Originally posted by Japher
I hate FPS', they are mindless and idiotic... IMO
Tribes 2. Not such a stupid game for the strategist.
There are no stupid FPS, just stupid players.
parental intervention, to be there to help kids to discern between reality and imaginary.
Ordinarily I'd agree, but considering -some- parents, I'd prefer to be raised in Norrath(tm).
An overreliance on Reality is as unhealthy as an overreliance on the Imaginary - I spend time in both and get something out of each. I never believed in absolute reality, so I don't see why anyone should have it rammed down their throats.
Developers profit and continue to take advantage of today's youth
Who doesn't?
Young gamers are prone to being burdened with depression and sadness all throughout their life
But as I'll always tell you:
What's so good about happiness?
Symptom: Child spending numerous amount of time in their bedroom and at home
Also a symptom of Introversion and being timid.
Or kids could just hate being patronised by adults that think they know how to run someone else's life!
We highly recommend your child's bedroom be absent of all forms of electronic entertainment devices.
Enigma_Nova steps in
Sure... blame the DEVICES for the problem.
we recommend having your child's door remain open and be checked in on every hour.
Un-friggin-believable. Now we want to remove their privacy.
What happens when, whilst playing System Shock, something enters the room behind you and yells at you?
The interference in children's lives advocated by this document appalls me. I believe in a child's right to make decisions for themselves instead of being forced into a lifestyle they disapprove of.
(This, BTW, is the reason I am chronically depressed - not because of video games)
the emotional and mental wellness of the gamer can be severely affected: increased anxiety and irritability, argumentative, appetite and weight loss, impaired judgment, paranoia, sadness and depression, loss of interest in appearance, and sleeplessness
I can think that most of those would be inflamed by persecution, which is what this document seems to authorise...
Developers take advantage of the situation by charging people hefty monthly rates for their "services" and release mediocre expansion sets to keep the game play fresh.

Diablo II you ignorant fool - don't take it's name in vain or I'll kick your ass personally and foster your children into the care of someone more competant.
In Conclusion:
Some people are troublemakers that write anti-child propaganda.