March 23, 2001, 21:10
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Scenario League dying?
For the first time since I started posting here I check in and there are no new posts and no new activity on any threads! Scary! This has now happened several times in the past week... Is the Scenario League dying?
I guess that there has been very few new scenarios coming out in the last month and maybe a reduced level of interest despite some of the best work ever (Like Imperium Romanum).
What are you, Scenario League stalwarts, turning your interest to these days... Are you still looking for new scenarios to play or is that time over until Civ3 comes out? Is there a new game out there capturing your interest?
March 23, 2001, 23:31
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I get the impression that unless I design something, nobody gives a rats-@ss about my opinion, so I don't even bother to answer in threads that I might have in the past.
All knowledge begins with the phrase: I don't know.
March 24, 2001, 00:23
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Nemo, I'm not looking forward to civ3. I haven't yet purchased a game by Firaxis that works right. I'm not about to buy another. From the advance info that's available, Firaxis has already screwed the whole thing up. The units are super-flashy, moving wireframes. How does a scenario designer deal with that?! Design new units? Forget it! Microprose put out good products over and over again; Civ1, MoM, Moo, Civ2, etc. But Firaxis hasn't put out a single game that actually works. My experience with them is that their so-called "support" is a joke. Their attitude seems to be; "we've made our money, now you consumers can take a hike."
They're gonna completely screw up civ3.
I'll be continuing with Civ2 for a long time. I'm working now on the Saxon Conquest scenario (by reading the Penguin translation of Bede). And just last night, I had an idea for an "Air War Over Europe" scenario. No way am I through with Civ2.
[This message has been edited by Exile (edited March 23, 2001).]
March 24, 2001, 00:27
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I'm still here, quietly working on my never-ending scenario in the shadows. Not to mention patiently awaiting your next release. |
March 24, 2001, 02:15
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Where can I get Imperium Romanum?
March 24, 2001, 04:26
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Although I haven't made any scenarios yet, I am working on a scenario taking place 1655-1660 each turn is one month and there is summer and winter, I will also change leader faces and other stuff like that.
It is in playtesting right now infact
March 24, 2001, 05:38
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I'm not sure 'bout that, Nemo. I recall that there have been non-creative moments in the past. As for me, I'll be sticking with Civ2 as long as I feel that somebody cares about it.

I get the impression that unless I design something, nobody gives a rats-@ss about my
Are you sure? I've thought you were one of the best playtesters I've ever had, and I'm looking forward in working with you again.
March 24, 2001, 10:41
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I am not done with civ2, I just lurk around the forums and reply when it's nessary, the problem it seems with the forum is that there is a missing of topics right now, I think it'll pass once the scenarios come out again but for now it's kind of inactive.
Civ3 I am looking forward to, it looks that it will be very good.
Stefan, when is that preview of your new scn going to be up?
March 24, 2001, 11:03
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everybody is still around but there haven´t been a lot of scenarios around lately
March 24, 2001, 14:28
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I am also still here, slooowly working on ToTEdit and trying not to post because I get distracted to easily!
March 24, 2001, 14:52
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I think that if the Scenario League were to expand into CTP2 that might rejuvenate it. Offer some tips on it, I'd love to design some scenarios, and the tips you guys offer for Civ2 are great. If you could elaborate on the documents offered under the CTP2 section it'd help me a lot. If not, then I guess we'll have to wait until Civ3 to get some rejuvenation in the Scenario League.
March 24, 2001, 15:14
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Originally posted by Stefan Härtel on 03-24-2001 04:38 AM
Are you sure? I've thought you were one of the best playtesters I've ever had, and I'm looking forward in working with you again.
I didn't say I was giving up the game, Stefan. I don't care for the 'designer knows best' attitude of the league. Without the players, the scenarios are just so many bits of programing floating around cyber-space. But others don't think that way. Well, they can have it. I have other fish to fry.
All knowledge begins with the phrase: I don't know.
March 24, 2001, 16:45
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Originally posted by cpoulos on 03-24-2001 02:14 PM
I don't care for the 'designer knows best' attitude of the league. Without the players, the scenarios are just so many bits of programing floating around cyber-space. But others don't think that way.
I'm not sure why you are operating under this impression. Is it possible you misinterpreted some comment? I have never seen the "league" exhibit such tendencies, nor any of its "members".
I suspect the current dearth of activity may be related to certain new titles out there. I'm not a big fan of CtPII, though many people are; but Europa Universalis! Now there's a game! Frankly, that's the focus of my limited free time, currently. Plus, with the bar being raised so high by some of the recent scenarios, meaning more time and effort going into scenarios, some people may be starting to look down the road and having their design decisions influenced by the impending release of a new platform (a presumably incompatible CivIII).
March 24, 2001, 17:24
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I have contemplated making an alt-hist scenario set in the LoTR universe and redoing Star Trek: 7of9 as a generic Borg Invasion one, but I don't think there is a large-enough audience around for that to be worthwhile. Nevertheless, the forums are still visited by yours truly.
St. Leo
March 24, 2001, 17:45
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Originally posted by RobRoy on 03-24-2001 03:45 PM
I have never seen the "league" exhibit such tendencies, nor any of its "members".
You haven't. I have.
All knowledge begins with the phrase: I don't know.
March 24, 2001, 19:36
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Stefan, when is that preview of your new scn going to be up?
Following the present course, never  . I have lost all HP files and my FTP-data, though that may be saved somewhere. I will do my best to reestablish my site, but don't lay much hope on it. I will do some new artwork for the scenario, but at the present state, anybody can already pick it up via eMail:
It can be regarded as "finished" since the playtester reports have seemed to stated that, but any additional comments are appreciated.

I didn't say I was giving up the game, Stefan. I don't care for the 'designer knows best'
attitude of the league. Without the players, the scenarios are just so many bits of programing
floating around cyber-space. But others don't think that way. Well, they can have it. I have
other fish to fry.
I hope you don't think that way about me.
March 24, 2001, 19:41
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Originally posted by Stefan Härtel on 03-24-2001 06:36 PM
I hope you don't think that way about me.
Not at all, Stefan. If you want to do more with SOH or the other things we talked about, say the word.
All knowledge begins with the phrase: I don't know.
March 24, 2001, 19:48
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That's a real bummer Stefan, you're a great scn designer and to this to happen to you, it's a blow not only to yourself but to the whole civ2 community.
March 24, 2001, 20:42
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Exile: Are crazy!!!!!????????? alddfsjkldfjökldafsjköl wtf one of the worlds best game makers is on that project!!!!!!!!!! SID MEIER!!!!!! GODDAMN HE OWNS!!!! He will make that game the best game ever made!!! dont be so goddamn gloomy.
March 24, 2001, 22:59
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Bergman; My gloomy expectations haven't anything to do with Meier, they have to do with Firaxis, a fly-by-night firm if ever I've seen one. I am not kidding nor exaggerating when I say that no game I've ever purchased of theirs works. Buy it, bring it home, install it, then zip. None have ever functioned the way they're supposed to do. Bugs are one thing, and we all have come to expect them, and the patches that fix them, but Firaxis programs fail--over and over again. Yes, I've certainly enjoyed the other games mentioned above, many created by Sid himself, including some I didn't mention; Colonization and RR Tycoon.
But Firaxis is a ripoff company and their flat refusal to do anything to correct or ameliorate the shoddy products that they release on the market for sale sets a terrible precedent for us all. Other companies, seeking to beat the timetables set by the quick release dates of their competition, also have started releasing unworkable and non-functioning games. No games that I have purchased in the past 8 months have worked when I got them home. That's a fact--I now have a pile of useless CDs sitting here that have games on them, (or so the advertising blurb on the box says), but they simply will not work after installation. Want a list?
My grievance here isn't with anyone in the ACS community--it's with the gaming companies that are apparently so desperate to release product before it is obsoleted by new processing upgrades that they fail to properly test their products. They get paid. The retailers make their money. But we are the ones who give our hard-earned cash and then have NOTHING to show for it.
I DON'T like being RIPPED OFF. I sure AM going to say something about it.
I would LOVE to hear from Firaxis on this. I'll bet any amount of money I won't.
March 25, 2001, 01:21
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The only reason that I was not very active in the last weeks was that I had to write my final exams, that I made my Vikings scenario ready for playtesting, that I have to prepare 3 school papers and that I still have to write ordinary exams in all my courses.
Once that is all done I will certainly become more active.
Mathias' Civ II Page
March 25, 2001, 11:21
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I'm still around. Thing is, I'm at work for most of my day, so I can't post that often. That's why I love Sundays.
The Mars Project is taking me forever with all these different files I need to add.
March 25, 2001, 11:50
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Exile: What games by Firaxis don't work? I have Gettysburg! and SMAC and they play just fine. Firaxis has released 4 patches for SMAC - that isn't support?! The game still has the odd quirk or bug - but in a game that complex there is bound to be. And I don't think a company should have to keep supporting a game forever. SMAC with the patches plays great.
I am just not sure what you are referring to. Puzzling. In comparison with most gaming companies, Firaxis has an excellent customer support record. Your comments are the first negative ones I have seen about Firaxis.
Did the company burn you in some way? Did you offer them suggestions for games and/or scenarios that they ignored or didn't reply back to you?
March 25, 2001, 16:11
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With this level of response it appears that there are still many people visiting the Scenario League each day... That's great news!
cpoulos: I am not sure who or what you refer to as "Nobody gives a rat's a.. about your opinion" I think most designers read threads, opinions and feedback continuously to improve their work (I do for one)
I have received E-mails from testplayers telling me that they were dissappointed that I didn't respond directly to their comments but that is difficult when I 20 5-page E-mails back... However every comment is given careful consideration as I continue to improve a scenario and your comments would be given that same consideration.
March 25, 2001, 16:58
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Leonidas; I have Gettysburg and it kind of works, but it fails to display the entire screen on my monitor. It's as if the image that goes to my monitor is sized for a 17" screen, but my monitor is a 14". The result is that I simply cannot see important portions of the visible screen. I emailed their support about this and got back zero replies. (Imperialism 2 by SSI does the same thing). I can play the game, but it crashes inexplicably much too often. Stupidly, I purchased the Civil War Collection that included the Antietam and South Mountain scenarios, but that CD, after installation, won't even run; no response, nothing. I put it in the drive, it makes noise for about 20 seconds, then zip, nothing, nada. I have contacted Firaxis about this almost every day for the last 2 weeks and they twice sent the same identical form letter requiring me to perform a host of tasks for which I am ill-prepared. I am not a programmer. I didn't have to do this when I bought Civ2, or Axis and Allies, or Total Annihilation. If a game doesn't work, it is not my fault and what really makes me angry about this is that we, as users, seem to be coming to an accomodation whereby it's ok by us for companies to release bug-laden, unworkable products, and we still continue to buy them!
I have quit purchasing games. period.
But I'm glad things work for others. I just wish that the games I've purchased would function for me.
Lost in America
"a freaking mastermind." --Stefu
"or a very good liar." --Stefu
[This message has been edited by Exile (edited March 25, 2001).]
March 25, 2001, 18:21
Local Time: 08:13
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I hope the SLeague is not dead, I just submitted a review for Rick Westera´s Rome scn.
cpoulos, I think every comment is helpful for us designers as well as for for the players.
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March 25, 2001, 18:23
Requiescat in PICE!
March 25, 2001, 22:03
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Blimey,... turn your back for three days and look what happens! ("Civil Disorder in Scenario League forum! Mayor flees in panic!")
I have a plethora of views on the comments above which won't be verbalised here (at least for now), however please note that the League may receive a new direction once WarVoid and Stefan assume editorial control.
March 26, 2001, 05:55
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St. Leo, I sure do wish you were right about that. Is there a way to determine that? All the old programs I own work just fine. No new ones have worked in months.
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