The DAR from the fourth turn block (tt121-160 - 470AD) ended with a war, a flip against me with significant unit loss, some angry razing, and a promise to destroy Washington. Well, Washington lived, after I crashed half my depleted Ansar force into it and it still kept showing fresh Pikes, so as the 20 turns was up and I could cancel the alliances, I called it a day and accepted Invention and some other bits for peace.
I put my own settlers where Atlanta and Houston once stood, and later got a third flip my way - the lone Japanese city near the tundra. Production had already been switched to Libraries and Universities, which I'd preferred to spend much of my GA on than Ansars. (The results were really noticeable, as I came out of the GA and remained on four or five turn research for the rest of the game.)
There were slight nerves when America and Carthage signed peace and Carthage moved its dozen-plus Med Inf back home past my monopiked cities, but Hannibal did the decent thing. (Unlike Abe last time he was in the same position). Carthage's net contribution to the war had been to generate an American leader (army).
Astronomy opened up trade with the English - the fourth luxury. If you can, I reckon it's often worth paying for luxuries even if you don't immediately need them, as you can secure them for the future, with all the good relations that entails for a diplowin. With the English and Germans isolated and behind in tech, paying fror their luxuries didn't hit the wallet. I usually try to include gpt or a RoP in the deal if possible, to stop the lux slipping away when it's over. Leonardo's was completed around this time.
Democracy was discovered, and changed to after Smiths was complete (same turn as Chemistry was discovered). Around about this time (Chemistry, Physics) the serious gpt started coming in from Mordor and the Babs. These two would remain almost the only customers for the rest of the game. They'd sell stuff on to make more gpt to pay for new tech and so on. It saves shopping around each civ each turn. Mordor threatened for Economics one turn before discovering it - I knew they weren't serious.
Magnetism opened up trade to the other main continent, and hello eight luxuries, and Metallurgy took us into the Industrial era in 880AD. Trading policy was to have something trading with all civs, and to earn good gpt from selling tech. Banks were being built at this time.
Steam Power saw us with 2 Coal, and the chance to trade for Nationalism and Medicine. (Never seen a Scientific Civ get Medicine before.) After Industrialisation, a factory was rushed in Mecca and the science switched off for a turn or two to get both factories and coal plants in Mecca and Damascus for the Wonders. One took Suffrage, the other a Palace until Scientific Method when it switched to Theory of Evolution for the famous two-step. Replaceable Parts finished on same turn as the Wonder - took Atomic theory and Electronics and build the Hoover Dam for checkmate.
I had no Rubber, but Sauron had two so I got in there and built Infantry everywhere, then Hospitals after Sanitation. Refining gave us Oil near the Japanese city that flipped after I took the adjacent American city in the war. Thanks again Abe, that's a Golden Age and Oil you gave me... Babylon finally built Longevity, poor b*stards. The AU Mod is supposed to encourage them to compete for ToE but they seemed to spend the whole era trying to build Longevity. Build ... factories ... first...
Japan declared war just before I got Mass Production. Whenever I turn off the 'Show Friend's Moves' to cut down on time, they sneak up and attack me. They had an MPP with the Babs, who were in turn at war with the English, so I couldn't squish Toggie at first, but luckily Hammy & Liz made up, so I signed an MPP with the Babs which broke the Bab-Japanese MPP and I could remove their cities from my continent. Japan had two cities on Babylon's continent, but Hammy was dragging his feet, so I took 8 tanks over and signed up Sauron. The tanks got to the last Japanese citry just in time to see Mordor take it. Goodbye lost vote.
In the late Industrial I was getting 1052gpt from the AI in total, which is higher than I usually get - maybe the double-gold taxmen.
Germany was the next Civ to cash in on the 'Assist AI RoP-rape option'. Suddenly a German horseman was flinging itself against one of my Infantry. This is why I leave my inner cities guarded. Soon Mordor and others spontaneously declared war on Germany so Bismo didn't vote for anyone. Abe voted for Sauron, which was to be expected. The others all paid back my gifts and happy smiley trading and voted for me at the United Nations in Baghdad in 1425

I think my biggest 'mistake' in this game (given my intended preference to avoid war) was to not have the 'Always re-negotiate Deals' option enabled (didn't get round to it). I'd been gifting Japan Spices the whole game until they attacked, but hadn't checked it just before, so it might have expired. Having said that, it was satisfying to remove them, and the war with America set me up with the GA so I'm not complaining...