December 1, 2003, 22:15
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Deus Ex: Invisible War reviews
I know there is already a thread, but I think this one is clearer.
Gamespot is the second major online site to review the new Deus Ex game (Gamespy had their "exclusive" late last week).
"Deus Ex: Invisible War can be highly rewarding, as long as you're willing to look past some problems along the way."
They gave the original a 8.2.
I'm still... worried. The demo was uninspiring to say the least, and these reviews aren't exactly putting my fears at ease.
"My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
"Strange is it that our bloods, of colour, weight, and heat, pour'd all together, would quite confound distinction, yet stand off in differences so mighty." --William Shakespeare
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December 1, 2003, 22:33
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There was another review which stated that fans of the previous Deus Ex may be disappointed at the streamlining of the game.
Which basically CONFIRMED my fears
December 2, 2003, 01:53
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Another great game destroyed.
Oh well, at least I can still replay the original.
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December 2, 2003, 06:29
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Re: Deus Ex: Invisible War reviews
Originally posted by Guynemer
They gave the original a 8.2.
Really? Everyone seems to acknowledge it a must-play game...........only 8.2 seems stingy.
December 2, 2003, 16:36
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IGN has weighed in: 9.0
Haven't finished it yet. This fella (so far) sounds considerably more enthused than the others.
"My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
"Strange is it that our bloods, of colour, weight, and heat, pour'd all together, would quite confound distinction, yet stand off in differences so mighty." --William Shakespeare
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December 2, 2003, 20:55
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look at the readers reviews on gamespot. nasty. 5.5 average with 181 votes atm. i don't trust gamespy since they had an exclusive, and i never trust ign.  it's kind of funny gamespot gave it an 8 considering the whole review talked basically about negatives. if i hadn't seen the score before i read it i'd have guessed it would have gotten much lower.
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December 3, 2003, 18:28
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IGN has probably bloated their score. Both IGN and Gamespot are notorious for their bashing specifics in the write-up, then giving it a high score anyway.
But I don't have any confidence in DX2 being a great game.
December 3, 2003, 19:21
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I like Xplay reviews
Jon Miller
Jon Miller-
December 3, 2003, 19:25
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Some player reviews on the IonStorm board have been very positive... I just don't know.
Miller, I swear to god, that avatar is scarring my retinae.
"My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
"Strange is it that our bloods, of colour, weight, and heat, pour'd all together, would quite confound distinction, yet stand off in differences so mighty." --William Shakespeare
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December 4, 2003, 20:27
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Went and got the Original.
Im constantly running outta Multitools
Have to invest some Exp there..
Any Hints for me starting?
I already learned that you find the Sniper and the Crossbow at the Statue.. bah will survive :=)
Can it be that the ATMs refuse the Codes when you hacked a machine in the Area? Yeah its that Subway-Hotel Mission.
Smuggler is expansive and that i put all the Upgrades on the First Pistol which got taken away wasnt too clever too I suppose
Stopped waiting for Duke Nukem
December 4, 2003, 21:28
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Hacking ATMs is the same as finding all the codes to the machine all together and entering them. There is a set amount you can get out of ATMs, hacking them ensures you get all available funds.
What are you using the multitools on? I don't think I use any in the first mission, not until I get to the second mission before I use them.
For example you get the login and password to the camera and gun security grid. Log in to that and the cameras can be turned off, the guns set to kill enemies. Blowing things up (like those red laser trip-wires) works real well in letting you move without having to destroy the electricity box. Smugglers - don't even bother turning his trip-wires off after the first time you visit him, just run through them. Sure, it will cause a security bot to be released, but since you are classed as a friend it will not attack.
Skill in rifles is really useful, as is hacking. Save up your upgrade canisters (the ones that improve existing biomods, not the ones that add new ones) so that once you get the medical biomod you can upgrade it to a higher level.
Oh, if you drop the pistol before talking to Gunthor (sp?) then he will ask for your knife. Just grab your gun back after that and no problems.
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December 5, 2003, 02:15
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You can't always use all atm codes on all atm's.
In Hell's kitchen for example, there are 4 atm's but not all of the codes you find therein will work on each.
It's better to leave hacking until you've made all of your 'legitimate' withdrawls.
If you're running out of multi-tools then you're probably in the MJ12 facility below the streets? You can use up a a lot getting through that place so you probably want to upgrade to "trained" level beforehand.
Playing the hardest level I'm finding it much tougher. Enemies seem to have much better firearms skill and there are far fewer goodies to find. Still looking for a laser sight and I've just left Hong Kong.
December 5, 2003, 04:38
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No, hack atms first and save yourself the bother.
Test this yourself. Save before doing anything to the atm, and then hack it. You get (for example) 900 credits.
Load, then use any atm accounts you have. There might be an account with 200 which you withdraw, and another for 350 which you also withdraw. Then hack the atm and you will find, surprise surprise, there is now only 350 credits available in the hacked account.
I'm playing the hardest level, have made it past Paris and have 20 multitools on me without any electronics training.
Where are you using them all up?
I tend to use any tnt crates to "remove" any pesky electronic devices, such as tripwires, guns or cameras if I can't disable them using a security terminal.
Although bear in mind that the game is designed to be played multiple ways. If you find you are using multitools frequently then by all means devote some training to it.
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December 5, 2003, 04:52
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Atm's only have a limited cash supply?
I always thought you accessed some particular account when you hacked into one, withdrew the cash from that account and were then refused any more transactions because the little people inside realised that it'd been hacked?
If they do just run out of cash, and hacking will empty a machine, then there's no point at all in ever getting account numbers if you have any training at all in computers as hacking never fails ...
Incidentally, with regards to lockpicks, the GEP gun can often do a pretty good job of picking locks.
December 5, 2003, 18:18
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I forgot that you could get the account numbers. I always hacked them.
And I'm thankful.
December 6, 2003, 00:42
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True, Rav. You can check this at the Renton's hotel, among other places. You can hack one atm and then use the other to check the balance of an account you have the numbers to.
I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
December 6, 2003, 12:05
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That Gamespot review puzzled me; the reviewer said lots of negative things about the game but still awarded it a 8.0. I guess it's something like "hey, this game sucks, but it is one of the 'big bosses' this year, so I'll have to give it a better grade". He didn't like the game but couldn't help falling prey to the hype.
'Yep, I've been drinking again.'
December 6, 2003, 12:18
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Why is it that the average game reviewscore has been creeping up during this decade? Do bad games get screened out or something? Or does every game get a 'few points more' to balance things out?
Only a few excellent exceptional games might go past the 9 mark. So in that sense 8,0 seems correct. However In the old days a good game got 6-7, an average hovered around 6, the turkeys got what they deserved with 1-5 (although a few might be of interest for the fans anyhow).
Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.
Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer
December 6, 2003, 12:40
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And in my day this 'ere innernet was all just fields.
December 6, 2003, 18:48
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nostalgia mode:
Yeah yeah, yeah in those days bad games got the trashing they deserved (damn right) even if the publishers pulled advertising when they got a bad review. No spine, no moral fiber at all with modern game reviewers these days. Informing the reader!? Pah!~
Damn youngsters don't what's good for them. In my C64 days we had to wait 3-5 min for a game (bought with hard earned cash) to load (with speedloader) from cassette and we loved it!
Skeptics should forego any thought of convincing the unconvinced that we hold the torch of truth illuminating the darkness. A more modest, realistic, and achievable goal is to encourage the idea that one may be mistaken. Doubt is humbling and constructive; it leads to rational thought in weighing alternatives and fully reexamining options, and it opens unlimited vistas.
Elie A. Shneour Skeptical Inquirer
December 18, 2003, 13:08
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After playing for seven hours of game time... I like it. It's nothing like the old Deus Ex, but it's not a total failure. The graphics felt fugly at first, but I got used to them. Mind, my strategy has been pretty straightforward when it comes to guards, just blast them one after another. The AI sucks in that regard. The most enjoyable foes are the bots and turrets, which can be murderous. Taking them out requires some thinking already. I can take them over with a biomod and take out a roomful of enemies with a turret, which does make things a bit too easy.
Altogether the game is ridiculously easy, I'm not too good a shot and playing on hard (easy-medium-hard-realistic), I've got heaps of supplies with me and battles go without a hitch. The biomods are also pretty much out of balance: I can't find any meaningful use for any other mods on one slot except one, so I've got six mods I frequently use maxed out on me. The nightvision thingee that can see through walls is the most useful one. It's a shame I had to install a biomod to do something as simple as hacking. And hacking is pretty simple this time, not even a chance to get caught or trigger an alarm.
Maybe I should switch to console games  , since I kind of like the streamlined system where keycodes are automatically entered, multitools act also as lockpicks and guns need not be reloaded and have no separate ammo. It really emphasises weaponry as nothing but an alternative to all other methods.
The plot is pretty good, I'm getting the feeling it's picking off where DX1 ended. Lots of familiar faces and names. All the choices and whatnot in the first parts of the games are, sadly, probably of no consequence. Only a few times have my actions resulted in some changes, and those weren't that big, just cost me a few credits. I do think the game can get very different whether you hire a pilot or get one to transport you by helping her out in Seattle.
Also, what I've heard, the ending will be branched the same way as in DX1 - you have three alternatives, and you can realise every one of them in the last stage, with little influence from your overall actions.
Losing the exp system wasn't that bad a change either, for some reason I'm finishing secondary objectives even though I don't need the credits.
It's not a worthy sequel, at least so far it hasn't been. Perhaps it'll redeem itself. It's a good game, but not brilliant. I'm not taken by nostalgia or anything, I played and finished DX1 for the first time only two months ago. I do wish I didn't have an exam tomorrow...
Edit: The patch v. 1.1 also helped the game performance-wise a lot. It probably won't work anywhere as decently on old systems, though, and I can't recommend getting a new system for DX: IW just because you loved DX.
Oh, and the regions are very small and cramped. The game has to load a new area far too often. Considering the performance demands, that's just silly. Liberty Island in DX1 was huge compared to this.
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Last edited by Kassiopeia; December 18, 2003 at 13:24.
December 18, 2003, 20:37
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The two things that really put me off are the implications that its small, as Kass pointed out, and that its so short that some reviewers finish the whole thing in < 15 hours.
I just can't abide that.
DX1 took me 80+ hours to finish (Ok, so I'm not very good  ) and I thoroughly enjoyed it - most particularly the areas with the biggest maps - Hells kitchen & the warehouse, Hong Kong & Versalife, etc.
Going from something that extensive to something so limited is, IMO, just a waste of time.
December 18, 2003, 21:21
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Originally posted by ravagon
The two things that really put me off are the implications that its small, as Kass pointed out, and that its so short that some reviewers finish the whole thing in < 15 hours.
I just can't abide that. 
DX1 took me 80+ hours to finish (Ok, so I'm not very good ) and I thoroughly enjoyed it - most particularly the areas with the biggest maps - Hells kitchen & the warehouse, Hong Kong & Versalife, etc.
Going from something that extensive to something so limited is, IMO, just a waste of time.
what were the average reviewer completion times for the first deus ex?
Was your 80 hours higher than what the reviewers said it took them? If so, then you can probably say that it will take you longer than 15 hours.
I'm with you, I usually spend more time than what reviewers say...
While there might be a physics engine that applies to the jugs, I doubt that an entire engine was written specifically for the funbags. - Cyclotron - debating the pressing issue of boobies in games.
December 18, 2003, 21:55
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IIRC the few references to time I came across were around 50+ odd hours.
It'd almost certainly take me longer than the 15 it took a reviewer - it always does, but I doubt it'd be more than 25 hours or so at a guess, 30 at the outset.
Certainly nowhere near the length of the first though...
December 19, 2003, 20:46
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The final verdict on the ammo system: I like it. When you run out - and in endgame it's quite possible - you really run out, and end up improvising all sorts of stunts to get that damn guard killed.
Now, length. I finished DX1 in 23 hours on medium difficulty setting (was my first time). I finished DX2 tonight, in 11 hours of game time on hard difficulty setting. This game is woefully short. I think I was still in the Ocean Base at eleven hours. (Note: I used a walkthrough with DX1 when I got stuck, so that reduced the time. At the time of writing, I haven't been able to find a DX2 guide anywhere.)
It was kind of relieving, however. The endings were very disappointing, as they were shoved in your face: essentially you'll have a menu where you can click which faction to support, or to support none (amounts to four different endings). There are decisions to be made on the second to final area, which can effect some things, but they aren't of consequence to the endings.
I couldn't be arsed to complete more than two of them, took around half an hour extra for the other one, so total game time comes down to about 12 to 13 hours of game time if you do them all. It does puzzle me though - I doubt I missed anything important, yet I played it much quickly than a guy who plays games and writes about them for a living?
Then, the characters, the factions. They didn't have the same pull they had in DX1. I don't know exactly why - maybe because they all seemed to lack proper personalities. The writing in this sense sucked seriously. I did like the entire "completing the circle" theme that was going on,
but it felt somewhat synthetic near the end. Maybe because the milieu was more different compared to our current one than in DX1.
The final region was also very shoddily designed and felt a bit rushed. It was also really small. The size of areas did get better a bit before the final few areas, but you really didn't get to utilise all that empty air.
There is a lot of dynamic gameplay there, though, and the game will have decent replayability when I get around to it, more than DX1 did. Too bad that most decisions had no consequence to your game. A news bulletin you might not even catch is not sufficient.
The difficulty curve also leaped near the end, but it was accomplished through scarcity of items and heaps of enemies, i.e. the boring, old-fashioned way.
All in all, it's a decent game, and it's only major problem is that it never even had the chance to match up to DX1. It does have good ideas and improvements over the original, but fails where DX1 was IMHO at its best: writing and level design.
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
Last edited by Kassiopeia; December 19, 2003 at 21:11.
December 22, 2003, 16:54
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December 22, 2003, 17:40
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You can buy force-feedback gamepads and joysticks for the PC.
December 22, 2003, 18:53
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Well, I played the whole thing through getting absolutely everything and all 5 endings in about 13 hours (this includes running around doing nothing just cause for several hours, it's probably about 10 hours long). The game is ridiculously easy, even on the hardest level.
Things I liked
The graphics were very good.
The physics system is awesome. Throwing dead bodies and crates and everything else around is a blast and I never had any clipping problems.
The game was pretty fun.
Things I didn't like
For all the games "openness" or freedom of choice, it's still incredibly linear. Regardless of any choice made, any ending can be earned by making one choice 5 minutes from the very end.
The different ways to accomplish tasks are superficial at best. There's always a vent or a security pad and I found that I would kill everyone, then use the pad to shut down everything (after I had destroyed it), then crawl through the vent cause I could. The multiple ways of doing things are pointless.
Sniping and sneaking are GROSSLY OVERPOWERED in this game. The sniper rifle will 1 hit kill everything except bots and the elite Templar troopers.
Enemies are STUPID. They just assume you've left after 10 seconds even if there's dead bodies all around.
Presentation wise, the whole game is a night. Couldn't they have used a color other than blue in just one part of the game?
My verdict
The game is a rental. I would not recommend buying it. It has little replay value, single player only, and it's easy and fast to beat. Still, it's worth playing through once. I'd give it maybe a 6 or 6.5 of 10.
"Luck's last match struck in the pouring down wind." - Chris Cornell, "Mindriot"
December 22, 2003, 20:02
PolyCast Thread Necromancer
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Originally posted by Anun Ik Oba
You can buy force-feedback gamepads and joysticks for the PC.
Yes, you can, however the XBOX controller has one built into it.
Seems like a mighty large coincidence
December 22, 2003, 22:45
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I had a chance to buy Dx:IW today, but I'm really looking forward to LoK  efiance more.
Got a $30 Best Buy gift cert for Xmas!
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