Let's take a looksie at this. All of this is based on the same website I linked to earlier.
-1522. Argentinian stories state that Spain discovered the Falklands. The Spanish correctly realised the islands were a few square miles of worthless, barren rock, so they ignored it.
-1592. British stories state that a British guy discovered it first. Since it's in dispute, and you can believe either side without the end result mattering, I won't touch on it any more.
-1600. A Dutchman makes the first undisputed sighting. The Dutch should have it.
-1690. Britain makes the first landing on it, and claims it for itself--why they would want some deadweight to burden the rest of their empire, I dunno.
-1764. The French settle on the east hellhole. IIUC, the settlement--a fishery--is soon manned by people from the Spanish colonies (now, Argentina.)
-1765. Britain settles on the west hellhole.
-1767. Spain purchases France's half of the hellhole.
-1770. Spain arrives at West Hellhole with a large military force, convincing

the British to wisely abandon the hellhole.
-1771. The British ownership of the hellhole is restored.
-1774. Britain abandons the hellhole for "economic" reasons. IOW, they figured out it was a hellhole.
-Now, total control is in Spain's hands.
-1820. Argentina controls the hellholes. Everything before this point is irrelevant anyways, but listing it was a good excuse to demean the hellholes a few times.
-1831. A US warship, revenging Argentina's misdeeds, empties the hellhole.
Afraid that the Americans seized the islands, the British remember the expedition of the 17th century, re-invade the islands, forcefully depose Vernet and send the Argentines back to the mainland albeit without having to fire a shot.
This is the important part. Britain INVADED Argentina and GAINED TERRITORY. When peace was signed, it KEPT IT as the victor usually does.
-The Falklands are British.
-March 1982. Argentina attempts to take the Falklands back. It INVADES Great Britain (specifically the Hellhole Islands, but that's
part of Great Britian), and is quickly REPELLED. Argentina, being the LOSER, does not gain any territory of course.
Argentinians (and MZ) have a real funny way of doing war, apparently to them, the loser is supposed to gain land