Start of Chat GeneralTacticus buffer: Fri Jan 09 03:24:46 2004
Chat with GeneralTacticus
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(Maniac) Hi GT :-)
(GeneralTacticus) Hi.
(Maniac) You asked for IRC, here I am. :-)))
(Maniac) Do you plan to play the turn right now?
(GeneralTacticus) No.
(Maniac) ok
(GeneralTacticus) I still have some time before I get close to the 48-hour limit, and I want to see
if I can talk to Archaic first.
(GeneralTacticus) As I have absolutely no idea what kind of plans he has.
(Maniac) That's a pity. :-( But you asked for the points the CyCon would like you to keep in mind
while playing the turn.
(Maniac) That way you would at least know something. :-)
(GeneralTacticus) Yeah, thanks.
(GeneralTacticus) Could you summarise it a bit, please
(GeneralTacticus) It's rather a lot to try to digest all at once.
(Maniac) As far as I can think of right now, there are three things for this turn:
(Maniac) 1) Please offer your world map in the diplomacy window. We agreed on a map exchange. :-)
(Maniac) 2) Could you please check and tell us in what year you will research Neural Grafting, and
what is your current research speed (years per tech)? We're trying to find out if we can leapfrog
together to D:AP and/or MMI.
(GeneralTacticus) Ok, got those two.
(GeneralTacticus) Hell, I can look the turn up now for that.
(Maniac) 3) We would advise you to strengthen your probe defences, as more probe rapes can be
expected! Though of course we don't have a pact yet, so we are not aware of how good your current
defences are.
(Maniac) thanks :-)
(Maniac) Then there are other matters as when we would pact, and whether we would trade some
technology, but that can be done in later turns as well. :-)
(GeneralTacticus) Do you know of a base located at 73,55?
(GeneralTacticus) And as for research - we will have Neural Grafting next turn, with research being
done every 4 turns.
(Maniac) I don't really know. I'll open SMAX. Impaler is the expert on base location.
(Maniac) Darn, then the drones could steal Neural next turn and have MMI in only a few years. :-(
(GeneralTacticus) Do you know the locations of any Drone or Hive probes?
(GeneralTacticus) Or how many they have?
(Maniac) As we're pacted with the Hive, we know they have one probe foil and one probe team +
transport not in their bases
(Maniac) We don't know the location though
(Maniac) But if we have your map, we'll be able to spot any Hive unit on the territory you have
(GeneralTacticus) Hmmm... well, all coastal bases have probe defences, so I'm at something of a loss
regarding where the Drones stole that tech from.
(Maniac) About the drones we know nothing. :-(
(Maniac) ???????

And there are no reported battle losses?
(GeneralTacticus) Although... now that I look at the map, they could have landed in a few places and
stolen it using a land transport.
(GeneralTacticus) And no, there are no reported battle losses.
(Maniac) Do you perhaps bases without probes that are only one tile away from the sea?
(Maniac) That could explain things
(GeneralTacticus) Yes. I'm looking at them and trying to see how I could reshuffle our probes so that
they're all covered.
(GeneralTacticus) And really, I might as well play the rest of the turn now.
(GeneralTacticus) You wanted our maps, correct?
(Maniac) Okay. :-) Will you build extra probes and perhaps ships to patrol the coasts?
(Maniac) If that's ok for you. :-)
(GeneralTacticus) We're building a good few probes already.
(Maniac) We will offer ours in return, and we can also provide you a servive by warning you if Hive
units are nearby

(GeneralTacticus) Ok... is th plan for us to gift you our maps and then you recipocrate, or that we
(GeneralTacticus) And I think I know where the Drones stole their tech from.
(Maniac) Either is fine for me. I guess it's up to you. The only difference is that if you already
pre-accept now, we can warn you one turn earlier of any Hive unit nearby
(GeneralTacticus) Yeah, that's what I was thinking...
(Maniac) I guess you don't have a ship nearby to sink the offender?

(GeneralTacticus) I'll do that, I trust you're smart enough not to backstab us for the sake of some
(Maniac) thanks :-)
(GeneralTacticus) So you take the maps, and then offer yours pre-accepted, and we take them in return.
(Maniac) indeed

(Maniac) Btw, I was wondering about something.
(GeneralTacticus) Yes?
(GeneralTacticus) Ok, I think I've reshuffled the probe defences appropriately.
(Maniac) One reason the Hive and Drones can keep their research cost low is because they exchange
unit prototypes they retro-engineer, meaning they don't have to trade techs such as Doc:Flex, HEC
etc. We could do the same if you're interested. To make prototype exchange easier though, and not
have to bother with transports all the time it would be handy for there to be a land link between
our two continents. There what would you think of raising the land on (80.52)?
(Maniac) *Therefore
(Maniac) (73.55) is a base of us btw.
(GeneralTacticus) Your continent is there, is it?
(Maniac) indeed
(GeneralTacticus) An interesting proposition, although that would be more Archaic's business than
(GeneralTacticus) As I have no formers within reach this turn.
(Maniac) It of course also depends on your former capacity etc
(Maniac) indeed
(GeneralTacticus) Still, I'll pass it on.
(Maniac) However I thought it might be something interesting to keep in mind for the future. :-)
(GeneralTacticus) And it'll be very much a long-term thing, because that entire area is buried in
(GeneralTacticus) Indeed it is.
(Maniac) There is a bug that allows you to build roads on fungus without having to remove it
(Maniac) So that would reduce the time
(GeneralTacticus) Is it allowed?
(GeneralTacticus) And what is it, anyway?
(Maniac) We asked Googlie, and he didn't respond. So we've used it. ;-)
(GeneralTacticus) What's the bug?
(Maniac) Instead of simply building a road, use Ctrl-R to "Construct road to"
(GeneralTacticus) Incidentally, what was that you mentioned in the PM about the Hive or the Drones
declaring war if we did something?
(GeneralTacticus) Ah, I think I've heard of that one...
(Maniac) The former should build roads without first removing the fungus
(Maniac) The Hive is pretty annoyed with some transport & scout patrol you would apparently have
around their coasts
(Maniac) Kody would prefer to declare war on you if you land your scout patrol on their lands again.
(Maniac) As we're not really in a situation where we can defeat the Hive and Drone, I'd ask please
not to provocate the Hive right now.

(GeneralTacticus) Hmmm... I think I know what units he's talking about.
(GeneralTacticus) And what we did with them.
(GeneralTacticus) And right now, they're moving away from Hive territory.
(Maniac) Ah ok :-) He already said he didn't know the current location of your transport
(Maniac) No problem then.

(GeneralTacticus) You don't have the Hive's maps, do you?
(Maniac) Unfortunately not :-(
(Maniac) As we have pact infiltration data, we could put together some map using overlapping base
screens, but we haven't had time to do so yet. :-(
(GeneralTacticus) Well, just a small thing - we mapped a bit of their territory with the
aforementioned scout + transport.
(GeneralTacticus) And we know a tiny bit of their current tarraforming plans.
(Maniac) :-)
(Maniac) lots of forests and condensers I assume
(GeneralTacticus) They've stuck a landmark on the 'Shrine of Googlie' saying "Road+Forest Area Near
(Maniac) lol
(GeneralTacticus) So unless they're trying to trick us, we can file that away under "what to expect
(Maniac) I guess that's Kody giving instructions to other turns players :-)
(GeneralTacticus) Perhaps.
(GeneralTacticus) Anyway, that's this turn done, so I should post it.
(Maniac) Ah ok.

Time for me to make detailed plans for this turn then. :-)
(GeneralTacticus) Posted.
(GeneralTacticus) Do tell me if it turns out the Hive have any nearby units.
(Maniac) I can quickly check right now if you like
(GeneralTacticus) btw, what relationship do the Hive have with the Drones?
(Maniac) pact
(GeneralTacticus) Please do.
(GeneralTacticus) Can you see if you can find out from the Hive whether the Drones have any units
near us?
(Maniac) How could I do that?

(GeneralTacticus) Ask them.
(Maniac) ah ok
(Maniac) I though you meant in-game
(GeneralTacticus) No, no, I realise that would be impossible...
(GeneralTacticus) btw, were sensor bouys allowed at the beginning of the game?
(Maniac) If we ask them such detailed questions, they might start suspecting things though
(Maniac) sensor bouys? Sea sensors?
(GeneralTacticus) Yes.
(GeneralTacticus) And I'm sure you can come up with an excuse.
(GeneralTacticus) Say you don't want to be surprised next time, or something.
(Maniac) Don't know about sea sensors I'm afraid. I have the turn opened now btw. I'll check for units
(Maniac) No units spotted. Don't know if that is good news or bad news.

(Maniac) Perhaps they're using the probes to infiltrate the Angels
(GeneralTacticus) Neither do I. Probably good, because it means we don't have to worry.
(Maniac) :-)
(GeneralTacticus) Hah. Let them probe one another to death.
(Maniac) Wow, your starting location is really blessed with minerals btw.

(Maniac) PEACE too has a rocky mineral mine. It seems we are the only ones that don't have a rocky
mineral :-(((((((
(GeneralTacticus) You sure?
(Maniac) About the minerals? Yes. We got a monolith, a nutrient bonus and an energy bonus near our
HQ, but no minerals :-(
(Maniac) We do have the Garland Crater, but an earthquake and a fungal bloom made that useless
(GeneralTacticus) Bad luck.
(Maniac) Anyway, I'll go concentrate on writing the definite orders for our turn. Bye. :-)
End of Chat GeneralTacticus buffer Fri Jan 09 03:24:46 2004