November 18, 2003, 14:42
ACS Staff Member
Local Time: 08:46
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Oct 1999
Location: Rockville, MD
Posts: 10,595
Diplogame FAQ and Reference Manual
ver 2.0
by CapTVK and OzzyKP
1. Foreword
1.1 Note on version 2.0
2. Diplogames
2.1 What are diplogames?
2.2 How long does a diplogame take?
2.3 Do I really need 7 players to play a diplogame?
2.4 Can players be replaced or join in later?
2.5 What's the point of playing such a game?
2.6 I'm a Newbie, or suck at Civ, can I still play a Diplogame?
2.7 How should I start?
3. Diplogame History
4. Settings
4.1 Maps
4.2 Special Rules
4.3 GeoPolitics
4.4 Colonization
4.5 Fantasy or Historical?
5. Stories
5.1 Stories as propaganda
5.2 Interwoven story lines
5.3 Visual Media
5.4 Statistics
5.5 Official communications between leaders
5.6 Using History and Literature to build a diplo story line
5.7 More on Characters
5.8 Foreshadow or Keep Secrets?
5.9 Link between game world and story world
5.10 Being the Bad Guy
6. Game Play
6.1 Balance of Power
6.1.1 Weak players
6.1.2 Strong players
6.2 War Etiquette
6.2.1 Wars of annihilation
6.2.2 Justification
6.2.3 Measured war
6.3 Elections
6.4 Land Treaties
6.5 Economic Ideas
6.5.1 Investment & Loans
6.5.2 Tolls
6.5.3 Tariffs
6.6 There can be only 1 top player
6.7 Other In-Game Goals
6.8 AI & Subs
7. Technical Innovation
7.1 Canals
7.1.1 Engineer opened canals
7.1.2 Other options
7.2 Game Ending
7.2.1 Alien Invasion Ending
7.2.2 Other Ending Options
7.3 Civ specific units
7.4 Natives
7.5 Custom Wonders
7.6 Modpack
7.7 Ship Movement Increases
7.8 Flags, Names, Titles
8. Great Library
9. Diplogames
This faq is intended as a reference for playing diplogames or large scale multiplayer games. Subjects discussed in this thread will include: defining diplogames, rules, stories, game play, and technical innovation. Also a list of past and current diplogames will be included.
Most of these subjects have already been discussed in previous threads. For the benefit of the reader these threads will appear as links included where appropriate. An attempt was made to draw from experiences of past diplogames to enrich and inspire the diplofaq. References to past games are made throughout.
Note: This thread should be seen as an evolving document, in the sense that it will never be 'finished'. In time it will turn into a proper faq organized by category, chapter and subject. All people are free to help out and discuss the subject. From time to time if I see a good post or another relevant subject I will make an addition by posting this message in the thread: Category-subject-article+authors;, which means that it will be added to the FAQ.
1.1 Note on Version 2.0
As the DiploFAQ hadn't been updated in several years, I have taken it upon myself to do a complete overhaul. I ended up changing more than I anticipated I would. I tried to save stuff from the original DiploFAQ whenever possible, but sadly much of it was either outdated or unnecessary. For fans of the original Diplogame FAQ and Multiplayer Reference Guide, please view it here.
Areas I have removed include the timezone chart, and multiplayer basics (such as instructions on getting the patch), which by now I feel are generally known, can be found elsewhere, or just aren't unique to Diplogaming. Note the "multiplayer reference guide" has been dropped from the title. This is for Diplogames exclusively.
In my opinion CapTVK's chapter on geopolitics is more a college lecture than directly applicable guidelines for diplogaming, but it is interesting so I decided to keep it.
Finally, I apologize for frequent use of History of the World examples. There are lots of great games out there besides the HOTW series, however it is freshest in my mind, and in many ways epitomizes many aspects of good diplogaming. I also apologize for the length of this FAQ. The Table of Contents is over a page long itself, with the entire thing filling up 23 pages. When it is finished it’ll be even longer. Enjoy!
2.1 What are diplogames?
Diplogames are champagne and opera to duel game's beer and tractor pull.
Looking through the threads you'll find countless definitions of diplogames. In summary a diplogames comes down to this: A long term Civ2MP game with 5-7 players who try to resolve problems by diplomacy. Managing your civ is not enough. You try to play a 'leader' thus roleplaying and storytelling in a diplogame is as important as gaming skills. An eloquent speaker who uses tact can get the same work done as the no.1 in the game, if he speaks up.
The Diplomacy takes place in the form of negotiations, treaties, special alliances, pacts and in the end...WAR. To keep track of historic events players will be required to post their view on events on a public forum. Everyone is free how to write his own posts it can be funny, formal, boring...anything is allowed as long as your message gets through. Just read through the diplogame threads located at the end of this FAQ for examples.
Originally posted by GNGSpam
Diplogames should center around Politics. While most games turn into lessons in game mechanics, with super growth strategy formulas, and trade bug manipulation equations, the Diplogame relies on human interaction, through diplomacy, politics, even out and out propaganda.
2.2 How long does a diplogame take?
Played on a weekly basis with 3-5 hours per session a full diplogame can last 6-12 months.
2.3 Do I really need 7 players to play a diplogame?
5 players will work fine. What is important is the size of the central 'core' (3-4) players. It's the 'core' that's responsible for keeping the game going.
2.4 Can players be replaced or join in later?
As long as a civ is available anyone can join in. It's inevitable that players will drop off due to other obligations so it's good if there are subs available to take their place. Just ask some of the core players if you can join. If you want to play for one session that's fine but players who want to play for a couple sessions or want to become a permanent sub are preferred.
2.5 What's the point of playing such a game?
To the faithful, diplogaming is an art form. It takes civ gaming to the next level of intensity. For players bored of dueling or standard civ play, this may be the variation to renew your interest in the game. These aren't games you play for an hour or two because you are bored; they can require a great investment of time and effort. A player in a good diplogame may spend every day in between sessions planning strategy, writing stories, researching characters, and plotting with his fellow players, this may last for 8 months.
Each diplogame is unique and special. Threads are saved from each game and read even years later. Non-players regularly read the stories posted from games, and good diplogames attract decent sized audiences.
Also diplogames are a good way to learn Civ2MP and learn to negotiate. It will be a learning experience for all players involved. Winning or losing isn't important in this sort of game; it's the story of reaching the end...
This is also a nice summary...
A real education eh Nappy? A freind of mine called Rah once asked me on another thread what was the 'point' of playing a diplomatic game where the objective is not to win. I told him that one of advantages of diplomatic games was that they taught you how to play Civ to a much higher standard and a lot more intensively than mute two or three player duels could ever do. I hope he reads the posts above from myself, Nappy and Glohithia as all are reporting that they are learning massively from this game, and talking about things they will do 'next time'. I predict that this group will contain many of the worlds finest players by our third or fourth game, all of which would have learned their craft from the most intensive way to play Civ. Just a theory.
2.6 I'm a Newbie, or suck at Civ, can I still play a Diplogame?
Of course! Diplogames are a very good way for new players to learn the game. Since its not a kill or be kill atmosphere you have more time to play at your leisure and learn the workings of the game. Diplogamers aren't cut throat, and will help you through the game.
If you aren't new to the game but aren't good at competitive play you can also find a home with Diplogaming. Since Diplogaming depends on general skills of negotiation and diplomacy, players who may be lacking in a duel setting may excel in a diplogame. Make alliances with some of the more powerful players and you will never be out of the game.
Originally posted by The Capo
I kinda blow at Civ, but I love to play Diplogames becuase I can almost talk my way out of anything.
2.7 How should I start?
Usually a post in the forums is the best way to start. Diplogames usually have a set-up thread where players are recruited, settings are discussed, and times are arranged. There is a great deal of information that needs to be agreed to before a game begins. Finding subs is encouraged, as every long running game will require them.
Having a regular weekly playing time is necessary. Because of this it is rare to have American, European and Australian players together in the same game. Usually the founder of the game picks a time convenient to him and looks for other players available then.
Getting the right players is important. The following key qualities help to ensure a mixed group. A player with a fast, stable Internet connection is important for a host. A core group of players who are dependable, show up to every session, and keep momentum in the game. One or two hardcore story posters keep the game rich all other players motivated. A person or two who can handle the technical requirements of a diplogame and can handle whatever modding or customizing may be required.
Once the settings and time are decided upon and you have found a group of core players you are ready to begin. Start a story thread in the forums and schedule your first session.
3. Diplogaming History
4. Settings[*]Normal Production and Normal movement.[*]Difficulty: Deity or Emperor usually. Though King is seen at times.[*]Barbarians: any setting that the players agree on is possible.[*]AI on or off. Usually the more human players the better. Leaving some AI allows human players to join later.
4.1 Maps
Diplogames are usually played on a real world map for the historic perspective (this also makes it easier for outsiders to follow the game). Though some prefer random maps for the freshness of discovery.
A good premade map defines the game, players can imagine themselves replaying and remaking world history with their game. Most common are games on a large World Map and on a European map. Play on a Gigamap is discouraged, as players have unlimited room to expand peacefully and usually reach the city limit (hard coded) before most of the land is inhabited.
World Map
Europe Map
More Maps
More Maps
For games on random maps, small land mass is recommended. Players bumping elbows on the map is one of the surest paths to an interesting game. Other settings are negotiable.
4.2 Special rules
Ideally problems should be worked out in game, diplomatically rather than using a list of rules. But for those who choose to use them, Rah's Rules are a very good list of standards to avoid exploits and unbalancing play.
4.3 GeoPolitics
The use geopolitics in diplogames
"Always make the best of your location, even when it sucks..."
Geopolictics, or the politics of geography, is based on the recognition that certain areas of the world are valuable for the political reasons. The term geopolitics, first used in the end of the nineteenth century, described a process well under way in international relations. Statesmen influenced by geopolitcal concerns recognized the strategic value of land. Some territory was considered important because of its proximity to acquired colonies or to territory targeted for takeover. France, for example, occupied thousands of square miles of the Sahara Desert to protect its interest in Algeria. Other territory was important because of its proximity to sea routes. Egypt had significance for Great Britain not because of any economic potential but because it controlled the entrance to the Suez canal which ensured a safe and secure British access to India.
"Try to control areas as quickly as possible. You don't have to settle, just control it and use that land as a strategic resource"
A third geopolitical motive for annexation was the necessity of fueling bases throughout the world. Faster and more reliable than wind-powered, coal-powered ships were, nonetheless, dependent on guaranteed fueling bases in friendly ports of call. Islands in the South Pacific and the Indian Ocean were acquired primarily to serve as fueling stations for the great steamers carrying manufactured goods to colonial ports and returning with foodstuffs and raw materials. Note the importance of colonies, in a diplogame naval bases (with ships and troops) also guarantee a place at the negotiating table, so try to establish a few colonies outside your own region, even when your a small player. The naval aspect of Civ2 is severely underrated, partly due to ships having such a low movement rate. When playing a diplogame on the world map you should increase naval movement of ALL ships in the rules.txt by two to emphasize the naval factor.
In turn, the acquisition of territories justified the increase of naval budgets and the size of fleets. Britain still had the world's largest navy, but by the beginning of the twentieth century, the US and Germany had entered the competition for dominance of sea-lanes. Japan joined the contest by expanding its navy as a vehicle for its own claims to empire in the Pacific. The politics of geography was land- as well as sea-based. As navies grew to protect sea-lanes, armies expanded to police new lands. A side effect of the growing importance of geopolitics was the increased influence of military and naval superiority in foreign policy. Once again I emphasize the naval factor, later ships like the frigate and ironclads should have more ATT and HP to increase their strategic importance when playing on the world map (i.e. gunboat policy).
In game terms, it is a good idea to carefully decide beforehand where players are placed, especially on premade maps. If you have 3 players in Europe they are gonna be very crowded, and possibly make for an Africa with just one player who ends up dominating the game. Sometimes positions need to be assigned. Depending on what map you use, some land that is more fertile may accommodate more players, take this all into consideration before starting.
Think of what characters you can choose for each civ, and think of your possibilities for expansion. Will you have enemies on all sides? Will you be stuck in a corner? Is your land desert or grassland? This will affect your strategy in the game.
4.4 Colonization
For World Map diplogames, players may choose to make the Americas and/or Australia available for colonization later in the game. This requires all players to start in the "Old World" (e.g. Europe, Asia, Africa, etc)
Benefits of this include historical realism, a great mid-game goal for players to compete over, the opportunity for players who start weak to catch up, colonial bargaining chips*, further emphasis on naval power by having spread out empires, and it forces player's starting positions onto a smaller land mass which encourages conflict and makes for interesting games.
In History of the World 2 for example, the Chinese player was stunted for many sessions when the AI controlled it. In the middle of the game a good player took over and since there was plenty of available land in the New World, was able to build China into a powerful world player.
*As players are loath to give up their homeland during war, defeated nations can trade colonial possessions to get back homeland territory.
4.5 Fantasy or Historical?
This is a good thing to decide upfront before starting a game. As diplogames are about assuming identities and role playing, which roles to allow is important. Players interested in a historical game may be bothered by their neighbor, Stan Lee of the Marvel Comics civilization.
For the enjoyment of all, all fantasy or all historical games are encouraged. Mixing can damper the enjoyment of some. Sometimes allowances must be made for historical games, i.e. a player starting in Australia has no great world empire to base his character off of and must improvise. All games have a mix of fantasy and reality, but how outlandish it gets is the question. Historical minded players will allow (though decidedly cringe) Adolf Hitler to take command of the Israelites, but Snoopy just won't cut it.
****links to fantasy games*****
*****links to historical games*****
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
Last edited by OzzyKP; December 8, 2003 at 00:16.
November 18, 2003, 14:45
ACS Staff Member
Local Time: 08:46
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Oct 1999
Location: Rockville, MD
Posts: 10,595
5. Stories
One key way that Diplogames differ from standard games is the rich storyline that is written in the forums to accompany the game. Much of the appeal of Diplogames is the interactive, living story that evolves as the game does.
Stories can be used for propaganda, to explain or foreshadow in game decisions, to communicate with other leaders, and most importantly for the enjoyment of writing and reading a good story.
5.1 Stories as propaganda
Everyone in the game reads the story threads; so many players use this as a podium from which to create propaganda. Players can talk up their military capacity to intimidate their neighbors. Players in a war often use stories to tilt world opinion over to their side or cause. No one wants to be an outcast, so getting non-combatant players to side with you or remain neutral during a war is important. Also, stories can be an opportunity to spread misinformation. If you are going for a wonder and are concerned others may steal it from you, write up stories about how you are going for a different wonder to throw your competition off.
5.2 Interwoven story lines
Diplogame story writing is a group effort. Since players interact in the game, so should their stories. Have your King marry the daughter of another player's King. Have characters interact, and share story lines. This is a fine art that increases the enjoyment of all players and to do it correctly requires you to pay close attention to hints dropped by other players and openings for you to capitalize on.
Be careful though, each player has their own direction they wish to head with their stories. Your stories should compliment rather than interfere with that. Assassinating another player's character without his/her consent is very poor form.
Inserting characters into other player's storylines is greatly encouraged, but often best to make them minor characters rather than better known ones. The Chinese player may have plans for Sun Tzu, so it is best you not create that character first.
For example in History of the World 4, after a very brief exchange in King Chat during the game about Christianity, the Serbs accused England of adopting a heretical form of Christianity and King Arthur's daughter (who married the Serbian King) converted Serbia to this heresy and persecuted believers of the "true faith." The people revolted and exiled the King to England. The English player, me, welcomed the exiled Serb King onto my King Arthur's Round Table as an advisor. I then had Serbian religious fanatics assassinate their former King which sparked the need for an Ecumenical Council to decide Christian doctrine between Serbia and England. This story line was played out over several posts by both the Serbian and English players.
5.3 Visual Media
Players do a marvelous job of incorporating visual media into their stories and posts. Use a Google image search to find pictures that help illustrate and advance your story. It may slow down the load time on the thread, but it greatly enriches the story. If Ghandi is put in charge of India, post a picture of him to illustrate.
Maps help players to visualize the world they play in. Political maps are common for diplogames, showing territory owned and claimed by the world powers. By stringing together these maps in an animation, players can see the change and development of their civilizations like the replay at the end of the original Civilization. Maps are also created to show land claims and treaties. Also to illustrate battles.
5.4 Statistics
Players love charts, statistics and information to compare themselves to their competitors. It is common for players to post pictures of the Powergraph, Demographics screen, Top 5 Cities or Wonders list. Also the city/unit list that is viewable at the beginning of any multiplayer session is coveted information. Using this to make graphs and charts from is a great innovation for the statistically minded.
5.5 Official communications between leaders
The story thread is used as a forum for leaders to issue demands, negotiate treaties, and other in-character discussions. In fact this was the prime purpose of stories in early Diplogames like an Open Letter to All Nations.
You can use stories to flatter or antagonize your fellow players. KenThur explains:
Originally posted by KenThur
Talk / suck up / flatter the other rulers. Both in game chat & even better, in your posts here!
*for example: Doctor, you are one of THE smartest, sharpest, best Civ players I’ve ever had the pleasure to read here on these posts. Your magnanimous generosity & enlightened rule of your Civ is a credit to you, your dynasty, & the great citizens of ________! What a GUY! (Now, about those borders & trades we were discussing...)
Use these forum posts for the other extreme also; if U are pissed off, feel used, or just want posture yourself in preparation/justification for a war of _________. Do it or "hint" at it in the open. Give others a chance to respond... for or against. The WORST thing any ruler can do in a diplo game is SNEAK attack. Nothing else comes close to making a bunch of instant enemies & ruining the game! ):
5.6 Using History and Literature to build a diplo story line
Every story, diplo or otherwise, needs a good cast of characters. Players often use historical figures and literary characters for their diplostories. A Chinese player may use Chairman Mao, a Greek player may use Socrates, a Russian player may use Catherine the Great. The possibilities are endless and greatly enrich the story. Like playing on a real world map helps others follow along with the action, so too does using real world characters.
The real world history of your adopted nation can help drive your game play as well. If you play the Arabs you may choose to be a warlike civ and go on a Jihad once you discover Islam. A Spanish player may want to be the first to discover the New World. An English player may seek to recreate the far flung naval empire of the 19th Century British. Using history as inspiration your diplogame can take many twists that increase your interest and the interest of your neighbors. Sometimes trying to maintain historical realism becomes a more important goal than winning. For example in History of the World 4, I (as the English) want to role-play a line of English monarchs as long as I can, so refuse to switch to Republic even when it may be a better form of government game-wise.
Sometimes the mixing of real history can lead to some interesting combinations. Julius Caesar may send Marco Polo on a journey to China, who meets Confucius when he gets there. Of course all these characters are from different time periods, but a good diploplayer can make it work.
5.7 More on Characters
You can use characters to offer different perspectives of your in-game decisions. Rather than just be a ruler with a singleminded focus, your characters can argue over the appropriate paths to take. This can also help to confuse your enemies, not knowing which path you will take when your posts seem to go both ways. Your leader could threaten war while the people have massive anti-war demonstrations and threaten to topple the government. Or King James may want to ally with the Zulus, but some in his cabinet hate the Zulus and may try to stop him.
5.8 Foreshadow or Keep Secrets?
There exists a tension between inclinations to foreshadow future decisions and keeping secrets about your game progress and decisions. Players often like to give hints in their posts on what is coming next for their civilization. This helps to move the story forward. Is a warmonger coming to power? Are the people clamoring for Democracy? Has someone stumbled upon an exploding black powder?
Other players, worried their foreshadowing could endanger their plans in game, choose to keep stuff like that secret until it has already happened or is inevitable. How much information to reveal is a decision good players have to make.
5.9 Link between game world and story world
Another tactic that players use when crafting stories is basing them directly on their game play. If your civ is fundamentalist (or fascist), roleplay as a fundamentalist. If your civ just invented The Wheel, roleplay that discovery. If you just built a city, write a story to accompany the founding of that specific city. Sometimes players will even associate characters with real units in the game. For example you may assign the identity of Sir Lancelot to your Knight unit, or Hannibal to your Elephant unit. Where that unit goes in-game so goes your character in the story. When that unit dies, so does your character in the story. If that unit wins a battle and earns veteran status, then write a story about how that character became a battle-hardened vet during that war.
Originally posted by The Capo
I also notice that a lot of players make the mistake of thinking that their "Monarchy" is a liberal institution, you find comments like "I do not force my people into anything" being said by Monarchs, which is all well and good since we are in America, but its no fun to deal with Monarchs that act like Presidents.
5.10 Being the Bad Guy
Some players like to stay good and benevolent throughout the game. Others like the fun of being a bad guy once and a while. Have Saddam Hussein or Genghis Khan come to power in your civilization and roleplay yourself as a bad guy. Put your own people to death, piss off your neighbors, and generally act like a bloodthirsty tyrant. This is role-playing and it is fun to play the bad guy every once and a while. It brings some variety and unpredictability to the game. Write stories about your leader putting his advisor to death for a small criticism, or starving peasants on a whim. Good and evil are elements to play with in a diplogame.
6. Game Play
6.1 Balance of Power
Maintaining a balance of power is very important in a diplogame. To make the game fun and playable for everyone it is important not to let anyone become too weak or too strong. Alliances, charity and war are good ways of evening things out.
6.1.1 Weak players
Very weak players often receive handouts from larger powers to help them through the game, especially if they were stunted by a bad sub or AI. Players may give tech, money or even cities to weak players to help them be competitive again. Since this game thrives on human interactions and everyone having a good time, it does no good for any player to be totally out of the game.
6.1.2 Strong players
To hem in strong players, alliances and even war should be used. No one wants to see one player run away with the game and dominate his neighbors. Other players may ally together to counter the power of that one player, and may even gang up on him to take away some territory in order to knock that big player down a few pegs. Allowing that one player to sit alone on his island building up an army will come back to haunt you later.
6.2 War Etiquette
As you may have guessed war in a diplogame is different from war in normal games. War does exist though, quite a lot in fact. The difference is it is measured, explainable and follows diplogame etiquette.
6.2.1 Wars of annihilation
Wars of annihilation are very rare and greatly discouraged in a diplogame. Do not even try it. Wars like this are very difficult as often the rest of the world will team up against you (as in WW2 against the Axis), but even if successful, wars of annihilation ruin the fun for everyone.
6.2.2 Justification
You must have some plausible justification for a war. You can't just decide one day to attack your long time friend and trading partner. Though I suppose you could, but you'd find it very difficult to make any friends in the future. Wars develop in diplogames like they do in the real world: competing claims for land, gradually stepped up hostilities, breaking of promises, etc. Sometimes accidents are used as justification for war. If the Germans accidentally move their ship in the wrong direction and attack a Slav ship, the Slavs can use that as justification for an invasion. There is nothing worse in a diplogame than a sneak attack. That’s a sure way to make enemies out of everyone else in the game.
6.2.3 Measured war
War must be measured. Take maybe 2-3 cities and then sue for peace. Taking capitals or major wonder cities is also very discouraged, though allowed if you intend to give them back after the war in exchange for reparations. This is where colonial territory comes in. India and China may go to war and China may capture part of mainland India and sue for peace. Rather than holding onto this important piece of the India homeland, China returns that territory and India gives up some overseas possessions. Wars should be waged for tactical gains, not to cripple an opponent.
6.3 Elections
History of the World 2 introduced the concept of elections in diplogames. For players secure enough to trust their fate to others, this is a fascinating way to conduct yourself during the game. Start a thread (if the moderators allow it) with a poll choosing between different leaders. Other players in the game, and other non-players can vote in the poll to elect a new leader of your nation and thus decide what you will do during the next game session. Will they elect a peaceful technologist? A warmonger? Someone interested in increasing production?
This requires a great deal of trust by a player to give up control over his game, but the payoff in enjoyment is great. Be careful how the election is handled however. Ballot stuffing and election fraud is as possible in diplogames as in the real world. In History of the World 2 when the Mongol player (me) held an election, the Australian player (Deity) used multiple log-ins to manipulate the results and elect who he wanted.
6.4 Land Treaties
I will let Capo explain this aspect
Originally posted by The Capo
I think you should talk about the idea of plotting out borders early, in most of the Diplogames I have been in, everyone had made agreements such as:
France: I want to own India.
Mongolia: I want to own Indonesia.
France: Deal
Now neither of these civs would actually have had a stake in these areas, but they felt comfortable enough to "guarantee" them to each other in the sense that they would not interfere. Often this leads to war with each other (in this case since the territory is so close) or with outside civs, say the Persians and Japanese had previously made a similar agreement with each other, and both sides wish to hold their deals.
6.5 Economic Ideas
Some ideas for bringing more realism into a game is applying various economic actions from the real world and doing it in the game.
6.5.1 Investment & Loans
For example in EuroDip I, the Spanish were building a wonder and called on other players to "invest" in the project by giving money. After the wonder was built, the Spanish player (Moker) repaid these investments with money later. Loans like this work in the same way real world loans do. Borrow money, and pay it back with interest.
6.5.2 Tolls
Charging tolls is another way to generate income in a diplogame. Hold a sensitive position like a canal or land bridge, and charge players gold to pass through. You can charge less for friends and allies, or simply not allow enemies to pass.
6.5.3 Tariffs
As trade becomes very important in diplogames, players may choose to place tariffs on foreign trade. A foreign caravan entering your city must pay 20 or 30% of the gold received to the host civ. This can be adjusted for friends and enemies as well. Trade embargos can be attempted between hostile civs. The possibilities are endless.
6.6 There can be only 1 top player
In a seven player game this means there will be 6 players who aren’t the best. Get used to it. Find ways to enjoy the game even if you aren’t dominating the world. And remember, positions can change over time. The puny last place civ may one day be first and the first place civ may one day be last. No one is ever totally out of a diplogame so don’t loose hope.
Originally posted by KenThur
As any that followed the "Tales from the Diplo Front, Dolby Stereo" knew, i (Milo/Vikings) had one of the "puniest" civ's ever to play a Civ MP contest. This was due to: (A) starting position, (B) not knowing we were playing on "Earth", & (C) dumb initial city placements (we all have to learn, right?). But by sticking with it & realizing/admitting that I would never be the #1 power (sort of like the Swiss or Swedes will ever be"#1", I was able to have a rousing good time! All by working with, against (gr-r-r-r), & thru the parade of other players. The ultimate reward was achieved by fantastic TEAMWORK with 2 other civ's be part of the winning TEAM that provided the "surprise ending" Cap refers to above. NEVER give up & honor your commitments / promises(unless of course, circumstances change ).
6.7 Other In-Game Goals
Since only one player can be the biggest, it is a good idea to pursue other goals besides being the biggest and strongest. Side missions can make the game quite enjoyable. Send a ship around the entire world and be the first to circumnavigate the world. Replicate Marco Polo's journey by sending a diplomat overland to China. Build the Silk Road. Open the canals. Be the first civ to send a unit (the same unit) to both the North and South poles. Become the World Bank by lending out money to all other players. Try to create a real United Nations to solve disputes. Send a unit to explore the source of the Nile. Have a unit climb the highest mountains on every continent. These side missions may not help you win the game, but they will greatly enrich the game and make it more enjoyable.
6.8 AI & Subs
Everyone ends up missing a few sessions during long diplogames. In most cases the other players will continue on without you and find a Sub, hopefully, to take your place. If you are unlucky your Civ will just be left for the AI. This sucks, but is the nature of the game. You can role-play it when you get back as a revolution by "Arty Intelli" who ran the nation into the ground during his rule.
Originally posted by KenThur
IMPORTANT... it is a given that the AI or a sub will HAVE to take over your Civ for a number turns during a contest of this size & length. So please go into it with that understanding. But therein, lays another of the beauties of a true diplo game; your friends & allies (+ by adjusting your Civ's attitudes toward other Civ’s before leaving) will standup for & protect your long-term interests during your absence.
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
November 18, 2003, 14:46
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7. Technical innovation
Players seeking to enrich their game experience may choose to implement various technical innovations. As Civ2 is a very customizable game, the benefits are great for the creative player. Often this requires the diplogame to be a scenario file, and may require players to update their files after every session. The costs of this must be weighed versus the benefits of customizing the game.
7.1 Canals
For games using a World Map, there is always a question of what to do about the Panama and Suez canals. Most world maps leave the canals open to allow ship passage just because this makes things easier. For players interested in adding some historical realism it is suggested a map with closed canals be used. To further enhance the richness and reality of a diplogame having the canals open at some point is a great innovation.
History of the World 4 wrestled with canals during its formation. Consulting experts from the Scenario League, the HOTW4 players considered several different options for a canal opening mechanism, some more complicated than others. Using engineers to open the canals was the final solution decided on by HOTW4, but many other possibilities exist.
7.1.1 Engineer opened canals
Some actions by settlers and engineers can be adjusted in a rules editor. To use this technique simply use a certain type of terrain (like plains and forest) to block the canals and then edit the game so mining this terrain changes the square to ocean. Also adjust the turns required to complete this action to increase the cost of the project and discourage opening of the canal before engineers. HOTW4 used 40 as a base requirement for settlers. This decreases to 20 turns with engineers.
With the high turn requirement this method requires a great deal of effort, as it should, either a great deal of time or a large number of engineers to complete. Also it is realistic in that to open the canal, a civ must have a real presence there rather than building a wonder in China and opening a canal in Panama. Controlling the canal zones can be an impetus for diplo maneuvering and war.
7.1.2 Other options
- Wonder triggered canal opening. Great idea, but proved impossible.
- Special unit created to block canal and special unit required to destroy it.
- Canals automatically opened at certain game year or after tech invention.
Read through the HOTW4 set up thread for discussion on alternate Canal opening ideas.
7.2 Game Ending
For players who feel games as epic and involving as diplogames a standard ending just won't do, this option may be for you. Complaints about the typical spaceship or world conquest ending were raised towards the end of History of the World 2. Some players viewed sending the spaceship as an aggressive act as it would suddenly end the game. Disputes over the ending led to the collapse of HOTW2 in its final days. History of the World 3 attempted to solve this problem and proposed unique options for alternative game endings.
7.2.1 Alien Invasion Ending
The solution finally agreed upon in HOTW3 was an ending that involved an invasion by powerful space aliens. At a pre-specified moment towards the end of the game powerful alien units appeared on the map with the intended purpose of eliminating the human race. While HOTW3 never reached the ending, a player spot was left open so when the time came a human could control the alien units and turn them against the human players. The game would end when all player's civilizations were destroyed or the aliens were driven from the planet.
This ending incorporated several approaches to the ending. It can be played either cooperatively or competitively. All players can unite under a common banner to drive off the aliens together, allowing a cooperative victory. Or if players feel their survival depends on one strong player this could end in a competitive ending, as the players fight to produce that one strong player.
For its versatility and creativity this option was chosen by HOTW3, though other options exist. Get creative.
7.2.2 Other Ending Options
7.3 Civ specific units
Inspired by Civ3, the players of History of the World 3 decided to attempt civ specific units. Players could design and name one unit that they could use for every session of the game. Civ specific units help to bring variety to the game and enhance the roleplaying of the diplogame. Like in Civ3, units can have slightly adjusted stats.
Players interested in attempting this innovation are urged to be cautious regarding implementation of civ specific units. There always exists the possibility of abuse, and the creation of "super units" was partly behind the collapse of HOTW3.
7.4 Natives
For games that use a world map and choose to leave the Americas open for colonization it may be worthwhile to consider placing native cities and units in open territory. This enhances the character of the game plus provides some speed bumps to stop the first player to reach the New World from quickly colonizing it all. The natives may be AI or Barbarian and may use special units or standard. The number and difficulty of the natives are options for players to consider.
7.5 Custom Wonders
For players wishing to incorporate wonders in their story and roleplaying; the customization of wonders is a very good idea. Once a player builds a wonder, that wonder is given a unique name and picture fitting that player. For example a Chinese player who builds the Colossus can change it to the more fitting Great Canal. Or an Islamic player who built J.S Bach's Cathedral can change it to the Ka’ba.
7.6 Modpacks
Customization of a game through special modpacks is an idea implemented in several diplogames. Different unit designs, different tilesets, new techs, and new units are all options available to the creative player.
Here are two modpacks from HOTW2 and HOTW4 ******links needed*******
7.7 Ship Movement Increases
Players wishing to accentuate the naval aspect of the game and who are playing on a large map may choose to increase the movement of ships by 1 or 2. These additions are cumulative with the lighthouse, Magellan's and Nuclear Power bonuses and exist for all players and all ships with the possible exception of the Trieme.
7.8 Flags, Names, Titles
For a little more customization and uniqueness, players may choose to customize the look of their civilization. Simple things like changing the name of your civ from the England, to Great Britain, to United Kingdom and adjusting the titles for your ruler. To more nuanced changes like replacing the flags and sheilds for your civ with something custom designed. Changing the graphics for your cities is also an option to consider. Lots of great graphics can be found here.
8. Great Library
To understand the ins and outs of Civ2 outside of Diplogames please look through the Great Library. This is the most complete resource for understanding the way Civ2 works.
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
Last edited by OzzyKP; December 8, 2003 at 00:24.
November 18, 2003, 14:47
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9. Diplogames
Tales from the diplomatic front
May 8, 1999 - June 19, 1999
Civilization II
Egyptians - Glohithia
Zulus - John Barbarossa
America - Aburtt
India - Nappy, bizzaro
Russia - Cromwell, Frank Johnson
English - Bizarro, Martin Guerre
Germans - AI (killed very early by Russia)
Tales from the Diplomatic Front II (in 3D-Dolby Stereo)
May 18, 1999 - November 30, 1999
Civilization II
Vikings - KenThur
Japanese - Grau Geist
Croatians (Aztecs) - Smartfart, Nappy
Chinese - Geronimo, Martin Guerre, Pseudo
English - Gideon, CapTVK
Russians - pastieman, Superstar
Sioux - AI, Takeshi, Colon, AI, Cavebear
European Tales from the diplomatic front
July 3, 1999 - July 25, 1999
Civilization II
Germany -Cybershy
France - Martin Guerre
Britain - Frank Johnson
Russia - John Barbarossa
Spain - Glohithia
Italy - Colon, Blue Waldo, SmartFart
Turkey - Takeshi
Tales from the Diplomatic Front IV
February 13, 2000 - March 26, 2000
Civilization II
Celts - Curumbor Elendil
Indians - Empress, many subs, AI
Chinese - Frank Johnson
Deitians (Germans) - Deity
Aztecs - Scotty, Rasputin
Babylonians - ?
Carthaginians - Wezil
Tales from the Diplomatic Front V
March 30, 2000 - November 25, 2000
Civilization II
Chinese - Frank Johnson
MLB (Carthiginians) - War4ever, Hydey, carved up by world & eliminated
Libertarians (Indians)- Curumbor Elendil
Owls (Egyptions) - Suas, J23SE
Japanese - Berzerker
Falcons (Vikings) - Finbar
Romans - Slowwhand, carved up by world & eliminated
Tales from the Diplomatic Front VI
March 26, 2000 - August 12, 2000
Civilization II
Mad Monks - Rasputin
Texans (Americans) - Frank Johnson
Fountinia - Empress
The Empire (Spanish) - Visaggio
Deitians (Germans) - Deity
Romans - Matthew
Sioux - Hydey
Tales from the Diplomatic Front VII
May 29, 2000 - June 7, 2000
Civilization II
Iberians - Capo
Americans - JDI_Falcon
English - Common Terry, berzerker, Gjost
Japanese - Krec, Moker, RocMaster
Metalheads - OzzyKP
Russians - Kasparov, Lor Ty
Germans - The Nothing
Tales from the Diplomatic Front IX......
June 13, 2000 - July 5, 2000
Civilization II
English - common_terry
Romans - Capo
Sioux - Running Water
Lunian - Ithil
Polish - Casimir the Great, Mr Dimbleby
Zulu - JDI_Falcon
Tales from the Diplomatic Front X
July 17, 2000 - August 7, 2000
Civilization II
Sioux - SuperSneak, Cavebear
Lorien - Empress
Aztecs - SmartFart, Darkstorm
Japanese - Berzerker
English - Frank Johnson
Germans - Markus
Tales from the European Front I
October 1, 2000 - January 14, 2001
Civilization II
Italians - Capo, C0ckney, SunTzu
Spanish - Moker
Hungarians - OzzyKP
French - JDI_Falcon
Germans - Berzerker
Russians - kent-jo, Mika
England - Mr Dimbleby, Mindfields
Tales from the Ultimate Diplomatic Front I
October 25, 2000 - January 16, 2001
Civilization II
Mongols - Drake
Indians - GNGSpam, SunTzu
Egyptians - Easthaven, ml_4da3
Europeans - Capo
Brazil - AI
Americans - Mr Dimbleby
Canadians - AI
Tales from the Monday Night Diplo Front
? - May 8, 2001
Civilization II
Egyptians - suas333
Neanderthal/Chinese - SunTzu
Carthaginians - Epik
Mongolians - Drake
Cavebear Diplo Game
January 22, 2001 - March 8, 2001
Civilization II
Tuatha De Dannan - Slowwhand, Species
English - CapTVK
Japanese - Boann
Americans - Cavebear
Mongols - War4ever
Celts - absurddoctor, sekong
Borg - Epik
Tales from the New Millennium European Diplomatic Front
January 22, 2001 - April 21, 2001
Civilization II
Austrians - Curumbor Elendil
British - Deity
Russians - Crustacian
French - Atomic Dogg, OzzyKP
Italians - finbar
Germans - Berzerker
Turks - Markus
History of the World II
February 16, 2001 - November 15, 2001
Civilization II
Adriatic League - The Capo
Mali - GNGSpam, sekong, GNGSpam, Belinda
Zulus - Drake
Israelites - Dimbleby, Sun Tzu, Rasputin, OzzyKP, Rasputin
Chinese - AI, Prometheus
Mongolia - War4Ever, sekong, Easthaven, Dangime, OzzyKP
Australians - Deity
(With Sun Tzu playing minor roles in nearly all civs)
Tales From Gaia
October 23, 2001 - December 20, 2001
Civilization II
Chiraqua - Belinda
Arabs - Drake
Freedonians - Chris
English - rridd
Celts - Boann
Saturday Night (USA) Diplo Game
January 12, 2002 - March 12, 2002
Civilization II
Americans - Berzerker
Cantonese - Frank Johnson
Deitcians - Deity
Aztecs - Makeo
Carthaginians - Cannon Fodder
Ukranians - Hydey
Atlanteans - OzzyKP, Winzity
History Of The World III
February 28, 2002 - April 10, 2002
Civilization II
Arabs - OzzyKP
Germans - Chris
Russians - Prometheus
Chinese - Frank Johnson
Indians - Dank, Zylka
Amazulu - Kuja, Berzerker
WHEMDD Diplo Game
March 31, 2002 - April 25, 2002
Civilization II
Japanese - Frank Johnson
Deitians - Deity
Borg - Epik
Victorians - Hydey
Aztecs - Makeo
Greeks - Winzity
Thursday Night Diplo
April 12, 2002 - June 27, 2002
Civilization II
Carthaginians - Deity
Romans - DeityDude, Rasputin
Vikings - Markus
Japanese - Zylka, J23SE
Spainish - Winzity
Sioux - Berzerker
Persias - Frank Johnson
History of Mankind
September 9, 2003 - November 12, 2003
Civilization II
Slavs – Vetlegion
Dutch – Germanos
Chinese – Winzity
Ethiopians – Ljube
Maori – Atawa
History of the World 4.0
October 6, 2003 - February 24, 2004
Civilization II
Serbs – Ljube
Tartars – Winzity, AI, Carved up by world and eliminated
Chinese – Frank Johnson
Indians – Berzerker
Egyptians – Trev, Rasputin
Azande – Deity
English – OzzyKP
Ozzy's Classical Eurodip
December 27, 2003 - April 17, 2004
Civilization II
Greeks – Ljube, OzzyKP
Spanish - Zylka
Gauls – Frank Johnson
Babylonians - Dylan Baker
Egyptians – Makeo
Carthaginians – Deity
Romans - Atawa, Ljube
Epic of Man
November 25, 2005 - January 6, 2006
Civilization IV
Rome - The Capo
India - OzzyKP
Azande (Mali) - Deity
Russia - Moker
Japan - Master-Mike
Mongolia - Seventy7Ways
Man's Epic Odyssey (Epic of Man 2)
November 26, 2005 - December 16, 2005
Civilization IV
Rome - Moker
India - Seventy7Ways
Mali - Aussie Lurker
Russia - Ljube
Xianbei (Japan) - Deity
Mongolia - Frank 'Dangime' Johnson
History of the World V
February 24, 2006 - July 29, 2006
Civilization IV
India(Gandhi) - OzzyKP
America(Washington) - CyberShy
Germany(Bismark) - LzPrst, Omnipotent Trout
France(Louis XIV) - NPDragon, carved up by world and eliminated
China(Qin Sh Huang) - condor223, Frank 'Dangime' Johnson
Russia(Catherine) - KunojiLym
Spain(Isabella) - TheCapo
England(Elizabeth) - Deity
Mongolia(Genghis Khan) - AI, carved up by world and eliminated
Inca(Huayna Capac) - NicodaMax, condor223
Winner: OzzyKP
History of the World 6
April 12, 2006 - May 22, 2006
Civilization IV
England(Elizabeth) - OmnipotentTrout
Mali(Mansa Musa) - LzPrst
Arabia(Saladin) - CyberShy
Russia(Catherine) - Schtix
Germany(Bismark) - Frank Johnson
Winner: none (game wasn't finished)
History of the World VII
August 28, 2006 - March 2, 2007
Civilization IV: Warlords
India(Gandhi) - CyberShy
Egypt(Ramses) - condor223
Vikings(Ragnar Lodbrok) - LzPrst, Rykoffe
China(Qin Shi Huang) - KunojiLym
Choson(Wang Kong) - Deity
Inca(Huayna Capac) - Dangime, Franski, Levi_the_Oracle, Dangime, kbarrett
France(Napoleon) - Colonel_Treize, Conquistador45, AI
England(Victoria) - MMC, Glohithia
Celts(Brennus) - OmnipotentTrout, AI, dacole, AI
Arabs(Saladin) - OzzyKP
Carthage(Hannibal) - Subs, Rykoffe, (eliminated and handed over to Vikings)
Rome(Julius Ceasar) - AI, Moker (carved up by world and eliminated)
Bulgaria(Cyrus II) - Toni
Winner: OzzyKP
History of the World IX
February 4, 2007 - May 6, 2007 (?)
Civilization IV: Warlords
Egypt(Ramses) - condor223
Vikings(Ragnar Lodbrok) - Dangime
Inca(Huayna Capac) - Toni
England(Elizabeth I) - trev
England(Elizabeth I) - vilemerchant
Carthage(Hannibal) - The_Aussie_Lurker
Germany(Bismark) - deity
Spain(Isabella) - Conquistador45
Winner: Unknown
History of the World VIII
February 24, 2007 - July 14th, 2007
Civilization IV: Warlords
India (Gandhi) - kbarrett
Egypt (Ramses) - Nolan
Korea (Wang Kong) - KunojiLym
Inca (Huayna Capac) - CyberShy
Ottomans (Mehmed II) - Deity, Conquistador45
England (Elizabeth) - OzzyKP
America (Roosevelt ) - dacole
Zulu (Shaka) - Levi, Deity Dude, Pinchak, AI (carved up by world and eliminated)
Carthage (Hannibal) - Beta
Mali (Mansa Munsa) - Glohithia
Germany (Bismarck) - Toni
Winner: Toni
History of the World XI
August 31th, 2007 - (pending)
Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword
Inca (Huayna Capac) - Arvcan
Ethiopia (Zara Yaqob) - The_Aussie_lurker
Russia (Stalin) - Mr. Lincoln, LzPrst, Mr. Lincoln
England (Elizabeth) - LzPrst, Dacole, AI
Rome (Augustus) - Beta
Byzantine (Justinian I) - Nolan
America (Lincoln) - CyberShy
Portugal (Joao II) - Deity
Native America (Sitting Bull) - AI, Deity Dude, Asmodeous
Dutch (Willem van Oranje) - Toni
Germany (Bismarck) - Frank Johnson, AI
History of the World XII
January 26, 2008 - (pending)
Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword
Mali (Mansa Musa) - Anonymous
Holland (Willem van Oranje) - Anonymous
Inca (Huayna Capac) - Anonymous
France (Napoleon) - Anonymous
America (Washington) - Anonymous
Carpathia (Charlemagne) - Anonymous
Ottoman (Suleiman) - Anonymous
Mongolia (Kublai Khan) - Anonymous
Russia (Stalin) - Anonymous
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
Last edited by OzzyKP; January 31, 2008 at 18:22.
November 18, 2003, 15:20
Local Time: 14:46
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 4,037
I'm going to read this with pleasure. This seems like a huge effort Ozzy, thank you
November 18, 2003, 18:24
Local Time: 12:46
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Location: Voorburg, the Netherlands, Europe
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I haven't (ashamedly) looked at Civ2MP for awhile and I see the Diplogame FAQ has been redone. Kudos to Ozzy
Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.
Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer
November 18, 2003, 18:37
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Keep on Civin'
Civ V Civilization V Civ5 CivV Civilization 5 Civ 5 - Do your part!
November 18, 2003, 18:50
Local Time: 05:46
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Thanks to this thread I found one of my favourite posts.
To quote myself
Proud is the city of Tenochtitlan.
Here no one fears to die in war.
Have this in mind, oh Princes.
Who could shake the foundations of Heaven?
The people of the sun rejoice. The blood of our enemies runs freely and sustains the sun in its journey across the sky. The great Huitzilopochitli grows fat from the sacrifice of his Jaguar and Eagle knights as they embrace the flowery death.
A new day is dawning. The day of the Tenocha, the Aztec and even the lowly Indian. Those who oppose Huitzilopochitli and his earthly manifestation Makeozacoatl will bend over the sacrificial alter and watch as their hearts are fed to the fires.
Long have we watched our weak and impotent neighbors. Their false gods, their petty civilizations, bickering and whining. Watched their attacks on our people, our land, little realizing that the Tenocha welcome the xochiyaoyotl, welcome the battle, welcome the chance to rule the world.
Beware the Jaguar, Beware the Eagle, for they are death.
Huitzilopochtli, the warrior,
He who acts on high
Follows his own path...
O marvellous dweller among the clouds...
O dweller in the region of the frozen wings....
He causes the walls of fire to fall down
Where the feathers are gathered.
Thus he wages war
And subdues the peoples...
Eager for war, the Flaming One descends,
He rages where the whirling dust arises.
Come to our aid!
There is war, there is burning.
Hold my girlfriend while I kiss your skis.
November 18, 2003, 20:20
Local Time: 14:46
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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Posts: 4,037
I read the whole thing. Good job overall and parts 6-6.2.3 are especially good and needed
This requires a great deal of trust by a player to give up control over his game, but the payoff in enjoyment is great. Be careful how the election is handled however. Ballot stuffing and election fraud is as possible in diplogames as in the real world. In History of the World 2 when the Mongol player (me) held an election, the Australian player (Deity) used multiple log-ins to manipulate the results and elect who he wanted.
Did he admit this, or are you just insinuating?
November 18, 2003, 20:25
Local Time: 22:46
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
absolutrly terriiifc ozzy ..... Brings to mind a few games i had been palying in but never quite finsihed....
Would like to see them completed but a opity sokme of the main chaacters no longer her, such a sEmpress....
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
November 18, 2003, 20:44
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I updated section 9.
Added thread links to a few games, and stumbled across two additional diplogames. The Thursday Night Diplo and Tales from the Monday Night Diplo Front.
I can't find the first thread from the Monday Diplo Front, only the climax thread. If anyone has an idea, please let me know. It looks like this is one of the very, very rare diplogames to get all the way to spaceship landing. I'd really like to see the whole thing.
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
November 18, 2003, 22:15
Local Time: 06:46
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Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 1,261
Makeo, that's was a great war burning my capital and all. You taught me alot in that short war!
Man I've played in alot of these diplo games, I wish I could remember them all.
BTW great work Ozzy. All these memories. ^_^
November 19, 2003, 00:38
Local Time: 22:46
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wow, never realises so many have played this syle.. whilst most seem to only play one or only part of one game. out of the 88 people mentioned above only 7 have playted in at least 5 diplo games
Frank with 12
Berzerker 9
Deity 8
Ozzy 7
Raz 5
Capo 5
Winzity 5
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
November 19, 2003, 01:09
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With the dozens and dozens of other Civ2 games I've played its amazing to think that I'm dedicated enough to write this whole FAQ for just 7 games. Good stats Raz, you should make a graph. :P
Frank beats us all. Very interesting to see how long he has been playing Diplogames. Right from the beginning.
88 people, and more no doubt. There are games not included in the above list I'm sure. Especially early ones that have been lost to time.
Another thought, some of the most active veteran diplogamers should have biographies written about them and the various games they've been in. Each of us could do a bio of a different player. Maybe make a diplogamer hall of fame. Describe their diplo style, different games they've been in, and top diplogame moments in their diplocareer.
This FAQ should be added to the Great Library. And Ming, do you think this could be a civ2 news item? That'd be cool.
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
November 19, 2003, 02:05
Local Time: 06:46
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Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 1,261
Heh. Honestly I played these diplo games from the start because I wasn't that great of a civ player when I started out. Even though I owned the AI regularly I was just an admin at CivLeague, and never got into the whole duel style because I was just constantly moderating desputes.
But out of those 12 games, I wonder how many just ended in horrible endings?
I mean, I think there were maybe a couple that went close to a real resolution like my small world map one, but even then we'd have liked it to go forward more.
There was the one where a sub came in as my ally and I lost a big war against EC because I was counting on them to fight back as well. Then the game kinda fell apart.
The first euro map one was cancled because the Russians just had 10 times as much land and super growthed everywhere.
I subbed in alot of games too because I knew the style.
HOTW3 I had alot of hopes for, but alas.....
Anyway...yeah its interesting stuff.
I honestly think that we've gotten really far in identifying the things that are going to hurt a diplo game that we can control anyway. Stuff like starting locations, game rules, proper mods to push things along. Games started now have alot more chance of getting futher along. Its mainly up to the players.
November 19, 2003, 02:26
Local Time: 22:46
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
I was totattaly surpsied at the number of diplo games there has been. I thijnk the reason that HOTW2 went so long and lasted till almost the end, was that it had a lot of the Experienced Diplo players in the game, dont mean that because they experienced they good palyers, just that they have experienced the style.
Once this game HOTW4 is over I am defiantly moving on over to civ3 MP. I hope some of this loyal diplo group will give it a go. It totally different is civ3 so would take some time to learn it but I hope that we can get a game in...
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
November 19, 2003, 11:06
ACS Staff Member
Local Time: 08:46
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I thought I had a new technical innovation that allowed ships to refuel and planes to carry cargo. Now it seems more kinks need to be worked out. Stay tuned for refinements (or possibly deletion) of section 7.8
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
Last edited by OzzyKP; November 19, 2003 at 11:20.
November 19, 2003, 17:03
Local Time: 22:46
Local Date: November 2, 2010
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me likes the idea of needing to refuel the modern ships once they rely on engines no sails or rowing. that would make the navy more realsitic
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
November 20, 2003, 18:58
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Originally posted by OzzyKP
I thought I had a new technical innovation that allowed ships to refuel and planes to carry cargo. Now it seems more kinks need to be worked out. Stay tuned for refinements (or possibly deletion) of section 7.8
Interesting notion. You mean by creating ships and planes with helicopter ´abilities´?
November 21, 2003, 18:38
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I think I've tried that before in a ww2 scenario....I had german submarines that had the range value entered in so they could cruise for x turns before having to return to port. But in the end I think the range figure didn't exactly have the effect I wanted. What exactly did your experiment come up with Ozzy?
November 21, 2003, 22:04
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When I tried, the ship's moves counted down that first turn, and then next turn its' ranged moves reset. So it showed the number but the range had no affect at all. I don't get it. But if you wanna discuss this, go discuss it here:
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
December 2, 2003, 09:58
Local Time: 22:46
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merciless bump @@@@@@
to keep this near top....
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
December 8, 2003, 00:28
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I added 7.8 on flag, name, and city customization.
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
December 8, 2003, 02:10
Local Time: 22:46
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one point to reaaly stress is the subs ozzy. to make diplo work you need subs and they have to know diplo style to take over. a normal civ2 player will get bored with just playing a session and this will create its own tensions in game. hotw2 was almost ruined a few times by subs, and even the latest hotw 4 has taken a big hit to the diplo style by latest session. i also beleive subs should never do more than one civ throughout game , can be temtpoing to setup first civ to attack with second.
Fortuantly i managed to undo the damge done by my sub before he attacked me.
I left strict instruction to build defence and he did none, he elft me exposed near his next civ and tryed t ouse that agaisnt me. forutnalty i was able to survive his inept first attack and the game will now return to order.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
February 15, 2004, 06:19
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and i am member number one of the diplo group
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
February 15, 2004, 14:47
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Thanks for the civgroup Mark.
And the DiploFAQ is topped too. Thanks Ming.
I was thinking to use a male-male jack and record it. - Albert Speer
When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah
May 2, 2004, 18:29
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Wow Ozzy,
Thanks for putting all the diplo tales in one place.
May 19, 2004, 00:14
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Yo its me, the Capo.
Drop me a line people.
May 22, 2004, 07:56
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Location: Parrot Towers, Killcare Heights, NSW, Australia
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ozzy, this is truely fantastic. Many memories here. I'm getting inspired to start a new one!
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
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May 22, 2004, 08:00
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Location: Parrot Towers, Killcare Heights, NSW, Australia
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Originally posted by Rasputin
and i am member number one of the diplo group
... and a freakin deity
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
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