April 6, 2001, 18:28
Local Time: 06:13
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Which is the hardest nation to play in TSFE?
Has anybody managed to survive German invasion as Russians? Or defended your homeland as France? Or Jugoslavians?
Xin Yu, I can't wait your opinion!
April 6, 2001, 18:48
Local Time: 22:13
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Sorry Marko. I'm sick now. I caught cold and my brain is like a bottle of glue. Give me some time, please.
April 6, 2001, 23:32
Local Time: 06:13
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Hi Marko,
The hardest nation to play so far is "Me trying to get TSFE onto my computor." Nothing wrong with the scenario, but it's huge and only way I can think to get it to my networkly-challenged laptop is to do the floppy disk version of a bucket brigade.  This is gonna take a while. Can't wait to play, and I'll be happy to offer my reaction if the scenario hasn't been analyzed to death here by the time I get it installed. At least I'm not sick (get well, Xin Yu  ). So far I can safely say it's a very impressive scenario.
April 7, 2001, 07:39
Local Time: 07:13
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which scenario do you recomend to play first???
I have all the files in my computer.
it looks awesome
April 7, 2001, 07:51
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Just downloaded it, Marko, looks impressive.
According to your questions, I prepare for the Nemo-factor (means: AI armies overrun me in the first turns  ).
Civ2000 hosted by CivII Universum
April 7, 2001, 09:17
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Just downloading it now. but I`m having to use my lethargic P60 to do it on. Plus my sister is also using my internet connection at the same time, which means that my 64K ISDN line has slowed to a crawl. (1.5K/s)
However, when I`m done I`ll be happy to get back to you, Marko.
April 7, 2001, 11:39
Local Time: 06:13
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In my personal opinion the most fun has been playing Axis from May 1940 in Medium level. I suggest it as the first scenario to try.
But one of the hardest is playing Russians from June 1941 in Hard level. The best what I have achieved is to survive in Ural mountains and wait Allies.
April 7, 2001, 15:05
Local Time: 07:13
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In my personal opinion the most fun has been playing Axis from May 1940 in Medium level. I suggest it as the first scenario to try.
that one is the typical one and there are so many aoptions that I would rather play another one
are there any scenario files ready for the Afrikan Korps or D-Day?
I´ll try the one that the D-day is done and the Russian are pushing from the east
about playing as France in May 40, it is possible to survive?? or it´s just impossible?
April 7, 2001, 17:28
Local Time: 07:13
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Well, I`m playing as Russia from May 1940 on Hard, and it`s proving pretty tricky. Not like I stand much of a chance at the moment (it`s now September 1941) but I`m hanging in there.
April 7, 2001, 21:25
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For African Corps battles the best option is November 1942 in Hard level. British start their Supercharger and Lightfoot in East and Americans launch Torch in West. Try to save yourself there.
From "Defending The Reich" scenarios December 1944 is very hard but June 1944 is quite well playable because you still have huge resources.
It is possible to survive as France. In hard and medium level it isn't likely that you can save your mainland but North-West African and Syrian colonies are not hard to hold (at least in the beginning). Spanish is still potential threat to your African possessions.
Note: from July 1940 you can play as Vichy France and it is totally different game. You are in peace with Axis (who can still invade you later) and in war against Allies.
April 9, 2001, 00:04
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Downloaded the scn. Opened May1940 Scn as Axis, hard level. I seldomly play before checking rules.txt, so I haven't played yet. Looks like Axis will be easy to play:
Ju-87 can attack multiple times per turn and can defeat or severely damage most units.
Ju-88 can defeat tough units except maybe fortification and battleship (or good tanks with air defense in city).
Panzer II is good enough for defense (panzer III is less effective in defense, so use them in attack or disband them for other units).
Panzer IV is very good in open-ground battles.
105mm ignores city walls and can be used to attack fortifications.
For small cities, use one Ju-88 followed by Ju-87s.
For big cities (they should have fortifications inside), use a bomber as cover next to the city and move a lot of 105mms plus AA guns to the same square. 105mms will attack and hopefully 2-3 of them can defeat one fortification. Must be careful about cruisers since they can attack airplanes. If the city is a coastal one, move more tough defense units to the stack.
I haven't looked at events and also I don't know seasonal effects. But Axis should have a good progress in the first several months. Especially, London should be occupied before winter -- I think if you build enough 105mms and transports and land next to London (cover them with a bomber), you'll get the city. Then you can turn to Soviet and try to get Moscow the same way. A decisive victory should be at hand.
April 11, 2001, 18:27
Local Time: 22:13
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OK, some hints as Axis starting May 1940:
If you occupy a civ's city during the first turn you get all its money. Since money is valuable in this scn (no caravans), you should seriously consider breaking peace with some civs to get their cash.
Do not occupy all British cities in Europe during turn 1. Put up a bomber-AA/Panzer II/Panzer IV combo on a fortress to attract British planes. Bombers will stuck in the air, fighters will lose to AAs. Even if a fighter won against your AA, it will not return to England but land in Europe. You can severely damage British air power this way.
French is an easy pray once its tanks are defeated.
Cruisers and battleships can carry units. Maybe you want to use them to move your fortifications around? You have three fortifications, one in Hersinki, one in Rome, another I don't remember
April 12, 2001, 03:28
Local Time: 06:13
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Location: Tartu, Estonia
Posts: 393
Hehe...  You can't move your fortifications around. They are domain=3 units.
Xin, can I put your strategies also to TSFE homepage?
April 12, 2001, 11:36
Local Time: 22:13
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Location: Emeryville, CA, USA
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Marko, I was aware of that domain 3 thing. That was just a joke.
Have I put out any strat yet?
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