January 23, 2001, 20:49
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Why  ? They were extracts from Russian newspapers to give a bit the sense of what the Russian people felt like in September 1914.
January 23, 2001, 21:04
Its gonna take more than words to stop the Hun! muwahahahaha
January 24, 2001, 04:17
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Allies, October 1914:
Along the front only rare scirmishes here and there. But main events happened on the North Sea near the coast of Netherland. Here the united forces of Grand Fleet and Channel Fleet under the command of admiral John Rushwort Jellicoe met the German Hochseeflotte under admiral F. von Ingenohl.
British First Sealord Winston Churchill expected arrival of German fleet to the Netherlands to support offensive toward Dunkerque and Calais. So the big effort was put for preparations last month.
During the first phase of the battle our battleships and cruisers got valuable battle experiences attacking German submarines and ground forces before engaging cruisers and battleships. At the same time destroyers fought with enemy destroyers to clear the way for capital ships.
The second phase of the battle, confrontation between battleships and cruisers was hopeless for germans. Their unexperienced crews were not mostly a match for Royal Navy.
Allied fleet achieved complete victory in the biggest naval battle in history but with high cost. Grand Fleet's flagship Iron Duke is the only ship without serious damage.
January 24, 2001, 18:34
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Well, if poems were guns, you'd be in Berlin by now!
January 24, 2001, 20:10
Hey guys, have you noticed that sometimes the computer moves your units that you've already moved? I started this turn and found units in open spaces I'd never move them. I just finished the German turn and started the Austrian turn and found many units in strange places as well. Do you get the same problems? Any way to stop the computer from screwing you over like this?
Here is the reports from the German Military:
The Battle of Jutland has proven to be a disastor for the fatherland. No retaliation against the Royal Navy has been made. The Kaiser promises revenge for the lost sailors and ships, as the developement of Zeppelins nears completion.
Ground forces on the Western Front initiated no battles.
Ground forces in the East reached Brest-Livosk. Casualties included a couple German Divisions and a Cavalry unit.
"There is no more illustrious history than the history of the Magyar Nation... The whole civilized world is indebted to Magyarland for its historic deeds."
-Theodore Roosevelt, to the Hungarian Parliament,
April 2, 1910
January 24, 2001, 20:30
The Austrian military holds back its forces yet another month. Absolutely no combat initiated. Troops were manuevered to strategical locations near Russian positions in Southern Poland and Serbia.
January 24, 2001, 20:41
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I haven't noticed any units being moved by the AI.
What do you mean exactly? Are you really sure? It sounds quite impossible.
And how can it move units that you've already moved? Are the MP not finished then?
January 24, 2001, 20:50
Yes, they do move units. I just tested it out. I finished the Austrian turn, and loaded the German turn. I was attacked by Russia and the Allies (instead of sending the game to you guys) and when it was my turn I found some strange things. 1)before I ended the turn as the Germans, Antwerp had over 10 divisions fortified inside. It was only attacked by 1 allied battleship which was destroyed. When it was my turn again, it had around 5 units in it.
2)On the new turn, I see divisions in forests near my railroads in the middle of nowhere. I know for a fact I did not move them here. Why would I put a conscript on a forest near Prague?
3)I know that my strategy around Memel is to hold the city on the defensive, yet i when it was my turn again, a conscript of mine was outside the city near your Russian trench.
4) I am having the same problem with the Austrians.
This definetly is a problem for me. I have a question. Do you have "always wait at end of turn" turned on? I do. Could that be the problem? Also, I realized that I needed to set my password again, because when I loaded the game I got from marco it didn't ask for my password. I could even access the other civilizations, except the Russians which required a password. This is very odd...
January 25, 2001, 00:35
Local Time: 06:12
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Before ending turn hit Cntrl+N. It looks like nothing happens but it REALLY end your turn and must avoid that computer takes over your civ between turns.
Actually I myself haven't test it but learned from Xin Yu.
Are there any of my soldiers in no-man-land beginning of your turn? There must be none.
January 25, 2001, 01:37
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Yo fellas,
Yeah, this is a big problem if you don't finish your turn properly. I think this both happened to you Marko and the Soviet player VietMinh in the first 2194 PBEM. This allows for mass slaughter in a fighter ridden game like that, not so bad in a slower moving WWI game, but still sucks. It'll screw with well planned attacks and defenses by putting tons of your units in useless spaces outside your cities.
What I do is after I've moved all the units that I want, I select a fortified unit deep within my territory. Then I go to the Orders menu and select the Cntrl-N on the pulldown menu. It is labeled End Turn.
It will not work unless there is a unit that currently has movement left in him selected at the time of the command. The computer uses the movement points that are left in any of your fortified units.
See how that works.
Good luck!
I am the Ukrainian Anti-Pope!
Automatic Kleshnikov 2001
[This message has been edited by Field Marshal Klesh (edited January 25, 2001).]
January 25, 2001, 07:32
Local Time: 08:12
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Hey, EmmJay, why don't you come back to Off-Topic where you belong? I mean, with CivNation and all the NewsMaxers, chances are you aren't eevn the most flammatory poster there any more.
January 25, 2001, 08:44
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Damn, this time I noticed it too. Not only were some units moved, which was very very annoying as they are supposed to stay fortified where they are, but also all of my building orders had been changed.
All of my fresh units "planned" in the strategy for next turn  had been changed, and instead all cities were producing Silos and Sewer Systems. Very very annoying, it only costs extra money.
From now on, I'll do what Klesh suggests, and hope that works, cause this is really really annoying, if this would happen each turn.
January 25, 2001, 08:48
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Yes, they do move units. I just tested it out. I finished the Austrian turn, and loaded the German turn. I was attacked by Russia and the Allies (instead of sending the game to you guys) and when it was my turn I found some strange things.
Wait. What do you mean exactly? You played as the Austrians, then ended the turn. Then the Russians moved their units, then the Allies, then you played as the Germans?
But, that might be the answer then. Cause isn't the Germans' turn befóre the Austrians? In that case playing the Austrians first, then loading the Germans might force the game to assume that the Germans now start the next turn, and that all other players should be taken over by the AI. It then might also be forced to remove the passwords from the "AI"s.

I know that my strategy around Memel is to hold the city on the defensive, yet i when it was my turn again, a conscript of mine was outside the city near your Russian trench.
Hehe, yes, I noticed that one. He's quite dead now. Or no, he's probably somewhere around Siberia  as he cowardly surrendered without hardly any fight and did not even die.
[This message has been edited by Allard HS (edited January 25, 2001).]
January 25, 2001, 18:27
As far as I have noticed, the AI hasn't done anything with changing building orders, just fortified units. Does this mean I have to REfortified every unit every turn?!?! This cntrl-n had better work...
Allard, I always move the Germans first, save the game, then load the Austrians. What I was doing before was a little test, but the order was different from what you mentioned. I finished my turn as the Germans, and then loaded Austria. Then i saved the game again, when I relaized Austrian units were moved as well. This is when I got on about the AI and did my test. I think the AI moved German units from that period when I loaded the game as Austria. Since I saved the game again after that, it is officially Austria's turn. So when I loaded the game again, this time as the Germans, Austria did their moves, then Russia, Allies, exc until I got to play as the Germans.
January 27, 2001, 10:43
Local Time: 06:12
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Allies, November 1914:
Everything quiet in Western Front. The biggest event happened near Lille. Here a French cavalry division broke through front during a local skirmish and penetrated deeply into German territory. Between Brussel and Antwerpen brave cavalrymen met a German infantry division and destroyed it in bloody battle.
January 27, 2001, 17:43
Thank you Field Marshal! It looks like the Ctrl-N is going to work. I did my turn as the Germans, and then used Ctrl-N. Even though no units had movement left in them, after I did Ctrl-N I went back to some of my cities and found that I could not unfortify my units. I only wish I would have done this sooner, as the Germans probably lost around 20 units on the western front, and 5 units on the Eastern front, and the Austrians losing a number of units themselves, all for nothing.
German report for Novemeber 1914-
The Kaiser has promised revenge and the sailors have their revenge! A fresh U-Boat and a Battleship intercepted the fatigued British fleet on their way home. 2 British battleships were sunk, 1 British destroyer sunk, and 1 unidentified ship sunk (probably a destroyer, it was stacked with a battleship).
Our forces still have not lost momentum in the East. Half the Russian forces laying seige to Brest-Litovsk were annihilated without any German casualties. This may be offset by the battle of Radom. Although our forces were successful in taking the city, they paid their price. Many more German divisions were lost in the battle than Russian, along with a heavy artillery battery.
Guys, I propose an amendment to the scenario, but only if everyone agrees. When I made the scenario, I gave every civilization a couple of settler units. I didn't want to allow this unit to be build by the computer, because they would build cities everywhere and screw up the scenario. However, there is no AI right now, so I think we should be able to build settler units. The cost should be 40shields, and the prequisites would be researchable techs. We'd have to edit the rules.txt file ourselves, but that should be no problem since you guys are experience scenario designers. We start this in January of 1915. I am in favor of this so we can rebuild roads and trenches (that was cheap what I did to Marko) even if some of our settlers get destroyed, which will be more common once airplanes are in use. Let me know what you think, or if you want to make an amendment to my amendment.
January 27, 2001, 18:13
Report from the Austro-Hungarian forces, November 1914:
Finally the fighting has started up again of Galatia. Our forces camped in the forests between Cracow and Lemberg were ambushed and destroyed last month. Reserves moved to retake the forests, and cleared our 2 Russian conscripts, but with unacceptable loses to our own forces. A couple Austrian and Hungarian divisions stationed south of Radom during the seige moved quickly to mop up Russian troops in the area.
The Bulgarians scored big outside Pleven. A total of 8 divisions of the Serb/Russian attacking force was caught in no-man's land and destroyed. A few divisions remain, but it is unknown if they can continue the assault by themselves.
"There is no more illustrious history than the history of the Magyar Nation... The whole civilized world is indebted to Magyarland for its historic deeds."
-Theodore Roosevelt, to the Hungarian Parliament,
April 2, 1910
January 27, 2001, 19:41
Local Time: 08:12
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Damn, just sent the file away, but forgot to do the Ctrl-N trick. Let's just hope nothing strange will happen to me..
As Italy has no enemies to attack, all attention is focused on reinforcing armies, sanizing economy and research, eliminate corruption and fortify our borders against a possible aggressor.
Due to the not allowance of negotiations, we unfortunately are not able to donate our armies to our much-loved Russian friends.
The city of Radom has been captured by the Hun. The Russian armies offered fierce resistance costing many Uhlans and destroying a whole battery of heavy artillery.
Our intelligence, which is now dispatched to Stavka with coded wireless after the catastrophic defeat of Samsonov's army, report that a large-scale Austrian attack seems nearing near Galati, and we are hurrying troops to satisfy this new thread.
The tragic death of many Russians near Pleven has deeply upset the Czar, but pressing matters urge him to postpone his much seeked revenge for the time being.
Some more Austrian troops have been destroyed hiding in the forests near Lublin.
Brest-Litovsk remains under siege, but is not expected to fall soon, as the German occupying armies are of full strength and of excellent quality.
Our forces are still mobilizing, but as was our duty to our beloved Allies the French, we have done all that was in our power to distract two divisions from the Western Front. These two divisions, two late for Tannenberg, proved a disastrous amiss for the Germans in the Battle against France. Now that we have fulfilled this promess, we can aim at recapturing our lost territories will our unstoppable steam-roller, feared in all of Europe.
January 28, 2001, 00:22
Allard! Load the save game, press cntrl-n, save it again and resend it to Marco. Tell him to ignore the other email.
Or we can sit back and hope for the best... I mean, the worst.

Due to the not allowance of negotiations, we unfortunately are not able to donate our armies to our much-loved Russian friends.
What about your much loved Austrian-German friends?  After, Italy is currently a member of the triple alliance.
January 28, 2001, 08:35
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resend it to Marco
done already

What about your much loved Austrian-German friends? After, Italy is currently a member of the triple alliance.
We Italians do not care for our membership of the Triple Alliance. In fact, we wish to declare war on the remainings of the Triple Alliance, but unfortunately that is not allowed in the scen.
Our armies are all of excellent quality, our navy is unbeatable and our frontiers are unpassable. All we need is an enemy to have some fun with.
January 29, 2001, 17:03
Local Time: 06:12
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Allies, December 1914:
Nothing happened in Western Front.
On sea British destroyer sank German U-boat during still continuing aftermath fightings of the great Jutland battle.
January 29, 2001, 20:30
Nobody answered about my settler question...
German report-
All Quiet Along the Western Front (it's been like this for some time now).

Nothing happened in Western Front.
Dang, this is getting scary. Every time I get the scenario from you, expect to open it up to find the Allies laying Seige to Berlin!!!
Eastern Front- 3 Russian divisions destroyed near Memel. Cleared out Russian conscripts advancing in the Tannenburg forests. Took the fortress outside Bialystok. 1 German division lost in battles between Brest Litovsk and Warsaw. Several Russian divisions in the area destroyed.
January 29, 2001, 20:52
The Empire's report-
1 Russian division destroyed near Random. A couple Russian divisions destroyed in attacks outside of Belgrade.
Marko, load the 1915multiplayer events before you take your next turn. Allard, do it after you take your next turn. DO NOT FORGET!!!
[This message has been edited by MagyarCrusader (edited January 29, 2001).]
February 2, 2001, 09:42
Local Time: 08:12
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Posts: 747
After a bit of delay, the file is sent away again.
It seems that the AI took over part of my turn after all, as most of my troops were displaced. Mostly with troops going to the front, so fortunately no real accidents happened with my strategy. Still, it's annoying. Well, it won't happen again, hopefully.
About the settlers.. I don't really like the idea of adding them, but if you guys really want to have them, it's ok for me. However, I insist that they should become very expensive, to prevent the whole map of becoming full of them.
Anyway, it's been a good turn for Russia, the turn at which all strategies planned for a while were executed all at once. Yes yes, Clausewitz has well been studied by my commanders.
No news from Italy.
In a glorious charge, Russian divisions have heroically forced a break through enemy defenses at Pleven. Pleven has been captured and secured. Also a few Austrian units, lost in the dense forests and away from the main force have been cleaned up.
In the north, lots of great battles took place. The besieging Russian forces of Brest-Litovsk galantly destroyed a relieving column, and after destroying two more divisions defending the town, further tightened her grip on Brest-Litovsk.
An attack on our fortress near Bialystok has been repulsed, with the fortress retaken, though with large losses. A German Field Marchal was accidentally killed by a bullet fired from an unidentified source during this offensive.
Some more Austrian troops were cleaned up from the woods south of Lublin.
Further, our Navy finally came into action completely destroying the defenses of Memel. The city was quickly occupied by troops standing ready.
February 8, 2001, 02:40
Local Time: 06:12
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Allies January, 1915:
New Year in the Western Front came in silence. No casualities.
In North Sea British cruiser intercepted damaged German battleship. After a short battle battleship was sank and cruiser heavily damaged.
February 8, 2001, 22:11
Damn you Marko thats cheap! That 1 railroad square. I have to admit it was a smart move, but this game may be over next turn. Please don't save and then reload if you attack Lille and fail. I did put a lot of troops there, but I don't know if it is going to be enough. Also, I don't think you loaded the 1915 events. If you did, you forgot to run delete events on the savegame. But that's ok, I just fixed it.
Western Front- Transport destroyed off the coast of England.
East Front-Russian troops cleared out of East Prussia, but Memel was leveled in the process.
That's it for the Germans, I'm going to do the Hapsburgs tomorrow.
"There is no more illustrious history than the history of the Magyar Nation... The whole civilized world is indebted to Magyarland for its historic deeds."
-Theodore Roosevelt, to the Hungarian Parliament,
April 2, 1910
February 9, 2001, 03:30
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Location: Tartu, Estonia
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I didn't try to attack Lille last turn if you meant that.
I have plan to connect all cities in Western Front with railroads and liquidate no-man-land this way. If you think that is too unrealistic then I pillage the railroad next turn.
February 9, 2001, 17:19
No Marko, I won't make you pillage the railroad. That is a very good move you made. It's just that now, Paris to Berlin is connected by railroad, so whoever makes the first successful assault first in essence wins the game. At least this is true if you can capture Lille since I took reserves from practically all of my cities and stuck them in Lille. You break through there and Berlin is open. Of course, now the same thing is true for Paris, take that into consideration. However, I do not have fighters yet so I cannot shoot down that Recon plane. Know this, I have just discovered Aeronautics, and I will have German air in a couple turns. So then I can take out the recon plane and launch an attack on Paris, or just pillage that railroad. My top priority has been to get German air 1 as soon as possible. I've done about everything that is possible to research it as fast as I can, because at the beginning of the scenario I saw you researching allied air, and I knew I needed to get an airforce as soon as possible otherwise your fighters could pick off my men in their trenches and I can't do a thing about it. I did not think that you would hide your settler units under the recon aircraft and connect all the railroads. I saw that you are researching heavy artillery, so you can blast your way through Lille and march straight on Berlin. The only thing I can do before I get fighters is too amass as many troops in Lille as possible in hopes you won't be able to break through.
Oh well. We'll just have to see what happens.
February 11, 2001, 18:51
About the settlers, I guess we'll just forget the idea for now. But Marko might be advocating my plan when I get aircraft and chemical warfare.
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