April 27, 2000, 19:50
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Legends from the Non-Diplo Front I
There seems to be a perception that only Diplo games can last a long time. I've been asked to introduce a similar thread regarding a non-diplo, League game (4 players) that began 1-9-00 and is going strong. By accident, the civs involved present an intriguing alternate history of North America's exploration and conquest.
The French and Americans are allied against the English and Sioux...
The Philadelphia Gazette
May 21, 1758
The non-war continues, fiercely unfought. This Cold War is taking it's toll on the morale of the citizenry and the progress of our fledgling Nation, but we perservere. Had the French not won their struggle for Eastern Canada, and had they not then aided us in freeing ourselves from the yoke of the English government, we would still be paying taxes on our rum and quartering English troops in our homes.
We have much to be thankful for. The French, both our natural allies by geographical position and our philosophical brothers as well, have lent great advancement to our developing industry and the education of our people in refined skills.
Who would have thought that the English would have been able to not only maintain their control of Western Canada (so far from their homeland) but also find an ally in the Indian Confederation organized by the Sioux? Our progress West has been stopped at the wide Mississippi River.
Still, we prosper. The recently constructed Hoover Dam has turned the Ohio River into a mighty power supply to drive our factories. Refrigerated cars on our ever-expanding railroad system feed our growing population. Coastal ports are protected by fortresses, and our General Army is strong!
On this particular Independence Day, we have much to remember, and much to which to look forward.
April 27, 2000, 22:31
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Sorry to butt in.  Yeah, it doesn't have to be a Diplo game to last. Wezil, Macuser, DEITY and I only recently finished a traditional game that started middle of last December.
Cue a litany of longest-ever traditional game posts!  Sorry to interrupt, I'll get out of your way now.
Mono Rules!
April 28, 2000, 17:47
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No prob, Finbar.
In fact, what we thought was notable was that we have the original players, never a sub, and there has been no warfare whatsoever (observed by myself, anyway).
April 28, 2000, 21:55
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Yeah, we started with 6, lost 2 fairly early on for various reasons, but the core 4 remained till the end. God Bless the stickers.
Mono Rules!
April 29, 2000, 10:17
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Dear Mama:
Hello, Mama. The fighting has calmed down quite a bit so I thought I would write. How are you and Little Sun? I hope everything is well.
I guess you have heard that we have taken one of the Aztec cities. Since our victory, the Aztec forces have withdrawn to the south of Lake Ocha. They are a battered bunch, but I respect them as I would any enemy. That is the way of our people, is it not? One must give respect to receive it, even in battle.
Our artillery is overwhelming them. As much as they try to gain a victory over us, the shells of our artillery batteries are completely destroying their units consisting of archers and men on horseback. They do not have the same military force as that of our nation and I feel confident that I shall return home soon as this war may not last long.
I guess this is nothing new to the Aztec army, as they have been defeated time and time again in battles with the mighty French, who also have taken Aztec territory on our continent. The commanding officers are worried about the French presence here and that they are so close to our land and that of our great allies, the English. They try to hide this worry from their faces, but I can indeed see it.
We have heard that our govenrment has finally established an embasy with the Americans. I can only wonder what the newspapers back home are saying about these distant people.
A soldier has a lot to think about between battles and I am no exception. I finally feel grateful for all of the things our people and government has given us. The Sioux Nation has grown to be the forerunner in academic matters. We have so many places of learning in our country and I am looking forward to the day when I can read a good book again.
I know that I can not receive a letter back from you, but want you to know that I am fine and that I love you and Little Sun very much. Your boy will come home soon. Maybe we can finally travel to London when I get back?
April 30, 2000, 16:38
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The Philadelphia Gazette
December 7, 1804
Fifty years of "Cold War" have suddenly ended, and the world is poised to be plunged into a cauldron of death and destruction. While we Americans were peacefully arranging to alter out form of government (and the decision of form is not yet decided), the English attacked a couple of outlying cities. One was destroyed outright, and one was coverted to the English domain under duress.
This shameless act will be, in the stern words of President Eleanor Roosevelt, "a Day Of Perfidy" that will "ring down through the ages". We wholly support the Administration's recent acts to improve the Defense of our Nation. Indeed, in our continued opinion, these acts have been long-delayed.
It is sad when a peaceful Nation is attacked without warning, and we can only feel the greatest sorrow for our lost colonies. Still, as when a limb is injured, the body draws it's strength to it's core, so shall we.
We will fight on every front available to us, and protect our central cities as we can; we are certain of that. And we will maintain our stoutest defense while the mighty French, our trusted allies, assemble their devastating and advanced military strength to smite our common foe and aid in the defense of our shores!
"Disce Aut Morere"
April 30, 2000, 16:55
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Dallas Central Business News
December 7, 1804
Well, Captains of Industry, the hot times have arrived! Govt contracts will be available to all as production is geared up to fight the English. It is time to convert your peace-time manufacturing plants to war-time needs!
Industrial Leaders are called to Town Hall meeetings across the country to discuss how to best convert consumer goods production to Naval and Army requirements. Get on the bandwagon now or forever hold your pockets out empty.
You *can* do your patriotic duty *and* earn riches at the same time. New subscribers to our newletter will get a 50% discount WHILE the WAR lasts! Don't miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Operators are standing by to direct your abilities to the best Govt contracts!
Don't know how to build Bombers and Battleships? Subscribe now for our 10-part series in mass-production on a 90-day schedule. Do YOUR part in the war effort and get RICH at the same time!
And hector your representatives at the Constitutional Convention! There is no telling what those folks might do - even Fundamentalism or Communism are possibilities, and we all know what happens then!
Vote now, it may be your last chance!
April 30, 2000, 16:58
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A contrived 'news report' from the English in the continuing Sunday Game between Bohlen, Cavebear and Prehensile by WarningU2
December 7, 1804
London Times
AP Bob Loblaw
Comrades! Support the motherland - register for adventure and victory against the imperial dogs - America. Conscription offices are open 24 hrs a day. First to sign up will be the first to have the best berths on the best ships and planes to carry the motherland England to victory. God Save the King - WarningU2!
The politariat in consult with the King decided to no longer tolerate expansion by the Americans. The city of Gloucester on the distant island of Australia was victimized by a new American city. Tactical alpine troups from the Gloucester Home Guard were ordered to take the newly established city. The lazy Americans had not anticipated such as response from our motherland and were seen running from the town into the hills without their pants on. The Home Guard were able to capture technical knowledge from the Americans but it is inferior to our own. The Home Guard should be honoured at all tables tonight. The King orders all comrades to toast the distant lands of Gloucestor.
At the same time discidents in the city of Baltimore threw off the yokes of American capitalism and joined the motherland. Welcome the Baltimore citizens as if they were your own. It is expected many other Americans will join our ranks now.
After the expansion by the Americans without warning and our swift response all troops and our great navy have been ordered to battle stations. English factories have been converted to war mode in the preparation for the great conflict if diplomatic efforts are avoided.
The outcome of this skirmish is unknown at this time. Diplomats are trying to limit the conflict to this one skirmish rather than result in World War. The great Sioux nation have confirmed their committment to their allies. The French have made a comment they are taking events under advisement.
General Comrade Lloyd Chamberlain always considered a calming influence in the politariat was heard as he went rushing past towards the King's chambers mumbling "Peace in our time". It is hoped by many in the inner sanctum of the government that world wide conflict can be avoided.
English Scientists report they have acquired technology from the Americans that could be used for weapons of mass destruction. Given the aggressive nature of the Americans and their expansion, the King was wise to order the liberation of the poor American citizens in Baltimore and the halt the illegal expansion on Australia.
Long Live the King! God Save King WarningU2!
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by WarningU2 (edited April 30, 2000).]</font>
April 30, 2000, 17:03
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(received by ham radio late December 7, 1804)
...pockets of resistance... fighting... I think we have been sold out by traitors... city in ruins... destroyed what we could, but it was so sudden... no chance... Mom, I love you... More ships... Here they come agai
April 30, 2000, 21:11
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Great post, cb. I hereby nominate it for Post of The Month.
Mono Rules!
April 30, 2000, 22:24
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"Order, Order! We must have order! This is the Sioux Senate for God's sake! Mr. Featherhorse, please continue."
"Thank you, sir. As difficult as it is for all of you to believe and accept, this is a war that we must enter in the name of all that is good and fair. The English have been our allies for generations. We must come to their aid for they..."
"They deserve no aid for they have milked us for all that we have obtained in the past and..."
"Order! Mr. Moonlight, you will show respect for my ruling over this Senate. Again, Mr. Featherhorse, continue."
"For they have shown us years of respect that no other nation has deserved. Might I remind each member of this Senate that their word is like stone. It is unbendable and unbreakable. I am sure many of you would like to make your point. The floor is open, Mr. Vice President.
"The Chair recognizes Mr. Arrowhead of Wounded Knee."
"Thank you, Mr. Vice President. What I have to say is brief. Let us not enter into any war in which we do not have all of the facts. Yes, we have acquired American and English newspapers about the sneak attacks in the southern English colonies and yes, we have had talks, however brief, with the English government about what has happened. But, can we really believe any of it? It has been only a short time since we have taken Tenochtitlan from under the nose of the French army. This could be a ploy by the French to keep us out of the race for space technology. Just think about it. Think about what we could be doing to the state of the world by entering this war. Thank you."
"The Chair recognizes Mr. Blackbird of Dead Buffalo."
"Thank you. We must trust no one at this point in time. We are able to lose all that we have acheived."
"What gives you the right to say anything about trust, Mr. Illeagal-Campaign-Money?"
"Order! Order!"
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by Bohlen (edited April 30, 2000).]</font>
May 1, 2000, 15:07
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Paris Matin
Decembre 10 1804
Aux Armes, Mes Amis, Aux Armes
[Remainder translated from the original French]
News has reached us that the perfidious English have launched unprovoked attacks on two of the cities of our glorious American allies.
This comes only weeks after we had to warn off the new Communist government for conducting so-called "Walsall Pact manoeuvres" in the vicinity of the city of Tlatelolco which we so recently liberated from the Aztec tyrants.
Now that the Aztec government has finally collapsed, we should turn our attention to assisting our American cousins in their time of need.
If the democratically-elected government continues to vacillate, we may yet see another revolution hot on the heels of the events of 15 years ago.
We say : no to appeasement. Support our American friends in their time of need !!
Fundamentally speaking:
Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite.
May 22, 2000, 10:52
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Cedar Creek Times
May 1, 1808
Hello again, readers! The response has been overwhelming concerning this new public opinion column. We have only had three weekly polls and have received thousand of letters from interested readers and how much they enjoy the idea of our publication asking your opinion on today's most enthralling current affair topics.
Last week, we asked our readers the following question:
"Now that the English American War is over, do you feel confident that the governments of all nations will remain stable and choose peace over war, as was the case before the turn of the 19th Century?"
We received quite a response concerning this question. It seems that a large section of the Sioux population is quite concerned with international affairs and here are some of their responses:
"I really hope the tide of war continues to be pushed back by all people. It really is a shame that these two governments could not agree on who owned part of a small island in the South Seas. I would be shocked if our government would have acted in the manner of the English had the situation been thrust upon us." - S. Millingstone
"I hope that the revenue from our exports will return to normal now that the conflict is over. It sounds like the American government pretty much collapsed because of what has happened, so it might take a while." A. Lightfoot
"That's all the white man ever thinks about. War, war, war. What else are they capable of?" - J. Hills
"Who cares about the Americans? We should be worried about the French. They peer down at us from our Western borders and laugh at how they will some day crush us. If you don't believe that, you are in for a big surprise down the road." - L. Brownwing
"I don't think things will remain peaceful between the two countries. It just a part of human nature to fight, even when it is not in their best interest. Just look at what happened to the Aztecs. They had no chance against us, but were determined to defeat us. They failed and were destroyed." - Y. Flowingstream
"I'm very confident that the world will again see and remain in a time of peace. We need be optimistic about this. - J. Redlace
Thanks very much to all of your comments. We're sorry we didn't have enough space to print all of them.
This week's question: "Should the Eiffel Tower be considered a Wonder of the World? Why did the Aztecs build it? What should we do with it now that we have it?
May 27, 2000, 11:36
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Hey, this seems like a great game. Would anyone reading this post or whatever like to play a similar long term game such as this one?!?!?!
May 27, 2000, 17:08
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i'm interested
May 28, 2000, 02:05
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Excuse my naivety, but what is the difference between a diplo game and a non-diplo game?
and suas, capo, if you want to get involved in one of these games i am very willing to try one. Reply in the other topic i created so we can set something up.
Metalhead Greater Sayen, and all 'round nice guy
May 28, 2000, 07:48
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Very little that I've been able to discern Ozzy.
Both variations allow victory to be assumed by all winning allies. Diplo assumes an additional responsibility to make regular posts to the story thread.
'The absent are always wrong.'
Free the D**d Threads!!
May 28, 2000, 09:14
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My sense of a diplo game is that one object of it seems to be to deliberately keep all players and civs in the game. Another seems to be to construct logical national boundaries, as in the real world. Third, a diplo game seems to require diplomacy as a required first source of resolving disputes.
In a non-diplo game (as distinguished from a diplo game), there is no concern for keeping all the players going. Anyone who felt able is fully free to wipe out another, and there is no expectation of prior discussion or justification for attack. The game *can* be won through conquest.
I differentiate non-diplo from "regular" play, though, in that warfare or city capture is not a primary strategy for winning. This style of game is for builders and scientists, not chat diplomacy of warriors. Military development is mainly defensive, and there is little chat diplomacy to advise others of intent and planned actions.
May 28, 2000, 09:49
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The Philadelphia Gazette
May 26, 1834
With the release of the Government's evaluation of the 1830 census, we at the Gazette see cause to congratulate the citizens and Leaders of our great Nation.
Since the successful resolution of the 1804 "Time of Troubles", much progress has been made, and Americans are justly proud of their accomplishments. Once again, peace and prosperity abound. Even our once-antiquated military capacity has been brought up-to-date with the latest technology and training. Seeing our troops throughout the Nation, confident and prepared, yet devoted to our Democratic form of Government, brings a feeling of security to one and all.
The census indicates that our cities are oases of opportunity and wealth for our burgeoning population of traders and tradesmen alike. The increase in efficient and worker-friendly industries, the abundance of soul-restoring parks and entertainment arenas, and the progressive new public school system promise further enhancement of our quality of life.
This sort of improved health, general well-being, and education are certain to show results in the future, as our younger citizens grow to adulthood in an atmosphere of progress and respect for honest but rewarding work.
Looking back, we consider the "Time of Troubles" to have been a turning point in our Nation's history. Recently declassified documents reveal the extent to which the English Government under his majesty, King Warning, worked behind the scenes to supress the 1804 attack on our colonies from expanding to a World War.
Though we were not aware of it at the time, the Leaders of both countries were striving to control long-developing tensions between the two Nations.
It is with relief, now, that we see evidence of an ambitious English local Governor seeking advancement and attention from his own Government. The terms of disengagement, once mysterious to us (and a surprise to all Americans), are now shown in the light of day
as an extreme effort of good will and sincere regret on the part of good King Warning and his most able Prime Minister.
May 28, 2000, 14:42
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The Philadelphia Gazette
May 28, 1849
Extra, Extra, Read All About It -
French land on Alpha Centuri, Americans on board the colonizing space ship!
We at the Gazette are shocked at the news coming the short wave radios from all around the country! Had one of our staff not been one of the short wave hobbists, and assured us of the authenticity of the reports, we would have doubted the claims ourselves!
Fortunately, the Government (for once) immediately released details of the expeditionary force. We whole-heartedly applaud their forth-rightness (and archly suggest it become a standard mode of operations).
Using the till-now-secret inter-warp transponders, American colonists included on the French Space Ship have contacted Earth with news of their voyage and successful landing on an earthlike planet orbiting Alpha Century. They report that the air smells a bit odd, and that the higher percentage of helium makes their voices sound a bit odd, too. Mostly though, the messages are ones of triumph, sucess, and relief! We blame them not the least bit for that last concern.
Apparently, when the preparations for the French Space Ship were underway, American scientists, ordinary citizens, and Captains of Industry secretly provided essential aid in the design and protection/security of the marvelous ship the French were building.
We at the Gazette can only offer our stunned awe at the bravery, the swiftness, and the (obvious) operational sucess of the combined venture. This combination of efforts between the 2 major Democracies is a shining light and an example to all Nations.
May 28, 2000, 15:00
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Journal of the Boston Astronomical Society
May 28, 1849
The preliminary report of the technical committee is hereby printed in full.
Dr. Richard Franklin, presiding:
"I am pleased to release, by Government consent, certain information regarding the recent landing of an interstallar vehicle on the 2nd planet of Alpha Centuri.
"The colony ship was developed primarily by the French government with technical assistance from American scientists. This joint venture shows the value of multinational scientific cooperation. (pauses for drink of water)
"French scientists have long had the recources for exploration of outer space. They also had manufacturing capabilities beyond our own. Fortunately for our Nation, American scientists have excelled in theory and design. Being short of resources ourselves, we have been forced to make advances in certain areas which were beneficial to the French effort.
"In exchange for this assistance, the French government, in cooperation with the American Government, arranged for the inclusion of American colonists on the French spaceship. Of the 10,000 colonists on board, 2,000 are Americans. These American colonists, in keeping with our Democratic traditions represent all walks of life. The chosen ones were selected with care, yet with diversity.
There are both artists and scientists, men and women, traders and tradesmen, architects and farmers, and even young and old. Within those categories, the diversity of our population is thoroughly represented.
"I am assured that, from our National melting pot, members of virtually all cultures and opnions are represented! I can offer no finer testimony to the intelligence of the project Leaders that that simple statement!
"Thank you for attending. Are there any questions."
May 28, 2000, 15:07
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telegram from the NET
Congratulations to the French and Americans reaching ACStop
Glad they decided to work together on such a massive projext Stop
Always better to work together instead of blowing the world apartStop
May 28, 2000, 17:26
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Memphis PhotoJournalism Weekly
May 28, 1849
Well all you developing (heh-heh) fanatics out there, it looks like we got caught with our lights on!
Those incoming pictures of the receding Earth we initially thought were a hoax turned out to be real. The photos our intrepid colonists took from space as their vessel departed our planet are for real!
They say they weren't too sure of the settings, so they just took pictures at all kinds of settings hoping some would turn out right. Don't you love it? Amateurs!
Well, be that as it may, they came up with a couple of real gems. The telescopic one of the Hoover Dam with the waters reflecting the sunrise are very good, and we really liked the Earthrise as they passed the moon. Something tells me you won't find *that* one in your average album!
The award, though, goes to whoever put that camera on the winch aimed in at a window. The sight of some of the Nation's finest and bravest folks (and why didn't they invite *me* I wonder)waving out the spaceship windows came out beautifully.
Frank Z took the time (already!) to do an enlargement of the window shot of the American colonists. Dang if they don't seem to have champagne glasses and plates of BBQ pork. We suspect our more exuberant colonists will make a real mark on the new colony!
Anyway, folks, we hope to have a regular feature here with new photos from Alpha Century as the weeks go by.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by cavebear (edited June 05, 2000).]</font>
May 28, 2000, 17:43
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(eyes only)
CIC to "Mr H"
The recent landing on A/C proves the possibility we have been expecting for some years. Given the success of that mission, it now behooves us to disseminate the technical information to our allies and to all people of good will and peace. You have my list. The English have been on it since Baltimore was returned to us, and the Sioux must be included as well.
Get them the tech specs in your usual quiet manner. This should not remain a secret among the remaining Democratic Nations. I simply will *not* treat this abilty to explore space as a matter known to only a privledged few countries.
Meanwhile Mr. H, your Government is indebted to yourself and to your Father, and we have not forgotten that. Your Father was the critical actor during the "Time of Troubles", and you have been the one to lead some of our people to a new world.
When you decide that your service to your country is complete (and I neither encourage nor discourage your retirement), I have in my possession a medal of honor that cannot be awarded openly. The model spaceship is pure platinum, and I brocaded the ribbon myself. I have something similar for your Father, too, that I prepared many years ago.
When you are ready, come to the White House and use the code name you chose so many years ago. I will be most eager to make the acquintance of someone I have trusted for so long, yet have never met.
Until then, Mr H, godspeed and good health!
June 4, 2000, 23:20
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The final post on our Sunday Game.
Sadly it is over. It was started in January by Prehensile, Cavebear, Bohlen and me. Prehensile (French) won, Cavebear (Americans) second and Bohlen (Sioux) was a close third last weekend. Me -- well lets just say LOSER!
Actually I thoroughly enjoyed this game. It is one of few that I have played to conclusion. My intent when starting it was to play a game at a regular time with good players. We occassionally could not play and that was fine because we all have lives outside of Civ. To sacrifice so much time consecutively every weekend is unrealistic.
I want to take a break for a few weeks because it's summer. In August I will likely start inquirying if the Sunday Gamers will want to resume again. I see there are some other interested folks here -- if you really are let me know by email swarner6@home.com and I will be sure to let you know when we are planning for our next game.
Prehensile, Cavebear and Bohlen ... till next time and thanks. And to anyone who is considering a game with these guys they are dedicated great players. Watch out for Prehensile <g>.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by WarningU2 (edited June 04, 2000).]</font>
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