HongHu : John! How are you?
Kody : I'm good
Kody : how's things
HongHu : we are having great fun trying Jamski

HongHu : You want the transcript?
HongHu : we will publish it in Pravda soon
Kody : heh okay
HongHu : I'm trying to get everybody come back first
HongHu : and then maybe we can get the game going a little better sigh
Kody : that's a task
HongHu : I know
HongHu : at least now the forum is alive again
HongHu : micha and jamski were doing german spam
Kody : I don't want to see how how screwed up the turn is though
HongHu : sigh
HongHu : jamski should have read your post before he post
Kody : I was first hoping I could prep him on all the major plans
HongHu : the thing is it took you more time to do the turn than him since you plan things more carefully
HongHu : sigh
Kody : and he might be able to take the next one
HongHu : and bad thing is he is not on msn
Kody : well the main problem is he didn't have clue what we were doing
HongHu : I know
Kody : yeah he didn't get on msn the whole time
HongHu : he did admit that he wants your turn to be used
Kody : and he did the turn in 15 minutes
HongHu : exactly
HongHu : but since his turn was posted first we were stuck on that one
Kody : his turn was only posted first by 2-5 minutes
HongHu : and peace was already crying foul
HongHu : really?
HongHu : sigh
Kody : yeah
HongHu : if only he quietly removed his turn
Kody : if I hadn't been delayed informing people about the university betraying us
HongHu : rather than making it a show by the coup
Kody : if only he hadn't announced that his turn was the official one
HongHu : sigh
HongHu : and uni downloaded his turn
HongHu : back and force
Kody : the university actually didn't get the real turn until hours later
Kody : because the first save he posted couldn't be opened
HongHu : I know
HongHu : and if he just say that your turn was the zipped correct one
HongHu : then we would be ok from the beginning
HongHu : but he is too hotheaded I guess
Kody : yep
HongHu : well that is roleplaying
HongHu : so we sacrifice the game for it
HongHu : it's ok I guess
Kody : is the hive going to declare war against the university?
HongHu : we'll survive
Kody : since they reinvaded our land
HongHu : jamski is plan to talk to GT AFAIK
HongHu : to make sure it is not a mistake
HongHu : actually we haven't talked a lot about the next turn yet
HongHu : somehow I feel that I will have to take the lead in starting the discussion
Kody : figures
HongHu : I already started a little
HongHu : fading in
HongHu : hopefully by the time this trial ends
HongHu : we'll be able to do more discussions
Kody : how could have possibly make a mistake like that
HongHu : I'm trying to get voltaire to work more too
Kody : they landed the unit only 2 squares away
HongHu : what
HongHu : I see what you mean
HongHu : I'll talk to jamski
HongHu : my problem is I have time on the forum
Kody : basically they moved it out of our sight
HongHu : but not with the game
Kody : then relanded it
HongHu : so I don't know the game as well as you
HongHu : far less
HongHu : I see
Kody : hrmm
HongHu : so when jamski talked about things I don't have a sense whether it is right or wrong
Kody : I wonder if jamski did the hive rebuild
HongHu : very doubtfully

Kody : because you could roleplay something cool from the b-drone shifting
HongHu : yes?
Kody : darn
HongHu : ahh bdrone shifting in other factions
Kody : because the b-drone shifting will probably give the university some extra drones
HongHu : I still need to learn the bdrone thing
HongHu : ok
Kody : and we could roleplay it as our rightous fury
HongHu : that's good
HongHu : yes
Kody : but the longer we hold it off
Kody : the less effective it will be
HongHu : the next turn?
HongHu : oh the rebuild
Kody : well it was supposed to be this turn
HongHu : got you
Kody : but rokossovky stuffed up
HongHu : I need to check that with jamski
Kody : and it got delayed
HongHu : so next turn probably then?
Kody : if jamski stuffed it again it'll be delayed again I suppose
HongHu : sigh
HongHu : what condition do we need
Kody : hive rebuilds
Kody : it makes a colony pod next turn
HongHu : ok
HongHu : and just build a base
Kody : I think if we don't do it fairly soon. hive will grow again
HongHu : so how could him make a mistake
Kody : and it will be delayed an 3rd turn
HongHu : you mean we have to rush it
HongHu : I got you
Kody : he needed to set a colony pod to build
HongHu : oh the hive is not even building the pod yet?
Kody : or he could have realloacted the minerals
HongHu : I see
Kody : well he could have switched it
HongHu : maybe I'll have sometime to look at the turn tonight
HongHu : I'll go check that
Kody : you know the hive would be 50% stronger if I had been running the last 3 turns
HongHu : I know
Kody : crazy
Kody : I never imagined we would fall that much
HongHu : you know in the forum people are still talking about you so much
HongHu : I think maybe we should go ahead perm pact with cc
Kody : also ecological engineering was 2148
HongHu : and go to war soon and get this game finished
Kody : not sure how much it's delayed now
HongHu : hmmm
Kody : well
HongHu : I was wanting to get people do all the summaries
Kody : you need to stay on the drone's good side
HongHu : but maybe I have to do it myself
HongHu : yes I was thinking 3 way pact again
HongHu : just use the speed game up argument with buster
Kody : you have to get buster to agree
Kody : and I'm not sure he will
HongHu : see if he can agree to it
HongHu : he knows the game's not going very actively
HongHu : so maybe he'll change his mind
Kody : he has lots of inactive games
HongHu : my problem is I'm not very familiar with him
HongHu : so need somebody else to talk to him
HongHu : well a demo game is different than a pbem
HongHu : demo game needs participation
HongHu : if we can't then it dies
HongHu : it almost died this time didn't it
Kody : he's playing this demo game as a pbem/training exercise
HongHu : if it were not you and me basically
HongHu : I know
HongHu : I don't know worth a try
Kody : so that means he's not really after participation from the other teams
HongHu : I know
Kody : just wants hive to stay releatively strong
HongHu : depending on how understandable he is to others I suppose
Kody : and his team to still be interested
Kody : His team is still fairly strong
HongHu : yes
Kody : compared to how it started anyway
HongHu : buster has been playing it

Kody : heh
Kody : he still gets advice from his team
HongHu : unlike us you don't play anymore

Kody : well my work is important
HongHu : I understand
HongHu : actually I have put off my work again for the sake of Hive
Kody : it will effect the next 20 years of my life if I fail my confirmation
HongHu : and I have to catch up this weekend
Kody : it's in about 3 months time
HongHu : yes you need to do that
Kody : maybe it shouldn't be control
HongHu : it is very much more important
Kody : you know the hive always thinks of it's turns as control and power
HongHu : sadly that's true
Kody : maybe we should emphasise learning
Kody : I tried to do that
Kody : but nobody was interested in learning
HongHu : I wonder why couldn't we do organized cooperation
HongHu : I'm hoping dacole can be the one
HongHu : but he's been frustrated by roko I think
Kody : we should do turn rotation
HongHu : he tried to help but roko ignored him
Kody : rokovossovky tried to get him to do all the grunt work
HongHu : very hard to start now
Kody : basically the really mundane things I used to do
HongHu : if we don't want to risk losing
HongHu : important steps
Kody : eg like, updating turn
Kody : well I think you risk far more by playing badly continously
HongHu : thing is can one like me do a turn without messing up the progress
Kody : then playing very badly, but improving later
HongHu : well if everybody plays badly
Kody : well if jamski has messed up the progress like I think he did
HongHu : then who can help?
Kody : then just about all the plans I had are basically over
HongHu : sigh
HongHu : see if jamski messes up badly
HongHu : that means I probably will mess up even more
Kody : so the things that are still running
Kody : heh it means you will get to start with a cleaner slate
HongHu : lol
HongHu : a white paper can have a better picture drawn than a already messed up one
Kody : kindof annoyed we're probably not going to get ecological engineering completed in turn 2148
Kody : yep
HongHu : problem is who's gonna draw on it?
Kody : maybe you should try everyone
HongHu : and still hope that the picture is gonna be great?
Kody : you should probably make it clear to googlie that the hive will head downhill pretty fast
HongHu : yes?
HongHu : what would that help
Kody : because googlie has been trying to balance things so the hive is pushed down
HongHu : hmmm?
Kody : I think one of the reasons why he decided to use jamski's turn
HongHu : are you talking about his adjustment of AIs?
Kody : is because he thinks the game is in the bag
HongHu : ah I see
Kody : for the hive and the drones
HongHu : ok I'll try talk to him about that
HongHu : it's so useful if one can use msn to talk
Kody : but personally I think with our current setup we'll have a hard time winning
HongHu : but I don't have those guys msn
HongHu : pm is not as effective
HongHu : sigh
HongHu : you know I don't really thing that matters that much any more
HongHu : as long as we still get people who participate
HongHu : that's about better than any other result we can even hope
Kody : yeah probably not
Kody : but I think it matters to googlie
Kody : he doesn't want the victory to be a sure thing yet
HongHu : I agree
Kody : and everyone was saying it was a sure thing
HongHu : Have you talked to dacole?
Kody : but everyone assumed I was going to continue playing
HongHu : do you know how much potential he holds?
Kody : and that's why I was so stressed about the turns, while others weren't
HongHu : I'm hopeing he can be somebody taht can learn to play as you did before
Kody : dacole is about the same level as you
Kody : in potential I think
Kody : well he's current ability is
Kody : talk to chairman
Kody : and tell him that rokossovky might be locking other possible players out
HongHu : I don't think he knows much nore
HongHu : m
HongHu : roko is not active now
HongHu : so he doesn't matter much
Kody : oh good grief
HongHu : sigh I know
Kody : start with a real clean slate
HongHu : well he's the one that held the turn
Kody : it's too much effort explaining all the plans
HongHu : I tried to engage him on msn couple times with others talking about the game
HongHu : but he left soon every time
Kody : and people usually excute their own plans better than someone else's
HongHu : have not come back to the forum
Kody : yep
HongHu : I know
Kody : he doesn't want the responsibility
HongHu : I know you have spend quite some time with roko
HongHu : sigh
Kody : basically tell chairman we need to rethink our plans with a clean slate
HongHu : yes
Kody : and talk to buster about the general plans you come up with
HongHu : what better plan could I come up with?
Kody : he will be alot of help, I actually passed most of my plans past buster and adjusted what I was doing accordingly
Kody : your own plan
Kody : involve more than yourself
Kody : make it group planning session
HongHu : and problem is I'm not sure jamski and others will be as you and me
HongHu : in aspect of listening to others suggestions
Kody : make it clear that things are starting with a clean slate
Kody : well the thing is they don't understand the plans I was doing
HongHu : I agree
Kody : it took me about 15 hours of MSN over a week to explain to rokossovky
HongHu : sigh
Kody : so that means it's probably better to start afresh
HongHu : ok
Kody : talk to dacole and jamski and anyone else that will listen
HongHu : talking to you have made my mind much clearer
Kody : do a group planning session
HongHu : ok
Kody : you see you could use my techniques
Kody : but if you don't understand them
Kody : you won't be able to use them very well
HongHu : Kody will not play for us now. We will not be able to play as he used to do. So what are we going to do?
Kody : so that means it's better to spend your time coming up with things you can understand and follow through
HongHu : yes I agree
HongHu : entirely
Kody : use what people did understand from what I used to do
Kody : but discard anything you didn't understand
HongHu : I admit that I wasn't thinking that we should start over from planning before I talk to you
HongHu : yes
Kody : the time spent understanding something I used to do is better spent figuring out the more basic stuff
HongHu : yes
HongHu : I will try to start a discussion in this direction
Kody : one thing, you should do is double check the turns
HongHu : after it is done?
Kody : yeah
HongHu : you mean another player
HongHu : make sure one player has not made mistakes
Kody : well the turn player should double check himself
HongHu : ok
Kody : but another player should check too
HongHu : yes
Kody : if possible before the turn is posted
HongHu : I think I need to post this to the forum
Kody : the most important thing I think now for the hive is
HongHu : there are many good advises that others should read
Kody : * turn player double checks his own turns
HongHu : lol ok
Kody : 2nd more important
HongHu : yes?
Kody : * someone else should always look at the turn and comment on mistakes (before turn is posted if possible, but after too)
HongHu : ok

Kody : that helps so that at least one other person knows what's going on
HongHu : that's right
Kody : * third most important thing is dipolmancy
HongHu : I agree
Kody : keep drones on our side
Kody : and also still be nice to the pirates and the cycon
HongHu : definitely
HongHu : yes
Kody : communicate with them now and again, to say hello and make them feel that they're important to us
HongHu : ok
Kody : ignoring them can drive them onto the university's side
HongHu : yes that's probably right
HongHu : especially with peace
Kody : anyway those are the basics that I started with when I first played the turns
Kody : although I couldn't find anyone movitated enough to double check my turns
HongHu : you know I was really hoping we could finish this game right now by everybody stand behind hive as the supreme leader
HongHu :

Kody : from there you can build up a playing technique again
HongHu : yes
Kody : sif
Kody : even the drones wouldn't be entirely happy
Kody : I think the drones want to kick some butt first
HongHu : I know
Kody : or at least have a first battle
HongHu : yes
HongHu : that wouldn't be a problem would it
Kody : cycon want to progress further into the game to see how they would do
HongHu : ?
Kody : pirates want to win themselves
HongHu : I know
Kody : university just dislike us
HongHu : lol
Kody : not surprised really
HongHu : the turn player's changed though
Kody : Rokossovky called them "looniversity"
HongHu : I've been smooshing him over there today

Kody : and the turn rokossovky did that
Kody : they relanded their scout
HongHu : wow
HongHu : you think it is related
Kody : makes you wonder if those things are related
Kody : not sure
HongHu : you know what you always think much deeper than I do
Kody : maybe they were always planning that
HongHu : I just take things for granted
Kody : I look for details
HongHu : yea
Kody : because details gives you slight advantages
HongHu : that's where my weakness is
HongHu : I know
HongHu : it is a great loss to us that you can't be here
Kody : personally I reckon they were alwas planning to invade us again
HongHu : who knows maybe after 3 months we are still hanging
HongHu : maybe then you can come back to us
Kody : because they never replied back to diplomatic messages
HongHu : univ invade hive wow
HongHu : hmmm
Kody : well they've got their scout relanded
HongHu : I know
HongHu : what can one scout do though
HongHu : explor perhaps
HongHu : wants to know more about us?
Kody : yeah
HongHu : that doesn't mean war immediately
Kody : but I think they wanted to move the scout in and threaten a base
HongHu : they don't really hope they can win the war with one scout?
Kody : they were hoping we wouldn't notice
HongHu : hmmm
Kody : no they just wanted to hinder us
HongHu : yea
Kody : and prepare for invasion later
Kody : by having our maps
HongHu : we'll have to talk about this over in the Hive
HongHu : I agree
Kody : also threatening us with the scout might get them certain concessions from us
HongHu : well they should know better than this
Kody : problem is jamski didn't find the scout
HongHu : wow
Kody : we'll we've made it so clear we're at war
HongHu : hmmm
Kody : they don't really lose that much by acting aggressive towards us
HongHu : I agree
HongHu : we were at treaty though right?
Kody : yeah still
Kody : although they broke the terms of the treaty
HongHu : anyway I will remember all what you talked about today
Kody : basically we treatied when they agreed to remove their scout
HongHu : I know
Kody : heh why bother remembering, just save the conversation
HongHu : lol
HongHu : the thing is you'd hope everybody reads it
HongHu : but maybe not
HongHu : so I need to remember this and try tell everybody again
Kody : well actually I'm not that worried about the hive anymore
HongHu : anyway it is good that I talked to you
Kody : real life concerns worry me more nowadays
HongHu : I will try to keep in touch with you off and on
HongHu : but yea go ahead focus on your own project
Kody : *nod*
HongHu : for this IS really really more important
HongHu : I can never stress that enough
HongHu : so good luck to you onthat
Kody : thanks
HongHu : and hopefully you'll come back in 3 months :d
HongHu : I'll talk to you later then
Kody : we'll see
HongHu : I'm pretty sure I'll still be here
Kody : okay cya then
HongHu :

HongHu : in 3 month I mean
HongHu : got to do some work tonight
HongHu : bye
Kody : you know I kind wanted to test my skills in a PBEM sometime
Kody : see how if I really am good
Kody : or was just mostly lucky with the hive
Kody : cya
HongHu : oh I'm sure you won't find an equal opponent

HongHu : I should have asked you to fill in my pbem
HongHu : t-ras left
HongHu : my pact brother
HongHu : but hercules said he's gonna join
HongHu : t-ras's got such big problems right now
HongHu : his two sps got destroyed
HongHu : all bases in riots
HongHu : it'd be a nice challenge for you

HongHu : I thought about you but didn't want to ask you since I know you are busy
HongHu : well ok ttyl