- We research Centauri Ecology and started researhcing Information Networks.
- We founded a new base, named MWIApolis, and built two more CPs.
- We explored some new territory to the south, east and west.
- We built som extra formers and terraine nhancements, including a mine on a min bonus.
- We discovered that at least on the two Progenitor factions is located to the south, as, owing to some kind of bug, we saw a Spore Lancher attacking a Progenitor scout patrol (likely a Caretaker one).
Chat Log:
(GeneralTacticus> *CHAT BEGUN*
(GeneralTacticus> Centauri Ecology researched.
(MrWhereItsAt> It is?
(GeneralTacticus> Yes.
(MrWhereItsAt> 2113, right?
(GeneralTacticus> Yes.
(MrWhereItsAt> So skip the Copter move?
(GeneralTacticus> Now researching Info Nets, following Correlion's poll.
(GeneralTacticus> ?
(MrWhereItsAt> In the game I just loaded, the copter still has 2 mp remaining
(GeneralTacticus> Was it in a base?
(MrWhereItsAt> es
(MrWhereItsAt> Yes
(GeneralTacticus> That was deliberate, then. It's not as if it could have gone
anywhere, and it would just have taken damage.
(MrWhereItsAt> At turn end did you get Kelp expansion?
(GeneralTacticus> Dunno. Where?
(GeneralTacticus> There are currently five squares of kelp visible.
(MrWhereItsAt> Never mind - ignore me...
(MrWhereItsAt> Carry on - I just wanted to know if I was getting the same things
happening as oyu
(GeneralTacticus> Did we ever get any orders regarding base locations?
(GeneralTacticus> Maniac?
* GeneralTacticus sets mode: +o MrWhereItsAt
(Maniac> Nope, no orders.
(GeneralTacticus> Got a CP done in Tacticopolis; I'd vote sending it south two
squares and building a base enar the sea monolith.
(GeneralTacticus> * near
(MrWhereItsAt> That close?
(GeneralTacticus> Why not?
(MrWhereItsAt> Well it will work right now... whether we run into problems with
overlap later or not...
(MrWhereItsAt> IOW, OK then
(GeneralTacticus> 2114 complete.
(MrWhereItsAt> Waitasec - what happened?
(GeneralTacticus> PKs have discovered SoftHB.
(GeneralTacticus> Eh?
(MrWhereItsAt> Did the copter find anythign?
(GeneralTacticus> What do you mean?
(GeneralTacticus> I never moved it anywhere.
* MrWhereItsAt is confused
(MrWhereItsAt> Did you do any exploring?
(GeneralTacticus> With the copter? No.
(GeneralTacticus> With the Unity Sumbersibles? Yes, but all they've found thus far
are a few extra squares.
(MrWhereItsAt> OK - could be an idea for next turn
(MrWhereItsAt> I had the idea that the Copter could explore to the east, allowing
the SPs there to waste less time open up blackness and heading straight for areas
the copter couldn;t reach
(GeneralTacticus> I've sent the chopper to Maniagrad to do some exploring to the
north, but I could use your plan.
(GeneralTacticus> Although it would be somewhat limited, as it has to return to abse
every turn.
(GeneralTacticus> * base
(MrWhereItsAt> Oh yes, but as it is there is some black there it could reveal for a
turn or two
(GeneralTacticus> Opened a pod near the Unity Wreckage and got some kelp farms.
(GeneralTacticus> Western unity ship found an IoD in the fungus; odds of victory in
a fight are 8 to 7.
(GeneralTacticus> I think we should run.
(MrWhereItsAt> Sorry - how exactly do these chats work? You just play away until
there's a decision? Do you post the save every now and again or we wait until the
(MrWhereItsAt> I think we should run too
(GeneralTacticus> I play and give reprots until there's something that needs a
decision, and post the save at the end.
(MrWhereItsAt> Just experiencing some culture shock - in the Civ3 DG I post in red
every order so that everyone can follow

(MrWhereItsAt> OK, cool
(GeneralTacticus> 2115 complete.
(Maniac> That's pretty hard when there aren't any orders. ;-)
(GeneralTacticus> Do we have any more abse names?
(GeneralTacticus> * base
(Maniac> MWIApolis? ;-)
(MrWhereItsAt> So there's not much point in me having the 2114 save open, or is it
useful at times
(GeneralTacticus> Not really.
(MrWhereItsAt> OK.
(GeneralTacticus> Although it does help if you need to identify a particular square.
(Maniac> Do you post the turn after every year in the civ3dg?
(GeneralTacticus> As in, you mean? No, though I try to keep a turn for the end of
every year.
(GeneralTacticus> For reference purposes.
(MrWhereItsAt> Maniac - no
(GeneralTacticus> Oops, sorry, thought that was WIA speaking...
(MrWhereItsAt> Only every 4-5 turns
(MrWhereItsAt> When ppl think they have lost the plot with the Prez' moves
(GeneralTacticus> So, MWIA, any objections to MWIApolis?
(MrWhereItsAt> Ah crap - hang on...
(Maniac> Or MiWhIApolis instead of Minneapolis?
(MrWhereItsAt> Sorry - have to disappear a short (hopefully) time..
(Maniac> ok
(Maniac> see ye
(GeneralTacticus> cya.
(GeneralTacticus> Built MWIApolis (can be changed later), building a former to start
(GeneralTacticus> So, what to build on 35,43...
(GeneralTacticus> I favour a forest, myself.
(GeneralTacticus> Maniac?
(Maniac> OK :-)
(GeneralTacticus> 2116 complete.
(GeneralTacticus> Going to build a farm on the nut bonus near The Hive...

(GeneralTacticus> Damn. Popped a pod S of the Unity wrekcage, and found an IoD...
(GeneralTacticus> Running.
(GeneralTacticus> Popped another pod in the east, and found a kelp farm.
(GeneralTacticus> 2117 complete.
(GeneralTacticus> 2118 complete.
(Maniac> :-)
* MrWhereItsAt thinks GT's finger slipped onto end turn and he's just not telling us
(GeneralTacticus> That's odd - for some reason I just saw a Spore Launcher attack a
Progenitor scout patrol somewhere way south in the Fog of War.
[10:46] (MrWhereItsAt> Think I
[10:46] (MrWhereItsAt> Think L've seen bugs like that before...
[10:46] (GeneralTacticus> wb, btw.
[10:46] (MrWhereItsAt> Thanks
[10:46] (Maniac> MWIA, could you please check the new thread in our CyCon forum for
a moment?
[10:46] (MrWhereItsAt> OK.... dial-up permitting...
[10:47] (GeneralTacticus> Bloody hell - popped a second pod near the first, and it
contained an IoD too...
[10:47] (GeneralTacticus> Running like hell, again.
[10:47] (GeneralTacticus> Next decision to be made: where to send the CP from The
[10:48] (Maniac> Where was MWIApolis again?
[10:48] (GeneralTacticus> 2 S of Tacticopolis.
[10:48] (GeneralTacticus> Cool - found a Unity Foil in a pod to the east.
[10:48] (Maniac> hmm in that case (41.47) wouldn't be such a good location.

[10:49] (GeneralTacticus> And found 50 ECs in a pod to the west.
[10:49] (GeneralTacticus> No, it wouldn't.
[10:49] (Maniac> (42.50)?
[10:49] (GeneralTacticus> Not a bad location.
[10:50] (GeneralTacticus> Got another CP built in Maniagrad too, btw.
[10:51] (Maniac> (44.36) for that one? (Just making up some random locations that
seem good at a first glance;-)
[10:52] (GeneralTacticus> No real point - Tacticopolis will have a pod done that can
get there just as fast.
[10:52] (GeneralTacticus> Though that one could go to, say, 46,40.
[10:53] (Maniac> indeed

[10:53] (GeneralTacticus> 2119 complete.
[10:53] (GeneralTacticus> Saw the same thing happen again with the Progrenitor scout
patrol and the Spore Launcher.
[10:54] (Maniac> Any idea where?
[10:54] (GeneralTacticus> Somewhere to the south.
[10:54] (Maniac> ok thanks

[10:54] (Maniac> In other words: don't go south! ;-)
[10:55] (GeneralTacticus> Or, at least, if you do, do so with a large army.
[10:55] (GeneralTacticus> Or preferably a Planet Buster.
[10:55] (Maniac> Great idea!

[10:55] (GeneralTacticus> MWIApolis has now been linked up to the factional road
[10:55] (GeneralTacticus> Mine has now been built on the mineral bonus at 37,43.
[10:56] (GeneralTacticus> 2120 complete, and that's the end of the chat.
[10:56] (MrWhereItsAt> Excellent! A mine on a min bonus - who gets to use it?
[10:57] (GeneralTacticus> Either Maniagrad or The Hive.
[10:58] (GeneralTacticus> We aren't doing very well on the powerchart, btw...
[10:58] (Maniac> Who cares. The bigger the challenge, the better. ;-)