March 1, 2001, 16:50
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new pbem game
okay, so the one that I was playing die
and the arena one with Henrik isn´t going anywhere
I want to play an scenario with four or five player that are going to be available almost daily
those are my sugestions for scenarios
Time of Thunder
30 year war (not recomended because the seven players need to be played)
suggestions and house rules are welcome
Henrik, I hope that you still want to play a pbem game
March 1, 2001, 18:02
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Here's a recommendation to ensure that games last more than a turn or two:
(Assume a five person game)
1) Player1 opens play and saves the game as .NET
2) Player1 emails the game to ALL FOUR of the other players.
3) IMPORTANT: The email should be date stamped with the current time and date using Greenwich Mean Time. This establishes the baseline.
4) Player2 has exactly twenty four hours from that baseline time to complete his game and mail it off to ALL OTHER PLAYERS. In fact, every player will ALWAYS email their saved game to everyone else.
5) If Player3 DOES NOT receive the game before the deadline, he may launch the game and allow the AI to take over for Player2.
6) 48 hours from the deadline, Player4 is authorized to begin play using the LAST GAME he received (be it the email from Player1, 2, or 3).
7) 72 hours from the deadline, Player5 is authorized to begin play using the LAST GAME he received (be it the email from Player1, 2, 3, or 4).
8) Repeat for Round Two
For subsequent rounds, players may either use the original baseline as a PERMANENT date, or reset it every time Player1 sends out an email (unless HE is the laggard, in which case you return to the last established baseline.) The second option may be preferred, since it allows for the possibility of games moving along at a faster pace. A third option would be the establishment of a new 24 hour baseline with EVERY email, but that could get confusing.
March 2, 2001, 03:47
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If you find enough players I would very like to play the 30 years war very much 
As the swedes.
We will have to use a slightly modified version of the scenario though (whit barbarians starving and stuff).
March 2, 2001, 14:08
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Shaka, I would like to play this email game  I have never played once and I have curiosity.
What´s about my Charles scenario??
March 2, 2001, 15:12
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Carolus Invictissimus?
THat's ok whit me, I'd still like to be the swedes though...
March 2, 2001, 18:03
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okay with me
but there is a problem with Carolus
we have to play the game with MGE and the feature you did for Carolus just works for FW
if you make a few changes....
March 3, 2001, 08:24
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Originally posted by Shaka Naldur on 03-02-2001 05:03 PM
okay with me
but there is a problem with Carolus
we have to play the game with MGE and the feature you did for Carolus just works for FW
if you make a few changes....
Well, I think that changing it it isn´t necesary, You cannot enter in your allied cities, but in fact, if you want to conquer these cities you have to declare the war to its allies  , I don´t know if you have refered a more specifical change.
At moment we are only three, I think that it is better if we are 3 or 4 because if we are seven players could be very slow and probably will died as others games.
March 3, 2001, 09:28
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I allways found it annyoing that I wasn't able to conquer Copenhagen playing as the swede.
It was guarded by a protestant unit, and I was allied whit the protestants...
Some minor modifications might be needed, you could maybe fix the some typos in city names too; Falum is really Falun for example... I will change them manually as I play the swede, annyway so that is not overly important.
[This message has been edited by Henrik (edited March 03, 2001).]
March 3, 2001, 12:51
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I was talking about that
one is Sweden
the other is the empire
and maybe a fourth one to be other nation that you may find important for the game
March 3, 2001, 14:51
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Originally posted by Shaka Naldur on 03-03-2001 11:51 AM
one is Sweden
the other is the empire
and maybe a fourth one to be other nation that you may find important for the game
Yes, Habsburgs, French and Swedish, and if there is somebody more could be English, and if there is more people interested Polish, Ottomans and Protestants(in this order).
March 3, 2001, 20:56
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I'd think Sparta would be a very good scenario to play. It uses only a small map and is pretty fun.
March 4, 2001, 03:38
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I prefer the carolus scenario, since the time period is more compelling to me.
Also: How is diplomacy between our countries going to be carried out?
The AI is going to negotiate for you in a pbem, right?
[This message has been edited by Henrik (edited March 04, 2001).]
March 4, 2001, 14:34
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Well, doubling the production could be a problem with the pollution, but I think that will be no problem if we turn off the pollution in this game.
Shaka, you can start the game (I think that you will play with the Empire, won´t you?  ), then Henrik with Swedish and me, with France (Well, if I´ll lose, i won´t be very sad  )
Shaka, I have sent you an email.
March 4, 2001, 14:45
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Originally posted by Henrik on 03-04-2001 02:38 AM
I prefer the carolus scenario, since the time period is more compelling to me.
Also: How is diplomacy between our countries going to be carried out?
The AI is going to negotiate for you in a pbem, right?
Just repeating my question: How are we going to negotiate? What if the Ai declares war for us or something like that?
March 4, 2001, 15:05
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Originally posted by Henrik on 03-04-2001 01:45 PM
Just repeating my question: How are we going to negotiate? What if the Ai declares war for us or something like that?
I have no idea about this, Shaka you have played these kind of games, what have you done?
March 4, 2001, 15:38
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I haven't played a pbem game before either, am I supposed to post about my progress as you guys did in the thirty years war thread?
March 5, 2001, 01:30
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when do we start?
I propose double production
do you want to do any other change???
March 5, 2001, 01:57
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Sorry, I don't think double production should be in a scenario, especially not in a scenario that includes pollution.
What do you think kIndal?
March 5, 2001, 17:27
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wow, I feel like a really experienced guy
actually I just played two turns of the 30 year war scenario and we played the scenario as it was,
important things
we are playing an internet game
and at the end of your turn you have to push Ctrl+N
that´s all
I think that double production is a good idea caus we are not going to play lots of turns (I don´t think that way more than twenty) so if there are more units the scenario is going to be funnier
and we should disband Charles and the French King units, just to be more fair with Henrik
we shouldn´t allow diplomacy (technology trading, maps trading)
a house rule if you want would it be not to allow to bribe cities and units
just let me know and I´ll start the game (thanks kindal  )
if any of us is missing for a while without saying anything I think that we should follow Kull´s instructions (thansk Kull)
let me know and I´ll start the game

Just repeating my question: How are we going to negotiate? What if the Ai declares war for us or something like that?
did I helped you before????
March 6, 2001, 02:53
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March 6, 2001, 03:44
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Originally posted by Shaka Naldur on 03-05-2001 04:27 PM
and at the end of your turn you have to push Ctrl+N
When the game say "push enter to continue the turn" or something like that???

I think that double production is a good idea
Ok, but do we switch off the pollution?

we should disband Charles and the French King units, just to be more fair with Henrik
grrrr, too kind

let me know and I´ll start the game
When you answer these last question I think that is ok for me.
Henrik in fact we start being allies, so I hope your helpings against the evil Habsburgs, well, Shaka we can be friends, too, only let me to carry some small armies to Castile, Aragon, Low Countries and Austria to show my friendship with you
March 6, 2001, 03:47
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I have forgotten last one, when I received the game from Henrik I have to load the game??? and how can I choose the French? is there a special menu?
March 6, 2001, 03:55
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this is really the last one 
How we double the prodution:
*doubling the production in each kind of terrain?
*making half the cost of the units and improvements?
March 7, 2001, 01:37
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March 7, 2001, 01:44
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we shouldn´t allow diplomacy (technology trading, maps trading)

Originally posted by kIndal on 03-06-2001 02:44 AM
Henrik in fact we start being allies
Come to think of it, some tech tradng should be allowed, atleast between allies, Jesus will have a much easier time inventing than me.
I will probably not get better artillery than bombards untill very late in the game.
It's ok if you don't want this, but it would sure make it easier for me 
It would be easier for me to attack the empire whit technological subsidies.
[This message has been edited by Henrik (edited March 06, 2001).]
March 7, 2001, 11:11
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So when are we starting?
March 8, 2001, 14:30
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Sounds good to me, still since I am the junior partner of a French-Swedish Alliance I am going to have a harder time whitout help 
The Polish are still rather strong during this time period and I'm not allowed to conquer Estonia or Denmark, so I am going to be very hampered whitout that aliance... 
Still, if you can remove the protestant unit in copenhagen or/and remove the limitations of expansion in Estonia I will accept the no alliance tingie...
The Genuis thing seems ok whit me though, where will those extra ones be situated?
I could have one in Stockholm and one in Göteborg (being equally important), a funny thing about this scenario that I didn't think of before is this Jesus: Göteborg was founded Gustav II Adolf/Gustavus Adolphus (but grew very quickly, most of it's inhabitants where English or Dutch merchants, so the economy of this one city was great just a few years after its founding) but the city could be renamed to Älvsborg (a city/town that was situated a little awat from the place that became Göteborg, it became the plaement of the coastal fortifications of Göteborg later (Älvsborgs Fästning))...
[This message has been edited by Henrik (edited March 08, 2001).]
March 8, 2001, 16:42
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About the genius´event, ok.
About the French-Swedish alliance, I don´t really mind (well, more allies, better...)so you decide.
Too, Diplomacy between players doesn´t mind.
So we start, i am waiting for the file, Henrik
March 9, 2001, 01:45
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hey guys,
I think that you are talking too much about that alliance alliance
I´m not going to last that long fighting against two countries, the Empire is not that powerful,
in the first turns I´m going to loose some cities in north spain and surely in flandes and my economic situatin is awful, is really bad.
I changed the scn file and the events file,
I created another genius units for the three human player and an event that everytime a genius is killed another is created,
I also changed the alliance between sweden and france, (come on guys, you are gonna kill in just a few turns if not)
I think it´s better a total war, the three against the three
I´ll start the game with those settings
double production and emperor level,
so do you want diplomacy between the three human players?? I completely disagree but you are majority
what do you think??
March 9, 2001, 01:49
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by the way guys
do you have MGE right?
then we are playing an internet game and when you load the game they´ll ask which civ do you want to play, then you just introduce your password
this is how the turns are going to work
tell me what do you think aobut the genius thing, I´ll change it in a while if you don´t like it
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