my civilization. The second player can open the saved file and log in as Germany. Then he password the German civ and save at the end of his turn. The third player can do the same thing, and so on.
However I cannot password the Chinese and the Neutrual. The players immediately before the two civs can do that by finishing their turns, quitting, logining as the two civs, then passwording them.
I have already started, using rules1.txt and events1.txt (German setup).
My e-mail will be there when I send you the saved game, FMK.
December 20, 2000, 21:13
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Sounds good Xin, I like the idea of the password. I was unaware of that method, as I don't MP very much.
I'll be looking forward to your savegame. However, I must let you all know that I am in the middle of my last final exam. It's a paper that is due tomorrow, so it may only affect me tonite. But, if I get the savegame, you know I'll probably have to play and send it along...I love to procrastinate!
So, which Civ is next after me?
I'll check people's profiles as well for email addresses. Good Civin'!
PS, Xin, if you have any grand Axis strategy ideas, send 'em along in the email. I'd love to hear 'em.
December 20, 2000, 22:16
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My e-mail is markourm@yahoo.com
Playing order is
Japan - XinYu
Germany - Field Marshal Klesh
America - Marko
Great Britain - SunTzu
Soviet Union - VietMinh
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