Originally posted by bigvic
am i right to assume the ai still can't use land artillery effectively?
Let me guess - if/when an AI Civ obtains artillery, it sticks it in a defended city, probably the capital, where it stays indefinitely. It is never used offensively.
I imagine that writing a really effective set of AI heuristics would be tricky for field artillery; you'd have to factor in movement, ranges, hit probability, vulnerability to capture given opposition movement capabilities, how to protect them once they do fire, etc., etc., for each alternative use. There's no question that field artillery in the hands of a thoughtful commander can be extremely effective!
I'm certain that a much better AI for land artillery is do-able. However, I'd bet that given the size and complexity of the job, it was low on the feature priority list in the development plan to bring Conquests (or PTW) to market.
My 2 cents, bvc