June 26, 2003, 21:19
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AU402 DAR1: 4000BC-2150BC
This is the DAR ("during action report") thread for the first 40 turns of AU402 - Gargantua. Use this space to discuss early-game moves and strategies for the future. For instance, where did you plant your first Settler, and why?
This is purely optional, of course, but should turn out to be critical in helping each other learn.
And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...
June 26, 2003, 22:32
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My First AU-DAR
This is my first AU course, and my first time really documenting my game. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not the best CIV player, so ANY comments, suggestions, etc. will be very welcome. I’m playing regent, which is the highest level I’ve finished a game with. I’ve started a couple of games on Monarch, but just haven’t gotten around to finishing.
I decided to go with the English because their combination of commercial and expansionist traits put me one tech away from Map Making and I could get up granaries quickly to pump-out some settlers (which didn’t work out as planned, I’ll get to that in the next post).
I moved my scout and worker first, in order to see my surroundings better, and decided on the spot 1-tile East of the start to get a river, coast, whale, fish and gems all at once. With the shielded grassland, the hills (iron?, coal?), the floodplains and the previously mentioned reasons, this looks like it will be a GREAT place to put the capitol (once all that pesky jungle is cleared – Damn mosquitoes!). I settle London and start building a warrior for defense in case anyone else is on my island. I set my worker to roading the gems to the SW of London before remembering there were some already under the city! Wasted turn no.1! Luckily, my scout popped ceremonial burial out of the first hut to the NW. Unfortunately, the two huts on the south end of the island were desserted.
Here is a shot of my first city location.
"These rocks, he thought, are here for me; waiting for the drill, the dynamite and my voice; waiting to be split, ripped, pounded, reborn; waiting for the shape my hands will give them". -Ayn Rand , The Fountainhead
June 26, 2003, 22:36
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My initial build-order was Warrior/Granary/Warrior/Settler. I built the second warrior to give the city time to grow to size 3 before starting on the settler, that way it would be quicker to start on settler no.2 later.
Here is a shot of London in 2550BC, as I am about to complete my first settler in 2-turns. However, 2-turns becomes 4 as I am hit by disease TWICE!!! I decide it’s time to forget about the floodplain food bonus for now and stick with the fish.
"These rocks, he thought, are here for me; waiting for the drill, the dynamite and my voice; waiting to be split, ripped, pounded, reborn; waiting for the shape my hands will give them". -Ayn Rand , The Fountainhead
June 26, 2003, 22:37
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Boy, it'd sure be helpful if there's some oil in that desert. I guess we'll find out later.
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June 26, 2003, 22:45
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I decide to place my next city to the SSE at the river delta to pick up an equally stunning array of bonus tiles (after culture, of course). York is founded in 2230BC. I start building a temple to quickly take advantage of all the bonus tiles. Luckily, the culture link back to London allows York to utilize the irrigated grassland tile, to grow more quickly. I’m thinking I should have mined it for the extra production, but too late now.
My plan is to settle my next city on the desert tile just south of the river delta to the SW of London. I’m tempted to start it 2-tiles farther to the SW to get the 2 whale tiles, but I can’t mine those, now can I? Also, I won’t waste any of the productive tiles to the south of my capitol by building S of the Delta.
I've been bee-lining for Map-Making. Having no neighbors, I decide it's paramount to make some contact. I researched Writing at 40-turns, thinking I'd pump some extra cash into researching Map-Making faster, but even at 100% science I couldn't get it faster than 40 turns also. As of 2150BC, I'm about 38 turns away from Map-Making. I'm considering making the Temple in York a pre-build for the Great Lighthouse, I'll still get culture that way, plus the GL. I've currently got London building a barracks while I wait to grow to size 3 again for my next settler. Things are shaping up well, I guess I'll know how well when I meet the other CIV's.
Here’s a shot of the fledgling English empire. You laugh now, but just you wait!
"These rocks, he thought, are here for me; waiting for the drill, the dynamite and my voice; waiting to be split, ripped, pounded, reborn; waiting for the shape my hands will give them". -Ayn Rand , The Fountainhead
June 26, 2003, 23:03
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WtF Dom??? That's a lot of desert.
 Just kidding.
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June 26, 2003, 23:56
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I suspect that doing any report at 2150BC for this map is not going to take much time. I move to the coast to shoot for the lighthouse from the capitol.
I am going to take a reckless chance here and not start on more settlers asap. I am hoping to delay that and get a settler out of a hut due to being below the curve for cities.
I scout around find three huts in total. Got the first one for CB, then next for a warrior and decide to hold off on the last one. Here is were I hope that I could get a settler by waiting to allow the other to get a second or third citiy.
That blew up, I got Bronze Working IIRC. Oh well, I got big problems now. Capitol has gran/temple and an extra worker and a warrior (2 with the hut one).
Got to get settlers going now. Worried about barbs, so I will set out to cover the land quickly.
Him while I am typing away Civ crashes?
This is an ugly looking location so far.
Researching at 10% and I am working on Map now (not sure of the date I started as I am past 2150 a bit.
June 27, 2003, 00:06
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Spain, Glorious Spain
Well, I took the plunge tonight into this new AU course. Ouch! The initial load took about 15 seconds, but it's gone a little quicker after that. Toward the end of the game I may have to read a book between turns.  But I knew going in it might be like that.
Per the initial thread my first thought was to play Spain. I thought commercial would be a necessity for a map this large so that left out the vikings and Americans. I've played both Carthage and Greece before, so that left Spain and England. I almost decided to play with England for the expanionist bonus, but in the end I stayed the course with Spain. I ended up heading back down to Monarch level since I've only just started playing Emperor and wasn't used to some of the Emperor nuances yet. I also left all the non-PTW win conditions on.
My first view of the map (since I hadn't looked at the one in the other thread) was one of  . Industrious would have been quite nice.  . I couldn't bring myself to settle on that hill so I moved my worker east to try and get a picture of what was up with the continent. Ooh, a nice little spot on a river with fish and whales and flood plains and diamonds all in the city radius. Great starting place! And so began the soon-to-be far flung empire of Isabella.
I had already decided beforehand my tech progression of pottery to writing to map making. It's a necessity! And after my first few warrior builds and exploration of my island, it's become even more of a necessity. Thanks to settling on top of some diamonds my early tech progression through pottery went quickly, but then I hit the 40 turn wall for writing and moved my slider down to 10%. Better to get some money going too.
My first 40 turns have gone very quickly (so fast that I completely forgot to take a screenshot  . Not that much happened anyway. Out of the only three huts I popped barbs twice, and a warrior once. The expanionist trait might have given me something out of it, but I'm really glad I chose the Spanish now. Three huts and a quick 15 turns for pottery and that's the end of the expansionist trait. Though of course there could be more huts on other islands once I get to them. In terms of production capacity I have settled only one other city after my first so far. It is down near the first wheat/flood plains area and is currently building a granary. This is going to be a great worker farm since I'm in need of them for not being industrious.
Ouch this continent!  It has so much potential, but so many desert tiles to get in the way. I sense saltpeter and oil won't be too hard to come by later on, but first I must survive. Got to get to map making fast and find out what else is out there!!
BTW, I've never seen quite so many whale and fish resources off the coast before (  Dominae  ).
More to come later
June 27, 2003, 00:17
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However, 2-turns becomes 4 as I am hit by disease TWICE!!!
Happened to me too, I'm really surprised that **** bug is still in there (post 1.21)
My capital in at the same place, but my second is 8-9 (keypad direction) from yours.
third is east from your warrior
I got a warrior and two tech from the huts. Not bad seeing how huts there are.
Build que in capital:
scout- granary* - settler - temple - settler - barracks - warrior - spear (still building)
second city
worker-worker-granary* (almost finished)
third city ( not sure, probably pre-build for Gr-Li but too soon to tell)
* forest chop assisted. (was initially going to keep one to counter food production, but changed my mind)
I'm currently somewhere around 1600BC though (Viking - emperor)
#There’s a city in my mind
Come along and take that ride
And it’s all right, baby, it’s all right #
June 27, 2003, 02:05
Firaxis Games Software Engineer
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Excerpts from Queen Elizabeth’s diary.
4000 BC: We have heard tales of the lush green English landscape, but nobody said that it was all jungle! No, we cannot start the great English civilization in the middle of a jungle, amongst monkeys and other savages. We shall move elsewhere. The land to the east looks promising because of the river, which we shall call the Thames. We shall send our royal Workers towards that direction, but only after our royal scouts make sure there is nothing better to the west. Indeed there is no better land to the West, and our workers and settlers move east.
3950 BC: The royal workers, relieved to finally to exit the terrible jungle after 50 long years, run towards the fertile grasslands to the east. Founding London on the edge of a monkey-infested jungle is a small price to pay for getting rich from all the jungle gems. Meanwhile, the royal scouts have been waiting patiently for the first city to be founded so that they can impress the local Khazak tribe with the superior English culture. Perhaps they can even be convinced to join our civilization and become Anglo-Khazak settlers. Alas, the Khazaks hand over some low-grade maps and vanish into the jungle. Nevertheless, this experience with maps is eye-opening for me, so I order the royal cartographers to produce some maps of their own. The dumbfounded cartographers reply that they cannot do that, as they haven’t been taught the science from the royal scientists. When I turned to the greedy scientists for help, they demanded 400 gold coins to show the cartographers how to write, and 750 gold coins on top of that to show them how to make maps. Disgusted with their greediness, I informed the scientists that they get a salary of 1 gold coin per 50 years, and they better teach everyone how to write by the year 2150 B.C.! The terrified scientists complimented me on my firm attitude.
3900 BC: The royal workers mine the grasslands, the royal scouts continue to explore, and London begins training another Scouting unit.
3800 BC: Royal scouting report reveals fertile floodplains with abundance of wild wheat growing upstream of the Thames river.
3700 BC: The second scouting unit is ready to explore Britannia! Although all royal subjects are currently happy because of all their wealth in gems, I know this won’t last for long. I order the formation of a special royal Warrior unit for military police.
3600 BC: The royal mines of London are completed. Now to construct a road to bring citizens to work in them.
3550 BC: Now it’s the turn of the Vandals to humiliate our people with their map knowledge. Maybe we should fire the royal scientists and hire some of these Vandals. Alas, they vanish into the desert dust before we have a chance to do so.
3500 BC: Aha! Our second scouting unit runs into another vandal settlement. This time we will have none of that map-and-vanish nonsense. We convince them to become Anglo-Vandals! Our royal expansionist trait just paid off.
3450 BC: York founded near some wild cattle grazing grounds. Worker begins chopping down forests near London to supply timber for a Granary construction. Our royal scouts report that Britannia is but a small island.
3200 BC: York trains a Warrior and begins work on a Worker.
2950 BC: Worker from York begins the Great Irrigation Project to bring fresh water through the desert to the South.
2900 BC: London’s Granary completed.
2590 BC: Settlers leave London to found a new city, closer to the fertile floodplains of the South.
2510 BC: Nottingham founded, starts building Granary
2430 BC: Tacitus has completed his Great History of the World. 1) The Glorious Ottomans, 2) The Great Germans, 3) The Fine Babylonians, 4) The Mediocre Iroquois, 5) The Puny Russians, 6) The Pathetic Chinese, 7) The Hopeless Japanese, 8) The Forgotten Egyptians. Evidently, Tacitus’ vocabulary lacks adjectives derogatory enough to include the English!
2310 BC: A second Settler leaves London to found a new city to the West.
2230 BC: Hastings founded. Exactly equal distance from London as Nottingham ensures that Hastings and Nottingham both have the same low corruption due to number of cities (and due to distance of course). It also brings a new bonus grassland in Nottingham's cultural boundaries.
2150 BC: The Royal English Army consists of 2 scouts, 4 Warriors, and 4 Workers. We are building Warriors because there is nothing better to build between Settler and Workers. The MP doesn't hurt. Our lazy scientists will finally learn how to Write next turn, and will start researching Map Making. Nottingham will become a 4-turn Settler factory and it will flood the continent with Settlers, founding tightly-spaced cities to take advantage of our commercial trait. London will build a Worker every 4 turns until we have the technology to build harbors.
Last edited by alexman; June 27, 2003 at 02:14.
June 27, 2003, 03:04
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Great report, wish I could have gotten a settler, oh well.
June 27, 2003, 09:25
Local Time: 10:08
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Agreed, amazing job on the report alexman!
As far as I can see, you're the only one so far that has researched a tech in 40 turns to end up flush at 2150BC (works out nicely with the DAR setup). Would it be better to push up research beyond 10%, given all the Commerce tiles and the need to reach Map Making as quickly as possible? My thinking is that this is one of those cases where you do not mind losing the Gold to research, since getting to Map Making is so important.
alva and alexman, had there been one or more neighbors on the continent, would you have "gone economic" anyway and set up those two factories (Worker and Settler)? Looks to me like you two made good use of Expansionist in terms of information gathering and response.
And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...
June 27, 2003, 10:33
Firaxis Games Software Engineer
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With the tech rate on this map, Writing costs 8*400/8=400 commerce on Emperor. That's an average of 10 commerce per turn for the first 40 turns. I couldn't have lowered the time to Writing (note how I have less than 400 gold saved up at 2150 BC), even if I had gone with 100% science.
Map Making requires 750 commerce (or an average of 19 gpt for the first 40 turns), so I am researching it at minimum science as well. There is no real harm in this delay, as I think that I will be done REXing just in time to start building harbors and galleys in 1000 BC. I then hope to have a strong enough economy to research at maximum science.
Even if there were neighbors, I doubt I would have done things much differently. For sure I would have been building a Barracks and Archers (the AI loves to research Warrior Code right after Bronze, so they could surely be convinced to sell it to me) instead of all those Warriors though.
June 27, 2003, 11:16
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Dom I think I hit that tech marker as well. I just loaded up 2110 (the only save near that time) and I am on Map Making.
I know I went straight to 10% on Writing and the MM.
After that IIRC I went to max reseaching to get the older stuff at 4 turns. This was usually 70-90%. I think one or two needed 5 turns.
June 27, 2003, 11:28
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Hi all...
Not too much happened for me. I fought a whole bunch of barbs, built some cities. Got crap from the huts. That's about all. Nothing stellar. My computer isn't that old and it's slowing slightly between turns. But I've been having problems lately with it and am about to do a reload of my OS. Hopefully that'll fix a few things. Here's hoping anyway.
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BigDork's Poll of the Day over at MZO. What Spam Will It Be Today?
June 27, 2003, 11:58
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Originally posted by alexman
With the tech rate on this map, Writing costs 8*400/8=400 commerce on Emperor. That's an average of 10 commerce per turn for the first 40 turns. I couldn't have lowered the time to Writing (note how I have less than 400 gold saved up at 2150 BC), even if I had gone with 100% science.
Good to know. I was in fact waiting for someone else to do the calcuation for me...
And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...
June 28, 2003, 04:54
Local Time: 07:08
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Well, I've made a couple of mistakes with my game..
1st mistake - choosing the Americans, while I started off with pottery, I had to research alphabet at 40 turns.. slowing me from map making
2nd mistake - choosing to play on diety, there's not enough land to settle to compete with the AI's bonuses
3rd mistake - choosing Americans, fast workers? blah, see mistake #2
I did manage to get some use out of my scouts.. then I ran out of land..
got: settler, map, city, and later when I made it to the 2nd island, warrior code (at that time, I would've been able to research this in 4 turns.. oh well)
not getting the great lighthouse is going to hurt me for the rest of the game
June 28, 2003, 07:33
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America's settler moved to the river and built Washington, which looks like it will be a temporary city. Started our granary and chopped a little wood.
Alpha in 40
Our scout left the North hut alone and moved down to Dom's Damn Desert. Popped a settler ikn 3450bc, giving us the ability to settle the usable South tiles quickly.
As soon as practical, built worker and connected by road north to the water source and gems. The South will be humming soon.
It was time to pop the remaining two huts and we got a map and CB.
At the end of 40, we had three cities and a settler next turn in the south. At this point, its a matter of pumping out the settlers and getting some galleys on the waves.
June 28, 2003, 09:37
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My city placement strategy
I am a cheater. I opened the scenario with editor, to check the starting terrain. I simply didn't wanted to restart the scenario milion times. I really didn't checked anything else. Really!
I saw, that there are a lot of fishes and whales near to the coast and I like to place my cities the way I can use ALL of them...
So here is, how I want to place my cities:
EDIT: I removed the screenshot from the editor. It would be not fair to show it. So, I am going to place my next cities on the black dots.
Last edited by cumi; June 28, 2003 at 10:38.
June 28, 2003, 09:40
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...and the screenshot at 2110...
Unfortunatly I missed the privous turn, so I made the screenshot at the beginning the next turn. Sorry about that.
I got from the first tribe a settler  , a tech from the second and a (useless) map from the third.
June 28, 2003, 09:42
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Re: ...and the screenshot at 2110...
Originally posted by cumi
I got from the first tribe a settler...
...and the funniest thing about that is, that the tribe gave me a "Magyar" settler. (Check the flag above my avatar  )
June 28, 2003, 10:59
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Re: My city placement strategy
Originally posted by cumi
I opened the scenario with editor, to check the starting terrain. I simply didn't wanted to restart the scenario milion times.
That's what the Expansionist trait is for!!!
And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...
June 28, 2003, 15:34
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I'm combining my DARs and posting in the next DAR thread -- through 10 AD -- since not much more than early exploration, early thinking, and hut results are worthwhile and it seems to be covered well by others already.
June 28, 2003, 17:22
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Re: Re: My city placement strategy
Originally posted by Dominae That's what the Expansionist trait is for!!!
Yes, but usually a few turns later I always recognise, that a placed my cities where I didn't like....So I restart...Don'n tell me anything - I know it.
June 29, 2003, 00:52
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4000BC - We pick up the epic story of the English and their leader, King Taian, in the foothills of what will later become known as "England". A survey of the immediate surrounding area does not bode well for our intrepid colonists. However, ocean appears to be visible to the east. In hopes of finding more fertile lands, the lone worker of the English journeys to the east. Success! Grassland is available in the immediate vicinity while fish and whales appear further off the coast. They send word back to King Taian and the colonists that a suitable site has been found to begin their conquest of the world. With hope and dreams of glory, the fledging English journey to the East in preparation for building their first city. King Taian, however, being the conservative leader that he is, sends off a scout to the south in an attempt to determine the lay of the land and to establish relations with any other civilations that he may meet up with. And so, the story of the English has begun...
3950BC - King Taian has ordered the construction of the first city of the English people, naming it "London". From here, the dreams and aspirations of the English people will take flight. The gems in the vicinity and proximity to the river promise growth and prosperity to the people. In hopes of increasing the productivity of his citizens, King Taian has ordered the construction of a mine immediately to the southeast of London. In preparation for that endeavor, the English workers cross the river Thames. At home, construction is begun upon a granary. A gamble, yes, in case invaders are discovered. But, as King Taian's father, the great King Kong once said, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." The scientists of the English, having conceived of a concept called "Writing", request the permission of King Taian to pursue this concept more fully. King Taian sets aside 10% of the royal treasury for use in the pursuit of this intriguing concept. Initial word comes back from the English scouts of a desert to the south of London. However, this tragic news is mitigated by the discovery of wheat in the desert. A spark of a plan begins to kindle in King Taian's head of a population center capable of colonizing the land quickly and efficiently. All this is now required are the citizens willing to participate in such a center.
Walk softly and carry a big stick...or better yet, a remote controlled nuclear device.
June 29, 2003, 00:54
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3900BC - The "Taian mine" construction has begun, so named in honor of the person who conceived the idea. Completion is expectantly awaited by the English citizens. Word is sent to the English scouts to continue exploration along the eastern coast of the empire.
3800BC - Coastal exploration proves profitable as whales and fish are sighted off the coast in abundance. Continued exploration along these lines must be pursued. Of slight concern is the large amount of desert visible. Coastal colonization along the eastern seabord seems the best course of action at this point.
3700BC - Word comes back from the scouts of a forest block continued rapid exploration along the eastern coast. Orders are sent to skirt the outside of the forest, even if it means deviating from the coastal exploration. On the west edge of the forest, a collection of strange huts are encounted by the scout. Upon entry to the village, a group of villagers approached the scout. Introducing themselves as Marcomanni, they expressed their interest in joining the fledging English empire. Following an oath of fealty to King Taian, the scout directed the settlers towards the fish on the eastern coast of the empire. Plans are for the village to be tucked away on the eastern edge of the forest with access to fish for growth.
3650BC - The english scout resumes its previous orders to explore along the eastern coast of the empire. The new english settlers have arrived at their destination and begin preparations for founding a city in the name of the English.
3600BC - York is founded on the eastern coast of the empire. Within easy access are fish and wheat. Slightly outside the borders is a cattle on the plains. The future of York is bright. Construction begins on warriors to defend this border city. The great "Taian mine" has been completed! Celebration begins in the streets of London. To enable easier access to the mine for workers, King Taian orders construction of another wonder...a "road". The people await this new marvel with baited breath.
Walk softly and carry a big stick...or better yet, a remote controlled nuclear device.
June 29, 2003, 00:55
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3550BC - Word is received from the scouts to the east that the eastern coast has now begun to turn westward. It appears York has been founded at the inlet to a minor peninsula on this landmass. Orders are transmitted to the scout to continue exploration to the west along the coast but to immediately notify the royal family should the surrounding land be determined to comprise an island as this will affect continued expansion plans of the empire.
3450BC - The people of London celebrate the completion of their first road. A new era of trade and transportation has been arrived at! Granary construction in London is progression well, but in hopes of speeding completion, King Taian has ordered lumber to be collected from the forest to the southeast of London. Westward exploration of the english scout has revealed another strange collection of huts across a body of water to the west. A way to the hut is visible, but will take time to reach. The scouts begin the trek to the hut, hopes of meeting more friendly villages high in their hearts.
3400BC - Logging of the forest is begun. Upon reflection, it is discovered that Granary construction will be completed before the lumber from the forest can be used. However, it is hoped that the production gained from the forest will be able to speed up the growth of the empire in other ways..
3350BC - York reports completion of their first warrior unit. The English empire rejoices with this, their first contribution to the military. York is requested to continue producing these units. In hopes of currying favor with the royal family, the governor of York orders the warriors to travel to London to present themselves to the monarch. Having finally arrived at the strange collection of huts, the scout enters to find chests of treasure worth 25 gold. The chests are sent to London to be added to the royal treasury. A note enclosed with the treasure notifies the royal family of suspicions that the English empire actually comprises an island. Plans are set in motion should this be true for rapid explansion and immediate colonization.
3150BC - Word is sent to :London that explansion around the land to the south of London is nearly complete. Suspicions of an island are nearing confirmation. Hopes still exist that there is further land to the west of London. Confirmation is expected soon. Of note, is that the coast of the english empire appears rich with fish and whales which should provide sustenance and trade to allow a fruitful early growth period.
3100BC - The second unit in the York miilitia has been trained. The lack of fresh water to the south of the English empire has caused some of the citizens to request a great irrigation trench to bring water to this parched land. Construction is begun on the required work force to make these plans a reality.
3050BC - The people of London hold a feast to celebrate completion of their Granary. A new age of expansion and growth is heralded by this great structure. King Taian sends out a request for citizens willing to expand the borders of the empire. Applicants are given 8 days to signup.
3000BC - Previous border expansion of London discovered a collection of huts to the west of London. This collection is visible in the distance to the english scout. Drawing his machete, he progresses through the jungle towards them.
2950BC - A rumor is heard by King Taian that the natives are more conducive to joining his empire if the recruitment of colonists is not active in the empire. In an attempt to "trick" the natives, a decree is issued to forego the recruitment of colonists and to build a barracks instead. This is met by mixed reactions within the empire, as the populace is concerned that this may affect the expansion and growth of the empire. Hoping his gambit has paid off, orders are sent to the scout to progress into the collection of huts to the west of London. Vindication is achieved when a collection of Jute colonists swear fealty to King Taian. The English colonists praise the wisdom and foresight of their leader and are overjoyed when the previous decree to construct a barracks is revoked and replaced by an request for colonists; 7 applicants are required. The new English settler spies grassland to the north and moves to expand the English influence. Due to the growth of London, a 10% luxury allowance is imposed in an attempt to keep the populace pleased with the royal family.
Walk softly and carry a big stick...or better yet, a remote controlled nuclear device.
June 29, 2003, 00:56
Local Time: 08:08
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2000
Location: Winterpeg
Posts: 95
2900BC - Word is sent to the royal family confirming the surrounding area to in fact be an island. Immediate action is taken to pursue a rapid expansion strategy in order to colonize the island as quickly as possible. Orders are sent to the scout to return to London. The city of Nottingham is founded by the former Jute colonists to the northwest of London, near the northern tip of the island. Construction is begun on a warrior garrison for Nottingham. The first miiltary unit of the English empire has comleted its trek to the capital of London and presents themselves before King Taian. Pleased with the look of the strapping yound lads, King Taian immediately orders them to garrison the capital city. This also allows continued growth of the English treasury by removal of the luxury allowance. Discontentment at the loss of this allowance is mitigated in the populace by the enthrallment with the new military presence in London. Lumber from the eastern forest has now arrived in London and is used to entice colonists to sign up for colonization. The ploy is a success and only 3 additional applicants are required. To prepare for the colonists to travel southeast, the English workers begin construction on an extension of the original road.
2850BC - York has completed a worker who will be responsible for overseeing construction of the great irrigation project. New construction orders are received from London that direct a rapid expansion plan. Recruitment posters go out in the city of York for colonists. 15 applicants are required.
2750BC - The first domestic group of colonists leave London in search of fertile lands to expland the English empire. Thanks to completion of the road to the east of London, arrival at a suitable site is expected quickly. A new set of recruitment posters are circulated in London searching for more colonists. 10 applicants required. Construction on the great irrigation project from the north is begun. Plans are to meet up halfway and begin irrigating following road completion.
2710BC - Orders go out to the English scout to patrol the area as required and ensure that all available area has been unearthed (so ends the saga of the English scouts...for now...).
2630BC - Hastings is founded to the southeast of London at the northern edge of the desert. Just out of reach are 2 fish and 1 whale. Expansion of the borders is a priority. A military garrison is begun in Hastings.
2470BC - Nottingham has completed its first garrison unit. Due to the lack of high production nearby, orders are issued for citizens willing to participate in a work squard; 5 volunteers needed.
2430BC - A second group of colonists set out from London with plans to start a city on the fertile plains of the Thames to the south. A second garrison unit is begun in London in preparation for larger growth.
2310BC - The second group of military units is commissioned in London. Growth plans are continued with a request for colonists; 8 applicants required. Upon further review, the English colonists decide to found a new city in the jungle southwest of London with the whales just out of reach. While not as fertile as their initial site, the English settlers don't shun a challenge and found the city with a long term vision in mind.
2270BC - A work unit is commissioned in Nottingham. Thrilled with the idea of increasing productivity in the surrounding area, King Taian sends orders to continue producing workers at this city until the order is rescinded. The worker proceeds to the northeast of the city to provide a mine and road for the citizens of Nottingham. Canterbury founded in the jungle southwest of London. Warrior work is begun.
2230BC - Hastings produces a warrior to garrison the town. Construction is begun on a worker to aid in the great irrigation project. York sends out a settlement expedition, having received sufficient volunteers to warrant the trek. Planned settlement point is northeast of York near 2 fish and 1 whale. Construction is now begun on warrior units to patrol the surrounding area.
Walk softly and carry a big stick...or better yet, a remote controlled nuclear device.
June 29, 2003, 00:58
Local Time: 08:08
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2000
Location: Winterpeg
Posts: 95
Looking back, that was an amazing lucky first few turns. 2 settlers out of 3 huts; I've either got about 10 horseshoes weighing me down or I'm lagging behind the rest of the civs by a fair bit
I haven't got writing yet, but I'm 2 turns away from it. Next up will be map making and hopefully snag the Great Lighthouse. Thanks to everyone who set up the game. Should keep me busy over the summer....
Walk softly and carry a big stick...or better yet, a remote controlled nuclear device.
June 29, 2003, 01:05
Local Time: 10:08
Local Date: November 2, 2010
Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Oviedo, Fl
Posts: 14,103
Nice job and well written.
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