November 29, 2003, 12:21
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North African Front: The Rise of the Afrika Korps
I'll start this thread to detail my work on an up-coming scenario:
North African Front: The Rise of the Afrika Korps
This scenario is a major update and revision of John Petroski's old "Afrika Korps" scenario.
The scenario takes place between September 1940 to July 1943. It will include all of the Mediterranean basin, Malta, Greece, southern Italy, and all of the Middle East.
You will step into the shoes of Mussolini, the "El Duce", and attempt to accomplish what he failed to do, namely: turn the Mediterranean into an Italian Lake.
You have numerous forces on land, in the air, and on the sea. But they are relatively inferior to the British forces. Therefore, you will need to rely on the cutting edge of the elite Afrika Korps.
I am doing work on this scenario for several reasons:
1) I have a great interest in World War II. I especially like desert warfare and the struggle that took place in North Africa. Currently, I am reading a three volume biography of Erwin Rommel by Samuel W. Mitcham Jr.
2) There were/are no North African scenarios for Civ2. And I thought the graphics and gameplay were well suited for this type of conflict.
3) J. Petroski's scenario "The Afrika Korps" had some interesting elements. His scenario was adapted from work done by Harlan Thompson. But it still felt "unfinished".
4) Since this is my first scenario, I thought doing a revision of Petroski's scenario would be a good place to start: I have a great interest in the Afrika Korps, and examining the inner workings of the scenario would help me learn the ropes.
So this thread will detail my work on the scenario, including new graphics.
This is a solo project, as I will be doing all the changes, new graphics, testing, etc. So progress will not be at the speed of light
Last edited by Leonidas; November 29, 2003 at 12:28.
November 29, 2003, 13:56
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It was not my original intention, but I will be doing new unit graphics for this scenario.
In particular, there will be all new German desert camo units.
Over the course of the next few weeks I will be posting the new units as I do them.
Basically, I have stripped the old units file of its graphics, and will be adding many new and/or modified graphics for this scenario.
I have no fancy paint program such as Paint Shop Pro, so airbrushing, layer overlays, etc will not be used.
Instead, I will be using MS Paint from Win'98, so most work will be done by hand. All camo and modifications will be done the old fashioned way: a cursor, a palette, and patience
Here are some new Afrika Korps infantry.
Please note: these and all other Afrika Korps graphics I will be posting here are being developed for this scenario. So I would kindly request that none of these graphics be used in other scenarios until after my scenario has been released to the public.
November 29, 2003, 14:06
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A Panzer Mark IV desert camo:
November 29, 2003, 14:17
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Lovely, Leonidas! Tell me if you need any help!
*hopes this one will be released before the joint CDG project (North African Campaign) so we can steel ideas from this scen*
November 29, 2003, 14:21
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And from my point of view, so I can use the units. I came across this researching for Operation Battleaxe, the sign of the 8th Panzer, who were there.
November 29, 2003, 14:24
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Originally posted by Kobra
Lovely, Leonidas! Tell me if you need any help! 
*hopes this one will be released before the joint CDG project (North African Campaign) so we can steel ideas from this scen*
Thanks for the very kind offer Kobra
Hehe - You have some great talent working on the NAC, so I am sure you will have all bases covered.
Both our scenarios tackle the North African Campaign in a different way: Mine will cover all of the Mediterranean, while your joint effort will focus more exclusively on the North African battles. So, in a way, they compliment each other quite nicely.
November 29, 2003, 14:33
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Originally posted by GoPostal
And from my point of view, so I can use the units. I came across this researching for Operation Battleaxe, the sign of the 8th Panzer, who were there.
Thanks for the info, GoPostal.
November 29, 2003, 14:40
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A German armoured car:
The SdKfz 222:
November 29, 2003, 16:39
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The camo schemes look pretty good.
November 29, 2003, 18:10
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Originally posted by Harry Tuttle
The camo schemes look pretty good.
I was in a bit of a quandry for a while. Most current desert scheme units were too light for my taste. So I went through a bit of trial and error.
I opted for a bit of a mixed dark tan colour. Then I applied other lighter versions of this along with a camo scheme. Most of the shading and other "effects" were achieved through over-lapping the various pixel colours.
It's time consuming, but fun
November 30, 2003, 12:58
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Re: North African Front: The Rise of the Afrika Korps
Originally posted by Leonidas
I'll start this thread to detail my work on an up-coming scenario:
North African Front: The Rise of the Afrika Korps
This scenario is a major update and revision of John Petroski's old "Afrika Korps" scenario.
4) Since this is my first scenario, I thought doing a revision of Petroski's scenario would be a good place to start: I have a great interest in the Afrika Korps, and examining the inner workings of the scenario would help me learn the ropes.
Last year I was working on the same project, but on a larger scale (multi-part, lots of events, some new concepts......). When you'll finish Petroski's scenario revision we could work toghether at this project
November 30, 2003, 13:28
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Re: Re: North African Front: The Rise of the Afrika Korps
Originally posted by Justinianum
Last year I was working on the same project, but on a larger scale (multi-part, lots of events, some new concepts......). When you'll finish Petroski's scenario revision we could work toghether at this project
Sounds very interesting.
Tell me more.
November 30, 2003, 13:40
Local Time: 13:23
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Here is more information regarding gameplay for this scenario, as well as the type of strategy that may be needed in order to win it.
The Strategic Situation
There are three main theatres - the Mediterranean itself, the oil production regions of the Near East, and the Red Sea area.
In the western half, Britain and France between them control Gibraltar at the narrow entrance from the Atlantic, southern France, Corsica, Algeria and Tunisia. Malta at the centre is a British colony.
In the eastern half, Britain maintains a hold on Egypt and the Suez Canal, Palestine and Cyprus. In the Levant, Lebanon and Syria are French
Italy stands astride the central basin, with Italy itself, Sardinia and Sicily to the north and Libya with its provinces of Tripolitania and Cyrenaica to the south.
Albania on the Adriatic Sea and the Dodecanese Islands in the southern Aegean off Turkey are Italian.
The Neutral countries in the western Mediterranean are Spain, and in the eastern Med., Greece & Crete, Yugoslavia and Turkey.
Near East
Iraq, Persia (Iran) and the Persian Gulf area are within the British sphere of influence and surrounded by Allied or neutral countries.
Red Sea Area
To the east Saudi Arabia has close ties with Britain, and at the southern end of the Red Sea, Aden is a British colony. On the west shore are Egypt and the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, and further south French and British Somaliland.
Strategy and Gameplay
This scenario will only be playable as the Axis. This way, I will tweak the scenario to give the player a real run for his money. Rommel didn't have it easy, and neither will the player.
There will be a lot to do in this scenario. It will cover ALL of the Middle East, Southern Italy, Malta, and Greece.
There are a variety of things the Axis commander (you) can do. Here are just some of the strategies to consider:
1) Malta - it will be a thorn in your side. As long as Malta exists, Axis supplies will be curtailed and supplies from the UK will get through to Alexandria.
If the Axis takes Malta, then Allied supply efforts will be cut, and they will have to rely on convoy through the Suez, which will be at the mercy of U-boats.
But taking Malta will not be easy. Is the German Luftwaffe and Italian Navy up to the challenge? Do you risk some of your best initial military forces in a risky gamble to take Malta?
While Malta holds out, the Allies will receive 6 reinforcements (of armour and infantry) PER TURN. Compare this to the Axis reinforcements of just two armoured units per turn.
2) North Africa - Will the Italians be strong enough to take the offensive early in North Africa? Should they attack quickly, or wait for the Afrika Korps to show up in Tunisia? You are the overall theatre commander, so the decision is up to you.
3) The Afrika Korps - this is the elite German formation led by Field Marshal Erwin Rommel. They are all veterans and will consist of infantry, Panzer Grenadiers, as well as armoured formations. Utilize their offensive abilities well. They will arrive as reinforcements in Tunisia. They will serve as the major backbone in your offensive.
4) Greece - this area could open up an opportunity for Italian and German forces to score some territory and experience. Plus, it allows you more cities with which to build units. Without Malta, the ONLY way German and Italian air units can make it to North Africa, will be to secure some Greek territory, which will place Axis airfields in North Africa within flying distance. Plus, the German units left over from the Yugoslavia and Greece invasions may be of some assistance to you if you can get them to North Africa to help in the offensive.
The question is: How tough will it be to conquer Greece? Is the territory you gain worth the time, trouble and forces you will devote to this "sideshow"?
5) The Italians - they start with a substantial navy and ground forces. Plus ALL southern Italy can churn out units. However, these ground units are generally inferior to the British units, and to be of any use, they must be transported across the Mediterranean, subject to British Navy interference.
6) Axis Victory - An Axis victory means taking Alexandria. A decisive victory means taking Alexandria AND the Suez. But it will be a long road to travel. Every turn that passes, means the British will only get stronger
Last edited by Leonidas; November 30, 2003 at 13:50.
November 30, 2003, 13:54
Local Time: 14:23
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If I can add an idea, I'd like to point that the units should be slow, to reflect the hardness of suply lines in the desert
Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community
November 30, 2003, 16:01
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Looks very interesting Leonidas
November 30, 2003, 19:54
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Originally posted by yaroslav
If I can add an idea, I'd like to point that the units should be slow, to reflect the hardness of suply lines in the desert
You raise a very interesting and important point. Most Axis supplies will be coming through Tripoli. A quick glance of the above map will indicate that it is a long way to Alexandria and the front lines.
Also, any reinforcements will need to be brought from Italy, subject to the British navy and airforce operating out of Malta.
It can all be tweaked to help achieve the right balance.
Thanks for your suggestions
November 30, 2003, 20:00
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Originally posted by Arthedain
Looks very interesting Leonidas
I've always had an interest in this area of WWII.
I am surprised there are not more wargames, scenarios and movies on the topic of the Afrika Korps. North Africa saw some great tank battles, involving hundreds of tanks charging from both sides.
And of course, it was in the desert war where the 88mm achieved its fame. . .
I'd like to see a good movie done on Rommel.
November 30, 2003, 20:04
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Here are two slightly different versions of the German halftrack SdKfz 250/1.
Pictured here is a Pioneer Assault Halftrack:
November 30, 2003, 20:28
Local Time: 14:23
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Originally posted by Leonidas
I've always had an interest in this area of WWII.
I am surprised there are not more wargames, scenarios and movies on the topic of the Afrika Korps. North Africa saw some great tank battles, involving hundreds of tanks charging from both sides.
And of course, it was in the desert war where the 88mm achieved its fame. . .
I'd like to see a good movie done on Rommel.
Probably, you're aware of this, but I'd like to add that there is already at least one scen about African war for Civ2; it's somewhat old, "AFRIKA KORPS" by John Petroski (based on the work of the genius Harlan Thompson)
A very interesting feature that I'd like to see in a African scen is that in the first turns, the axis units should be very weak, as the actual performance of italian army was poor against the British. But then come the germans and all changed... Are you going to reflect it (if possible) in your scen? Maybe an AI attacking you at first and the you hiting back could be interesting... the problem is that the AI attacks you with all its units, so there will be no enough units to stop human's counterattack...
Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community
November 30, 2003, 20:29
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:shamed: I've read that your scen is based on Petroski's one. How could I miss that the first time I did read your posts???
Trying to rehabilitateh and contribuing again to the civ-community
November 30, 2003, 20:42
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Originally posted by yaroslav
:shamed: I've read that your scen is based on Petroski's one. How could I miss that the first time I did read your posts???
No problem
Some of my posts have a lot of writing in them and it's easy to miss if you're reading fast.
But you do raise a good point. Within a couple turns of the scenario the British will launch their offensive. The Italian units in general are weaker than the British.
So a great deal will depend on the player's strategy and his use of the Afrika Korps.
December 1, 2003, 13:08
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More Afrika Korps units.
Halftrack variants.
Here is a SdKfz 250 Command halftrack (2 slightly different versions):
December 1, 2003, 14:06
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Originally posted by GoPostal
And from my point of view, so I can use the units. I came across this researching for Operation Battleaxe, the sign of the 8th Panzer, who were there.
I'll apologise for my extreme geekiness up-front here
The second of those symbols is actually 8th Panzer Division, who were not part of the DAK. The two Afrika Korps Pz Divisions were 15th and 21st (formally 5th Light). 8th Panzer Regiment were a component part of the 15th Panzer Division, which I guess is the cause of the confusion here.
December 1, 2003, 14:22
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I have been completely wrong!
December 1, 2003, 19:06
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I just tried the original and it was nice. An update would be really cool  I like that you've included more of Africa
December 2, 2003, 02:32
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Originally posted by Arthedain
I just tried the original and it was nice. An update would be really cool I like that you've included more of Africa
There is a lot in the scenario to like.
However, if you notice all the unit stats are outta whack. For example, most of the armour stats are all the same.
So in just two ways I am changing a lot of the graphics (many entirely new graphics) as well as changing all the stats for all the military units, so they are more reasonable.
Plus many more changes.
December 2, 2003, 02:33
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Another German halftrack variant.
This is a SdKfz 250 20mm AA halftrack:
December 2, 2003, 05:04
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Originally posted by yaroslav
If I can add an idea, I'd like to point that the units should be slow, to reflect the hardness of suply lines in the desert
OTOH, the desert campaigns tended to involve fast moving battles across vast distances. Perhaps a logistical model like the one in Captain Nemo's second front would be better?
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December 3, 2003, 00:05
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yes it would be really awesome if you could figure out how to give each side an advantage as they retreat towards their supply routes.
December 3, 2003, 01:30
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Case and The ANZAC:
Great ideas
Delving that deep into the supply issue for both sides sounds great, but I think it may be beyond the size of the revision I will be doing for this scenario.
While interesting, I think it would over-complicate the scenario setup as I presently envision it.
But I think it would be something to consider in another scenario of this type.
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