January 10, 2004, 23:02
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coreman, you might want to put that in a new thread
cIV list: cheats
Now watch this drive!
January 11, 2004, 03:43
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reiteration: we need a tech & research thread :P
January 11, 2004, 22:36
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We already have a tech thread
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January 12, 2004, 04:01
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Originally posted by DarkCloud
We already have a tech thread
erm... where ?
January 12, 2004, 09:31
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Directory for official threads.
Technology thread.
I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
January 16, 2004, 22:33
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Help here...
Being a CIV buff, I would like to volunteer any help in Research for what could be included and what have you. Assign me to a task force for project CIV 4 List and I will try to contribute what I can.
10 years playin CIV games and the likes!!!
January 17, 2004, 00:55
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There are several topics on the first page that are still available. Pick one, start the list thread on that.
I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
January 17, 2004, 03:37
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And if you wish, you can even take two as some did; We wont punish you for that
Basically, you'll need to edit your first post to write what was said in the threads in an organized way. Some subjects get more material into them than some others.
January 17, 2004, 14:14
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I have an idea for Civ 4. I would like to see the new game incorporate rebellions. Perhaps it could be designed that part of a civilization would rebel. Sometimes the main civilization would conquer the rebellion (like the US civil war), but sometimes the rebellion would survive and create a brand new civilization (like the US revolutionary war). I think since history if fluid, it would be interesting to have
January 17, 2004, 16:27
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hickchilli, this thread is not to put ideas in. You have to find go to the forum and find which thread talks about that and post it there.
January 19, 2004, 23:08
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Originally posted by Skanky Burns
There are several topics on the first page that are still available. Pick one, start the list thread on that.
Thanks Skanky! All hail Emperor Burns.
Checking now...
January 31, 2004, 22:07
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Things I have always wanted to see...
Boolean tech requirements. Instead of a simple X and Y allows Z, allow for complex AND / OR / NOT statements. The NOt would probably be irrelevant to conventional progress, but it would allow you to do interesting things with magitech and differented national techs. For example:
fireball NEEDS pyromancy NOT hydromancy
zerg towers NEEDS zerg_tech NOT (terran_tech OR protoss_tech)
Second, for units, have requirements for buildings being present. Cavalry should need a "stables" building as well as the required tech. Clever modders could create two different cavalry units, one of which is more expensive and the other requiring the stables.
The civ 3 idea of units requiring a particular resource was good but flawed. If you got unlucky and had no iron or gunpowder, you generally lost to whoever did.
Instead, I would add the base cost to the unit for each required resource that is missing. This would represent the smaller deposits of these resources that are present everywhere. Ordinary terrain types could be made a requirement for certain units too. As a combined example:
Main Battle Tank
buildings - factory
terrain -
resources - rubber, iron
Without a factory, you can't build it. Without rubber /or/ iron, the cost doubles (base + base x 1). Without rubber /and/ iron, the cost triples (base + base x 2).
Elf Archers
buildings -
terrain - forest, forest
resources -
As long as the tech is ok, you can build it. Without forests, the cost triples (base + base x 2), as forest has been listed twice.
With wonders and buildings, civ 3 had the right idea of folding them into each other, but didn't go far enough. The general pool of properties should be common to both a la civ 3 but more so. An additional property should cover how many can be built. the following options should be present:
no limits (standard buildings)
(n) per nation (small wonders)
(n) per map (great wonders)
Why allow more than one for great/small wonders? This would allow for the "King's Barracks" that allows elite units, and have multiple but limited production facilities.
Thoughts on all this?
February 1, 2004, 14:09
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lajzar, this is not the place to put ideas but the place to discuss about "List" managers. So you'll hardly get anything constructive. Copy what you wrote in one of the List's threads. Here's each existing List subject:
February 5, 2004, 11:24
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Hmm... I'm beginning to get worried about asmodean- we may need to elect a new Listmanager
oh well  I hope he's allright...
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February 5, 2004, 12:14
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I sent him a email at this adress he had used to email me, but he never answered back
March 27, 2004, 18:06
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Bumping this... perhaps we should confirm whether or not people are going to still manage their threads since time has passed and new people are interested...
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March 27, 2004, 18:07
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I fear that Asmodean might have passed away or had something else bad happen  we need to reorganize without him, so we might need to start a new thread for confirmations... thank you for taking the initiative to email him, however, trifna!
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-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
March 27, 2004, 19:03
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I'll stick with cheats.
cIV list: cheats
Now watch this drive!
March 28, 2004, 02:29
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not been much activit yin my threads for awhile now....
a new list manager may be needed if asmodean not answering, he may be busy or jsut lost interest. he may not have relasied how long a process this wa sgoing to take....
count me in to look after my two threads.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
March 29, 2004, 00:26
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Well, he hasn't even posted since december. He just disappeared!
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March 29, 2004, 00:36
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damn hope he ok then, i guess real life may be interferiign , jsut hope it not a serious problem for him...
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
March 29, 2004, 07:17
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Originally posted by DarkCloud
I fear that Asmodean might have passed away or had something else bad happen we need to reorganize without him, so we might need to start a new thread for confirmations... thank you for taking the initiative to email him, however, trifna!
Well... no problem but I'm not too positive about it since I got no answer, nor any "this email address does not exist" message
April 6, 2004, 19:17
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The thread is so long and I'm so tired at the minute, so apologies if I am repeating anyone else here...
I would like to see, in no particular order:
Although much was done to make the diplomacy very good, I can't help but feel it was lacking something - I would like to see a combo with moo3 diplomacy. I has things like "Make peace with X" and so forth. Without locked alliances in a scenario, it's very difficult (in a sp game) to have a situation where you and your allies are all allied to eachother. There need to be other options, like the ability to ask someone else to fught a war against an enemy without you getting involved militarily. Bring back unit trading, haven't sooooooo many countries civil wars been decided by a foriegn power arming another side? Speaking of which, has anyone caused a civil war in civ3 by taking a Capital City? That was fun, and heartbreaking when it happpened to you. Maybe there could be special 'civil war civs' that only appear then, with an option at the start that decides which one of the two sides you will play - For ex: You decide to play either Yankee or Reb at the beginning and then if you enter a civil war, you fight against the other. Years worth of code, but just a thought.
Bring back the stuff from Test of Time - other maps and so forth. At least the Alpha Centurai Map - That was what I honestly expected to happen the first time I got to the Spaceship waaaaaaaaaayyyyy back in the days of Civ1 (ahhhh, how I miss the city capture animation)
I'll stop here and post more later - man!!! there are soooooo many things that could go in - where do you start? Oh yeah, one last thing about the civil war - what the U.N. could vote to send in Peacekeeping Troops that could occupy cities but not take them over? They might be able to build Improvements, but not Units for example.
That's it - sorry it's so long
A: "We claim this land in the name of..." B: "You can't claim this land for anyone, it's ours, we live here!" A: "Do you have a flag?" B: "Erm... No... Why?" A: "Well then, there you have it. No flag, no country. Those are just the rules I'm afraid, old boy. Sorry about that, no hard feelings I hope."
April 19, 2004, 12:39
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Im confused are we supposed to post the stuff we want to say here? My thread seems to have dissapeared I was doing units I hav everything written down should I post?
Absolute power corrupts absolutely
April 19, 2004, 13:09
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this thread was jsut for getting people to manage the threads .
if you have ideas find the thread that is relevant to your idea and post your ideas there.
starting new threads only makes things harder to collate later.
if you idea doesnt seem to fit any existing thread then you need to reread al lthe threads becasue they do cover everything...
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
April 21, 2004, 11:26
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I am a manager im doing units but my thread is gone where should we post the ideas the the people put on my thread we were supposed to summerize them right? The only thread I can still find is tech and no one seems to have any more Ideas anyway.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely
May 15, 2004, 22:48
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I think that your thread might still exist- Just look at the bottom right hand corner of your browser page in the Civ Games/Future section and select VIEW THREADS (FROM THE BEGINNING)... then you might see the older thread that has sunk
or do a search on your name and topics started in this section on the site and you should find it
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May 15, 2004, 22:56
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an occaisonal bump would have helped ...
May 17, 2004, 19:41
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it would be good to be able to give units to other nations like ships tanks etc as gifts or threats etc.
Through diplomancy
May 17, 2004, 19:45
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back to civ2 .... good idea...
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