The general idea is to create a number of events.txt files with different names to be used for each part of the scenario. When the first date to switch event files comes along the current event file gives the player a message to save the game under name XXX.sav, then to run the batch file (Which is located in the scenario directory) and select option 2 then to reload game xxx.sav
The batch file is a dos file that contains commands to copy the new events2.txt into the current events.txt and then to run the utility "Delevents" on the XXX.sav file to remove the previous events, so when reloading the XXX.sav file the new events are chosen and loaded.
Feel free to use the batch file from Red Front or Second Front as templates on how to build this file. They contain addtional commands to substitute also units.gif, terrain.gif, rules.txt, game.txt, sounds etc... but the basic structure should be easy to follow.