I think there are some issues to take into account, Polaris. Mainly your scenario span and reality factor.
Reality Factor is pretty high, if i understand correctly, and in one of the preview thread you me7ntioned you wanted your scenario to cover around 500 years to reflect the huge amount of effort it take to terraform extensively.
If the scen extends for a period of over an hundred years, there HAS to be war. On Earth, that is

It is unthinkable that the future political situation will remain stable troughout the century, without crises leading to armed conflict emerging. That's sad

, but doesn't history show it pretty clearly? Even the times considered most stable and peaceful [such as the XIX century] are ridden with bloody, although limited, wars. Just look at the interdipendance between war and economics.

I think therefore that either a Russo-European or a Russo-Chinese conflict should be represented. [that's just what i consider to be the most probable outcome of our present situation

The Big Question however is: how to have that reflected in the scen? Well, at the very least you should have a couple of text box events describing the tension mountin' up and then exploding. It shall try to comunicate the anxiety the colonists feel, being sheltered and exiled, side to side with the "enemy" , powerless while their homes and dear ones are at a stake.
Further than that, however, realism kicks in

What do you think would be the nature of Mars warfare?
What the relationship between colonies?
To answer these questions let's try to keep in mind the economic feasability

of the choice from a nation point of view. Since from the beginning of space exploration there's always been a -heavy- (to put it mildly) commitment of the military, i think Mars would be no exception ("security reason"

), even more so given the presence of foreign powers (and the military know how fickle treaties really are

). The other side of the issue is the self-dependancy of colonies. Do they need to be supplied from Earth? Even more importantly, is there internal trade and 'partnership'? [I think it would be important to have 'Material Shipment' -caravan- units]
Let's put this together. I think the early aim of the colonies is to increase self-sufficiency, namely setting up food sources and power production. They will of course employ as much of pre-built infrastracture as possible, all transported with a single trip from Earth. I imagine that done with 'convoys' of a number of vehicles with great transport capability, but nothing really massive. A 10X version of the shuttle shall be within technological possibility. IIRC, an extimate of a Mars trip for a 2020 tech level ship would be around 13 months. Therefore the initial shipment needs to be able -alone- to set up a self-sustaining colony. Given the high risk involved and the extreme difficulty of this first step, i think that resources exchange with the foreign settlements will be considered -vital- by the colonists. Well, i hope to have given a fair picture of the Earth-Mars 'airlifting' situation.
In such conditions, i consider the efforts needed to sustain a vehicled (=based on plane or armor warfare) army completely impossible. And also useless. Why? Well, to begin with, there is a very limited number of fixed installments, around which all human activity on planet gravitates. The list of target is therefore, shall we say, obvious?

The only military operation that make sense to me are: raiding resource shipment, seizing extraction site, defense of the aforementioned, sabotage and all-out destruction (the equivalent of strategic bombing: infantry-placed explosives).
I don't consider the conquest of a base a possibility, since the destruction brought by the seizure will probably make it uninhabitable. The fixedness of targets reinforce my opinion that open, mobile, offensive warfare would be strategically unfeasable. And Mars lack of atmosphere makes vehicles slow at best, reducing the advantages of open combat versus defensive even further.
Also, once war breaks out 'tween two nations on Earth, what is the point, barring national pride, of conquering the other's base? I think it would be done only if needed to stop the supply of a key element to the war effort on Earth.
And forget the idea that if war breaks out, nation will frantically send reinforcement up Mars to seize foreign base. Given the reaction times (both in supplying ships and in travel time), it will be a lot easier and convenient to attack the ships themselves, or to interdict space travel. Even assuming a power can sneak up an offensive cargo, they've got to keep it secret for a LOT of time. I bet once the news get out they will find their border crossed & bombed faster than you can say 'blitzkrieg'.
Therefore: if war breaks out you'll have to count only on the units present at the moment on Mars. Probably all traffic between the planets will be stopped.
But what will these forces be? Well i'm thinking of platoons equipped with infantry-grade weapons, high explosives, improved higly mobile spacesuit and very good comunication tech. One of the reason is that this equipment can be packed in quite a reduced space

Their duty would be mainly garrison (= security/police), patrol of working sites, and counter espionage.
The colonists reaction must also be taken into account. Especially if they are born in space, they won't be too involved in the war effort, as for them, the suspension of trade, and therefore much needed luxuries, is a far greater concern. I therefore envision the military taking a great deal of control over operations, reinforcing border patrol and home security, thus rendering the poor colonist's life even more dull, and teh civilians trying to mantain underground contacts with foreign base, to accomodate life's little pleasures

and smuggling up items in shortage.
If you thought this post was long-winded,

, for i'm now gonna give you an explanation of how i would do it in Civ terms. All of this along the course of many turns.
-Introductionary text box: "Tension is mounting up..."
-Box "The unthinkable has happened! War breaks out!"
-Causeaggression. The state of war will halves caravan revenue. Good!

-Event creation of tightly packed, fixed infantry platoon along the border. The purpose of this is to do funny things with ZOCs, forcing the player to find creative way of getting through / around them.
-Event creation of Security Forces in cities, fixed Spies/Diplo.
-Eventual event

creation of Patrol units. They shall be simulated using air units (=not able to conquer base), capable of wiping out civilian and to wage war of attrition with fixed defensive position.
Range limited to very limited: after all, a squad of human out in the open WILL run out of food, oxygen, fuel, ammo... Appropriate correction of crash box.
Eventually: barracks / outpost -> Airbase.
-Eventual manipulation of caravan revenue related technology: invention...
-Opening up of new branch of tech three, via event given tech, involving civilian underground operation. It shall lead to smugglers (freighter = old caravan bonus), alpine, paratroops, ignore ZOCs, police stations, darwin...
-To mess things up: have fixed units have home city and offensive attack value, to create unrest in representative governmnets. Maybe they even need to be resupplied (= settler type) ...

-Use event given city-style changing tech to do something stilish, like rushed fortification, barbed wire, an so on...
-Event related to wiping out fixed units (terrain change = permanent sabotage, tech = seizure of a lab, creation of friendly units = capture of civlian...)
-Maybe there even is a possible use for a nuke

More to follow...
As you see i don't propose a wide variety of military units. Just one each for a specialized purpose. About ten total

And i'm not even considering the possibilty of war for indipendence!