I was wondering if the AI actually knows what type of victory to aim for. I mean, if I only have one type of victory selected, lets say space race... will the computer actually try to beat me or will it play the same as it always does and just try to build a competent civilization? and will it go all out trying to kill my "king" if i select regicide? I hope i phrased this question so you can understand.
hmmm....thats a very good question... i havent ever thought about that, it was always under my assumption that the ai would go for the victory that you selected...good question maybe someone else here knows as i don't have a definte answer
"I came, I saw, and.....then I went home."
AFAIK the Civ3/PTW AI can't cope with regicide or elimination games and doesn't really adjust to having some of the normal victory conditions turned off.
In my experience the AI doesn't pursue cultural victory specifically and rarely calls UN votes (read never if the Germans or Zulus build the UN). The AI will build the spaceship if it can.
The Conquests AI is supposed to be improved but I haven't had a chance to look at it yet.
Never give an AI an even break.