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Old November 22, 2003, 19:59   #1
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Turn Report 2113-2120

- We research Centauri Ecology and started researhcing Information Networks.
- We founded a new base, named MWIApolis, and built two more CPs.
- We explored some new territory to the south, east and west.
- We built som extra formers and terraine nhancements, including a mine on a min bonus.
- We discovered that at least on the two Progenitor factions is located to the south, as, owing to some kind of bug, we saw a Spore Lancher attacking a Progenitor scout patrol (likely a Caretaker one).

Chat Log:

(GeneralTacticus> *CHAT BEGUN*
(GeneralTacticus> Centauri Ecology researched.
(MrWhereItsAt> It is?
(GeneralTacticus> Yes.
(MrWhereItsAt> 2113, right?
(GeneralTacticus> Yes.
(MrWhereItsAt> So skip the Copter move?
(GeneralTacticus> Now researching Info Nets, following Correlion's poll.
(GeneralTacticus> ?
(MrWhereItsAt> In the game I just loaded, the copter still has 2 mp remaining
(GeneralTacticus> Was it in a base?
(MrWhereItsAt> es
(MrWhereItsAt> Yes
(GeneralTacticus> That was deliberate, then. It's not as if it could have gone
anywhere, and it would just have taken damage.
(MrWhereItsAt> At turn end did you get Kelp expansion?
(GeneralTacticus> Dunno. Where?
(GeneralTacticus> There are currently five squares of kelp visible.
(MrWhereItsAt> Never mind - ignore me...
(MrWhereItsAt> Carry on - I just wanted to know if I was getting the same things
happening as oyu
(GeneralTacticus> Did we ever get any orders regarding base locations?
(GeneralTacticus> Maniac?
* GeneralTacticus sets mode: +o MrWhereItsAt
(Maniac> Nope, no orders.
(GeneralTacticus> Got a CP done in Tacticopolis; I'd vote sending it south two
squares and building a base enar the sea monolith.
(GeneralTacticus> * near
(MrWhereItsAt> That close?
(GeneralTacticus> Why not?
(MrWhereItsAt> Well it will work right now... whether we run into problems with
overlap later or not...
(MrWhereItsAt> IOW, OK then
(GeneralTacticus> 2114 complete.
(MrWhereItsAt> Waitasec - what happened?
(GeneralTacticus> PKs have discovered SoftHB.
(GeneralTacticus> Eh?
(MrWhereItsAt> Did the copter find anythign?
(GeneralTacticus> What do you mean?
(GeneralTacticus> I never moved it anywhere.
* MrWhereItsAt is confused
(MrWhereItsAt> Did you do any exploring?
(GeneralTacticus> With the copter? No.
(GeneralTacticus> With the Unity Sumbersibles? Yes, but all they've found thus far
are a few extra squares.
(MrWhereItsAt> OK - could be an idea for next turn
(MrWhereItsAt> I had the idea that the Copter could explore to the east, allowing
the SPs there to waste less time open up blackness and heading straight for areas
the copter couldn;t reach
(GeneralTacticus> I've sent the chopper to Maniagrad to do some exploring to the
north, but I could use your plan.
(GeneralTacticus> Although it would be somewhat limited, as it has to return to abse
every turn.
(GeneralTacticus> * base
(MrWhereItsAt> Oh yes, but as it is there is some black there it could reveal for a
turn or two
(GeneralTacticus> Opened a pod near the Unity Wreckage and got some kelp farms.
(GeneralTacticus> Western unity ship found an IoD in the fungus; odds of victory in
a fight are 8 to 7.
(GeneralTacticus> I think we should run.
(MrWhereItsAt> Sorry - how exactly do these chats work? You just play away until
there's a decision? Do you post the save every now and again or we wait until the
(MrWhereItsAt> I think we should run too
(GeneralTacticus> I play and give reprots until there's something that needs a
decision, and post the save at the end.
(MrWhereItsAt> Just experiencing some culture shock - in the Civ3 DG I post in red
every order so that everyone can follow
(MrWhereItsAt> OK, cool
(GeneralTacticus> 2115 complete.
(Maniac> That's pretty hard when there aren't any orders. ;-)
(GeneralTacticus> Do we have any more abse names?
(GeneralTacticus> * base
(Maniac> MWIApolis? ;-)
(MrWhereItsAt> So there's not much point in me having the 2114 save open, or is it
useful at times
(GeneralTacticus> Not really.
(MrWhereItsAt> OK.
(GeneralTacticus> Although it does help if you need to identify a particular square.
(Maniac> Do you post the turn after every year in the civ3dg?
(GeneralTacticus> As in, you mean? No, though I try to keep a turn for the end of
every year.
(GeneralTacticus> For reference purposes.
(MrWhereItsAt> Maniac - no
(GeneralTacticus> Oops, sorry, thought that was WIA speaking...
(MrWhereItsAt> Only every 4-5 turns
(MrWhereItsAt> When ppl think they have lost the plot with the Prez' moves
(GeneralTacticus> So, MWIA, any objections to MWIApolis?
(MrWhereItsAt> Ah crap - hang on...
(Maniac> Or MiWhIApolis instead of Minneapolis?
(MrWhereItsAt> Sorry - have to disappear a short (hopefully) time..
(Maniac> ok
(Maniac> see ye
(GeneralTacticus> cya.
(GeneralTacticus> Built MWIApolis (can be changed later), building a former to start
(GeneralTacticus> So, what to build on 35,43...
(GeneralTacticus> I favour a forest, myself.
(GeneralTacticus> Maniac?
(Maniac> OK :-)
(GeneralTacticus> 2116 complete.
(GeneralTacticus> Going to build a farm on the nut bonus near The Hive...
(GeneralTacticus> Damn. Popped a pod S of the Unity wrekcage, and found an IoD...
(GeneralTacticus> Running.
(GeneralTacticus> Popped another pod in the east, and found a kelp farm.
(GeneralTacticus> 2117 complete.
(GeneralTacticus> 2118 complete.
(Maniac> :-)
* MrWhereItsAt thinks GT's finger slipped onto end turn and he's just not telling us
(GeneralTacticus> That's odd - for some reason I just saw a Spore Launcher attack a
Progenitor scout patrol somewhere way south in the Fog of War.
[10:46] (MrWhereItsAt> Think I
[10:46] (MrWhereItsAt> Think L've seen bugs like that before...
[10:46] (GeneralTacticus> wb, btw.
[10:46] (MrWhereItsAt> Thanks
[10:46] (Maniac> MWIA, could you please check the new thread in our CyCon forum for
a moment?
[10:46] (MrWhereItsAt> OK.... dial-up permitting...
[10:47] (GeneralTacticus> Bloody hell - popped a second pod near the first, and it
contained an IoD too...
[10:47] (GeneralTacticus> Running like hell, again.
[10:47] (GeneralTacticus> Next decision to be made: where to send the CP from The
[10:48] (Maniac> Where was MWIApolis again?
[10:48] (GeneralTacticus> 2 S of Tacticopolis.
[10:48] (GeneralTacticus> Cool - found a Unity Foil in a pod to the east.
[10:48] (Maniac> hmm in that case (41.47) wouldn't be such a good location.
[10:49] (GeneralTacticus> And found 50 ECs in a pod to the west.
[10:49] (GeneralTacticus> No, it wouldn't.
[10:49] (Maniac> (42.50)?
[10:49] (GeneralTacticus> Not a bad location.
[10:50] (GeneralTacticus> Got another CP built in Maniagrad too, btw.
[10:51] (Maniac> (44.36) for that one? (Just making up some random locations that
seem good at a first glance;-)
[10:52] (GeneralTacticus> No real point - Tacticopolis will have a pod done that can
get there just as fast.
[10:52] (GeneralTacticus> Though that one could go to, say, 46,40.
[10:53] (Maniac> indeed
[10:53] (GeneralTacticus> 2119 complete.
[10:53] (GeneralTacticus> Saw the same thing happen again with the Progrenitor scout
patrol and the Spore Launcher.
[10:54] (Maniac> Any idea where?
[10:54] (GeneralTacticus> Somewhere to the south.
[10:54] (Maniac> ok thanks
[10:54] (Maniac> In other words: don't go south! ;-)
[10:55] (GeneralTacticus> Or, at least, if you do, do so with a large army.
[10:55] (GeneralTacticus> Or preferably a Planet Buster.
[10:55] (Maniac> Great idea!
[10:55] (GeneralTacticus> MWIApolis has now been linked up to the factional road
[10:55] (GeneralTacticus> Mine has now been built on the mineral bonus at 37,43.
[10:56] (GeneralTacticus> 2120 complete, and that's the end of the chat.
[10:56] (MrWhereItsAt> Excellent! A mine on a min bonus - who gets to use it?
[10:57] (GeneralTacticus> Either Maniagrad or The Hive.
[10:58] (GeneralTacticus> We aren't doing very well on the powerchart, btw...
[10:58] (Maniac> Who cares. The bigger the challenge, the better. ;-)
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Old November 26, 2003, 00:01   #2
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Great! Thanks for this GT - didn't see the thread until today. Will dl the save and post my thoughts as soon as my flatmate stops using my computer for his stand-up comedy sketches...

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Old November 27, 2003, 08:29   #3
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OK, well looks like we have another CP from The Hive in 5 turns if we use the next pop point on the mined mins bonus (yeah!), and the next from Tactico in 2 turns (1 if we rush a single mineral). Maniagrad will take more than 7 turns with current growth, so we can probably ignore that one for the next session.

I think we should rush that one mineral in Tactico, as we DO have 233 ECs sitting idle. I think the Tactico CP should head for the arid tile at (47, 41). It gets access to the sea and a mins bonus in the sea, and still has some moist, rolling tiles around. Would there be an issue with settling the CP from The Hive on the Energy bonus on the river at (47,51), or is it just as efficient to settle on it as terraform it later?

There are two Pods the Scouts can pop to our east, and we should do this. Once it is done, at least one could board the Unity Foil and go pod-popping on other landmasses when we find them - the others should patrol for worms, escort the CPs and garrison the new bases for a quick start on another build. We must be careful with our Unity Foil - it is the only ship we have that can carry units until Doc:Flex, and we may not decide to go to that tech for a while, seeing as we can happily expand into fungus-free land for a time yet.

To formers, mining the bonus mins in range of Maniagrad should be a priority, as that base has a fair amount of food around it. MWIApolis has another unused monument to use, but after that it is a bit sad, so some forest could be a good idea to the West, that should hopefully spread to the radii of other bases too.

As far as builds go, once we have these next few CPs there isn't too much room left for new bases on our current landmass, so we would have to either get to Doc:Flex and invest in a ship or build up what we have with formers. Since we have enough decent land for a short while with little fungus, I think a few more formers would be a great idea, as they could spend most of their time on improvements rather than clearing fungus. We would start to build up a powerful little core, and be able to send out Colony missions whenever we decide Doc:Flex is important.

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Old November 27, 2003, 10:02   #4
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Old November 27, 2003, 10:27   #5
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Old November 27, 2003, 11:00   #6
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Old November 27, 2003, 11:11   #7
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Old November 27, 2003, 19:27   #8
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Wow - helluvan analysis there, Enigma! I only posted my brief thoughts as there were no others. Now I'll have to go and either change my mind, or defend them with intelligent observations!

Will post back in 5-8 hours time, when I get home.

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Old November 30, 2003, 07:04   #9
Alpha Centauri Democracy GameCivilization II Democracy GamePtWDG RoleplayAlpha Centauri PBEMSpanish CiversCall to Power Democracy GameCivilization II Democracy Game: Red FrontPtWDG2 Latin LoversACDG The Cybernetic ConsciousnessCivilization III PBEMC3C IDG: Apolyton TeamACDG Planet University of TechnologyACDG3 GaiansC3CDG The Lost BoysCivilization III Democracy GameInterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton Team
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Originally posted by Enigma_Nova

I don't think your two base locations are entirely wise.
Certainly, 47.51 is a good base location. Sitting on energy, next to the greenery.

But I'd check the last bit of the continent with the scout - we don't want to waste a monolith just a square away (which is unlikely but could happen)

But 47.41 wastes 46.46, a fine square.
Unless you're aiming to move a pod to 49.45, of course - which would be feasable.
I want a base on or near 46.34., and one at 52.36 - this will take up all of the nice riverfront property, with monoliths on the bases.

IMHO The base locations we're looking at are:
Well I think even with a base at 47, 51 we can still fit one at 47, 55 or around there if we find monoliths/good terrain. Your points about my second site make sense, and have swayed me (besides, it's a lot harder to argue if you are as fresh to the intricacies of the game as I am!) to say that 47, 41 (that I was thinking about) and 49, 45 (your idea) are good. 46, 34 is great, but instead of 52, 36 , what about 52, 38? Then we could fit in another one at 50, 32 or thereabouts...? Your plan is good enough for sure though. I am just starting out with the premise of questioning everything

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Old November 30, 2003, 07:08   #10
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Originally posted by Enigma_Nova
Checking ahead (Scenario editor and Tech breakthroughs on an empty map), We can't beeline to IndAuto.

We can reverse engineer the cruiser hull from the cruiser probe team (only getting speeder from PlaNets was forbidden)

if we choose BioGen, we can't choose Psych as the next tech, because of the mod 3 rule.
So we'd have to do Psych then BioGen. After that we've got a beeline to tree farms.
For someone who is unsure how you checked what techs were available, does not know what this reverse engineering thing is or the mod 3 rule, care to explain these references?

Else I broadly agree - IndAuto or Doc:Felx for pods seems the way to go.

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Old November 30, 2003, 08:34   #11
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Old November 30, 2003, 08:45   #12
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Here's something that takes the brains out of beelining.
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Old November 30, 2003, 19:48   #13
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Take the brains out!

That is so exceedingly complex it is the first formula I have not yet understood on Poly!

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Old November 30, 2003, 22:02   #14
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Read the related posting from the start of that thread, some of the earlier theories proved wrong, but it was cleared up along the way. If you have read all those posts and don't understand then I'll attempt to explain it to you.
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Old December 5, 2003, 09:12   #15
Alpha Centauri Democracy GameCivilization II Democracy GamePtWDG RoleplayAlpha Centauri PBEMSpanish CiversCall to Power Democracy GameCivilization II Democracy Game: Red FrontPtWDG2 Latin LoversACDG The Cybernetic ConsciousnessCivilization III PBEMC3C IDG: Apolyton TeamACDG Planet University of TechnologyACDG3 GaiansC3CDG The Lost BoysCivilization III Democracy GameInterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton Team
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Read it and understand most.

But my problem stands - what the hell does the "modulo 3" part of the formula mean?

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Old December 5, 2003, 09:18   #16
Alpha Centauri Democracy GameCivilization II Democracy GamePtWDG RoleplayAlpha Centauri PBEMSpanish CiversCall to Power Democracy GameCivilization II Democracy Game: Red FrontPtWDG2 Latin LoversACDG The Cybernetic ConsciousnessCivilization III PBEMC3C IDG: Apolyton TeamACDG Planet University of TechnologyACDG3 GaiansC3CDG The Lost BoysCivilization III Democracy GameInterSite Democracy Game: Apolyton Team
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Ok, well we have some ideas posted, and surely we can discuss the rest in chat?

Is this not enough to plan the time for another chat session of turns on?

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Old December 5, 2003, 11:42   #17
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