Originally posted by Arnelos
Actually, a number of us are on other teams, notably MAST, Tabemono, and Monty Python.
Not to mention the wildcard in the Latin Lovers!
And to UnO (FOR UnO

Well Sirrah, whilst my noble fellows may be weary of your slurs upon the Spanish people, I will stand firm. Every utterance from your hellmouth darkens the landscape of broken Spain, but I have found a peculiar use for it. After hearing of your latest feeble proclamation that you are approaching my capture and the end of Spain forever, I will always appreciate the light all the more. I thank you for providing the encouragement to lift weary arms to bear upon the hordes of heathens, for the encouragement to redouble efforts of defending the Spanish way of life, for the sheer supernatural incentive to fight on.
But should we cross paths there shall be no thanks, as I will fight you to my last. With my Sword fresh from the total cleansing necessary after a days' dispatching of the twisted goblins of your hordes, I shall sally forth, and defeat you. This I swear.
See you in the trenches.
/me acknowledges the fourth wall
Whilst breath is in my body, Roleplay shall never die here!
Double meaning to 'roleplay' heavily intended.