
Originally posted by St Leo on 04-06-2001 11:22 PM
Changing those graphics would be more than a final touch in Spartacus and Red Front. I think you should just ask the players to use their imagination.
Not really worth the effort, eh? I suppose I agree. I'm glad you replied, though, as I secretly hoped you might be the one to volunteer.

I'm a big fan of all the graphics you have created/adapted - they've all looked fantastic!

Originally posted by Kubla Khan on 04-07-2001 04:13 AM
One easy way out might be to call it a Great Submersible or something and say it's got living quarters for a whole lot of people. Since futuristic spaceships and futuristic submersibles might well look the same, you can just alter the background of Earth and make it totally dark blue or something, for which you wouldn't need graphic skills. There's a tool called something like "Rune Berg's GIF Extractor" or something you can find on a lot of sites that should do this for you.
That's a great point. For just a little effort, I can have a reasonable solution. Yes, I've got the GIF extractor, so I'll make a few small changes to the ss.dll, including changing the background as you've suggested.

PS: Sounds like a great scenario!
I think it is, but of course, I'm lacking objectivity. It should be complete in the next couple of weeks in which case I'll be needing some playtesters, and they can be the judge of that...